Breaking trump fires mooch



It's the President


I need you

No way

I'm desperate

I know

It's a mess

Yes, chaos



You will have control

Riiiight, stop lying

I'm the president!

Scaramucci is gone in 15 seconds

I'll call you back




OK, Scaramucci is gone

I will fire him


I will fire him



Now about the loyalty oath

God, Country, Corps

Close enough

The real God

This disaster of an administration is everything I could have dreamed from Trump. Simply amazing and wonderful.
Well it may be amazing but it's not wonderful. You might want Trump out of office; I sure do, but you don't want him to realize what an inept president he is because if he does, he's going to break and when he breaks, he's going to try to take the country down with him.
That's got to be some of the wackiest logic I've heard all week. Trump doesn't want the job?

That's not new info. Observers like myself who aren't into the whole self-delusion trip have been saying exactly that literally from day one. He's a complete and helpless narcissist; all he ever wanted was attention to Numero Uno to feed is bottomless insecurities. The media frenzy of a political campaign provided that. Now that that's over he's trying to phone it in, and generally flailing about helplessly in a position he has no clue how to handle, and really isn't interested in anyway. That's why he's still running campaign events long after the election's over. That's why he's always up at four in the morning sending whiny tweets. His ego is literally insatiable. Feeding it is the only thing he knows how to do.

Post 303 above absolutely nails it -- if media simply ignored his whiny petulant child act, he'd never be a factor in anything. But they can't because he is Spectacle, and Spectacle draws viewers, and viewers mean ratings and ratings mean money. This is also the irony of him pretending to take out part of his adolescent petulance on "media", since without that media --- he wouldn't even exist.

Obama actually hated being President. He spent more time on the golf course and on vacation than anything else. Trump sees this as a challenge and like any challenge, he rises to overcome it.

By running away to Florida where he can tweet-whine about "Obama tapped my wires"? Gee Wally, what a "rise" that is.

You leftists can go thorough your lives underestimating Trump, but I guarantee you this: It's going to come back to bite you on your collective asses. Mark my words.

Can do. :piss2:

Gullible's Travels..... sigh
Read more at: Junkie Running Dry
That's got to be some of the wackiest logic I've heard all week. Trump doesn't want the job?

That's not new info. Observers like myself who aren't into the whole self-delusion trip have been saying exactly that literally from day one. He's a complete and helpless narcissist; all he ever wanted was attention to Numero Uno to feed is bottomless insecurities. The media frenzy of a political campaign provided that. Now that that's over he's trying to phone it in, and generally flailing about helplessly in a position he has no clue how to handle, and really isn't interested in anyway. That's why he's still running campaign events long after the election's over. That's why he's always up at four in the morning sending whiny tweets. His ego is literally insatiable. Feeding it is the only thing he knows how to do.

Post 303 above absolutely nails it -- if media simply ignored his whiny petulant child act, he'd never be a factor in anything. But they can't because he is Spectacle, and Spectacle draws viewers, and viewers mean ratings and ratings mean money. This is also the irony of him pretending to take out part of his adolescent petulance on "media", since without that media --- he wouldn't even exist.

Obama actually hated being President. He spent more time on the golf course and on vacation than anything else. Trump sees this as a challenge and like any challenge, he rises to overcome it.

By running away to Florida where he can tweet-whine about "Obama tapped my wires"? Gee Wally, what a "rise" that is.

You leftists can go thorough your lives underestimating Trump, but I guarantee you this: It's going to come back to bite you on your collective asses. Mark my words.

Can do. :piss2:

Gullible's Travels..... sigh
Trump needs the media like a junkie needs his drugs. Donald Trump cares more about how he is perceived in the media than he cares about anything else in the world, including money.

As a boy, he learned from his dad the importance of media coverage. Get good press but if you can't get good press just get your name in the paper. This has driven his need to leak stories, constantly tweets, and conduct campaign rallies after he won the presidency.

Even though he has in fact been on the cover of Time magazine, it was discovered that he had had his people produce fake Time magazine covers lauding the success of his television show, The Apprentice. He had these fake Time covers displayed at Trump properties around the world. Why? Because Trump, for all his professed contempt for the media, believes that success is not success until it is certified by Time magazine.

He attacks the New York Times as a fraud, creating news, and a vicious scandal sheet. A week later, he schedules a two hour interview with a Times reporter.

Donald Trump is a man who invented an imaginary friend, John Barron, to call up members of the New York press and lie to them about his business success and his sex life. He claimed, among other things, to be dating Carla Bruni. A man who “does not need” the media does not do that.
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If Democrats didn't want to lose the election to Trump they should not have run the worst, most corrupt, most self-serving, most criminal candidate in U. S. history, a woman who could not even beat Bernie Sanders by herself to win her party's nomination...
Why should the staff Trump selected 6 months ago need to be under military rule.
You do realize Kelly is no longer in the military, right?! :p
Kelly is a retired general and has served in the military for 40 of his 67 years. He is a military man through and through. Apparently Trump saw that as what he needed in the White House.

The Chief of Staff is regarded as the gatekeeper. In most cases no one sees the president without going through the chief of staff. His knowledge of president's policies, goals, the working of presidency, and political positions of Washington politicians allows him to interpret the presidents position and thus shelter the president.

Kelly's lack knowledge of Washington politics probably means the president has a different role for him, controlling the White House unsupervised and unruly staff.
I just read an article about a guy from the UK that somehow catfished through email some people in the White House, in particular Mooch. The guy pretended to be Preibus the day after he resigned, and Mooch replied:

""You know what you did. We all do. Even today. But rest assured we were prepared. A Man would apologize."

CNN: Email 'Prankster' catfished White House personnel

Yep Mooch and company really did think Preibus was the leaker.
I just read an article about a guy from the UK that somehow catfished through email some people in the White House, in particular Mooch. The guy pretended to be Preibus the day after he resigned, and Mooch replied:

""You know what you did. We all do. Even today. But rest assured we were prepared. A Man would apologize."

CNN: Email 'Prankster' catfished White House personnel

Yep Mooch and company really did think Preibus was the leaker.
More CNN. It's run its load already.
I just read an article about a guy from the UK that somehow catfished through email some people in the White House, in particular Mooch. The guy pretended to be Preibus the day after he resigned, and Mooch replied:

""You know what you did. We all do. Even today. But rest assured we were prepared. A Man would apologize."

CNN: Email 'Prankster' catfished White House personnel

Yep Mooch and company really did think Preibus was the leaker.
More CNN. It's run its load already.

The White admitted it happened.

"White House officials acknowledged the incidents and said they were taking the matter seriously. "We take all cyber related issues very seriously and are looking into these incidents further," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told CNN."

White House officials tricked by email prankster
Did u guys know that the whole world is laughing at this circus? I think this is the lowest point the US went down to.
And BTW - this is a good thing. Kelly already showing his ability.
Scaramuchi was a "little Trump"...a bit of wild card, cowboy... loose with his temper and mouth. Somebody Trump probably liked, but not good for the team. The last thing Trump team needed was another person like himself.

Everything Trump does is good. If ya want it to be.

I'd almost bet that you thought bringing Moooch in was a good thing. And probably because Trump needed people like himself around.

It's awesome.
What did he last two weeks?
Proving once again Trump has no idea what he's doing.
Rebuked by both the country's police depts , Boy Scouts and Congress last week, now fires his " right hand man " after two weeks!

Ha ha ha

Depends on how you look at it. Some may say it makes trump look clueless, others may say he looks decisive and strong. I'll go with the latter.

Of course. What else would you do?
More like Kelly whipped his ass and kicked him out on his head.
I totally agree with this assessment. General Kelly has the military background that does not tolerate such reckless action. That also means the rest of the staff is on notice, because Kelly will not tolerate leakers, either.

Just what the WH needed...some discipline.

You realize that you are saying that Trump can't do the job, right?
Trump felt Scaramucci comments to New Yorker inappropriate: White House

You've gotta be kidding me. Trump found something inappropriate? Really?

Where is that line, exactly? Is it just after talking about the size your dick during a nationally-televised presidential debate? Is it just after launching endless third-grade name-calling and personal insults at anyone who dares to disagree with you?

Holy crap. You set the tone, constantly, and then find something inappropriate. Incredible.

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