BREAKING: Trump To Be Arrested Next Week

Who do you think he is Wyatt Earp after the OK Corral shootout?

I dont think I’ll let you arrest us today Behan.

Hey dumb ass, how are they gonna arrest him when he doesn't show up to play their game, you gonna send NYC fascist PD to die in attempt??? They will die in the attempt because Florida ain't playing the game either, and if SS does then they are on the menu with every other fascist, he has committed no crimes, this is a racist black political agitator playing politics and I absolutely fucking promise you this blows up in his stupid face, along with every other fascist infesting the nation, we're not allowing you scum to do this and we can back that up and we will back that up! :wink:
AOC and a campaign official of hers failed to mention spending $1 million, and the FEC did nothing. expect equal justice???

They have (peasant servants) do not.
Learn your place !!

The price of doing nothing. Told ya.
Democrats want anyone but Trump. They want him to have 0 chance of returning.

Like Clinton in the 90s with his witch hunt, Democrats risk rallying Americans behind Trump in a highly televised event over time.

I urge you to look beyond the emotions and at the actual factual NUMBERS.
Check out trumps nomination polling numbers before the 2016 elections.
Really, just do it. In 2020 he lost because Americans were terrified of him (justified or not)

If the Right puts up Trump....they WILL lose. Period.
The Left has successfully made Trump damaged goods. In contrast, the Right has been unable to do so to Biden or ANY of the Lefts potentials for that matter.

If conservatives stick with Trump they will end up with another (worse) democrat for the next 4 years. Worse because unlike Biden, they will be effective and competent at destroying America.

Trump CANNOT WIN in 2024. Get over it. Now watch the Right shoot itself in the face.
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Hey dumb ass, how are they gonna arrest him when he doesn't show up to play their game, you gonna send NYC fascist PD to die in attempt??? They will die in the attempt because Florida ain't playing the game either, and if SS does then they are on the menu with every other fascist, he has committed no crimes, this is a racist black political agitator playing politics and I absolutely fucking promise you this blows up in his stupid face, along with every other fascist infesting the nation, we're not allowing you scum to do this and we can back that up and we will back that up! :wink:
Now you think there’s going to actually be a shootout. And Im the dumbass. expect equal justice???

They have (peasant servants) do not.
Learn your place !!

The price of doing nothing. Told ya.
Most Americans have yet to realize they are being "ruled" by the Democrats and the Democrats are ruled by globalist who hate America. Democrats will try to keep the facad that America is a free country till the moment comes they feel powerful enough to drop the facad.
Most Americans have yet to realize they are being "ruled" by the Democrats and the Democrats are ruled by globalist who hate America. Democrats will try to keep the facad that America is a free country till the moment comes they feel powerful enough to drop the facad.

Well, yes....but........
That is my point kind of.
The facade is that Trump is actually a Republican.
I maintain he (and the establishment) have pulled the wool over most conservatives eyes.
You have to look at Trumps ACTUAL achievements and actions during his term.

He WANTED the lockdowns.
He resisted his fellow republicans demanding they be dropped.
He placed TWO establishment loyal justices on the SCOTUS.
He did NOT finish the wall.
Now he's turned on DeSantis..a true Constitutional Republican (finally)
And on and on and on......

Getting Republicans to go for a New York DEMOCRAT (Trump) who just randomly decided to pretend to be a Republican was one of the greatest strategic victories a political party has ever pulled. But then Conservatives are easy.
That is my point kind of.
The facade is that Trump is actually a Republican.
I maintain he (and the establishment) have pulled the wool over most conservatives eyes.
You have to look at Trumps ACTUAL achievements and actions during his term.

He WANTED the lockdowns.
He resisted his fellow republicans demanding they be dropped.
He placed TWO establishment loyal justices on the SCOTUS.
He did NOT finish the wall.
And on and on and on......

Talk about conspiracy theories.

That's the dumbest most retarded theory ever.

But at least it ameliorates the blame for the wicked destruction the Left has perpetrated.

So there's that.
Talk about conspiracy theories.

That's the dumbest most retarded theory ever.

But at least it ameliorates the blame for the wicked destruction the Left has perpetrated.

So there's that.

Nice hit and run job...... SPECIFIC
What part of it is a "retarded theory" ?
Prove me wrong and I have no problem submitting and admitting.
But the facts are in my favor. I'm not a Cult member.
I fully expect MANY Trumpette Cultist are exactly the same.

Be prepared to have your ass handed to you on a pitchfork
You have swallowed the propaganda exactly as the Left you say has.
Nice hit and run job...... SPECIFIC
What part of it is a "retarded theory" ?

Be prepared to have your ass handed to you on a pitchfork

The runway waived bye bye to your overestimation a long, long time ago.

Enjoy that.

The runway waived bye bye to your overestimation a long, long time ago.

Enjoy that.


Forgive me. I mistakenly gave you the benefit of the doubt of being someone reasonable and with at least some common sense and an ounce of knowledge. You are likely 13.

Please accept my apologies.
You can go back to your T-rump Cult fantasies now.
Supposedly FOX News has a source in the courts handling the Manhattan DA case.

Allegedly they're debating whether or not to handcuff him.

My prediction? If this is true, it plays right into Don's hands - and he will emerge stronger than ever before with martyr dark energy.

The Left always screw themselves by overplaying their hand.
You hope anyway since you obviously are otherwise oblivious. :cuckoo:
If they arrest him they better have enough to convict or he will for sure come out the other side of it stronger. It will lend credence to his witch-hunt/persecution rhetoric.
Good thing you thought of that. They might have to reconsider.
They're probably hoping for a stand-off and a shooting and then killing Trump trying to escape.

That'll cause a snowball effect that will end up causing them to have to declare Marshal Law.
Half of the country will declare war on Biden if he tries to pull that.
Rudy just purchased a white bronco.

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