Breaking trump fires mooch

This disaster of an administration is everything I could have dreamed from Trump. Simply amazing and wonderful.

Keep telling yourself that. You aren't even aware of the thing's Trump has done to erase Obama's legacy, during the six month's he's been in office.

The Supreme Court appointment alone, has set liberalism back 20 years.
What do I care if he erases Obama's legacy? That said, he's doing a damn good job cementing it: Obamacare is still around, and he's continuing all of his foreign policy. Ratcheting it up even.
This disaster of an administration is everything I could have dreamed from Trump. Simply amazing and wonderful.

Keep telling yourself that. You aren't even aware of the thing's Trump has done to erase Obama's legacy, during the six month's he's been in office.

The Supreme Court appointment alone, has set liberalism back 20 years.
What do I care if he erases Obama's legacy? That said, he's doing a damn good job cementing it: Obamacare is still around, and he's continuing all of his foreign policy. Ratcheting it up even.

Trump doesn't even want to do the job. He likes all the attention, but he really doesn't want to be bothered with the hard work. He's a total and complete fraud.
I totally need a serious answer to my question!


The serious answer is that Trump has zero experience in politics, does not know how to hire and manage a political staff, and thrives on chaos.

So this is the result.

He's also the guy is doing the most leaking in his own administration. Let that one sink in for a minute.

True. He constantly refers to the "failing" New York Times and then goes and does a sit-down with them for two hours, on the record. Maggie Haberman said that he criticizes her one day and then calls her the next with a scoop. He's a fucking attention hound. Want to drive Trump crazy? Turn the cameras off, take away his Twitter account and he will roll over and piss himself.
I totally need a serious answer to my question!


The serious answer is that Trump has zero experience in politics, does not know how to hire and manage a political staff, and thrives on chaos.

So this is the result.

He's also the guy is doing the most leaking in his own administration. Let that one sink in for a minute.

Thank you for answering.

But I do not agree with your statement.

What do you not agree with?

He has no experience in politics, has never hired a political staff, and the high turnover should tell you about his management style.

As for Trump being the biggest leaker, I don't blame you for not believing it. But this was a guy who used to call up reporters pretending to be someone else and made up stories about him dating this or that supermodel so he could get in the newspaper. Contrary to what tells his crowds, he loves the press.

The fact that he doesn't come from the political world is the reason America voted for him. :thup: Americans are sick and tired of corrupt politicians left and right.

And saying the he is the preposterous.

So you voted for a corrupt businessman who launders money for the Russians and bends over for Putin. Great move.
I totally need a serious answer to my question!


The serious answer is that Trump has zero experience in politics, does not know how to hire and manage a political staff, and thrives on chaos.

So this is the result.

He's also the guy is doing the most leaking in his own administration. Let that one sink in for a minute.

Thank you for answering.

But I do not agree with your statement.

What do you not agree with?

He has no experience in politics, has never hired a political staff, and the high turnover should tell you about his management style.

As for Trump being the biggest leaker, I don't blame you for not believing it. But this was a guy who used to call up reporters pretending to be someone else and made up stories about him dating this or that supermodel so he could get in the newspaper. Contrary to what tells his crowds, he loves the press.

The fact that he doesn't come from the political world is the reason America voted for him. :thup: Americans are sick and tired of corrupt politicians left and right.

And saying the he is the preposterous.

So you voted for a corrupt businessman who launders money for the Russians and bends over for Putin. Great move.

^^^ :rolleyes-41:

This disaster of an administration is everything I could have dreamed from Trump. Simply amazing and wonderful.

Keep telling yourself that. You aren't even aware of the thing's Trump has done to erase Obama's legacy, during the six month's he's been in office.

The Supreme Court appointment alone, has set liberalism back 20 years.
What do I care if he erases Obama's legacy? That said, he's doing a damn good job cementing it: Obamacare is still around, and he's continuing all of his foreign policy. Ratcheting it up even.

Trump doesn't even want to do the job. He likes all the attention, but he really doesn't want to be bothered with the hard work. He's a total and complete fraud.

That's got to be some of the wackiest logic I've heard all week. Trump doesn't want the job?

Obama actually hated being President. He spent more time on the golf course and on vacation than anything else. Trump sees this as a challenge and like any challenge, he rises to overcome it.

You leftists can go thorough your lives underestimating Trump, but I guarantee you this: It's going to come back to bite you on your collective asses. Mark my words.
This disaster of an administration is everything I could have dreamed from Trump. Simply amazing and wonderful.

Keep telling yourself that. You aren't even aware of the thing's Trump has done to erase Obama's legacy, during the six month's he's been in office.

The Supreme Court appointment alone, has set liberalism back 20 years.
What do I care if he erases Obama's legacy? That said, he's doing a damn good job cementing it: Obamacare is still around, and he's continuing all of his foreign policy. Ratcheting it up even.

Trump doesn't even want to do the job. He likes all the attention, but he really doesn't want to be bothered with the hard work. He's a total and complete fraud.

That's got to be some of the wackiest logic I've heard all week. Trump doesn't want the job?

Obama actually hated being President. He spent more time on the golf course and on vacation than anything else. Trump sees this as a challenge and like any challenge, he rises to overcome it.

You leftists can go thorough your lives underestimating Trump, but I guarantee you this: It's going to come back to bite you on your collective asses. Mark my words.

The Douche wanted to make more DOPer devotees, givers of cash to him.
He won it, they were playing that game all along. This was. and still.IS a Clown Show.
That's all. The DOPers still have nothing, will not get anything more. My hope is, they all lose
more in the fly over areas, for voting his ass into office. The Old GOPers sold out
Amerca and will have to explain the orange Douche failures for life.
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This disaster of an administration is everything I could have dreamed from Trump. Simply amazing and wonderful.

Keep telling yourself that. You aren't even aware of the thing's Trump has done to erase Obama's legacy, during the six month's he's been in office.

The Supreme Court appointment alone, has set liberalism back 20 years.
What do I care if he erases Obama's legacy? That said, he's doing a damn good job cementing it: Obamacare is still around, and he's continuing all of his foreign policy. Ratcheting it up even.

Trump doesn't even want to do the job. He likes all the attention, but he really doesn't want to be bothered with the hard work. He's a total and complete fraud.

That's got to be some of the wackiest logic I've heard all week. Trump doesn't want the job?

Obama actually hated being President. He spent more time on the golf course and on vacation than anything else. Trump sees this as a challenge and like any challenge, he rises to overcome it.

You leftists can go thorough your lives underestimating Trump, but I guarantee you this: It's going to come back to bite you on your collective asses. Mark my words.

The Douche wanted to make more DOPer devotees, givers of cash to him.
He won it, they were playing that game all along. This was. and still.IS a Clown Show.
That's all. The DOPers still have nothing, will not get anything. the Old GOP
sold out Amerca, and will have to explain the orange Douche failures life.

Wow. Those Russians sure have you fooled. Keep on being a "useful idiot" or wise up. That's up to you.
That's got to be some of the wackiest logic I've heard all week. Trump doesn't want the job?

That's not new info. Observers like myself who aren't into the whole self-delusion trip have been saying exactly that literally from day one. He's a complete and helpless narcissist; all he ever wanted was attention to Numero Uno to feed is bottomless insecurities. The media frenzy of a political campaign provided that. Now that that's over he's trying to phone it in, and generally flailing about helplessly in a position he has no clue how to handle, and really isn't interested in anyway. That's why he's still running campaign events long after the election's over. That's why he's always up at four in the morning sending whiny tweets. His ego is literally insatiable. Feeding it is the only thing he knows how to do.

Post 303 above absolutely nails it -- if media simply ignored his whiny petulant child act, he'd never be a factor in anything. But they can't because he is Spectacle, and Spectacle draws viewers, and viewers mean ratings and ratings mean money. This is also the irony of him pretending to take out part of his adolescent petulance on "media", since without that media --- he wouldn't even exist.

Obama actually hated being President. He spent more time on the golf course and on vacation than anything else. Trump sees this as a challenge and like any challenge, he rises to overcome it.

By running away to Florida where he can tweet-whine about "Obama tapped my wires"? Gee Wally, what a "rise" that is.

You leftists can go thorough your lives underestimating Trump, but I guarantee you this: It's going to come back to bite you on your collective asses. Mark my words.

Can do. :piss2:

Gullible's Travels..... sigh
1. The WH is not the construction site in NY. Go back there and drop 'F' Bombs...

2. SOMEONE on Trump's team should seriously THINK before making these manning decisions.

What we are seeing are the amateur mistakes associated with someone who does not have a Washington / Federal Govt / Political background.....

While he is better than Hillary, this is getting really embarrassing....
The only difference seems to be the media coverage.
Obama and Hillary floated the F bomb constantly and nobody would report it.
Not in the first 6 months.
Meh. The only chaos is that generated by lefties and propagandists.

The left is having a good laugh about Trump's re-organization of his staff. But what they don't realize that his staff is now pretty much under military rule. They wouldn't be laughing so hard if they knew the full ramifications of having a military General, retired or otherwise, in the highest position in his cabinet: The leftist's heads would be spinning, seeing as how they detest the American military.

Why should the staff Trump selected 6 months ago need to be under military rule. That's crazy. These are his people, hand selected. Either Trump doesn't know how to build a staff or he doesn't know how to manage them.
Meh. The only chaos is that generated by lefties and propagandists.

The left is having a good laugh about Trump's re-organization of his staff. But what they don't realize that his staff is now pretty much under military rule. They wouldn't be laughing so hard if they knew the full ramifications of having a military General, retired or otherwise, in the highest position in his cabinet: The leftist's heads would be spinning, seeing as how they detest the American military.

Why should the staff Trump selected 6 months ago need to be under military rule. That's crazy. These are his people, hand selected. Either Trump doesn't know how to build a staff or he doesn't know how to manage them.

Because in case you haven't noticed, we are at war right now. Trump is the Commander in Chief and obviously those staff members he fired, were not observing the chain of command.
1. The WH is not the construction site in NY. Go back there and drop 'F' Bombs...

2. SOMEONE on Trump's team should seriously THINK before making these manning decisions.

What we are seeing are the amateur mistakes associated with someone who does not have a Washington / Federal Govt / Political background.....

While he is better than Hillary, this is getting really embarrassing....
The only difference seems to be the media coverage.
Obama and Hillary floated the F bomb constantly and nobody would report it.
Not in the first 6 months.

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