Breaking: The State Of Wisconsin Authorized An Audit Of The 2020 Election!

Meanwhile in Arizona

There's little, if any fraud with REQUESTED ABSENTEE MAIL IN BALLOTS. The fraud comes in when states mail out hundreds of thousands of unrequested mail-in ballots.

Your'e barking at the moon, loony.
Why does fraud come from that?! Explain exactly how that works and what evidence you have that it happened
There have been cases where a voter died after requesting an absentee ballot and the surviving spouse filled out and mailed the ballot. That's fraud.

And you think that happened millions of times? I don’t think so. Its also pretty easy to catch which why you know about the cases where it happened! I believe Ohio found a case where a guy voted for Trump using his moms absentee ballot. So there’s a case for ya
And you think that happened millions of times? I don’t think so. Its also pretty easy to catch which why you know about the cases where it happened! I believe Ohio found a case where a guy voted for Trump using his moms absentee ballot. So there’s a case for ya
You asked me how it could happen, doofus. That is one way.

And no, there wouldn't be millions of cases of it if mail-in ballots were restricted to those who REQUESTED THEM. You're not bright at all.
You asked me how it could happen, doofus. That is one way.

And no, there wouldn't be millions of cases of it if mail-in ballots were restricted to those who REQUESTED THEM. You're not bright at all.
I asked how it could happen and for evidence that it did. Read the whole sentence before you try and insult other peoples intelligence
I asked how it could happen and for evidence that it did. Read the whole sentence before you try and insult other peoples intelligence
Moving goalposts again? You asked how it could happen with REQUESTED MAIL-IN BALLOTS. I showed you. Then you said it couldn't happen in the millions. I agreed that it couldn't happen if ALL MAIL-IN BALLOTS HAD BEEN REQUESTED rather than mailed out by the hundreds of thousands to addresses where nobody asked for them.

I didn't insult your intelligence. I said you haven't any. You may actually have a negative IQ.
This is why the Dims fear the AZ audit so much. It's inspiring further audits. Eventually enough fraudulent balllots will be uncovered to nullify the election.

Breaking: The State Of Wisconsin Authorized An Audit Of The 2020 Election! - USA SUPREME

In the 2020 presidential election, the state of Wisconsin faced a lot of “controversy.”
Social media users have been sharing posts claiming that during the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4 there were vote dumps of hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots only for Democrat Joe Biden in Wisconsin
They faced a lot of other voter fraud allegations.
There was a claim that 140,000 ballots for Biden were found in Wisconsin on the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4.
President Donald Trump and his campaign were also claiming that there are too many “irregularities” with Wisconsin’s presidential election ballots to trust the outcome!
Left-wing media “debunked these stories” but many left wondering why there was no audit because many Americans still think that there was some sort of voter fraud there.
Well, after Arizona’s audit thing could change as Wisconsin officially authorized an audit of the 2020 elections:
This news raises allegations that Michigan and Pennsylvania could approve audits too.
In any case, the ongoing audit in Arizona is facing a lot of difficulties!
May the truth shine on the 3 am vote grab. And when the truth is uncovered, that we start rereading Ike's 1954 Communist deterent act and realization that former General Eisenhower was one hundred percent on target as in bullseye. We have to get corruption far away from D. C. if we have to move the Capitol to Texas or Wyoming to preserve true equality to the citizens of America.
Moving goalposts again? You asked how it could happen with REQUESTED MAIL-IN BALLOTS. I showed you. Then you said it couldn't happen in the millions. I agreed that it couldn't happen if ALL MAIL-IN BALLOTS HAD BEEN REQUESTED rather than mailed out by the hundreds of thousands to addresses where nobody asked for them.

I didn't insult your intelligence. I said you haven't any. You may actually have a negative IQ.
Here is my exact post #162

Why does fraud come from that?! Explain exactly how that works and what evidence you have that it happened?

Im not moving any goalposts. That would be you smart guy that can’t complete a sentence. Why would I care about some hypothetical way something could happen?. That’s how idiots argue. I care about what’s actually happening. You apparently have no evidence that this is happening in any significant way. Just like y’all have no evidence that the election was stolen yet it keeps getting repeated by Trump and his drones

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