Breaking: Thousands In Massive Line Ten Blocks Long Waiting To Get In Trump Rally In Washington

Huuuge! On the other hand, why can't Hillary get this many people enthused to wait and see her?

VIDEO: HUUGE - LONG, LONG LINE for Trump Rally in Everett, Washington

Thousands MORE outside the arena protesting.

I live here Sparky. Don't even TRY to misrepresent my state.
I get local news too. The pro crowd trumped the anti-freespeech malcontents by a very wide margin.

You are lying.

TRUMP SETS RECORD At XFINITY Arena in Everett, WA - 10,000 Plus In Attendance!
They were simply protesting Trump being here and what his candidacy stands for. My only point is that there were many more protesters than supporters that went into the arena.

Believe it or not, the stupid statements that come out of Trump's mouth have consequences. That's all.
Simply? The right dislikes obama and Hillary but you don't see them trying to shit on their events. They are liberals, so by definition, rude, intolerant and highly immature.

There was NO violence idjit.
What white supremacist groups are supporting rdean again?
Maybe one day you will be able to post your thoughts without injecting skin color into it. You may not have learned this in public school but racists come in all forms and colors and you are definitely one.
assume falsely much ?
white supremacists are by definition racist, to deny that not only makes you ignorant but silly as well.
Huuuge! On the other hand, why can't Hillary get this many people enthused to wait and see her?

VIDEO: HUUGE - LONG, LONG LINE for Trump Rally in Everett, Washington

Thousands MORE outside the arena protesting.

I live here Sparky. Don't even TRY to misrepresent my state.

The problem with that scenario is one group is there to support a candidate, the other is a paid for disruption group. Exactly the same as the pd for Black Lives Matter hoax.
You need to be able to recognize a 15 million dollar move by Soros when you see one.

Ha. Ha Here in WA? Dream on. Maybe it happens like that in some places. Not here. More people showed up to protest Trump than to support him because Most Washingtonians reject Trump by a 75% to 25% margin
They were simply protesting Trump being here and what his candidacy stands for. My only point is that there were many more protesters than supporters that went into the arena.

Believe it or not, the stupid statements that come out of Trump's mouth have consequences. That's all.
Simply? The right dislikes obama and Hillary but you don't see them trying to shit on their events. They are liberals, so by definition, rude, intolerant and highly immature.

There was NO violence idjit.
And therein lies your problem. You try to piss on whomever doesn't agree with you. Your an ass and it's all you have left. So, go ahead and pee pee little monkey.
my reaction is based on the accuracy of the information in the post, yours had none,
Huuuge! On the other hand, why can't Hillary get this many people enthused to wait and see her?

VIDEO: HUUGE - LONG, LONG LINE for Trump Rally in Everett, Washington

Thousands MORE outside the arena protesting.

I live here Sparky. Don't even TRY to misrepresent my state.

The problem with that scenario is one group is there to support a candidate, the other is a paid for disruption group. Exactly the same as the pd for Black Lives Matter hoax.
You need to be able to recognize a 15 million dollar move by Soros when you see one.

Ha. Ha Here in WA? Dream on. Maybe it happens like that in some places. Not here. More people showed up to protest Trump than to support him because Most Washingtonians reject Trump by a 75% to 25% margin

^^^ big fat lie, as a native Washingtonian (e.g. I was born here 5th generation vs these freaks from California) trust me this poster knows jack shit about WA.
Seriously. You have to wonder about the stupidity of a candidate wasting his time making an appearance in a state in which he has NO chance, with only two months to go until the election.

Trump is on a cross country ego trip, not a campaign. He doesn't give a shit about the election, boys and girls.
Trump is losing Washington by double digits

It is HIGH double digits. 75% against him 25% for. I have no idea why he wasted his time coming here.

No, the state is not going 75-25 for Hillary. No state is doing that. The latest poll had her ahead by about 20 points.
Huuuge! On the other hand, why can't Hillary get this many people enthused to wait and see her?

VIDEO: HUUGE - LONG, LONG LINE for Trump Rally in Everett, Washington

Thousands MORE outside the arena protesting.

I live here Sparky. Don't even TRY to misrepresent my state.

The problem with that scenario is one group is there to support a candidate, the other is a paid for disruption group. Exactly the same as the pd for Black Lives Matter hoax.
You need to be able to recognize a 15 million dollar move by Soros when you see one.

Ha. Ha Here in WA? Dream on. Maybe it happens like that in some places. Not here. More people showed up to protest Trump than to support him because Most Washingtonians reject Trump by a 75% to 25% margin

I watched the whole thing as it happened LIVE. The arena area was being broadcast by the two helicopters of our main three news channels. Just look up KOMO, KING and FOX all Seattle stations for the video clips.
Seriously. You have to wonder about the stupidity of a candidate wasting his time making an appearance in a state in which he has NO chance, with only two months to go until the election.

Trump is on a cross country ego trip, not a campaign. He doesn't give a shit about the election, boys and girls.
Oh blow it out your ass. He didn't have a chance for the nomination either. You aren't running the campaign so don't strain your pea brain over it. I drive around and see nothing but Trump signs outside of the city. NO Hillary signs in the city. At all.
Huuuge! On the other hand, why can't Hillary get this many people enthused to wait and see her?

VIDEO: HUUGE - LONG, LONG LINE for Trump Rally in Everett, Washington

Thousands MORE outside the arena protesting.

I live here Sparky. Don't even TRY to misrepresent my state.

The problem with that scenario is one group is there to support a candidate, the other is a paid for disruption group. Exactly the same as the pd for Black Lives Matter hoax.
You need to be able to recognize a 15 million dollar move by Soros when you see one.

Ha. Ha Here in WA? Dream on. Maybe it happens like that in some places. Not here. More people showed up to protest Trump than to support him because Most Washingtonians reject Trump by a 75% to 25% margin

^^^ big fat lie, as a native Washingtonian (e.g. I was born here 5th generation vs these freaks from California) trust me this poster knows jack shit about WA.

I was born here and have lived here all but three of my 67 years. My parents were born here. You are a lying sack of shit.
Huuuge! On the other hand, why can't Hillary get this many people enthused to wait and see her?

VIDEO: HUUGE - LONG, LONG LINE for Trump Rally in Everett, Washington

Thousands MORE outside the arena protesting.

I live here Sparky. Don't even TRY to misrepresent my state.

The problem with that scenario is one group is there to support a candidate, the other is a paid for disruption group. Exactly the same as the pd for Black Lives Matter hoax.
You need to be able to recognize a 15 million dollar move by Soros when you see one.

Ha. Ha Here in WA? Dream on. Maybe it happens like that in some places. Not here. More people showed up to protest Trump than to support him because Most Washingtonians reject Trump by a 75% to 25% margin

I watched the whole thing as it happened LIVE. The arena area was being broadcast by the two helicopters of our main three news channels. Just look up KOMO, KING and FOX all Seattle stations for the video clips.
I did too Sport. The cops segregated the supporters from the tards and the tard crowd was very small in comparison. It's WHY there was no violence.
Trump is losing Washington by double digits

It is HIGH double digits. 75% against him 25% for. I have no idea why he wasted his time coming here.

No, the state is not going 75-25 for Hillary. No state is doing that. The latest poll had her ahead by about 20 points.

I didn't say anything about Hillary. Those are Trumps approval/disapproval numbers here. Hillary isn't all that popular here either.

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