BREAKING: Trump To Be Arrested Next Week

What makes him a better candidate than DeSantis, is his 4 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE as president of the United States (with an impressive success record).

If you are hiring somebody for a job. do you hire the guy with 4 successful years of experience, or do you hire the one with zero experience in that job ?
You're welcome. :cool:
Hey moron that isn’t what I’m talking about. You’re all claiming that this arrest alone will make him more popular. That’s what’s so fucking stupid.
Supposedly FOX News has a source in the courts handling the Manhattan DA case.

Allegedly they're debating whether or not to handcuff him.

My prediction? If this is true, it plays right into Don's hands - and he will emerge stronger than ever before with martyr dark energy.

The Left always screw themselves by overplaying their hand.
He should be hogtied and carried like a suitcase!
Hey moron that isn’t what I’m talking about. You’re all claiming that this arrest alone will make him more popular. That’s what’s so fucking stupid.
It's what I AM TALKING ABOUT, dum dum. And it WAS partially what you were talking about too - here's your words > "make him a better candidate than Desantis" - and I told you what would do that.

You're getting an education. Free. Nice. Be happy. You're welcome. :biggrin:
It's what I AM TALKING ABOUT, dum dum. And it WAS partially what you were talking about too - here's your words > "make him a better candidate than Desantis" - and I told you what would do that.

You're getting an education. Free. Nice. Be happy. You're welcome. :biggrin:
Uh no I was not “partially” talking about that because “make him a better candidate than DeSantis” was only referring to the specific context of his potential arrest so you’re an idiot.
Uh no I was not “partially” talking about that because “make him a better candidate than DeSantis” was only referring to the specific context of his potential arrest so you’re an idiot.
You don't even know what your own words mean. I guess you are young. Sometimes you can say more than what you intended to say. You haven't learned that yet. :rolleyes:
Zzzz. You’re a one line symphony of dull.

Meanwhile, of course, you can’t refute a thing. Deal with your never ending fail.
Says the Trump trained monkey. Your responses are very predictable. They do not come from reality. They come from the need to defend the wrong things Trump does because he is your cult leader.
You do not deal in reality. You deal in a fake world created by Trump. To provide a real world retort does not register with you.
Can't you see that? No you can't.
Says the Trump trained monkey. Your responses are very predictable. They do not come from reality. They come from the need to defend the wrong things Trump does because he is your cult leader.
You do not deal in reality. You deal in a fake world created by Trump. To provide a real world retort does not register with you.
Can't you see that? No you can't.
WHAT "wrong things" ? (in the job of POTUS)

Real world retort, please.
The train has been wrecking for decades. Lesser-of-two-evils idiocy ensure that every cycle gets worse.
FALSE! During the Trump years, we had prosperity, low crime, secure border, and a long list of SUCCESSES. Now we have a disintegrating economy, monstrous inflation, soaring crime and a non-existent border.

It's like day & night.
Oh forgive me I didn’t realize you had the reading comprehension of a 4th grader.
I have the reading comprehension of a college graduate, which I am, and you have the writing comprehension of a kid who never went to school. 😐
FALSE! During the Trump years, we had prosperity, low crime, secure border, and a long list of SUCCESSES. Now we have a disintegrating economy, monstrous inflation, soaring crime and a non-existent border.

It's like day & night.

Dunno man. You seem insane.

If Trump and Biden are the best we can do, we're fucked. I'm not going to worry about which one is worse. And I'm sure as hell not voting for either.
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I have the reading comprehension of a college graduate, which I am, and you have the writing comprehension of a kid who never went to school. 😐
Hell I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt you understood exactly what I said. You’re just too much of a pussy to admit it because you decided to go with some nonsense excuse why it didn’t make sense to you lol
One little problem with this piece of assininity.

I don't HAVE any "problems". :banana::eusa_dance: :laugh:
Everyone have problems. The ones with the most problems are those who say they have no problems. The reason they have the most problems is they do not admit their problems and do not work on them.
This idiot thinks he has no problems because he thinks Trump is taking care of his problems. WRONG.

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