BREAKING: Trump Shared Highly Classified Info With Russians!

Is donnie begging for impeachment?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 52.9%
  • No

    Votes: 24 47.1%

  • Total voters
“The obstruction of justice articles of impeachment counts are stacking up, it seems,” an active duty FBI agent told The Daily Beast on Tuesday. Firing Comey, the agent added, was a “big gamble. You’ve got to kill him, metaphorically. You can’t just wound him.”

IMHO, Comey appears to be a very meticulous person that documents everything so I think we will see more than just this memo. The House Over site Committee has demanded that the FBI turnover all memorandum, notes, summaries, and recordings of meetings between Trump and Comey. This will likely contain the memo.

Trump Officials on Comey Memo: ‘Don’t See How Trump Isn’t Completely F*cked’

Guess what skippy, if Comey truly thought Trump was trying to obstruct justice and didn't report it, he is fucked. He has a duty to report. On the other hand if Comey thought it was innocent conversation, then this is much a do about nothing.

If Comey didn't do his duty as director, what's Trump going to do, fire him.
Apparently he did report it in his memo. It will be interesting to see who got copies of it.

Actually he could face obstruction charges himself, and possible perjury charges since he testified under oath that no one has tried to interfere with the investigation.

How could he face obstruction charges if he documented the incident and saw to it that others in the bureau got the information. He probably acted by the book because it was in his interest to do so. What we're doing is just speculating.

If he felt Trump was trying to influence his investigation, he was obligated to report it to the DOJ and/or a Judge.
We don't know what he did or who he shared the memo with. However, the combination of events, the memo, the Comey firing, and threats from Trump, brought about the desired result, a special council who will take charge of the investigation.
Guess what skippy, if Comey truly thought Trump was trying to obstruct justice and didn't report it, he is fucked. He has a duty to report. On the other hand if Comey thought it was innocent conversation, then this is much a do about nothing.

Not necessarily. He could have thought Trump asking him to drop his investigation, in itself, was perhaps not obstruction of justice. But now we add Obama firing him, now there's a pattern and it certainly does create the appearance of obstruction of justice.

Of course we must ignore the fact that Comey wan't actually doing the investigation, he had a lead agent and a team that was doing that, and Comeys firring didn't alter the investigation in any way. Kind of shoots a hole in your theory.

Which supports my point. Trump was an idiot to ask the Director of the FBI, to give Flynn a pass. That may have worked for him in his business, asking a personal favor of someone on the planning board or intimidating a building inspector but this is not business in Trump Tower. This is politics and this is government, something Trump has never understood. I'm sure politicians in Congress were asking how could this guy be so dumb? First he tries to get the Director of the FBI to give a friend a free pass in an investigation, then he fires the Director, and then he tries to intimidate him by claiming he may have tapes of their conversation. :cuckoo:

Maybe Trump should pull an maobama and exert executive privilege. There ain't enough duct tape in the world to stop all the heads exploding. LOL But I just saw a tape of a Comey testimony where he said he has seen no one try to stop an FBI investigation for political reasons, in his experience. That was under oath before congress BTW, if he's changing is story now, he's in as much trouble as anyone.

I watched the entire 4 hours of the May 3rd testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee and read Comey's March 20th testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, and did not find any point in which Comey said no one tried to stop the FBI investigation. The closest to this came toward the end of May 3rd testimony in which he was asked if the White House had asked for immunity for anyone. Comey replied he could not comment on that.

I am not aware of any other hearing before congress after Comey's meeting with Trump.

Full transcript: FBI Director James Comey testifies on Russian interference in 2016 election

Comey: Higher-ups never asked for halt to FBI investigations

First, Hirono askedComey: “So if the attorney general or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?

And Comey’s response: “In theory, yes.”

Hirono: “Has it happened?”

Comey: “Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It’s not happened in my experience.

James Comey: Higher-ups never asked for halt to FBI investigations

Do you seriously think if the president had asked he wouldn't have mentioned it?

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Which has nothing to do with Trump not knowing the investigation would continue after cutting of the head of the FBI.

Still playing the typical fool I see.

Of course, President Donald Trump knew the investigation would continue. Do you think Comey was doing the field work himself?

Not only will this investigation continue but there is an excellent chance that the numerous investigations into Hilary Clinton along with the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation will all be reopened.
We clearly need better education and less religion to help prevent another ignorant narcissistic grifter like Trump from being elected.
Stupid, stupid, stupid...

Good Christ he's dangerous...

However, from the WaPo story:

For almost anyone in government, discussing such matters with an adversary would be illegal. As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law.

“The president and the foreign minister reviewed common threats from terrorist organizations to include threats to aviation,” said H.R. McMaster, the national security adviser, who participated in the meeting. “At no time were any intelligence sources or methods discussed, and no military operations were disclosed that were not already known publicly.”

This guy can't leave office fast enough for me...

However, the "highly classified information" Trump reportedly shared with the Russians came from one of our allies against ISIS. Meaning that ally may longer trust us with such classified information.
Russia IS an ally of ours against ISIS.
You're such a liar. You're just repeating the clown's lies. Putin is using Trump and beating him like a red headed step child. Russia is fostering chaos and helping Iran.
The President has the authority to declassify anything. If it's true that he did this, and I have no reason to take the Washington Post all that seriously, then he has the authority to do so.

From the Link Lakota provided
The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State.
But the headline isn't that Trump made a potential diplomatic blunder, is it? The headline is "OMGSH Trump leaked classified info to the Russians!!!" The fact remains that Trump can declassify anything he wants whenever he wants as President. You can disagree with the decision as being an error in judgement, but you can't pretend like he doesn't have the authority to do so.
The real question is who was stupid enough to give Trump classified information?
Guess what skippy, if Comey truly thought Trump was trying to obstruct justice and didn't report it, he is fucked. He has a duty to report. On the other hand if Comey thought it was innocent conversation, then this is much a do about nothing.

Not necessarily. He could have thought Trump asking him to drop his investigation, in itself, was perhaps not obstruction of justice. But now we add Obama firing him, now there's a pattern and it certainly does create the appearance of obstruction of justice.

Of course we must ignore the fact that Comey wan't actually doing the investigation, he had a lead agent and a team that was doing that, and Comeys firring didn't alter the investigation in any way. Kind of shoots a hole in your theory.

Which supports my point. Trump was an idiot to ask the Director of the FBI, to give Flynn a pass. That may have worked for him in his business, asking a personal favor of someone on the planning board or intimidating a building inspector but this is not business in Trump Tower. This is politics and this is government, something Trump has never understood. I'm sure politicians in Congress were asking how could this guy be so dumb? First he tries to get the Director of the FBI to give a friend a free pass in an investigation, then he fires the Director, and then he tries to intimidate him by claiming he may have tapes of their conversation. :cuckoo:
Which supports my point. Trump was an idiot to ask the Director of the FBI, to give Flynn a pass. That may have worked for him in his business, asking a personal favor of someone on the planning board or intimidating a building inspector but this is not business in Trump Tower. This is politics and this is government, something Trump has never understood.
Lol...government is a business, except the people don't benefit
politicians do, because politics are bought and sold

Its the same shit, different fly's
I'm sure politicians in Congress were asking how could this guy be so dumb? when AG Loretta Lynch met with Bill,
on a plane, sitting on the tarmac, for 45 minutes,
discussing the grandkids, while his wife was the subject
of an ongoing investigation to determine whether or not
she would face criminal charges of any kind.

He wasn't dumb for asking,
he was dumb if he thought Comey would oblige...
which, I don't think he thought Comey would
First he tries to get the Director of the FBI to give a friend a free pass in an investigation, then he fires the Director, and then he tries to intimidate him by claiming he may have tapes of their conversation.
ROFLMMFAO... Don't hate the player, hate the game!

He didn't do anything those other mother fuckers don't do!
The establishment politicians, with weight to throw around,
have been doing just that for yearrrrrrs now!

That's why everything is so fucked up...
the movers and shakers have used their power and influence
to turn the government into their own private enterprise

He announced his candidacy in June, 2015,
and, were we hearing about
Sexual harassment and pussy grabbing

They've been saying since before O shithead left,
they have proof, yet, we're still waiting

Shit or get off the pot!
If you want to hold public office and accomplish anything, you have to know how to play the game and that game is called politics. You can't change the system without being a part of the system because you need the power brokers who are never interested in major change on your side. Real change occurs slowly in democratic forms of government resulting from the work of many people with common goals. Only in highly authoritarian governments can major changes be made rapidly.
If you want to hold public office and accomplish anything, you have to know how to play the game and that game is called politics.
You can't change the system without being a part of the system because you need the power brokers who are never interested in major change on your side.
...But, you can not be the change in a broken system
being a part of the broken system!

The only reason our government isn't functional,
is because corruption is so brazenly embedded within it.
That, my friend, is the fault of the Union, us,
the true proprietors of our government.

It is our duty to hold these bitches accountable.
The movers and shakers are supposed to be
throwing their weight around for us and this country,
not themselves and their business interests!

There is absolutely, no sane reason,
why the same, corrupted, establishment politicians,
keep getting reelected, when they have clearly demonstrated
their interests serve themselves, not us or this country...
and definitely, not the future generations, which are screwed!

No one should be in office that isn't interested
in real change and the best interests of this country!
By change, I don't mean neutral gender friendly bathrooms!

You don't play with shit, you dispose of it!
Real change occurs slowly in democratic forms of government resulting from the work of many people with common goals.
Real change occurs when you make changes!
When the common goal has become me,
there will never be a common goal for us.
Nothing changes if nothing changes!

Democracy is not slow moving,
people being proactive for real change are!

People can band together for Abortion,
for electing Trump, for Immigration...
but, where is everyone for taxation,
misusing our tax dollars, funding other countries,
failure to invest in our infrastructure,
failure to serve the best interests of all the people
and our country, instead of protecting passions and preferences...

I could go on and on and on.
Here in Chicago, the whole city council should be locked up!
Mike Madigan, Daley and Ed Burke should be in jail...
NOT Rod Blagojevich!

Nothing changes if nothing changes!
Guess what skippy, if Comey truly thought Trump was trying to obstruct justice and didn't report it, he is fucked. He has a duty to report. On the other hand if Comey thought it was innocent conversation, then this is much a do about nothing.

If Comey didn't do his duty as director, what's Trump going to do, fire him.
Apparently he did report it in his memo. It will be interesting to see who got copies of it.

Actually he could face obstruction charges himself, and possible perjury charges since he testified under oath that no one has tried to interfere with the investigation.

How could he face obstruction charges if he documented the incident and saw to it that others in the bureau got the information. He probably acted by the book because it was in his interest to do so. What we're doing is just speculating.

If he felt Trump was trying to influence his investigation, he was obligated to report it to the DOJ and/or a Judge.
We don't know what he did or who he shared the memo with. However, the combination of events, the memo, the Comey firing, and threats from Trump, brought about the desired result, a special council who will take charge of the investigation.

muller is highly respected. it would be best if *both sides* sat down, shut up, and quit muddying the waters and let him do his job. if he's going to be our elliot ness great. let him look at all sides and anyone on EITHER FRIGGIN SIDE who's been naughty according to existing law on the books - fry 'em.

lose 'em all and let's start over.

before the elections - i was kidding around and said we shouldn't elect anyone for a year. let obama fade and go and let's spend that year "finding ourselves" and then lets decide.

anger and hate drove that last election and we're on pace to do it again.

that sucks.
Not necessarily. He could have thought Trump asking him to drop his investigation, in itself, was perhaps not obstruction of justice. But now we add Obama firing him, now there's a pattern and it certainly does create the appearance of obstruction of justice.

Of course we must ignore the fact that Comey wan't actually doing the investigation, he had a lead agent and a team that was doing that, and Comeys firring didn't alter the investigation in any way. Kind of shoots a hole in your theory.

Which supports my point. Trump was an idiot to ask the Director of the FBI, to give Flynn a pass. That may have worked for him in his business, asking a personal favor of someone on the planning board or intimidating a building inspector but this is not business in Trump Tower. This is politics and this is government, something Trump has never understood. I'm sure politicians in Congress were asking how could this guy be so dumb? First he tries to get the Director of the FBI to give a friend a free pass in an investigation, then he fires the Director, and then he tries to intimidate him by claiming he may have tapes of their conversation. :cuckoo:

Maybe Trump should pull an maobama and exert executive privilege. There ain't enough duct tape in the world to stop all the heads exploding. LOL But I just saw a tape of a Comey testimony where he said he has seen no one try to stop an FBI investigation for political reasons, in his experience. That was under oath before congress BTW, if he's changing is story now, he's in as much trouble as anyone.

I watched the entire 4 hours of the May 3rd testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee and read Comey's March 20th testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, and did not find any point in which Comey said no one tried to stop the FBI investigation. The closest to this came toward the end of May 3rd testimony in which he was asked if the White House had asked for immunity for anyone. Comey replied he could not comment on that.

I am not aware of any other hearing before congress after Comey's meeting with Trump.

Full transcript: FBI Director James Comey testifies on Russian interference in 2016 election

Comey: Higher-ups never asked for halt to FBI investigations

First, Hirono askedComey: “So if the attorney general or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?

And Comey’s response: “In theory, yes.”

Hirono: “Has it happened?”

Comey: “Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It’s not happened in my experience.

James Comey: Higher-ups never asked for halt to FBI investigations

Do you seriously think if the president had asked he wouldn't have mentioned it?


For whatever this is worth ... an acquaintance of mine is a lawyer, works in DC. I asked if Trump had obstructed, wouldn't Comey need to have reported it when it happened? Their response was "The attempt is the crime. It does not have to work. It (the memo) was prob part and parcel of the investigation and piecemeal disclosures get no one anywhere. Alot has not been reported. Secret decoder ring stuff. I am hearing from lawyers in DC some heavy stuff is happening and there is a money trail so who knows. I guess Mueller will figure it out. And i will withhold judgment until then. The persistent speculation is corrosive."
Guess what skippy, if Comey truly thought Trump was trying to obstruct justice and didn't report it, he is fucked. He has a duty to report. On the other hand if Comey thought it was innocent conversation, then this is much a do about nothing.

If Comey didn't do his duty as director, what's Trump going to do, fire him.
Apparently he did report it in his memo. It will be interesting to see who got copies of it.

Actually he could face obstruction charges himself, and possible perjury charges since he testified under oath that no one has tried to interfere with the investigation.

How could he face obstruction charges if he documented the incident and saw to it that others in the bureau got the information. He probably acted by the book because it was in his interest to do so. What we're doing is just speculating.

If he felt Trump was trying to influence his investigation, he was obligated to report it to the DOJ and/or a Judge.
We don't know what he did or who he shared the memo with. However, the combination of events, the memo, the Comey firing, and threats from Trump, brought about the desired result, a special council who will take charge of the investigation.

There's a lot that you and everyone else don't know, but you feel perfectly justified in reaching conclusions anyway.

I find it odd that Democrats loved special prosecutors until the Clinton Administration and then they let the statute expire. Now that there's a Republican in the White House again, they are on the special prosecutor train again. I guess their goal is to do anything they can to not focus on making life better for ordinary Americans.
Russians in the meeting have denied it. Breaking...AP.
And you believe them.

Russians deny it. The Americans in the meeting deny it. The posts sources are anonymous.

So yes. There is no reason to believe it yet

Trump tweeted about it.

Trump acknowledges ‘facts’ shared with Russian envoys during White House meeting

What facts he shared that he's not allowed to share?
He shared what city the intelligence source was in. From this, the Russians can infer which of our allies gave us that intel, and then they can disrupt that source when they are working at cross purposes to the US.

This could cause our ally to no longer share intel about ISIS with us, thus putting American lives in greater danger.

Got it now?

The fat fuck is unfit for the office. It's almost as if he is a puppet of the Russians, especially since he had just fired the guy who was investigating whether or not he or his cronies had colluded with the Russians when they interfered in our election.

Where did you get that info from?
Not necessarily. He could have thought Trump asking him to drop his investigation, in itself, was perhaps not obstruction of justice. But now we add Obama firing him, now there's a pattern and it certainly does create the appearance of obstruction of justice.

Of course we must ignore the fact that Comey wan't actually doing the investigation, he had a lead agent and a team that was doing that, and Comeys firring didn't alter the investigation in any way. Kind of shoots a hole in your theory.

Which supports my point. Trump was an idiot to ask the Director of the FBI, to give Flynn a pass. That may have worked for him in his business, asking a personal favor of someone on the planning board or intimidating a building inspector but this is not business in Trump Tower. This is politics and this is government, something Trump has never understood. I'm sure politicians in Congress were asking how could this guy be so dumb? First he tries to get the Director of the FBI to give a friend a free pass in an investigation, then he fires the Director, and then he tries to intimidate him by claiming he may have tapes of their conversation. :cuckoo:

Maybe Trump should pull an maobama and exert executive privilege. There ain't enough duct tape in the world to stop all the heads exploding. LOL But I just saw a tape of a Comey testimony where he said he has seen no one try to stop an FBI investigation for political reasons, in his experience. That was under oath before congress BTW, if he's changing is story now, he's in as much trouble as anyone.

I watched the entire 4 hours of the May 3rd testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee and read Comey's March 20th testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, and did not find any point in which Comey said no one tried to stop the FBI investigation. The closest to this came toward the end of May 3rd testimony in which he was asked if the White House had asked for immunity for anyone. Comey replied he could not comment on that.

I am not aware of any other hearing before congress after Comey's meeting with Trump.

Full transcript: FBI Director James Comey testifies on Russian interference in 2016 election

Comey: Higher-ups never asked for halt to FBI investigations

First, Hirono askedComey: “So if the attorney general or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?

And Comey’s response: “In theory, yes.”

Hirono: “Has it happened?”

Comey: “Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It’s not happened in my experience.

James Comey: Higher-ups never asked for halt to FBI investigations

Do you seriously think if the president had asked he wouldn't have mentioned it?


Comey is being asked a hypothetically question about the JD not Trump, "So if the attorney general or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?"

Comey's reply is "Not in my experience" and gives the reasons why.

I doubt very seriously, that Comey would have answered, if asked specifically about Trump. I think he would have said he could not comment on it.

I think the question that Comey claimed he was asked by Trump is not clearly obstruction of justice. It was not a demand. However, if combined with other actions Trump took, such as the Comey firing, threat to silence Comey, etc.. it might be enough plus there may be more documentation in the memo or accompanying it.
The real problem is leaking these talks in the first place

Who could've leaked? It's not like there was 100 people in the room.

Were there really leaks, or it's jut media imagination to troll Trump?
You got secretaries, clerks, specialist on this that and the other. They talk, they email, they text. They have friends and wives. Need I say more? People just love to talk.

This is a big problem for Trump. In his business, Trump operated in a rather sterile very private environment, No board of directors, no stockholders, no press hanging around to worry about and just a few trusted employees and family plus the press had little interest in most Trump activity. Now he is in a fish bowl. The subject of world wide attention. Most seasoned politicians are accustom to this. They assume everything they say may be leaked.
Of course we must ignore the fact that Comey wan't actually doing the investigation, he had a lead agent and a team that was doing that, and Comeys firring didn't alter the investigation in any way. Kind of shoots a hole in your theory.

Which supports my point. Trump was an idiot to ask the Director of the FBI, to give Flynn a pass. That may have worked for him in his business, asking a personal favor of someone on the planning board or intimidating a building inspector but this is not business in Trump Tower. This is politics and this is government, something Trump has never understood. I'm sure politicians in Congress were asking how could this guy be so dumb? First he tries to get the Director of the FBI to give a friend a free pass in an investigation, then he fires the Director, and then he tries to intimidate him by claiming he may have tapes of their conversation. :cuckoo:

Maybe Trump should pull an maobama and exert executive privilege. There ain't enough duct tape in the world to stop all the heads exploding. LOL But I just saw a tape of a Comey testimony where he said he has seen no one try to stop an FBI investigation for political reasons, in his experience. That was under oath before congress BTW, if he's changing is story now, he's in as much trouble as anyone.

I watched the entire 4 hours of the May 3rd testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee and read Comey's March 20th testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, and did not find any point in which Comey said no one tried to stop the FBI investigation. The closest to this came toward the end of May 3rd testimony in which he was asked if the White House had asked for immunity for anyone. Comey replied he could not comment on that.

I am not aware of any other hearing before congress after Comey's meeting with Trump.

Full transcript: FBI Director James Comey testifies on Russian interference in 2016 election

Comey: Higher-ups never asked for halt to FBI investigations

First, Hirono askedComey: “So if the attorney general or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?

And Comey’s response: “In theory, yes.”

Hirono: “Has it happened?”

Comey: “Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It’s not happened in my experience.

James Comey: Higher-ups never asked for halt to FBI investigations

Do you seriously think if the president had asked he wouldn't have mentioned it?


Comey is being asked a hypothetically question about the JD not Trump, "So if the attorney general or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?"

Comey's reply is "Not in my experience" and gives the reasons why.

I doubt very seriously, that Comey would have answered, if asked specifically about Trump. I think he would have said he could not comment on it.

I think the question that Comey claimed he was asked by Trump is not clearly obstruction of justice. It was not a demand. However, if combined with other actions Trump took, such as the Comey firing, threat to silence Comey, etc.. it might be enough plus there may be more documentation in the memo or accompanying it.

Damn, you have a vivid imagination. There was no threat to silence Comey, he was put on notice not to embellish and keep statements accurate. That is not an attempt to silence him.


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