BREAKING: Trump Shared Highly Classified Info With Russians!

Is donnie begging for impeachment?

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    Votes: 27 52.9%
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And you have evidence of that where?
Had he not reported it to the FBI, we would not be discussing his memo.

Reported it to the FBI?? Now we all know you're full of it.
There were two sources in the FBI that provided the story to media. Do you really think Comey wrote the memo and hide it under rock? Comey wrote that memo to cover his ass and to follow FBI protocols. If no one got the memo, there would no time stamp and it would be claimed that he wrote it after the he was fired, not after the meeting.

The protocol is that if there is obstruction of justice, it has to be reported. Comey hasn't done that, so either Comey is breaking the law for not reporting it, or he's full of shit and acting as disgruntled former employee.

Or, a third option, Flopper is full of shit.

That one is independent of the other two and self evident.
He did report it.

And you have evidence of that where?
Had he not reported it to the FBI, we would not be discussing his memo.

Reported it to the FBI?? Now we all know you're full of it.
There were two sources in the FBI that provided the story to media. Do you really think Comey wrote the memo and hide it under rock? Comey wrote that memo to cover his ass and to follow FBI protocols. If no one got the memo, there would no time stamp and it would be claimed that he wrote it after the he was fired, not after the meeting.

The protocol is that if there is obstruction of justice, it has to be reported immediately. Comey hasn't done that, so either Comey is breaking the law for not reporting it, or he's full of shit and acting as disgruntled former employee.
What Trump did in itself is not clearly obstruction of justice. It could be construed to be obstruction when linked with other evidence. It appears Comey did exactly what he should have done, document the meeting with Trump.

For law enforcement officials like Comey, documenting sensitive conversations is a reflex and in keeping with the habits of diligent lawyers. From J Edgar Hoover on down, FBI Directors routinely testify before congress at least once a year often several times a year. Congressmen expect the FBI Director to be able to answer questions about any activity that he has been involved. I would bet that Comey has files with hundreds of copies of memos if not thousands documenting meetings with JD prosecutors, congressmen, subordinates, and yes presidents.

What Trump said in the meeting with Comey may be extraordinary. Comey documenting the meeting is routine.
And you have evidence of that where?
Had he not reported it to the FBI, we would not be discussing his memo.

Reported it to the FBI?? Now we all know you're full of it.
There were two sources in the FBI that provided the story to media. Do you really think Comey wrote the memo and hide it under rock? Comey wrote that memo to cover his ass and to follow FBI protocols. If no one got the memo, there would no time stamp and it would be claimed that he wrote it after the he was fired, not after the meeting.

The protocol is that if there is obstruction of justice, it has to be reported immediately. Comey hasn't done that, so either Comey is breaking the law for not reporting it, or he's full of shit and acting as disgruntled former employee.
What Trump did in itself is not clearly obstruction of justice. It could be construed to be obstruction when linked with other evidence. It appears Comey did exactly what he should have done, document the meeting with Trump.

For law enforcement officials like Comey, documenting sensitive conversations is a reflex and in keeping with the habits of diligent lawyers. From J Edgar Hoover on down, FBI Directors routinely testify before congress at least once a year often several times a year. Congressmen expect the FBI Director to be able to answer questions about any activity that he has been involved. I would bet that Comey has files with hundreds of copies of memos if not thousands documenting meetings with JD prosecutors, congressmen, subordinates, and yes presidents.

What Trump said in the meeting with Comey may be extraordinary. Comey documenting the meeting is routine.

Keeping personal notes is not official documenting the meetings.

If his memos are official documents, then it wont be a problem to get any memo of his meetings with congressmen, or with previous AGs, or with perhaps Clintons. All we need is FOIA request, agree?
Had he not reported it to the FBI, we would not be discussing his memo.

Reported it to the FBI?? Now we all know you're full of it.
There were two sources in the FBI that provided the story to media. Do you really think Comey wrote the memo and hide it under rock? Comey wrote that memo to cover his ass and to follow FBI protocols. If no one got the memo, there would no time stamp and it would be claimed that he wrote it after the he was fired, not after the meeting.

The protocol is that if there is obstruction of justice, it has to be reported immediately. Comey hasn't done that, so either Comey is breaking the law for not reporting it, or he's full of shit and acting as disgruntled former employee.
What Trump did in itself is not clearly obstruction of justice. It could be construed to be obstruction when linked with other evidence. It appears Comey did exactly what he should have done, document the meeting with Trump.

For law enforcement officials like Comey, documenting sensitive conversations is a reflex and in keeping with the habits of diligent lawyers. From J Edgar Hoover on down, FBI Directors routinely testify before congress at least once a year often several times a year. Congressmen expect the FBI Director to be able to answer questions about any activity that he has been involved. I would bet that Comey has files with hundreds of copies of memos if not thousands documenting meetings with JD prosecutors, congressmen, subordinates, and yes presidents.

What Trump said in the meeting with Comey may be extraordinary. Comey documenting the meeting is routine.

Keeping personal notes is not official documenting the meetings.

If his memos are official documents, then it wont be a problem to get any memo of his meetings with congressmen, or with previous AGs, or with perhaps Clintons. All we need is FOIA request, agree?
The ACLU is doing exactly that in regard to the Comey memo. However, since Comey will be testifying before congress in a few weeks, the memo and other documentation may be released. The problem with an FOIA request is you have know exactly what to ask for and if the documents are part of an ongoing investigation, you won't get them.
Trump said he never mentioned "Israel" when he shared highly classified intel with Russians. Well, he has now - unless he thinks Russians don't listen to the news. You just can't make this stuff up. How dumb is this guy?

President Donald Trump on Monday denied that he mentioned Israel at the Oval Office meeting where he reportedly leaked classified information to Russian officials, seemingly referring to reports that Israel was the source of that information.

“Just so you understand, I never mentioned the word or the name ‘Israel.’ Never mentioned it during that conversation,” Trump said during an appearance with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem as part of his first foreign trip as president.

The president was referring to reports that Israel was the source of classified information he disclosed to Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and ambassador Sergei Kislyak during an Oval Office meeting on May 10.

Trump Denies Mentioning The Word ‘Israel’ To Russians At Oval Office Meeting
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That's easy. This wasn't planned at all.
Trump, for whatever reason, let slip information that burned an asset of a foreign service without warning and without their consent. He later had to call and try to fix it.
Nice OPINION, snowflake. You have as much evidence to support that as snowflakes do of 'Russian-Trump Collusion'.

View attachment 127240
"Ok, d@mn, that was a good one!"

Not opinion at all.
Trump said that he never mentioned "Israel" when he shared highly classified intel with Russians. Well, he has now - unless he thinks Russians don't listen to the news. You just can't make this stuff up. How dumb is this guy?

President Donald Trump on Monday denied that he mentioned Israel at the Oval Office meeting where he reportedly leaked classified information to Russian officials, seemingly referring to reports that Israel was the source of that information.

“Just so you understand, I never mentioned the word or the name ‘Israel.’ Never mentioned it during that conversation,” Trump said during an appearance with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem as part of his first foreign trip as president.

The president was referring to reports that Israel was the source of classified information he disclosed to Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and ambassador Sergei Kislyak during an Oval Office meeting on May 10.

Trump Denies Mentioning The Word ‘Israel’ To Russians At Oval Office Meeting

He just confirmed it was Israel in front of the world in Israel. :laugh2:
Not necessarily. He could have thought Trump asking him to drop his investigation, in itself, was perhaps not obstruction of justice. But now we add Obama firing him, now there's a pattern and it certainly does create the appearance of obstruction of justice.

Of course we must ignore the fact that Comey wan't actually doing the investigation, he had a lead agent and a team that was doing that, and Comeys firring didn't alter the investigation in any way. Kind of shoots a hole in your theory.

Which supports my point. Trump was an idiot to ask the Director of the FBI, to give Flynn a pass. That may have worked for him in his business, asking a personal favor of someone on the planning board or intimidating a building inspector but this is not business in Trump Tower. This is politics and this is government, something Trump has never understood. I'm sure politicians in Congress were asking how could this guy be so dumb? First he tries to get the Director of the FBI to give a friend a free pass in an investigation, then he fires the Director, and then he tries to intimidate him by claiming he may have tapes of their conversation. :cuckoo:

Maybe Trump should pull an maobama and exert executive privilege. There ain't enough duct tape in the world to stop all the heads exploding. LOL But I just saw a tape of a Comey testimony where he said he has seen no one try to stop an FBI investigation for political reasons, in his experience. That was under oath before congress BTW, if he's changing is story now, he's in as much trouble as anyone.

I watched the entire 4 hours of the May 3rd testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee and read Comey's March 20th testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, and did not find any point in which Comey said no one tried to stop the FBI investigation. The closest to this came toward the end of May 3rd testimony in which he was asked if the White House had asked for immunity for anyone. Comey replied he could not comment on that.

I am not aware of any other hearing before congress after Comey's meeting with Trump.

Full transcript: FBI Director James Comey testifies on Russian interference in 2016 election

Comey: Higher-ups never asked for halt to FBI investigations

First, Hirono askedComey: “So if the attorney general or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?

And Comey’s response: “In theory, yes.”

Hirono: “Has it happened?”

Comey: “Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It’s not happened in my experience.

James Comey: Higher-ups never asked for halt to FBI investigations

Do you seriously think if the president had asked he wouldn't have mentioned it?


The question pertained to the DOJ. Not Trump.
This was just a small sample. I think it is probably highly likely that more important classified information from the White House gets transmitted to the Russians by other means.
Sharing highly classified with Russians is more than enough for impeachment.
It's pretty ridiculous that he nominated another pro-Russia guy, this time for the FBI.
Trump Reportedly Revealed Classified Info During Meeting With Russian Officials

Russian media was allowed in last week’s meeting, but American outlets were not.

President Donald Trump revealed “highly classified information” last week during a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak, The Washington Post reported Monday.

The Post, citing current and former U.S. officials with ties to the administration, reports that the information “jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.” The publication did not elaborate on what the president’s disclosure entailed due to the sensitive nature of the information.

A White House spokeswoman did not immediately return a request for comment.

Read the Washington Post’s full report here.

Trump Reportedly Revealed Classified Info During Meeting With Russian Officials

Well, this doesn't sound good. I wonder what "highly classified information" Trump shared with the Russians? This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

And the Hill
Report: Trump revealed highly classified info to Russians

Thank you! Wow, this is scary stuff.
/-----/ "this is scary stuff."
Quick, run to your safe space. The President will let you know when it's safe to come out.
drama queen.jpg

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