Breaking: The State Of Wisconsin Authorized An Audit Of The 2020 Election!

The fraud in Michigan’s Edison County is enough to overturn the election.

Here we go again. Same old crap from bitter nasty repigs who want to destroy democracy and simultaneously say democrats hate their own country. What a joke.
You can have a thousand audits and the result will be the same. 140000 votes , all prepared beforehand and just conveniently waiting to be slotted in at the right moment. Of all the people counting, not One was a Republican and spoke out about it it. Not one. And you expect people to believe that scenario. The same scenario you think happened all over the country with 8 million votes all strategically placed just in case.
Not one Republican vote counter alerted their supervisor of the fraud. Not one allegation ever stood a challenge. Yet you people are convinced of massive obvious fraud.
Why can't you see how ridiculous it is to present that scenario as evidence of fraud? It's about the same as Geoffrey darmer pleading not guilty and should be treated the same. The lot of you need
Some medication for paranoia and mental illness.
Unbunch em’ already. I’m making a joke. Powell claimed in court there was massive voter fraud in Edison County, Michigan...a count that doesn’t actually exist.
Everyone makes mistakes. That is exactly why fraud will be proven.
Funny how these baseless claims are not baseless.
After over a year of constant deflection, distraction, finger-pointing, and TRUMP BAD, the TRUTH is coming out. The Wuhan Lab was the source of COVID-19 and the Democrats tampered with the 2020 election.
Why is it that the TRUTH is coming out, why does if never actually arrive? It's been 7 months and we're still waiting.
Keep waiting. Treating you like shit is exactly what you are doing to probably the 80 million people that voted for Trump. Congress should have investigated fraud. No, you can wait for results fought for by the citizens you hate.
Got it, the multiple recounts & audits in AZ and GA and other states weren't enough and never will be.
Recounting fraudulent votes doesn't prove anything other than you're an idiot to believe them.
So who would you trust to make a judgement that both sides would accept?

A completely transparent forensic investigation lived streamed to the world.
Does AZ qualify?

Wisconsin Lawmaker Calls for ‘Full Forensic Audit’ After Georgia, Arizona Updates​

Naturally, the Democrats come back with some BS about "undermining the public's confidence and trust" in the fairness of the election. IT WASN'T A FAIR ELECTION, YOU IDIOTS!

“Republicans seem to be making a concerted effort … to undermine the public’s confidence and trust,” Wisconsin Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz told reporters earlier this year.
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Wisconsin Lawmaker Calls for ‘Full Forensic Audit’ After Georgia, Arizona Updates​

Naturally, the Democrats come back with some BS about "undermining the public's confidence and trust" in the fairness of the election. IT WASN'T A FAIR ELECTION, YOU IDIOTS!

“Republicans seem to be making a concerted effort … to undermine the public’s confidence and trust,” Wisconsin Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz told reporters earlier this year.
Life isn’t fair. Grow up and deal with it. The election was legit. If you truly feel that it was stolen then you are a sucker and being lied to

Wisconsin Lawmaker Calls for ‘Full Forensic Audit’ After Georgia, Arizona Updates​

Naturally, the Democrats come back with some BS about "undermining the public's confidence and trust" in the fairness of the election. IT WASN'T A FAIR ELECTION, YOU IDIOTS!

“Republicans seem to be making a concerted effort … to undermine the public’s confidence and trust,” Wisconsin Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz told reporters earlier this year.
You can't undermine trust and confidence where there is none. Why should the government be spending money trying to convince the American public that Biden is legitimate? That's what Stalinist assholes do.
This is why the Dims fear the AZ audit so much. It's inspiring further audits. Eventually enough fraudulent balllots will be uncovered to nullify the election.

Breaking: The State Of Wisconsin Authorized An Audit Of The 2020 Election! - USA SUPREME

In the 2020 presidential election, the state of Wisconsin faced a lot of “controversy.”
Social media users have been sharing posts claiming that during the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4 there were vote dumps of hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots only for Democrat Joe Biden in Wisconsin
They faced a lot of other voter fraud allegations.
There was a claim that 140,000 ballots for Biden were found in Wisconsin on the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4.
President Donald Trump and his campaign were also claiming that there are too many “irregularities” with Wisconsin’s presidential election ballots to trust the outcome!
Left-wing media “debunked these stories” but many left wondering why there was no audit because many Americans still think that there was some sort of voter fraud there.
Well, after Arizona’s audit thing could change as Wisconsin officially authorized an audit of the 2020 elections:
This news raises allegations that Michigan and Pennsylvania could approve audits too.
In any case, the ongoing audit in Arizona is facing a lot of difficulties!
Conservatives who believe this nonsense are truly this stupid.

Conservatives who don’t believe this nonsense but propagate it anyway are truly this dishonest.

And conservatives who give you any heed are even more stupid.

Wisconsin Lawmaker Calls for ‘Full Forensic Audit’ After Georgia, Arizona Updates​

Naturally, the Democrats come back with some BS about "undermining the public's confidence and trust" in the fairness of the election. IT WASN'T A FAIR ELECTION, YOU IDIOTS!

“Republicans seem to be making a concerted effort … to undermine the public’s confidence and trust,” Wisconsin Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz told reporters earlier this year.
Life isn’t fair. Grow up and deal with it. The election was legit. If you truly feel that it was stolen then you are a sucker and being lied to
Dear Slade3200
You have free choice to accept the terms and results from the election as valid if
you agree to rules changed that violated laws.

Other people who didn't agree to rule changes because state legislatures didn't vote on them, have equal right to refuse
based on process that wasn't agreed to or changed in accordance with national election laws:
1. States that did not have their elected Legislators vote on rule changes, including mailin ballots
2. People who never consented to millions of mailin ballots without notarization
The PA Supreme Court ruled on the day after the election that hundreds of thousands of 3:00AM ballots whose signatures didn't match the books were valid.
Signatures didn't match according to who?

Does your signature match from years ago?

Let me see.
Does your signature match from years ago?

Mine does too!!! Not a change in it!

But my hubby's has changed, completely! When he was in his 30s or 40s for expediency, he went to some wild circular blob with some arms flying out of it....hahaha.... No one could possibly copy it.... His original signature was readable, but not this thing he's doing now.....holy Toledo, it's a work of art!!!

Wisconsin Lawmaker Calls for ‘Full Forensic Audit’ After Georgia, Arizona Updates​

Naturally, the Democrats come back with some BS about "undermining the public's confidence and trust" in the fairness of the election. IT WASN'T A FAIR ELECTION, YOU IDIOTS!

“Republicans seem to be making a concerted effort … to undermine the public’s confidence and trust,” Wisconsin Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz told reporters earlier this year.
Life isn’t fair. Grow up and deal with it. The election was legit. If you truly feel that it was stolen then you are a sucker and being lied to
Dear Slade3200
You have free choice to accept the terms and results from the election as valid if
you agree to rules changed that violated laws.

Other people who didn't agree to rule changes because state legislatures didn't vote on them, have equal right to refuse
based on process that wasn't agreed to or changed in accordance with national election laws:
1. States that did not have their elected Legislators vote on rule changes, including mailin ballots
2. People who never consented to millions of mailin ballots without notarization
Emily, any changes made by the secretary of states that the legislatures disagreed with, were brought to court in suits by the legislatures, and settled in court. So the court determined if the changes were legal or not, BEFORE the election.

Those were the rules all voters had to follow, equally.

You can't take a citizen's vote away from them and not count it, when they voted in good faith and followed what rules they were told, were ok, by the court rulings.

Wisconsin Lawmaker Calls for ‘Full Forensic Audit’ After Georgia, Arizona Updates​

Naturally, the Democrats come back with some BS about "undermining the public's confidence and trust" in the fairness of the election. IT WASN'T A FAIR ELECTION, YOU IDIOTS!

“Republicans seem to be making a concerted effort … to undermine the public’s confidence and trust,” Wisconsin Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz told reporters earlier this year.
Life isn’t fair. Grow up and deal with it. The election was legit. If you truly feel that it was stolen then you are a sucker and being lied to
Dear Slade3200
You have free choice to accept the terms and results from the election as valid if
you agree to rules changed that violated laws.

Other people who didn't agree to rule changes because state legislatures didn't vote on them, have equal right to refuse
based on process that wasn't agreed to or changed in accordance with national election laws:
1. States that did not have their elected Legislators vote on rule changes, including mailin ballots
2. People who never consented to millions of mailin ballots without notarization
That’s just fine to challenge, and they were brought to court. It’s a cop out IMO as we were in the middle of a pandemic and public safety was a concern. But nothing about those voting laws supports the narratives that the trumpets are pushing… stolen election, millions of fraudulent votes etc etc etc. that’s all hyperbolic rhetoric and unsubstantiated lies

Wisconsin Lawmaker Calls for ‘Full Forensic Audit’ After Georgia, Arizona Updates​

Naturally, the Democrats come back with some BS about "undermining the public's confidence and trust" in the fairness of the election. IT WASN'T A FAIR ELECTION, YOU IDIOTS!

“Republicans seem to be making a concerted effort … to undermine the public’s confidence and trust,” Wisconsin Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz told reporters earlier this year.
Life isn’t fair. Grow up and deal with it. The election was legit. If you truly feel that it was stolen then you are a sucker and being lied to
Trump is winning....suddenly all voting results stop coming in. Dead silence through the night. Next morning Biden has won. I've watched every Presidential election since 1964 and never seen anything like this.

Wisconsin Lawmaker Calls for ‘Full Forensic Audit’ After Georgia, Arizona Updates​

Naturally, the Democrats come back with some BS about "undermining the public's confidence and trust" in the fairness of the election. IT WASN'T A FAIR ELECTION, YOU IDIOTS!

“Republicans seem to be making a concerted effort … to undermine the public’s confidence and trust,” Wisconsin Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz told reporters earlier this year.
Life isn’t fair. Grow up and deal with it. The election was legit. If you truly feel that it was stolen then you are a sucker and being lied to
Trump is winning....suddenly all voting results stop coming in. Dead silence through the night. Next morning Biden has won. I've watched every Presidential election since 1964 and never seen anything like this.
Because the swing states didn't allow the processing and counting of absentee ballots until election day, the Dems tried to change it, so absentee ballots could be processed and counted earlier, but the republican legislatures in these swing states voted it down....BECAUSE they wanted you to think something was wrong with vote counts coming later from absentee ballots.... It worked PERCECTLY ON YOU.....

Everyone knew that Trump would appear to have a lead in the election day in person vote, we even had a name for it, The Red Mirage, but because the Democratic voters were encouraged to vote via absentee ballot, to stay safe and those votes would be all counted days if not a week, from election day, we had to be patient on calling a winner early.

Wisconsin Lawmaker Calls for ‘Full Forensic Audit’ After Georgia, Arizona Updates​

Naturally, the Democrats come back with some BS about "undermining the public's confidence and trust" in the fairness of the election. IT WASN'T A FAIR ELECTION, YOU IDIOTS!

“Republicans seem to be making a concerted effort … to undermine the public’s confidence and trust,” Wisconsin Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz told reporters earlier this year.
Life isn’t fair. Grow up and deal with it. The election was legit. If you truly feel that it was stolen then you are a sucker and being lied to
Trump is winning....suddenly all voting results stop coming in. Dead silence through the night. Next morning Biden has won. I've watched every Presidential election since 1964 and never seen anything like this.
Because the swing states didn't allow the processing and counting of absentee ballots until election day, the Dems tried to change it, so absentee ballots could be processed and counted earlier, but the republican legislatures in these swing states voted it down....BECAUSE they wanted you to think something was wrong with vote counts coming later from absentee ballots.... It worked PERCECTLY ON YOU.....

Everyone knew that Trump would appear to have a lead in the election day in person vote, we even had a name for it, The Red Mirage, but because the Democratic voters were encouraged to vote via absentee ballot, to stay safe and those votes would be all counted days if not a week, from election day, we had to be patient on calling a winner early.

Wisconsin Lawmaker Calls for ‘Full Forensic Audit’ After Georgia, Arizona Updates​

Naturally, the Democrats come back with some BS about "undermining the public's confidence and trust" in the fairness of the election. IT WASN'T A FAIR ELECTION, YOU IDIOTS!

“Republicans seem to be making a concerted effort … to undermine the public’s confidence and trust,” Wisconsin Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz told reporters earlier this year.
Life isn’t fair. Grow up and deal with it. The election was legit. If you truly feel that it was stolen then you are a sucker and being lied to
Dear Slade3200
You have free choice to accept the terms and results from the election as valid if
you agree to rules changed that violated laws.

Other people who didn't agree to rule changes because state legislatures didn't vote on them, have equal right to refuse
based on process that wasn't agreed to or changed in accordance with national election laws:
1. States that did not have their elected Legislators vote on rule changes, including mailin ballots
2. People who never consented to millions of mailin ballots without notarization
The citizen voter should not be disenfranchised because the legislatures and secretary of states are having a political spat over rules....

The citizen voted in the manner they were instructed was legal, prior to the election...via court case settlements on the rule changes. Throwing out a citizen's constitutional right to vote on a political whim, or party line spat is not acceptable.

No! The citizens that did not like the rule changes, that were settled in court suits prior to the election do NOT have the liberty to accept the rule changes or not. The rule changes were argued in court, and those rulings dictate the rules the citizens must follow, and accept.

Wisconsin Lawmaker Calls for ‘Full Forensic Audit’ After Georgia, Arizona Updates​

Naturally, the Democrats come back with some BS about "undermining the public's confidence and trust" in the fairness of the election. IT WASN'T A FAIR ELECTION, YOU IDIOTS!

“Republicans seem to be making a concerted effort … to undermine the public’s confidence and trust,” Wisconsin Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz told reporters earlier this year.
Life isn’t fair. Grow up and deal with it. The election was legit. If you truly feel that it was stolen then you are a sucker and being lied to
Trump is winning....suddenly all voting results stop coming in. Dead silence through the night. Next morning Biden has won. I've watched every Presidential election since 1964 and never seen anything like this.
You left the “h” out. Trump is whining for sure, I agree with you there. The dead silence thing is BS. You’re hinting at some crazy conspiracy of illegal ballots/votes being counted in secret in the dead of night through multiple counties and states all run independently. It’s utter stupidity with no evidence to back it up.

I don’t care how many elections you have seen. We were in the middle of a pandemic and we knew there would be a larger volume of mail in ballots. We were told months beforehand that the results would likely take few days to come in. We were told beforehand that Trump would have a lead at the start and Biden would surge with mail in. This was not a surprise if you were paying attention. It was expected. Wake up

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