Breaking trump fires mooch

This disaster of an administration is everything I could have dreamed from Trump. Simply amazing and wonderful.

Keep telling yourself that. You aren't even aware of the thing's Trump has done to erase Obama's legacy, during the six month's he's been in office.

The Supreme Court appointment alone, has set liberalism back 20 years.
What do I care if he erases Obama's legacy? That said, he's doing a damn good job cementing it: Obamacare is still around, and he's continuing all of his foreign policy. Ratcheting it up even.

Trump doesn't even want to do the job. He likes all the attention, but he really doesn't want to be bothered with the hard work. He's a total and complete fraud.

That's got to be some of the wackiest logic I've heard all week. Trump doesn't want the job?

Obama actually hated being President. He spent more time on the golf course and on vacation than anything else. Trump sees this as a challenge and like any challenge, he rises to overcome it.

You leftists can go thorough your lives underestimating Trump, but I guarantee you this: It's going to come back to bite you on your collective asses. Mark my words.
"He rises to overcome it." :laugh:

The same hagiographic nonsense Obama-worshippers would say about him and conservatives rightly mocked. Naturally you act the same way when it's someone from your team.
This disaster of an administration is everything I could have dreamed from Trump. Simply amazing and wonderful.

Keep telling yourself that. You aren't even aware of the thing's Trump has done to erase Obama's legacy, during the six month's he's been in office.

The Supreme Court appointment alone, has set liberalism back 20 years.
What do I care if he erases Obama's legacy? That said, he's doing a damn good job cementing it: Obamacare is still around, and he's continuing all of his foreign policy. Ratcheting it up even.

Trump doesn't even want to do the job. He likes all the attention, but he really doesn't want to be bothered with the hard work. He's a total and complete fraud.

That's got to be some of the wackiest logic I've heard all week. Trump doesn't want the job?

Obama actually hated being President. He spent more time on the golf course and on vacation than anything else. Trump sees this as a challenge and like any challenge, he rises to overcome it.

You leftists can go thorough your lives underestimating Trump, but I guarantee you this: It's going to come back to bite you on your collective asses. Mark my words.
"He rises to overcome it." :laugh:

The same hagiographic nonsense Obama-worshippers would say about him and conservatives rightly mocked. Naturally you act the same way when it's someone from your team.

Name an Obama worshipper, please. Let's see if they ever said anything like that about him.
This disaster of an administration is everything I could have dreamed from Trump. Simply amazing and wonderful.
Well it may be amazing but it's not wonderful. You might want Trump out of office; I sure do, but you don't want him to realize what an inept president he is because if he does, he's going to break and when he breaks, he's going to try to take the country down with him.
The great thing about textbook narcissists is that they never realize their own inadequacies. Regardless, the fact that Trump is a colossal disaster has made clear exactly what American politics and the office of the Presidency really are: A complete and utter sham. Hopefully Trump's demystification of the presidency will cause some people to realize they don't need these maroons to run their lives.
More like Kelly whipped his ass and kicked him out on his head.
I totally agree with this assessment. General Kelly has the military background that does not tolerate such reckless action. That also means the rest of the staff is on notice, because Kelly will not tolerate leakers, either.

Just what the WH needed...some discipline.

You realize that you are saying that Trump can't do the job, right?
Not even close, snowflake. Not even close. Please stick to speaking for yourself becauae you suck at trying to speak for me.
More like Kelly whipped his ass and kicked him out on his head.
I totally agree with this assessment. General Kelly has the military background that does not tolerate such reckless action. That also means the rest of the staff is on notice, because Kelly will not tolerate leakers, either.

Just what the WH needed...some discipline.

You realize that you are saying that Trump can't do the job, right?
Not even close, snowflake. Not even close. Please stick to speaking for yourself becauae you suck at trying to speak for me.

You seem upset, Nancy. Wanna shoulder to cry on?

Will Kelly kick Jared and Ivanka out of the WH? Bannon? Gorka?

If not, he's a failure.
More like Kelly whipped his ass and kicked him out on his head.
I totally agree with this assessment. General Kelly has the military background that does not tolerate such reckless action. That also means the rest of the staff is on notice, because Kelly will not tolerate leakers, either.

Just what the WH needed...some discipline.

You realize that you are saying that Trump can't do the job, right?
Not even close, snowflake. Not even close. Please stick to speaking for yourself becauae you suck at trying to speak for me.

You seem upset, Nancy. Wanna shoulder to cry on?

Will Kelly kick Jared and Ivanka out of the WH? Bannon? Gorka?

If not, he's a failure.
I am not upset at all, LL. And I wouldn't listen to you about who to give the boot to or not as you have no concept of what a Loser is....after all, you supported the corrupt, criminal 2-time loser Hillary. :p
If I were to describe a foreign government as follows:

"The nation is led by a leader who did not get the most votes. This leader's top advisors are either his children or military generals or CEO's of multinational corporations. He has utter disdain for the free press and doesn't believe in an independent judiciary."

What kind of place does this remind you of?

If I were to describe a foreign government as follows:

"The nation is led by a leader who did not get the most votes. This leader's top advisors are either his children or military generals or CEO's of multinational corporations. He has utter disdain for the free press and doesn't believe in an independent judiciary."

That reminds me of how the antiquated, crime syndicate, Succession-of-power, it's-my-turn Democrats ran the worst, most corrupt, most criminal candidate in the history of the United States, was forced to help her defeat her Socialist Party opponent by rigging primaries, engaging in election fraud during the Primaries, and helped her cheat so she could be given the party's nomination.

It reminds me despite all the lack of integrity, lack of honesty, cheating, being exposed as racists, sexists, homophobes and anti-Semites...that despite the riots, looting, arson, terrorism, destruction of property, violent silencing of freedom of speech, their candidate paying violent thugs to attack opposition supporters, calls for military coups, calls for assassination attempts, and actual assassination attempts...that corrupt power-mad criminal party was defeated and lost the election, adding to their 1,000+-political-election-loss record.

And your post reminds me of how criminal-supporting snowflakes are still butt-hurt and still have not gotten over their loss. :p

"Elections have consequences."
-- Former President Barak Obama.

"If you want things to change, win some elections."
-- Former President Barak Obama

"If you want to win an election, don't run the worst, most criminal candidate you have in your party just because she says, "It's my turn."
-- Easy, 8/1/2017
If I were to describe a foreign government as follows:

"The nation is led by a leader who did not get the most votes. This leader's top advisors are either his children or military generals or CEO's of multinational corporations. He has utter disdain for the free press and doesn't believe in an independent judiciary."

That reminds me of how the antiquated, crime syndicate, Succession-of-power, it's-my-turn Democrats ran the worst, most corrupt, most criminal candidate in the history of the United States, was forced to help her defeat her Socialist Party opponent by rigging primaries, engaging in election fraud during the Primaries, and helped her cheat so she could be given the party's nomination.

It reminds me despite all the lack of integrity, lack of honesty, cheating, being exposed as racists, sexists, homophobes and anti-Semites...that despite the riots, looting, arson, terrorism, destruction of property, violent silencing of freedom of speech, their candidate paying violent thugs to attack opposition supporters, calls for military coups, calls for assassination attempts, and actual assassination attempts...that corrupt power-mad criminal party was defeated and lost the election, adding to their 1,000+-political-election-loss record.

And your post reminds me of how criminal-supporting snowflakes are still butt-hurt and still have not gotten over their loss. :p

"Elections have consequences."
-- Former President Barak Obama.

"If you want things to change, win some elections."
-- Former President Barak Obama

"If you want to win an election, don't run the worst, most criminal candidate you have in your party just because she says, "It's my turn."
-- Easy, 8/1/2017

You deflected. How unusual.
The news this morning was kind of interesting. One of the things that was reported on was that Trump's wife and his daughter both wanted the Mooch gone as well. Seems they were upset about his interview where he bad mouthed Priebus and thought he needed to go.

And then, it was also reported this morning that the Mooch was spotted having both dinner and breakfast at Trump's Washington DC hotel.
The news this morning was kind of interesting. One of the things that was reported on was that Trump's wife and his daughter both wanted the Mooch gone as well. Seems they were upset about his interview where he bad mouthed Priebus and thought he needed to go.

And then, it was also reported this morning that the Mooch was spotted having both dinner and breakfast at Trump's Washington DC hotel.
Mooch is just one of a long line of Washington outsiders Trump has appointed that have no idea what they're doing. Mooch was as out of place in the White House as Trump's political advisers would be on a Goldman Sachs trading desk.

The Simple fact is you can't score points in Washington if don't know how to play the game.

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