*****BREAKING***** Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case .

*****BREAKING***** Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case .


Stephen K. Bannon, the new CEO of the Donald Trump campaign, was charged with misdemeanor domestic violence, battery and dissuading a witness following an incident in early January 1996, though the case was ultimately dismissed, according to a police report and court documents.
The Santa Monica, Calif., police report says that Bannon’s then-wife claimed he pulled at her neck and wrist during an altercation over their finances, and an officer reported witnessing red marks on her neck and wrist to bolster her account. Bannon also reportedly smashed the phone when she tried to call the police.

Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case

Well, trump has red necks and assholes running his campaign.
Hey! It would seem that you've posted on the incorrect board, friend. This is the politics board and your discussion belongs in general discussion! No need to thank me though, I'm just doing my part to make USMB a better place!
I wasn't talking about the impeachment you stupid confused Moon Bat.

The judicial action wasn't a conviction, dumbass. He paid a fine. that's not a conviction.

Yup, he LIED about a blow job. so what.

Kind of better about lying about why we went to war and killed thousands of people, don't you think.
Right, we should not prosecute kidnapping because Charles Manson, and stuff.
Right, we should not prosecute kidnapping because Charles Manson, and stuff.

I would say that if Charles Manson got away with Murder, we'd have a much more serious problem than kidnapping.

So let's get this straight. Lie about a blow job, which is just between you and the lady blowing you... OH MY GOD THIS IS IMPEACHABLE GET THE BASTARD.

Lie about weapons of mass destruction, which ends up killing 5000 Americans and 100,000 Iraqis and Well, um, that's really not a big deal and I don't know why you are still doing on about that....
Right, we should not prosecute kidnapping because Charles Manson, and stuff.

I would say that if Charles Manson got away with Murder, we'd have a much more serious problem than kidnapping.

So let's get this straight. Lie about a blow job, which is just between you and the lady blowing you... OH MY GOD THIS IS IMPEACHABLE GET THE BASTARD.

Lie about weapons of mass destruction, which ends up killing 5000 Americans and 100,000 Iraqis and Well, um, that's really not a big deal and I don't know why you are still doing on about that....
First off, you're forgetting something rather important, which is what got Bubba in trouble in the first place. That is, he not only lied, he lied under oath, and since he was a lawyer, he knew that he was obstructing justice and trying to deprive a woman of her day in court. You seem to think that, since there's a D behind Bubba's name, we shouldn't care about the most powerful man in the world lying to prevent the truth from coming out in a sexual harassment trial, but the legal system disagrees with you, and quite frankly, has a heck of a lot more force behind that belief than you do. Secondly, there's no way Bush is ever going to face investigation for Iraq, because there are far too many democrat fingerprints all over the entire thing, from Bubba and Hillary's insistence that Saddam was dangerous to Hillary's vote for the war. See, putting the spotlight on the Clinton's just isn't going to happen, no matter how many times you bang your spoon and hold your breath until you turn blue. So, go ahead, keep wailing that Bubba shouldn't have been held accountable because BUUUUSSSSHHHH, and stuff.
First off, you're forgetting something rather important, which is what got Bubba in trouble in the first place. That is, he not only lied, he lied under oath, and since he was a lawyer, he knew that he was obstructing justice and trying to deprive a woman of her day in court.

Nope, none of those things are 'important'. the judge ruled that the issue was irrelevent, and that she had no case. so it wasn't that important.

You seem to think that, since there's a D behind Bubba's name, we shouldn't care about the most powerful man in the world lying to prevent the truth from coming out in a sexual harassment trial, but the legal system disagrees with you, and quite frankly, has a heck of a lot more force behind that belief than you do.

a couple of points. First and foremost, back in the 1990's, I was one of you right wing assholes who screamed "impeach Clinton". Then your boy Bush got in, and I realized just how good we all had it under Clinton

Second, I've always thought Sexual Harrassment is bullshit. I thought it was bullshit when that lying twat Anita Hill claimed her life was ruined because Clarance Thomas said something about a coke can. So Jones saw a dick. Big deal. She has two kids, she knows what a dick looks like.

The theory she was suing under was that it was detrimental to her job, even though she couldn't prove that any action was taken against her for not sucking Clinton's dick, and Clinton wasn't her boss, anyway.

Secondly, there's no way Bush is ever going to face investigation for Iraq, because there are far too many democrat fingerprints all over the entire thing, from Bubba and Hillary's insistence that Saddam was dangerous to Hillary's vote for the war.

End of the day, Bubba and Hillary didn't send troops in on a lie. Bush did.

So again. Lie about a blow job, that's horrible. Lie about a war, that's okay.

Seriously, dude, you have some fucked up values.

See, putting the spotlight on the Clinton's just isn't going to happen, no matter how many times you bang your spoon and hold your breath until you turn blue. So, go ahead, keep wailing that Bubba shouldn't have been held accountable because BUUUUSSSSHHHH, and stuff.

Guy, here's the thing. Your side just nominated Cheeto Jesus, who has denounced the Iraq War. so I'm not sure why you are still trying to excuse Bush at this point.
BJ Bill goes nuclear...

Bill didn't invade the country, and get 5000 Americans killed.

That was your boy Bush.

AFTER Saddam agreed to let inspections resumed and the UN BEGGED him to let them finish their jobs.
First off, you're forgetting something rather important, which is what got Bubba in trouble in the first place. That is, he not only lied, he lied under oath, and since he was a lawyer, he knew that he was obstructing justice and trying to deprive a woman of her day in court.

Nope, none of those things are 'important'. the judge ruled that the issue was irrelevent, and that she had no case. so it wasn't that important.

Also irrelevant. Bubba lied under oath, that's what got him in trouble. Trying to whitewash that is fruitless.

You seem to think that, since there's a D behind Bubba's name, we shouldn't care about the most powerful man in the world lying to prevent the truth from coming out in a sexual harassment trial, but the legal system disagrees with you, and quite frankly, has a heck of a lot more force behind that belief than you do.

a couple of points. First and foremost, back in the 1990's, I was one of you right wing assholes who screamed "impeach Clinton". Then your boy Bush got in, and I realized just how good we all had it under Clinton

Of course. We had a huge dot com bubble carrying the economy, a Republican Congress that wasn't afraid to hold Bubba's feet to the fire, and a pragmatic president who was willing to triangulate against the worst impulses in his own party. None of those things are in evidence today.

Second, I've always thought Sexual Harrassment is bullshit. I thought it was bullshit when that lying twat Anita Hill claimed her life was ruined because Clarance Thomas said something about a coke can. So Jones saw a dick. Big deal. She has two kids, she knows what a dick looks like.

The theory she was suing under was that it was detrimental to her job, even though she couldn't prove that any action was taken against her for not sucking Clinton's dick, and Clinton wasn't her boss, anyway.

Be that as it may, sexual harassment in the work place has been a big issue for a long time. Funny thing, powerless women don't like it when powerful men pressure them for sexual favors. They just don't.

Secondly, there's no way Bush is ever going to face investigation for Iraq, because there are far too many democrat fingerprints all over the entire thing, from Bubba and Hillary's insistence that Saddam was dangerous to Hillary's vote for the war.

End of the day, Bubba and Hillary didn't send troops in on a lie. Bush did.

And Hillary, who was in the White House just a few months before (and don't even try to convince me she wasn't exposed to intel) voted to authorize the military action. You just can't get around that one.

So again. Lie about a blow job, that's horrible. Lie about a war, that's okay.

Seriously, dude, you have some fucked up values.

Hey, you're the one who keeps carping on about the Iraq war when it's not even the topic of conversation. In fact, you keep carping on about it whenever the subject of the Clintons' malfeasance comes up. I'd be more inclined to believe you if I saw you starting threads about how Bush should have been impeached, but as it stands, it's only a diversionary tactic. Bush isn't president and isn't running for president. Hillary is. That's why her actions are important, and if you're going to carry on about the Iraq war, her vote will be a major topic of discussion.

See, putting the spotlight on the Clinton's just isn't going to happen, no matter how many times you bang your spoon and hold your breath until you turn blue. So, go ahead, keep wailing that Bubba shouldn't have been held accountable because BUUUUSSSSHHHH, and stuff.

Guy, here's the thing. Your side just nominated Cheeto Jesus, who has denounced the Iraq War. so I'm not sure why you are still trying to excuse Bush at this point.
Again, Bush isn't running, Hillary is. Not sure why you insist on wailing about Bush all the time. He's not even president now.
Also irrelevant. Bubba lied under oath, that's what got him in trouble. Trying to whitewash that is fruitless.

No, what got him in trouble is that he reauthorized the idiotic Special Prosecutor law. You give ANYONE 70 million dollars to go through your life and persecute your friends and associates, and they will make your life miserable. So 70 million dollars spent to get him to pay a $10K fine? This by you is prudent use of anyone's time or money?

Of course. We had a huge dot com bubble carrying the economy, a Republican Congress that wasn't afraid to hold Bubba's feet to the fire, and a pragmatic president who was willing to triangulate against the worst impulses in his own party. None of those things are in evidence today.

Actually, the GOP Congress was kind of useless. It's why Clinton won a second term and Newt and Dole were forced into early retirements.

Be that as it may, sexual harassment in the work place has been a big issue for a long time. Funny thing, powerless women don't like it when powerful men pressure them for sexual favors. They just don't.

Which isn't what happened here. What happened here is that Clinton made a clumsy pass at a total stranger who didn't work for him at a place that wasn't her workplace. That's why Judge Weber-Wright dismissed her case as having no merit.

And Hillary, who was in the White House just a few months before (and don't even try to convince me she wasn't exposed to intel) voted to authorize the military action. You just can't get around that one.

First, I don't think the First Lady was in on breifings.
Second TWO YEARS had passed between when she left the WH and when Bush went to avenge his pappy because his pappy got voted out of office and Saddam Survived.

You think some time in that two years, Bush should have, you know, confirmed if Saddam had weapons or not.

Hey, you're the one who keeps carping on about the Iraq war when it's not even the topic of conversation. In fact, you keep carping on about it whenever the subject of the Clintons' malfeasance comes up. I'd be more inclined to believe you if I saw you starting threads about how Bush should have been impeached, but as it stands, it's only a diversionary tactic. Bush isn't president and isn't running for president. Hillary is. That's why her actions are important, and if you're going to carry on about the Iraq war, her vote will be a major topic of discussion.

But, guy, you weren't talking about Hillary's actions, you were talking about Bill's, and Bill isn't running, either.

The thing is, what is worse.

Lying about a sex act with another consenting adult, in a case that wasn't related to that at all...


Lying about the reason to go to war with another country, in which thousands of fine young American men were killed, maimed or damaged for life.

If you had a shred of decency, you'd admit the second one is far worse.
Also irrelevant. Bubba lied under oath, that's what got him in trouble. Trying to whitewash that is fruitless.

No, what got him in trouble is that he reauthorized the idiotic Special Prosecutor law. You give ANYONE 70 million dollars to go through your life and persecute your friends and associates, and they will make your life miserable. So 70 million dollars spent to get him to pay a $10K fine? This by you is prudent use of anyone's time or money?

Bubba could have short circuited the entire thing had he simply come clean from the start and saved everyone a whole lot of time and money. Of course, had he just left those women alone in the first place, he could have avoided even doing that, but that's not how he operates.

Of course. We had a huge dot com bubble carrying the economy, a Republican Congress that wasn't afraid to hold Bubba's feet to the fire, and a pragmatic president who was willing to triangulate against the worst impulses in his own party. None of those things are in evidence today.

Actually, the GOP Congress was kind of useless. It's why Clinton won a second term and Newt and Dole were forced into early retirements.

Irrelevant. The GOP Congress curbed his worst impulses and made him triangulate. That's how a true opposition party works.

Be that as it may, sexual harassment in the work place has been a big issue for a long time. Funny thing, powerless women don't like it when powerful men pressure them for sexual favors. They just don't.

Which isn't what happened here. What happened here is that Clinton made a clumsy pass at a total stranger who didn't work for him at a place that wasn't her workplace. That's why Judge Weber-Wright dismissed her case as having no merit.

When you come from a place where sexual harassment is no big deal, that's how you view sexual predators. They're just good ol' boys having fun, right? Who cares how the women feel about it?

And Hillary, who was in the White House just a few months before (and don't even try to convince me she wasn't exposed to intel) voted to authorize the military action. You just can't get around that one.

First, I don't think the First Lady was in on breifings.
Second TWO YEARS had passed between when she left the WH and when Bush went to avenge his pappy because his pappy got voted out of office and Saddam Survived.

Oh, brudda. You actually believe Hillary remained ignorant of what was going on in those briefings? Of course she wasn't IN them, she wasn't authorized, but if you believe she did not learn what was going on, my rainbow farting unicorn just dropped a litter and I'll sell you one cheap.

You think some time in that two years, Bush should have, you know, confirmed if Saddam had weapons or not.

You mean like rely on the intel given to him by the same agencies that assured both Bubba and him that Saddam had those weapons right up until Saddam was successfully deposed? What was he supposed to do, knock on Saddam's door and ask him pretty please does he have any WMD's?

Hey, you're the one who keeps carping on about the Iraq war when it's not even the topic of conversation. In fact, you keep carping on about it whenever the subject of the Clintons' malfeasance comes up. I'd be more inclined to believe you if I saw you starting threads about how Bush should have been impeached, but as it stands, it's only a diversionary tactic. Bush isn't president and isn't running for president. Hillary is. That's why her actions are important, and if you're going to carry on about the Iraq war, her vote will be a major topic of discussion.

But, guy, you weren't talking about Hillary's actions, you were talking about Bill's, and Bill isn't running, either.

We are talking about both Bubba's and Hillary's actions. She was complicit in trashing the very same women she now claims have the right to be heard and believed. She trashed them then but wants their votes now.

The thing is, what is worse.

Lying about a sex act with another consenting adult, in a case that wasn't related to that at all...


Lying about the reason to go to war with another country, in which thousands of fine young American men were killed, maimed or damaged for life.

If you had a shred of decency, you'd admit the second one is far worse.
And Hillary was deeply involved in both. She trashed the women that came forward about Bubba and she voted to authorize the war. So, if you want to rail on about Bush, you're going to have to deal with Hillary's involvement too. I mean, we can complain about who got us into Viet Nam, an action that killed a lot more Americans than Iraq did, if you want to complain about presidential actions. Heck, let's take a look at Korea and how we got into that unpleasantness that killed a lot of Americans.

The bottom line remains, you're trying to deflect attention away from the actions and character of a person who wants to be president right now. We can't do anything about the actions of those who were president back then.
Bubba could have short circuited the entire thing had he simply come clean from the start and saved everyone a whole lot of time and money.

Uh, no. You see, the thing was, no one appointed Ken Starr to be the Blow Job Police. His job was to determine if the Clintons had broken any laws related to Whitewater. How he got into investigating blow jobs is anyone's guess.

Of course, this is the SAME Ken Starr who turned a blind eye when his athletes at Baylor were raping the shit out of the co-eds...

Of course, had he just left those women alone in the first place, he could have avoided even doing that, but that's not how he operates.

You mean the women who were all liars?

Irrelevant. The GOP Congress curbed his worst impulses and made him triangulate. That's how a true opposition party works.

A true oppossition party doesn't shut down the government over what they know needs to be done. Then whimpers like a bunch of bitches when the voters take it out on them for the next three election cycles.

When you come from a place where sexual harassment is no big deal, that's how you view sexual predators. They're just good ol' boys having fun, right? Who cares how the women feel about it?

Seems to me Clinton asked, Jones said no (if that's what actually happened) because she had too much dignity...(Except that time she showed us her muff in Penthouse)... and Clinton accepted her rejection. NO problem. Until she done found out that wingnuts like you were paying good money to hear bad stuff about Clinton. And the dumb Trailer Trash Twat still ended up broke....

Oh, brudda. You actually believe Hillary remained ignorant of what was going on in those briefings? Of course she wasn't IN them, she wasn't authorized, but if you believe she did not learn what was going on, my rainbow farting unicorn just dropped a litter and I'll sell you one cheap.

THat assumes -
1) that there was something in those breifings that wasn't in the Public Domain
2) that the intel that said he had WMD's was correct.

The thing was, Clinton looked at that same intel and decided that sanctions and the occassional targetted bombing was enough.

You mean like rely on the intel given to him by the same agencies that assured both Bubba and him that Saddam had those weapons right up until Saddam was successfully deposed? What was he supposed to do, knock on Saddam's door and ask him pretty please does he have any WMD's?

Actually, what he could have done is let the UN finish its job and complete the inspections that had resumed in 2002. But resumed inspections were a pretext for war, not a way to avoid it, which is what Bush told Congress and the UN.

Bush Lied People Died.

Clinton Lied... Monica's dress got stained.

Can you kind of see how one is worse than the other?

We are talking about both Bubba's and Hillary's actions. She was complicit in trashing the very same women she now claims have the right to be heard and believed. She trashed them then but wants their votes now.

Again, those women WERE heard. And even Ken Starr didn't beleive them. He outright stated that Kathleen Willey was a liar Brodderick contradicted herself on many occassions, making her testimony useless. And Paula Jones let it all hang out in Penthouse. Credible Witnesses need to be made of sterner stuff

nd Hillary was deeply involved in both. She trashed the women that came forward about Bubba and she voted to authorize the war. So, if you want to rail on about Bush, you're going to have to deal with Hillary's involvement too. I mean, we can complain about who got us into Viet Nam, an action that killed a lot more Americans than Iraq did, if you want to complain about presidential actions. Heck, let's take a look at Korea and how we got into that unpleasantness that killed a lot of Americans.

So you are equating Hillary questioning golddiggers lying about her husband to getting us into wars?

The bottom line remains, you're trying to deflect attention away from the actions and character of a person who wants to be president right now. We can't do anything about the actions of those who were president back then.

You still haven't made a case that her actions were that big of a deal.
Bubba could have short circuited the entire thing had he simply come clean from the start and saved everyone a whole lot of time and money.

Uh, no. You see, the thing was, no one appointed Ken Starr to be the Blow Job Police. His job was to determine if the Clintons had broken any laws related to Whitewater. How he got into investigating blow jobs is anyone's guess.

Of course, this is the SAME Ken Starr who turned a blind eye when his athletes at Baylor were raping the shit out of the co-eds...

Of course, had he just left those women alone in the first place, he could have avoided even doing that, but that's not how he operates.

You mean the women who were all liars?

And there it is, the continued trashing of women that Hillary says now have the right to be heard and believed. You're not being a very good apologist for her if you're going to do what she did, behavior she now claims to abjure.

Irrelevant. The GOP Congress curbed his worst impulses and made him triangulate. That's how a true opposition party works.

A true oppossition party doesn't shut down the government over what they know needs to be done. Then whimpers like a bunch of bitches when the voters take it out on them for the next three election cycles.

And yet the economy prospered with them in control of Congress. Hard to argue with success, but go ahead and try.

When you come from a place where sexual harassment is no big deal, that's how you view sexual predators. They're just good ol' boys having fun, right? Who cares how the women feel about it?

Seems to me Clinton asked, Jones said no (if that's what actually happened) because she had too much dignity...(Except that time she showed us her muff in Penthouse)... and Clinton accepted her rejection. NO problem. Until she done found out that wingnuts like you were paying good money to hear bad stuff about Clinton. And the dumb Trailer Trash Twat still ended up broke....

And more following the previous Hillary playbook. When are you going to catch up with her?

Oh, brudda. You actually believe Hillary remained ignorant of what was going on in those briefings? Of course she wasn't IN them, she wasn't authorized, but if you believe she did not learn what was going on, my rainbow farting unicorn just dropped a litter and I'll sell you one cheap.

THat assumes -
1) that there was something in those breifings that wasn't in the Public Domain

Hmmmm, material in the president's security briefings that is not in the public domain? Impossible, the president is ONLY told things he can read in the morning paper, we all know that.

2) that the intel that said he had WMD's was correct.

And from where is the president supposed to get anything substantive enough to prove the intel wrong? If you can't trust what your intelligence agencies are telling you, who can you trust, the National Enquirer?

The thing was, Clinton looked at that same intel and decided that sanctions and the occassional targetted bombing was enough.

Bubba also didn't have 9/11 to deal with.

You mean like rely on the intel given to him by the same agencies that assured both Bubba and him that Saddam had those weapons right up until Saddam was successfully deposed? What was he supposed to do, knock on Saddam's door and ask him pretty please does he have any WMD's?

Actually, what he could have done is let the UN finish its job and complete the inspections that had resumed in 2002. But resumed inspections were a pretext for war, not a way to avoid it, which is what Bush told Congress and the UN.

Bush Lied People Died.

Clinton Lied... Monica's dress got stained.

Can you kind of see how one is worse than the other?

And Viet Nam cost more American lives than Iraq, and on top of that, we lost. Can you see how that is worse than Iraq, as well as how it is irrelevant to the discussion?

We are talking about both Bubba's and Hillary's actions. She was complicit in trashing the very same women she now claims have the right to be heard and believed. She trashed them then but wants their votes now.

Again, those women WERE heard. And even Ken Starr didn't beleive them. He outright stated that Kathleen Willey was a liar Brodderick contradicted herself on many occassions, making her testimony useless. And Paula Jones let it all hang out in Penthouse. Credible Witnesses need to be made of sterner stuff

That's not Hillary's current stance. She now says they have the right to be heard AND BELIEVED. I think you missed that part, on purpose.

nd Hillary was deeply involved in both. She trashed the women that came forward about Bubba and she voted to authorize the war. So, if you want to rail on about Bush, you're going to have to deal with Hillary's involvement too. I mean, we can complain about who got us into Viet Nam, an action that killed a lot more Americans than Iraq did, if you want to complain about presidential actions. Heck, let's take a look at Korea and how we got into that unpleasantness that killed a lot of Americans.

So you are equating Hillary questioning golddiggers lying about her husband to getting us into wars?

No, you keep insisting on talking about Bush and Iraq, as if they are significant to Hillary's actions and how they relate to the attempt by the OP to somehow link Trump to some charges somebody had once upon a time. If you want to do that, then you're going to have to deal with Hillary's actions as well, because she is involved with both the trashing of those women and voted for the Iraq war.

The bottom line remains, you're trying to deflect attention away from the actions and character of a person who wants to be president right now. We can't do anything about the actions of those who were president back then.

You still haven't made a case that her actions were that big of a deal.
While it appears that you have no women in your life from which to draw understanding, there are many who do. You go ahead and believe that the wife of the most powerful man in the world trashing the lives of women who accuse her husband of sexual harassment and rape is no big deal. Misogynists everywhere will agree with you. Be proud.

While you're at it, remember that Hillary had access to intel for longer than Bush did and still voted for the Iraq conflict.
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And there it is, the continued trashing of women that Hillary says now have the right to be heard and believed. You're not being a very good apologist for her if you're going to do what she did, behavior she now claims to abjure.

Guy, they had a right to be believed, until their claims were investigated.

Kenny Starr spent 70 million dollars sniffing panties trying to prove any of these women were telling the truth, and at the end of the day, even he didn't believe them.

And yet the economy prospered with them in control of Congress. Hard to argue with success, but go ahead and try.

Not because of anything they did. You can't point to a single bit of legislation that made the economy better. Clinton, on the other hand, did stimulus, reformed lending and made the rich pay their fair share. Prosperity followed.

Hmmmm, material in the president's security briefings that is not in the public domain? Impossible, the president is ONLY told things he can read in the morning paper, we all know that.

Okay, so what was in the briefings that proved that the WMD's were actually there. Remember, this is our argument, guy, that there was some super secret info that proved Saddam had WMD's even though people like Hans Blix, El-Baradai and Scott Ritter - people who know this stuff, said he didn't.... Oh, that's right. He didn't.

Bush Lied. People Died.

And from where is the president supposed to get anything substantive enough to prove the intel wrong? If you can't trust what your intelligence agencies are telling you, who can you trust, the National Enquirer?

Again, you work on the assumption that 1) everyone agreed that Saddam had WMD's (they didn't) and 2) there was no other way to find out for sure short of war (when in fact, the UN had inspectors on the ground.)

Bush Lied. People Died.
While it appears that you have no women in your life from which to draw understanding, there are many who do. You go ahead and believe that the wife of the most powerful man in the world trashing the lives of women who accuse her husband of sexual harassment and rape is no big deal. Misogynists everywhere will agree with you. Be proud.

While you're at it, remember that Hillary had access to intel for longer than Bush did and still voted for the Iraq conflict.

Uh, guy, get real. Most women will defend their husbands from slanderous accusations. Especially from liars who are being paid by his enemies.

Ken Starr spent $70,000,000.00 investigating every aspect of Clinton's life, and the ONLY thing he proved is that he had a relationship with Monica. And he only had to totally destroy Monica's life to do it!!!!

Oddly, he didn't show nearly as much concern when student athletes on his campus were raping coeds...
And there it is, the continued trashing of women that Hillary says now have the right to be heard and believed. You're not being a very good apologist for her if you're going to do what she did, behavior she now claims to abjure.

Guy, they had a right to be believed, until their claims were investigated.

Kenny Starr spent 70 million dollars sniffing panties trying to prove any of these women were telling the truth, and at the end of the day, even he didn't believe them.

And yet the economy prospered with them in control of Congress. Hard to argue with success, but go ahead and try.

Not because of anything they did. You can't point to a single bit of legislation that made the economy better. Clinton, on the other hand, did stimulus, reformed lending and made the rich pay their fair share. Prosperity followed.

Hmmmm, material in the president's security briefings that is not in the public domain? Impossible, the president is ONLY told things he can read in the morning paper, we all know that.

Okay, so what was in the briefings that proved that the WMD's were actually there. Remember, this is our argument, guy, that there was some super secret info that proved Saddam had WMD's even though people like Hans Blix, El-Baradai and Scott Ritter - people who know this stuff, said he didn't.... Oh, that's right. He didn't.

Bush Lied. People Died.

And from where is the president supposed to get anything substantive enough to prove the intel wrong? If you can't trust what your intelligence agencies are telling you, who can you trust, the National Enquirer?

Again, you work on the assumption that 1) everyone agreed that Saddam had WMD's (they didn't) and 2) there was no other way to find out for sure short of war (when in fact, the UN had inspectors on the ground.)

Bush Lied. People Died.
Okay, so the president is supposed to believe parties OTHER than his own intelligence services. Got it. Maybe that's why Obama and crew were so adamant that Benghazi was a spontaneous demonstration instead of AQ NOT being on the run, as he had so confidently claimed.
While it appears that you have no women in your life from which to draw understanding, there are many who do. You go ahead and believe that the wife of the most powerful man in the world trashing the lives of women who accuse her husband of sexual harassment and rape is no big deal. Misogynists everywhere will agree with you. Be proud.

While you're at it, remember that Hillary had access to intel for longer than Bush did and still voted for the Iraq conflict.

Uh, guy, get real. Most women will defend their husbands from slanderous accusations. Especially from liars who are being paid by his enemies.

Ken Starr spent $70,000,000.00 investigating every aspect of Clinton's life, and the ONLY thing he proved is that he had a relationship with Monica. And he only had to totally destroy Monica's life to do it!!!!

Oddly, he didn't show nearly as much concern when student athletes on his campus were raping coeds...
Bubba could have short circuited the entire thing, but chose instead to lie under oath and be disgraced as a lawyer. But hey, Hillary's different, right? I mean, she wouldn't tell the truth up front instead of lying and obstructing everything as long as possible, now would she?
Okay, so the president is supposed to believe parties OTHER than his own intelligence services. Got it. Maybe that's why Obama and crew were so adamant that Benghazi was a spontaneous demonstration instead of AQ NOT being on the run, as he had so confidently claimed.

Well, that and the guy who orchestrated Benghazi said, "Yeah, we did it because the Video offended us" and there were riots and demonstrations in 30 other countries over that video. But never mind, it was clearly a vast conspiracy to blame the poor video-maker.

Before a President takes us to war and kills thousands of Americans, he is morally obligated to check every source and exhaust every other possible avenue before doing so. Bush didn't do that.

Saddam Humiliated his pappy, and he was going to get that guy!

Bubba could have short circuited the entire thing, but chose instead to lie under oath and be disgraced as a lawyer. But hey, Hillary's different, right? I mean, she wouldn't tell the truth up front instead of lying and obstructing everything as long as possible, now would she?

Most men in that situation would lie, guy. Most men don't have a 70 million dollar investigation looking into their sex life.

Hey, wouldn't it have been cool if Ken Starr had put as much effort into rooting out the rampant rape that was going on at Baylor University when he ran it?

12 Things You Should Know About Ken Starr's Baylor Rape Scandal

Fuck Ken Starr. Guy was a creep.
Okay, so the president is supposed to believe parties OTHER than his own intelligence services. Got it. Maybe that's why Obama and crew were so adamant that Benghazi was a spontaneous demonstration instead of AQ NOT being on the run, as he had so confidently claimed.

Well, that and the guy who orchestrated Benghazi said, "Yeah, we did it because the Video offended us" and there were riots and demonstrations in 30 other countries over that video. But never mind, it was clearly a vast conspiracy to blame the poor video-maker.

Well, that and there was an election going on, and Obama had said he had AQ contained! Can't have any inconvenient last hour attacks to derail things, now can we?

Before a President takes us to war and kills thousands of Americans, he is morally obligated to check every source and exhaust every other possible avenue before doing so. Bush didn't do that.

Saddam Humiliated his pappy, and he was going to get that guy!

I don't recall seeing you in the briefing room, but hey, maybe you were hiding in the corner or something. "Dick, I know the intelligence agencies are telling us that Saddam has WMD's, and I know the last president was very confident he had them, and I know that Hillary says he does too, but doggone it, there's an internet keyboard jockey out there who says different, and we're going to go with what he says!"

Bubba could have short circuited the entire thing, but chose instead to lie under oath and be disgraced as a lawyer. But hey, Hillary's different, right? I mean, she wouldn't tell the truth up front instead of lying and obstructing everything as long as possible, now would she?

Most men in that situation would lie, guy. Most men don't have a 70 million dollar investigation looking into their sex life.

He was under oath at the time. Kind of takes precedence over his sensitive little sensibilities.

Hey, wouldn't it have been cool if Ken Starr had put as much effort into rooting out the rampant rape that was going on at Baylor University when he ran it?

12 Things You Should Know About Ken Starr's Baylor Rape Scandal

Fuck Ken Starr. Guy was a creep.

When all else fails, attack the messenger. Time tested, proven to work, and altogether useless in this circumstance.
Well, that and there was an election going on, and Obama had said he had AQ contained! Can't have any inconvenient last hour attacks to derail things, now can we?

Well, unless your definition of AQ is "every scary Arab who makes me piss myself", AQ wasn't involved in that attack.

I don't recall seeing you in the briefing room, but hey, maybe you were hiding in the corner or something. "Dick, I know the intelligence agencies are telling us that Saddam has WMD's, and I know the last president was very confident he had them, and I know that Hillary says he does too, but doggone it, there's an internet keyboard jockey out there who says different, and we're going to go with what he says!"

Hans Blix, Mohammed El-baradai and Scott Ritter were not "some keyboard jockey", they were people who were dealing with the Iraq WMD issue for the better part of a decade, and they all said, "We don't think he has them."

But it goes beyond that. Let's not forget what the whole Plame issue was about. the CIA wouldn't endorse Bush's view that Saddam was buying Uranium from Niger. So Bush cited British and Italian sources. Bush also claimed Iraqi Intelligence met with Mohammed Atta in Prague. That also turned out to not be true. Again, due diligence. You ask the questions.

He was under oath at the time. Kind of takes precedence over his sensitive little sensibilities.

No, it really doesn't. No sensible Jury would have convicted him. He said he didn''t have sex with Lewinsky. He didn't. They never had intercourse. He got a blow job. Most peopledon't consider a beej to be sex.

When all else fails, attack the messenger. Time tested, proven to work, and altogether useless in this circumstance.

Not really. So let's look at this. Ken Starr spent millions of dollars investigating Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate and the Death of Vince Foster, and at the end of the day,couldn't prove Clinton did anything. But then along comes Linda Tripp with ILLEGAL tape recordings of Monica Lewinsky. In short, he went beyond his mandate to carry out a political grudge.

Now compare that to his conduct at Baylor. Parents sent their daughters to Baylor with his assurance he'd look out for them. Instead, he decided the money these student athletes brought in was much more important than the well-being of the students who were raped. What a guy.

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