Breaking: Trump attacker possibly had a knife and supports ISIS

He does belong in jail yes, also another instance of former child actor falling off rails.
More than likely a crisis actor being used by "da gubermint" to muddy the waters. They use them all the time...Sandy Hook, Charleston, the Boston Bombing, Aurora...they are everywhere you want to be....
And get this: The police let him go! This guy is dangerous. He probably intended to assault Trump. He belongs in jail.

Breaking: Trump attacker possibly had a knife and supports ISIS


Don't use the word "breaking" when linking to non-news sites.

He possibly had a nuke. Which means he didn't have anything but it's possible!

Great work OP...another lying ass thread
Breaking: Anti-Trump Protest Funded and Directed by Hillary

Infowars? Lmao. I'm still waiting on Bush to declare martial war like Alex Jones said.

Yo clown, MoveOn admits they are behind it.....good gawd you're ignorant

Move on does sound just like Hillary Clinton. Honest mistake.
Does anybody know if an actual news source covered this? The OP linked us to some crackpot website that actually gave zero evidence to support their claims.
anyone else notice, the left could care less someone broke though security and tried to attack Trump? they have the meme down, how it's because of Trump people are trying to attack him and the innocent people attending his rally's... but let some Senator say Obama LIED and they are raging for weeks about it. is this where are in this country all for politics?
anyone else notice, the left could care less someone broke though security and tried to attack Trump? they have the meme down, how it's because of Trump people are trying to attack him and the innocent people attending his rally's... but let some Senator say Obama LIED and they are raging for weeks about it. is this where are in this country all for politics?
Yep, if the same thing happened to Hillary it would be front page news for weeks. Congress would be having hearings about her security.
We knew this was coming because the Democrats have nothing. Obama pissed off and soured people with his thuggish ways and rhetoric he spew on us daily, that the people took Congress away from his party and gave control to Republicans in his FIRST Term. he is the cause they lost a historic amount of seats and drove the amount of Republican governorships up. so what they do. they go back to their dirty politics and UNLEASH their thugs on the citizens for their own POLITICAL AGENDA. if it works and the people falls for their nasty lies, we are doomed
We knew this was coming because the Democrats have nothing. Obama pissed off and soured people with his thuggish ways and rhetoric he spew on us daily, that the people took Congress away from his party and gave control to Republicans in his FIRST Term. he is the cause they lost a historic amount of seats and drove the amount of Republican governorships up. so what they do. they go back to their dirty politics and UNLEASH their thugs on the citizens for their own POLITICAL AGENDA. if it works and the people falls for their nasty lies, we are doomed

Unfortunately, it often does work. However, when do they ever not resort to dirty politics? Lies and slander are their stock in trade.
A lot of liberal faggots don't realize The Donald is not a midget like Little Marco and not a douchebag like Lyen Cruz. If that liberal MSNBC ISIS nerd reached The Donald in an attempt to inflict injury, the liberal MSNBC ISIS nerd would have major lead poisoning.
Police let him go. That means the cops are next on republicans target list. Must be because they were taken over by liberals.

Either that or the cops didn't have a reason to keep him and you're whining about nothing
Wait LOL...The story was a hoax!

You people will fall for anything! Donald tweeted it and then when told it was a hoax took no responsibility for pushing a bs story saying "I didn't know". Like verification is too much to ask instead of knee Jerk reactions.
Police let him go. That means the cops are next on republicans target list. Must be because they were taken over by liberals.

Either that or the cops didn't have a reason to keep him and you're whining about nothing

A judge let him go, not the police. How much to you wanna bet the judge is a Democrat?

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