Breaking: Trump To Seat Jennifer Flowers On Front Row During Debate

Only as guilty as Bill Cosby.

"The new public scrutiny of Bill Cosby is also problematic for Bill Clinton. I am not talking about consensual sex but, in some cases accusations of sexual assault, torn clothing, and at least three victims who say he bit their lips as a disarming move and to get them to remain silent. In short, Bill Clinton has a Bill Cosby problem.

Eileen Wellstone, a 19-year-old English woman, said Clinton sexually assaulted herafter she met him at a pub near the Oxford where Clinton was a student in 1969. In fact, Clinton was expelled from Oxford and earned no degree there.

Juanita Broaddrick, a volunteer in Clinton’s gubernatorial campaign, said he raped her in 1978. Mrs. Broaddrick suffered a bruised and torn lip, which she said she suffered when Clinton bit her during the rape. Broaddrick gave a stunning interview to NBC’s Lisa Myers about the assault.

Carolyn Moffet, a legal secretary in Little Rock in 1979, said she met Gov. Clinton at a political fundraiser and was invited to his hotel room. “When I went in, he was sitting on a couch, wearing only an undershirt. He pointed at his penis and told me to suck it. I told him I didn’t even do that for my boyfriend and he got mad, grabbed my head and shoved it into his lap. I pulled away from him and ran out of the room,” she said.

Elizabeth Ward Gracen, the Miss Arkansas who won the Miss America crown in 1982, told friends she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won her state title. Gracen later told an interviewer that sex with Clinton was consensual. Her roommate Judy Stokes has said the ex-Miss Arkansas told her she was raped after the incident.

Paula Corbin Jones, an Arkansas state worker, filed a sexual harassment caseagainst Clinton after an encounter in a Little Rock hotel room where the then-governor exposed himself and demanded oral sex. Clinton settled the case with Jones with an $850,000 payment.

Sandra Allen James, a former Washington, D.C., political fundraiser, said Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a political trip to the nation’s capital in 1991, pinned her against the wall and stuck his hand up her dress. She fled.

Christy Zercher, a flight attendant on Clinton’s leased campaign plane in 1992, says presidential candidate Clinton exposed himself, grabbed her breasts and made explicit remarks about oral sex. Zercher said later in an interview that White House attorney Bruce Lindsey tried to pressure her into not going public about the assault.

Kathleen Willey, a White House volunteer, said that Clinton grabbed her, fondled her breast and pressed her hand against his genitals during an Oval Office meeting in November 1993. Willey became a target for a Hillary directed smear campaign after she went public.

More important, however, is the evidence that Hillary had full knowledge of her husband’s activities and authorized and directed the use of heavy-handed private detectives to wage a intimidation campaign to terrorize Bill’s victims into silence.

In other words, Hillary has violated women in her lust for power. Hillary Clinton raped Bill’s female victims psychologically as much as her husband did physically. Will some of these women come forward to challenge Hillary Clinton over her husband’s actions and her role in their cover-up?"
Why Hillary Is Not Inevitable: Bill’s Sordid Past

Would you vote for Bill Cosby?
Did you vote for Bill Clinton?

still no convictions. not even a trial, criminal or civil... like cosby is getting.
"My husband hasn't been convicted" is Hillary's boast?

Strange that you douche bags don't apply the same standard to Trump.

his civil trial is coming up in oct i believe.... & i always said IF he did it... you know 'innocent until proven guilty' & all that...

A civil trial is not criminal.

No banana. Furthermore, we both know both cases are orchestrated by Hillary and her minions.

boom & there you have it folks.................... :cuckoo:

Gennifer Flowers: “A joke that she would run on women’s issues”

Gennifer Flowers, who says she was Bill Clinton’s consensual mistress for more than 12 years, told me she fears a Hillary Clinton presidency. In her only interview since Clinton announced her candidacy, Flowers in October accused Hillary of being “an enabler that has encouraged him (Bill) to go out and do whatever he does with women.” Clinton admitted in a deposition to one sexual encounter with Flowers.

Gennifer Flowers

“She always got things on the back of her husband. … I think it’s a joke that she would run on women’s issues.”

I asked Flowers point blank what she thought of Hillary’s attempt to make women’s issues a major part of her campaign. Flowers responded by saying, “You know, people criticize me for talking about her because I had an affair with her husband.”

“And I don’t blame them for that,” she said. “I understand that. I understand that they can be mad at me. I get it. I accept my responsibility. … But she’s never accepted her responsibility at being an enabler. She’s been an enabler that has encouraged him to go out and do whatever he does with women.”

“Woman’s rights. Ha!” Flowers added. “I personally have worked my tail off to get where I am in the entertainment business, which has not been easy since the Clinton scandal, by the way. … Hillary never put up a shingle and worked for her clients and built her clientele. She always got things on the back of her husband. … I think it’s a joke that she would run on women’s issues.”

Kathleen Willey: Hillary ‘wrote the book on terrorizing women’

Kathleen Willey was a Democratic activist who, along with her husband Ed, founded Virginians for Clinton, which supported Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 White House bid.

Kathleen Willey

Willey became a White House volunteer during Clinton’s first term. She says she was facing a tough financial situation, so she personally approached Bill about the possibility of a paid position. Instead of offering to help her, Willey says she became the victim of “nothing short of serious sexual harassment.”

Since Hillary’s campaign announcement in April, Willey has spoken out against the Democratic front-runner during numerous exclusive interviews on my radio program.

“This woman wrote the book on terrorizing women, on terrorism,” Willey exclaimed in one of those interviews.

Continued Willey:

Her tactics and the things that she set in motion against all the women like me, the ones you have heard of and the ones you haven’t heard of, and the ones who are so scared that they fled the country, are terrorist tactics like I’ve never seen before.

I went through them. I lived through them. And I know exactly what I am talking about. She is the war on women. I don’t care what anybody says.

Willey refuses to watch as Hillary’s campaign accuses Republican candidates like Trump of waging a so-called war on women. In August, Willey announced the launch of a new anti-Hillary website called A Scandal a Day. A section of the site asks women who may have been sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton to come forward.

Willey also wrote the forward to a recently released book by bestselling author Roger Stone titled, The Clintons’ War on Women.

In an October interview, she sent a message directly to Hillary via my talk show:

“I am going to be shadowing you every single place you go to remind people, especially young people, young women, college-aged students who don’t remember any of this. I want them to know all about this. Because once they do they are not going to be real proud of supporting her as the first woman president.”

“I am going to haunt her everywhere she goes,” Willey added of Clinton. “So she’s not going to get rid of me ever until she disappears.”

“And I have plans already for New Hampshire,” Willey added, referring to the upcoming Democratic party presidential primaries there

Broaddrick was a nursing home administrator volunteering for then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton’s 1978 gubernatorial bid when – she claims – Bill weaseled his way into her hotel room. When she resisted his advances, she says Clinton suddenly kissed her and the alleged rape took place:

She described the scene to NBC’s Nightline in 1999:

Then he tries to kiss me again. And the second time he tries to kiss me he starts biting my lip. … He starts to, um, bite on my top lip and I tried to pull away from him. And then he forces me down on the bed. And I just was very frightened, and I tried to get away from him and I told him “No,” that I didn’t want this to happen, but he wouldn’t listen to me. … It was a real panicky, panicky situation. I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling to “Please stop.” And that’s when he pressed down on my right shoulder and he would bite my lip. … When everything was over with, he got up and straightened himself, and I was crying at the moment, and he walks to the door and calmly puts on his sunglasses. And before he goes out the door he says, “You better get some ice on that.” And he turned and went out the door.

Broaddrick explained that for a long period after the alleged rape she was in a state of shock and denial about what she says transpired. After the trauma, she recalled attending a private Clinton fundraiser at the home of a supporter, where she says she was directly warned by Hillary.

Broaddrick told me that a friend of hers who had driven the Clintons to the fundraiser from the local airport informed her that “the whole conversation was about you coming from the airport. Mostly from Mrs. Clinton.”

She recalled: “And so then about that time, I see them coming through the kitchen area. And some people there are pointing to me. He goes one direction and she comes directly to me. Then panic sort of started to set in with me. And I thought, ‘Oh my God, what do I do now?’”

Broaddrick said Hillary approached her “and said ‘It’s so nice to meet you’ and all of the niceties she was trying to say at the time.”

“And said, ‘I just want you to know how much Bill and I appreciate the things you do for him.’ And I just stood there, Aaron. I was sort of you might say shell-shocked.”

“And she said, ‘Do you understand? Everything you do.’’’

“She tried to take a hold of my hand and I left. I told the girls I can’t take this. I’m leaving. So I immediately left.”

Broaddrick recalled that “what really went through my mind at that time is ‘She knows. She knew. She’s covering it up and she expects me to do the very same thing.’”

In Their Own Words: Why Bill’s ‘Bimbos’ Fear a Hillary Presidency - Breitbart

Either you're lying of all of these women are.

I know my own mind, and no he never assaulted any women is my belief. You need help about your obsession with him, did you yourself have a crush on him when he was President? Sure sounds like it.

'Your parents are not good people': Bill Clinton 'rape' accuser Juanita Broaddrick lashes out at Chelsea Clinton after former first daughter calls dad's sex scandals a 'distraction'

A former Arkansas nursing home administrator who has accused Bill Clinton of raping her nearly 40 years ago lashed out at Chelsea Clinton on Wednesday for minimizing her father Bill's past sex scandals.

'Your father was, and probably still is, a sexual predator. Your mother has always lied and covered up for him,' Juanita Broaddrick wrote on Twitter."
Read more: 'Your parents are not good people': Clinton rape accuser slams Chelsea
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Gennifer Flowers: “A joke that she would run on women’s issues”

Gennifer Flowers, who says she was Bill Clinton’s consensual mistress for more than 12 years, told me she fears a Hillary Clinton presidency. In her only interview since Clinton announced her candidacy, Flowers in October accused Hillary of being “an enabler that has encouraged him (Bill) to go out and do whatever he does with women.” Clinton admitted in a deposition to one sexual encounter with Flowers.

Gennifer Flowers

“She always got things on the back of her husband. … I think it’s a joke that she would run on women’s issues.”

I asked Flowers point blank what she thought of Hillary’s attempt to make women’s issues a major part of her campaign. Flowers responded by saying, “You know, people criticize me for talking about her because I had an affair with her husband.”

“And I don’t blame them for that,” she said. “I understand that. I understand that they can be mad at me. I get it. I accept my responsibility. … But she’s never accepted her responsibility at being an enabler. She’s been an enabler that has encouraged him to go out and do whatever he does with women.”

“Woman’s rights. Ha!” Flowers added. “I personally have worked my tail off to get where I am in the entertainment business, which has not been easy since the Clinton scandal, by the way. … Hillary never put up a shingle and worked for her clients and built her clientele. She always got things on the back of her husband. … I think it’s a joke that she would run on women’s issues.”

Kathleen Willey: Hillary ‘wrote the book on terrorizing women’

Kathleen Willey was a Democratic activist who, along with her husband Ed, founded Virginians for Clinton, which supported Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 White House bid.

Kathleen Willey

Willey became a White House volunteer during Clinton’s first term. She says she was facing a tough financial situation, so she personally approached Bill about the possibility of a paid position. Instead of offering to help her, Willey says she became the victim of “nothing short of serious sexual harassment.”

Since Hillary’s campaign announcement in April, Willey has spoken out against the Democratic front-runner during numerous exclusive interviews on my radio program.

“This woman wrote the book on terrorizing women, on terrorism,” Willey exclaimed in one of those interviews.

Continued Willey:

Her tactics and the things that she set in motion against all the women like me, the ones you have heard of and the ones you haven’t heard of, and the ones who are so scared that they fled the country, are terrorist tactics like I’ve never seen before.

I went through them. I lived through them. And I know exactly what I am talking about. She is the war on women. I don’t care what anybody says.

Willey refuses to watch as Hillary’s campaign accuses Republican candidates like Trump of waging a so-called war on women. In August, Willey announced the launch of a new anti-Hillary website called A Scandal a Day. A section of the site asks women who may have been sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton to come forward.

Willey also wrote the forward to a recently released book by bestselling author Roger Stone titled, The Clintons’ War on Women.

In an October interview, she sent a message directly to Hillary via my talk show:

“I am going to be shadowing you every single place you go to remind people, especially young people, young women, college-aged students who don’t remember any of this. I want them to know all about this. Because once they do they are not going to be real proud of supporting her as the first woman president.”

“I am going to haunt her everywhere she goes,” Willey added of Clinton. “So she’s not going to get rid of me ever until she disappears.”

“And I have plans already for New Hampshire,” Willey added, referring to the upcoming Democratic party presidential primaries there

Broaddrick was a nursing home administrator volunteering for then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton’s 1978 gubernatorial bid when – she claims – Bill weaseled his way into her hotel room. When she resisted his advances, she says Clinton suddenly kissed her and the alleged rape took place:

She described the scene to NBC’s Nightline in 1999:

Then he tries to kiss me again. And the second time he tries to kiss me he starts biting my lip. … He starts to, um, bite on my top lip and I tried to pull away from him. And then he forces me down on the bed. And I just was very frightened, and I tried to get away from him and I told him “No,” that I didn’t want this to happen, but he wouldn’t listen to me. … It was a real panicky, panicky situation. I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling to “Please stop.” And that’s when he pressed down on my right shoulder and he would bite my lip. … When everything was over with, he got up and straightened himself, and I was crying at the moment, and he walks to the door and calmly puts on his sunglasses. And before he goes out the door he says, “You better get some ice on that.” And he turned and went out the door.

Broaddrick explained that for a long period after the alleged rape she was in a state of shock and denial about what she says transpired. After the trauma, she recalled attending a private Clinton fundraiser at the home of a supporter, where she says she was directly warned by Hillary.

Broaddrick told me that a friend of hers who had driven the Clintons to the fundraiser from the local airport informed her that “the whole conversation was about you coming from the airport. Mostly from Mrs. Clinton.”

She recalled: “And so then about that time, I see them coming through the kitchen area. And some people there are pointing to me. He goes one direction and she comes directly to me. Then panic sort of started to set in with me. And I thought, ‘Oh my God, what do I do now?’”

Broaddrick said Hillary approached her “and said ‘It’s so nice to meet you’ and all of the niceties she was trying to say at the time.”

“And said, ‘I just want you to know how much Bill and I appreciate the things you do for him.’ And I just stood there, Aaron. I was sort of you might say shell-shocked.”

“And she said, ‘Do you understand? Everything you do.’’’

“She tried to take a hold of my hand and I left. I told the girls I can’t take this. I’m leaving. So I immediately left.”

Broaddrick recalled that “what really went through my mind at that time is ‘She knows. She knew. She’s covering it up and she expects me to do the very same thing.’”

In Their Own Words: Why Bill’s ‘Bimbos’ Fear a Hillary Presidency - Breitbart

Either you're lying of all of these women are.

I know my own mind, and no he never assaulted any women is my belief. You need help about your obsession with him, did you yourself have a crush on him when he was President? Sure sounds like it.

'Your parents are not good people': Bill Clinton 'rape' accuser Juanita Broaddrick lashes out at Chelsea Clinton after former first daughter calls dad's sex scandals a 'distraction'

A former Arkansas nursing home administrator who has accused Bill Clinton of raping her nearly 40 years ago lashed out at Chelsea Clinton on Wednesday for minimizing her father Bill's past sex scandals.

'Your father was, and probably still is, a sexual predator. Your mother has always lied and covered up for him,' Juanita Broaddrick wrote on Twitter."
Read more: 'Your parents are not good people': Clinton rape accuser slams Chelsea
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Juanita seems like a bitter old lady.
Gennifer Flowers: “A joke that she would run on women’s issues”

Gennifer Flowers, who says she was Bill Clinton’s consensual mistress for more than 12 years, told me she fears a Hillary Clinton presidency. In her only interview since Clinton announced her candidacy, Flowers in October accused Hillary of being “an enabler that has encouraged him (Bill) to go out and do whatever he does with women.” Clinton admitted in a deposition to one sexual encounter with Flowers.

Gennifer Flowers

“She always got things on the back of her husband. … I think it’s a joke that she would run on women’s issues.”

I asked Flowers point blank what she thought of Hillary’s attempt to make women’s issues a major part of her campaign. Flowers responded by saying, “You know, people criticize me for talking about her because I had an affair with her husband.”

“And I don’t blame them for that,” she said. “I understand that. I understand that they can be mad at me. I get it. I accept my responsibility. … But she’s never accepted her responsibility at being an enabler. She’s been an enabler that has encouraged him to go out and do whatever he does with women.”

“Woman’s rights. Ha!” Flowers added. “I personally have worked my tail off to get where I am in the entertainment business, which has not been easy since the Clinton scandal, by the way. … Hillary never put up a shingle and worked for her clients and built her clientele. She always got things on the back of her husband. … I think it’s a joke that she would run on women’s issues.”

Kathleen Willey: Hillary ‘wrote the book on terrorizing women’

Kathleen Willey was a Democratic activist who, along with her husband Ed, founded Virginians for Clinton, which supported Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 White House bid.

Kathleen Willey

Willey became a White House volunteer during Clinton’s first term. She says she was facing a tough financial situation, so she personally approached Bill about the possibility of a paid position. Instead of offering to help her, Willey says she became the victim of “nothing short of serious sexual harassment.”

Since Hillary’s campaign announcement in April, Willey has spoken out against the Democratic front-runner during numerous exclusive interviews on my radio program.

“This woman wrote the book on terrorizing women, on terrorism,” Willey exclaimed in one of those interviews.

Continued Willey:

Her tactics and the things that she set in motion against all the women like me, the ones you have heard of and the ones you haven’t heard of, and the ones who are so scared that they fled the country, are terrorist tactics like I’ve never seen before.

I went through them. I lived through them. And I know exactly what I am talking about. She is the war on women. I don’t care what anybody says.

Willey refuses to watch as Hillary’s campaign accuses Republican candidates like Trump of waging a so-called war on women. In August, Willey announced the launch of a new anti-Hillary website called A Scandal a Day. A section of the site asks women who may have been sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton to come forward.

Willey also wrote the forward to a recently released book by bestselling author Roger Stone titled, The Clintons’ War on Women.

In an October interview, she sent a message directly to Hillary via my talk show:

“I am going to be shadowing you every single place you go to remind people, especially young people, young women, college-aged students who don’t remember any of this. I want them to know all about this. Because once they do they are not going to be real proud of supporting her as the first woman president.”

“I am going to haunt her everywhere she goes,” Willey added of Clinton. “So she’s not going to get rid of me ever until she disappears.”

“And I have plans already for New Hampshire,” Willey added, referring to the upcoming Democratic party presidential primaries there

Broaddrick was a nursing home administrator volunteering for then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton’s 1978 gubernatorial bid when – she claims – Bill weaseled his way into her hotel room. When she resisted his advances, she says Clinton suddenly kissed her and the alleged rape took place:

She described the scene to NBC’s Nightline in 1999:

Then he tries to kiss me again. And the second time he tries to kiss me he starts biting my lip. … He starts to, um, bite on my top lip and I tried to pull away from him. And then he forces me down on the bed. And I just was very frightened, and I tried to get away from him and I told him “No,” that I didn’t want this to happen, but he wouldn’t listen to me. … It was a real panicky, panicky situation. I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling to “Please stop.” And that’s when he pressed down on my right shoulder and he would bite my lip. … When everything was over with, he got up and straightened himself, and I was crying at the moment, and he walks to the door and calmly puts on his sunglasses. And before he goes out the door he says, “You better get some ice on that.” And he turned and went out the door.

Broaddrick explained that for a long period after the alleged rape she was in a state of shock and denial about what she says transpired. After the trauma, she recalled attending a private Clinton fundraiser at the home of a supporter, where she says she was directly warned by Hillary.

Broaddrick told me that a friend of hers who had driven the Clintons to the fundraiser from the local airport informed her that “the whole conversation was about you coming from the airport. Mostly from Mrs. Clinton.”

She recalled: “And so then about that time, I see them coming through the kitchen area. And some people there are pointing to me. He goes one direction and she comes directly to me. Then panic sort of started to set in with me. And I thought, ‘Oh my God, what do I do now?’”

Broaddrick said Hillary approached her “and said ‘It’s so nice to meet you’ and all of the niceties she was trying to say at the time.”

“And said, ‘I just want you to know how much Bill and I appreciate the things you do for him.’ And I just stood there, Aaron. I was sort of you might say shell-shocked.”

“And she said, ‘Do you understand? Everything you do.’’’

“She tried to take a hold of my hand and I left. I told the girls I can’t take this. I’m leaving. So I immediately left.”

Broaddrick recalled that “what really went through my mind at that time is ‘She knows. She knew. She’s covering it up and she expects me to do the very same thing.’”

In Their Own Words: Why Bill’s ‘Bimbos’ Fear a Hillary Presidency - Breitbart

Either you're lying of all of these women are.

I know my own mind, and no he never assaulted any women is my belief. You need help about your obsession with him, did you yourself have a crush on him when he was President? Sure sounds like it.

'Your parents are not good people': Bill Clinton 'rape' accuser Juanita Broaddrick lashes out at Chelsea Clinton after former first daughter calls dad's sex scandals a 'distraction'

A former Arkansas nursing home administrator who has accused Bill Clinton of raping her nearly 40 years ago lashed out at Chelsea Clinton on Wednesday for minimizing her father Bill's past sex scandals.

'Your father was, and probably still is, a sexual predator. Your mother has always lied and covered up for him,' Juanita Broaddrick wrote on Twitter."
Read more: 'Your parents are not good people': Clinton rape accuser slams Chelsea
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Juanita seems like a bitter old lady.

And you seem to be one who accepts rape as the prerogative of the powerful.

I recommend a careful consideration of Psalm 59:2 Deliver me from the workers of iniquity

And, perhaps this one, too....
Psalm 97:10 Let those who love the Lord hate evil
Gennifer Flowers: “A joke that she would run on women’s issues”

Gennifer Flowers, who says she was Bill Clinton’s consensual mistress for more than 12 years, told me she fears a Hillary Clinton presidency. In her only interview since Clinton announced her candidacy, Flowers in October accused Hillary of being “an enabler that has encouraged him (Bill) to go out and do whatever he does with women.” Clinton admitted in a deposition to one sexual encounter with Flowers.

Gennifer Flowers

“She always got things on the back of her husband. … I think it’s a joke that she would run on women’s issues.”

I asked Flowers point blank what she thought of Hillary’s attempt to make women’s issues a major part of her campaign. Flowers responded by saying, “You know, people criticize me for talking about her because I had an affair with her husband.”

“And I don’t blame them for that,” she said. “I understand that. I understand that they can be mad at me. I get it. I accept my responsibility. … But she’s never accepted her responsibility at being an enabler. She’s been an enabler that has encouraged him to go out and do whatever he does with women.”

“Woman’s rights. Ha!” Flowers added. “I personally have worked my tail off to get where I am in the entertainment business, which has not been easy since the Clinton scandal, by the way. … Hillary never put up a shingle and worked for her clients and built her clientele. She always got things on the back of her husband. … I think it’s a joke that she would run on women’s issues.”

Kathleen Willey: Hillary ‘wrote the book on terrorizing women’

Kathleen Willey was a Democratic activist who, along with her husband Ed, founded Virginians for Clinton, which supported Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 White House bid.

Kathleen Willey

Willey became a White House volunteer during Clinton’s first term. She says she was facing a tough financial situation, so she personally approached Bill about the possibility of a paid position. Instead of offering to help her, Willey says she became the victim of “nothing short of serious sexual harassment.”

Since Hillary’s campaign announcement in April, Willey has spoken out against the Democratic front-runner during numerous exclusive interviews on my radio program.

“This woman wrote the book on terrorizing women, on terrorism,” Willey exclaimed in one of those interviews.

Continued Willey:

Her tactics and the things that she set in motion against all the women like me, the ones you have heard of and the ones you haven’t heard of, and the ones who are so scared that they fled the country, are terrorist tactics like I’ve never seen before.

I went through them. I lived through them. And I know exactly what I am talking about. She is the war on women. I don’t care what anybody says.

Willey refuses to watch as Hillary’s campaign accuses Republican candidates like Trump of waging a so-called war on women. In August, Willey announced the launch of a new anti-Hillary website called A Scandal a Day. A section of the site asks women who may have been sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton to come forward.

Willey also wrote the forward to a recently released book by bestselling author Roger Stone titled, The Clintons’ War on Women.

In an October interview, she sent a message directly to Hillary via my talk show:

“I am going to be shadowing you every single place you go to remind people, especially young people, young women, college-aged students who don’t remember any of this. I want them to know all about this. Because once they do they are not going to be real proud of supporting her as the first woman president.”

“I am going to haunt her everywhere she goes,” Willey added of Clinton. “So she’s not going to get rid of me ever until she disappears.”

“And I have plans already for New Hampshire,” Willey added, referring to the upcoming Democratic party presidential primaries there

Broaddrick was a nursing home administrator volunteering for then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton’s 1978 gubernatorial bid when – she claims – Bill weaseled his way into her hotel room. When she resisted his advances, she says Clinton suddenly kissed her and the alleged rape took place:

She described the scene to NBC’s Nightline in 1999:

Then he tries to kiss me again. And the second time he tries to kiss me he starts biting my lip. … He starts to, um, bite on my top lip and I tried to pull away from him. And then he forces me down on the bed. And I just was very frightened, and I tried to get away from him and I told him “No,” that I didn’t want this to happen, but he wouldn’t listen to me. … It was a real panicky, panicky situation. I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling to “Please stop.” And that’s when he pressed down on my right shoulder and he would bite my lip. … When everything was over with, he got up and straightened himself, and I was crying at the moment, and he walks to the door and calmly puts on his sunglasses. And before he goes out the door he says, “You better get some ice on that.” And he turned and went out the door.

Broaddrick explained that for a long period after the alleged rape she was in a state of shock and denial about what she says transpired. After the trauma, she recalled attending a private Clinton fundraiser at the home of a supporter, where she says she was directly warned by Hillary.

Broaddrick told me that a friend of hers who had driven the Clintons to the fundraiser from the local airport informed her that “the whole conversation was about you coming from the airport. Mostly from Mrs. Clinton.”

She recalled: “And so then about that time, I see them coming through the kitchen area. And some people there are pointing to me. He goes one direction and she comes directly to me. Then panic sort of started to set in with me. And I thought, ‘Oh my God, what do I do now?’”

Broaddrick said Hillary approached her “and said ‘It’s so nice to meet you’ and all of the niceties she was trying to say at the time.”

“And said, ‘I just want you to know how much Bill and I appreciate the things you do for him.’ And I just stood there, Aaron. I was sort of you might say shell-shocked.”

“And she said, ‘Do you understand? Everything you do.’’’

“She tried to take a hold of my hand and I left. I told the girls I can’t take this. I’m leaving. So I immediately left.”

Broaddrick recalled that “what really went through my mind at that time is ‘She knows. She knew. She’s covering it up and she expects me to do the very same thing.’”

In Their Own Words: Why Bill’s ‘Bimbos’ Fear a Hillary Presidency - Breitbart

Either you're lying of all of these women are.

I know my own mind, and no he never assaulted any women is my belief. You need help about your obsession with him, did you yourself have a crush on him when he was President? Sure sounds like it.

'Your parents are not good people': Bill Clinton 'rape' accuser Juanita Broaddrick lashes out at Chelsea Clinton after former first daughter calls dad's sex scandals a 'distraction'

A former Arkansas nursing home administrator who has accused Bill Clinton of raping her nearly 40 years ago lashed out at Chelsea Clinton on Wednesday for minimizing her father Bill's past sex scandals.

'Your father was, and probably still is, a sexual predator. Your mother has always lied and covered up for him,' Juanita Broaddrick wrote on Twitter."
Read more: 'Your parents are not good people': Clinton rape accuser slams Chelsea
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Juanita seems like a bitter old lady.

And you seem to be one who accepts rape as the prerogative of the powerful.

I recommend a careful consideration of Psalm 59:2 Deliver me from the workers of iniquity

And, perhaps this one, too....
Psalm 97:10 Let those who love the Lord hate evil

Like I said I do not believe he raped her, or had sex with her. What a bitter pitiful old lady. Feel sorry for her.
Gennifer Flowers: “A joke that she would run on women’s issues”

Gennifer Flowers, who says she was Bill Clinton’s consensual mistress for more than 12 years, told me she fears a Hillary Clinton presidency. In her only interview since Clinton announced her candidacy, Flowers in October accused Hillary of being “an enabler that has encouraged him (Bill) to go out and do whatever he does with women.” Clinton admitted in a deposition to one sexual encounter with Flowers.

Gennifer Flowers

“She always got things on the back of her husband. … I think it’s a joke that she would run on women’s issues.”

I asked Flowers point blank what she thought of Hillary’s attempt to make women’s issues a major part of her campaign. Flowers responded by saying, “You know, people criticize me for talking about her because I had an affair with her husband.”

“And I don’t blame them for that,” she said. “I understand that. I understand that they can be mad at me. I get it. I accept my responsibility. … But she’s never accepted her responsibility at being an enabler. She’s been an enabler that has encouraged him to go out and do whatever he does with women.”

“Woman’s rights. Ha!” Flowers added. “I personally have worked my tail off to get where I am in the entertainment business, which has not been easy since the Clinton scandal, by the way. … Hillary never put up a shingle and worked for her clients and built her clientele. She always got things on the back of her husband. … I think it’s a joke that she would run on women’s issues.”

Kathleen Willey: Hillary ‘wrote the book on terrorizing women’

Kathleen Willey was a Democratic activist who, along with her husband Ed, founded Virginians for Clinton, which supported Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 White House bid.

Kathleen Willey

Willey became a White House volunteer during Clinton’s first term. She says she was facing a tough financial situation, so she personally approached Bill about the possibility of a paid position. Instead of offering to help her, Willey says she became the victim of “nothing short of serious sexual harassment.”

Since Hillary’s campaign announcement in April, Willey has spoken out against the Democratic front-runner during numerous exclusive interviews on my radio program.

“This woman wrote the book on terrorizing women, on terrorism,” Willey exclaimed in one of those interviews.

Continued Willey:

Her tactics and the things that she set in motion against all the women like me, the ones you have heard of and the ones you haven’t heard of, and the ones who are so scared that they fled the country, are terrorist tactics like I’ve never seen before.

I went through them. I lived through them. And I know exactly what I am talking about. She is the war on women. I don’t care what anybody says.

Willey refuses to watch as Hillary’s campaign accuses Republican candidates like Trump of waging a so-called war on women. In August, Willey announced the launch of a new anti-Hillary website called A Scandal a Day. A section of the site asks women who may have been sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton to come forward.

Willey also wrote the forward to a recently released book by bestselling author Roger Stone titled, The Clintons’ War on Women.

In an October interview, she sent a message directly to Hillary via my talk show:

“I am going to be shadowing you every single place you go to remind people, especially young people, young women, college-aged students who don’t remember any of this. I want them to know all about this. Because once they do they are not going to be real proud of supporting her as the first woman president.”

“I am going to haunt her everywhere she goes,” Willey added of Clinton. “So she’s not going to get rid of me ever until she disappears.”

“And I have plans already for New Hampshire,” Willey added, referring to the upcoming Democratic party presidential primaries there

Broaddrick was a nursing home administrator volunteering for then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton’s 1978 gubernatorial bid when – she claims – Bill weaseled his way into her hotel room. When she resisted his advances, she says Clinton suddenly kissed her and the alleged rape took place:

She described the scene to NBC’s Nightline in 1999:

Then he tries to kiss me again. And the second time he tries to kiss me he starts biting my lip. … He starts to, um, bite on my top lip and I tried to pull away from him. And then he forces me down on the bed. And I just was very frightened, and I tried to get away from him and I told him “No,” that I didn’t want this to happen, but he wouldn’t listen to me. … It was a real panicky, panicky situation. I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling to “Please stop.” And that’s when he pressed down on my right shoulder and he would bite my lip. … When everything was over with, he got up and straightened himself, and I was crying at the moment, and he walks to the door and calmly puts on his sunglasses. And before he goes out the door he says, “You better get some ice on that.” And he turned and went out the door.

Broaddrick explained that for a long period after the alleged rape she was in a state of shock and denial about what she says transpired. After the trauma, she recalled attending a private Clinton fundraiser at the home of a supporter, where she says she was directly warned by Hillary.

Broaddrick told me that a friend of hers who had driven the Clintons to the fundraiser from the local airport informed her that “the whole conversation was about you coming from the airport. Mostly from Mrs. Clinton.”

She recalled: “And so then about that time, I see them coming through the kitchen area. And some people there are pointing to me. He goes one direction and she comes directly to me. Then panic sort of started to set in with me. And I thought, ‘Oh my God, what do I do now?’”

Broaddrick said Hillary approached her “and said ‘It’s so nice to meet you’ and all of the niceties she was trying to say at the time.”

“And said, ‘I just want you to know how much Bill and I appreciate the things you do for him.’ And I just stood there, Aaron. I was sort of you might say shell-shocked.”

“And she said, ‘Do you understand? Everything you do.’’’

“She tried to take a hold of my hand and I left. I told the girls I can’t take this. I’m leaving. So I immediately left.”

Broaddrick recalled that “what really went through my mind at that time is ‘She knows. She knew. She’s covering it up and she expects me to do the very same thing.’”

In Their Own Words: Why Bill’s ‘Bimbos’ Fear a Hillary Presidency - Breitbart

Either you're lying of all of these women are.

I know my own mind, and no he never assaulted any women is my belief. You need help about your obsession with him, did you yourself have a crush on him when he was President? Sure sounds like it.

'Your parents are not good people': Bill Clinton 'rape' accuser Juanita Broaddrick lashes out at Chelsea Clinton after former first daughter calls dad's sex scandals a 'distraction'

A former Arkansas nursing home administrator who has accused Bill Clinton of raping her nearly 40 years ago lashed out at Chelsea Clinton on Wednesday for minimizing her father Bill's past sex scandals.

'Your father was, and probably still is, a sexual predator. Your mother has always lied and covered up for him,' Juanita Broaddrick wrote on Twitter."
Read more: 'Your parents are not good people': Clinton rape accuser slams Chelsea
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Juanita seems like a bitter old lady.

And you seem to be one who accepts rape as the prerogative of the powerful.

I recommend a careful consideration of Psalm 59:2 Deliver me from the workers of iniquity

And, perhaps this one, too....
Psalm 97:10 Let those who love the Lord hate evil

Like I said I do not believe he raped her, or had sex with her. What a bitter pitiful old lady. Feel sorry for her.

"As I said...."

"I do not believe he raped her, or had sex with her...."

And these women?

Clinton’s accusers include:
Paula Jones: A former Arkansas state employee, Jones sued Bill Clinton in 1994 for sexual harassment. Jones claims that in 1991 then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton propositioned and exposed himself to her in a Little Rock hotel. Clinton eventually settled with Jones out of court for $850,000, but never admitted to any wrongdoing.
Juanita Broaddrick: Broaddrick, a former nursing home administrator, alleges that Bill Clinton, who was running for Arkansas governor at the time, raped her in an Arkansas hotel room in the spring of 1978.
Kathleen Willey: Willey was a White House volunteer aide who, in March of 1998, alleged on the TV news program 60 Minutes that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her during his first term as President.
Eileen Wellstone: Wellstone, an English woman, alleges that Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near Oxford University where Clinton was a student in 1969.
Carolyn Moffet: Moffet was a legal secretary in Little Rock in 1979, said she met Governor Clinton at a political fundraiser and was invited to his hotel room. Moffet alleges that she fled the hotel room after Clinton demanded she perform sex acts on him.
Elizabeth Ward Gracen: A Miss Arkansas who would go on to win the Miss America contest in 1982, Gracen alleges that she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won the Miss Arkansas competition.
Becky Brown: Becky Brown was Chelsea Clinton’s nanny. L.D. Brown, an Arkansas State Trooper and Becky’s husband, claims that Clinton attempted to seduce her in while the two were in governor’s mansion.
Helen Dowdy: Dowdy, the wife of one of Hillary’s cousins, alleges that in 1986 Bill Clinton groped her on the dance floor of a wedding.
Cristy Zercher: Zercher was a flight attendant aboard Clinton’s campaign jet from 1991-1992. Zercher told the Star magazine that Clinton groped her for over 40 minutes.
Read more: Here's The (Long) List Of Women Who Have Accused Bill Clinton Of Sexual Misconduct | The Sean Hannity Show

CNN: ’14 Women Have Made Claims’ Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton
CNN political contributor Errol Louis went off-script Thursday morning when he reported out loud one of the truths the DC Media has spent decades covering up: that a total of 14 women have accused former President Bill Clinton of some form of sexual abuse, from rape to groping to harassment.
“After what we’ve seen with Bill Cosby and with old accusations,” Louis said, “There are about 14 women who could be said to have made claims at one time or another” against Bill Clinton.
Proving she hasn’t done her homework on one of the biggest stories of the day, an astonished Alisyn Camerota chimed in, “Is that right? Fourteen.”
As far as Paula Jones, she accused Clinton of harassment and he not only paid out a $850,000 settlement, this is the case that resulted in Clinton being impeached (for committing perjury) and losing his license to practice law in Arkansas. It was MUCH MORE than an accusation. Under oath, when asked on three different occasions if he had an affair with Monica Lewinsky, Clinton replied:
1. “No.”
2. “It’s certainly not the truth. It would not be the truth.”
3. “I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. I’ve never had an affair with her.”
CNN: '14 Women Have Made Claims' Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton - Breitbart

Psalm 59:2 Deliver me from the workers of iniquity
I know my own mind, and no he never assaulted any women is my belief. You need help about your obsession with him, did you yourself have a crush on him when he was President? Sure sounds like it.

'Your parents are not good people': Bill Clinton 'rape' accuser Juanita Broaddrick lashes out at Chelsea Clinton after former first daughter calls dad's sex scandals a 'distraction'

A former Arkansas nursing home administrator who has accused Bill Clinton of raping her nearly 40 years ago lashed out at Chelsea Clinton on Wednesday for minimizing her father Bill's past sex scandals.

'Your father was, and probably still is, a sexual predator. Your mother has always lied and covered up for him,' Juanita Broaddrick wrote on Twitter."
Read more: 'Your parents are not good people': Clinton rape accuser slams Chelsea
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Juanita seems like a bitter old lady.

And you seem to be one who accepts rape as the prerogative of the powerful.

I recommend a careful consideration of Psalm 59:2 Deliver me from the workers of iniquity

And, perhaps this one, too....
Psalm 97:10 Let those who love the Lord hate evil

Like I said I do not believe he raped her, or had sex with her. What a bitter pitiful old lady. Feel sorry for her.

"As I said...."

"I do not believe he raped her, or had sex with her...."

And these women?

Clinton’s accusers include:
Paula Jones: A former Arkansas state employee, Jones sued Bill Clinton in 1994 for sexual harassment. Jones claims that in 1991 then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton propositioned and exposed himself to her in a Little Rock hotel. Clinton eventually settled with Jones out of court for $850,000, but never admitted to any wrongdoing.
Juanita Broaddrick: Broaddrick, a former nursing home administrator, alleges that Bill Clinton, who was running for Arkansas governor at the time, raped her in an Arkansas hotel room in the spring of 1978.
Kathleen Willey: Willey was a White House volunteer aide who, in March of 1998, alleged on the TV news program 60 Minutes that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her during his first term as President.
Eileen Wellstone: Wellstone, an English woman, alleges that Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near Oxford University where Clinton was a student in 1969.
Carolyn Moffet: Moffet was a legal secretary in Little Rock in 1979, said she met Governor Clinton at a political fundraiser and was invited to his hotel room. Moffet alleges that she fled the hotel room after Clinton demanded she perform sex acts on him.
Elizabeth Ward Gracen: A Miss Arkansas who would go on to win the Miss America contest in 1982, Gracen alleges that she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won the Miss Arkansas competition.
Becky Brown: Becky Brown was Chelsea Clinton’s nanny. L.D. Brown, an Arkansas State Trooper and Becky’s husband, claims that Clinton attempted to seduce her in while the two were in governor’s mansion.
Helen Dowdy: Dowdy, the wife of one of Hillary’s cousins, alleges that in 1986 Bill Clinton groped her on the dance floor of a wedding.
Cristy Zercher: Zercher was a flight attendant aboard Clinton’s campaign jet from 1991-1992. Zercher told the Star magazine that Clinton groped her for over 40 minutes.
Read more: Here's The (Long) List Of Women Who Have Accused Bill Clinton Of Sexual Misconduct | The Sean Hannity Show

CNN: ’14 Women Have Made Claims’ Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton
CNN political contributor Errol Louis went off-script Thursday morning when he reported out loud one of the truths the DC Media has spent decades covering up: that a total of 14 women have accused former President Bill Clinton of some form of sexual abuse, from rape to groping to harassment.
“After what we’ve seen with Bill Cosby and with old accusations,” Louis said, “There are about 14 women who could be said to have made claims at one time or another” against Bill Clinton.
Proving she hasn’t done her homework on one of the biggest stories of the day, an astonished Alisyn Camerota chimed in, “Is that right? Fourteen.”
As far as Paula Jones, she accused Clinton of harassment and he not only paid out a $850,000 settlement, this is the case that resulted in Clinton being impeached (for committing perjury) and losing his license to practice law in Arkansas. It was MUCH MORE than an accusation. Under oath, when asked on three different occasions if he had an affair with Monica Lewinsky, Clinton replied:
1. “No.”
2. “It’s certainly not the truth. It would not be the truth.”
3. “I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. I’ve never had an affair with her.”
CNN: '14 Women Have Made Claims' Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton - Breitbart

Psalm 59:2 Deliver me from the workers of iniquity

Nope. Like I said you are obsessed with him. Breibart, really , a neoconservative site. Let me list some men for you, Limbaugh, Ginsburg, Trump, Rudy Giuliano,
They should keep you busy for a long time and they are conservatives.
'Your parents are not good people': Bill Clinton 'rape' accuser Juanita Broaddrick lashes out at Chelsea Clinton after former first daughter calls dad's sex scandals a 'distraction'

A former Arkansas nursing home administrator who has accused Bill Clinton of raping her nearly 40 years ago lashed out at Chelsea Clinton on Wednesday for minimizing her father Bill's past sex scandals.

'Your father was, and probably still is, a sexual predator. Your mother has always lied and covered up for him,' Juanita Broaddrick wrote on Twitter."
Read more: 'Your parents are not good people': Clinton rape accuser slams Chelsea
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Juanita seems like a bitter old lady.

And you seem to be one who accepts rape as the prerogative of the powerful.

I recommend a careful consideration of Psalm 59:2 Deliver me from the workers of iniquity

And, perhaps this one, too....
Psalm 97:10 Let those who love the Lord hate evil

Like I said I do not believe he raped her, or had sex with her. What a bitter pitiful old lady. Feel sorry for her.

"As I said...."

"I do not believe he raped her, or had sex with her...."

And these women?

Clinton’s accusers include:
Paula Jones: A former Arkansas state employee, Jones sued Bill Clinton in 1994 for sexual harassment. Jones claims that in 1991 then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton propositioned and exposed himself to her in a Little Rock hotel. Clinton eventually settled with Jones out of court for $850,000, but never admitted to any wrongdoing.
Juanita Broaddrick: Broaddrick, a former nursing home administrator, alleges that Bill Clinton, who was running for Arkansas governor at the time, raped her in an Arkansas hotel room in the spring of 1978.
Kathleen Willey: Willey was a White House volunteer aide who, in March of 1998, alleged on the TV news program 60 Minutes that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her during his first term as President.
Eileen Wellstone: Wellstone, an English woman, alleges that Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near Oxford University where Clinton was a student in 1969.
Carolyn Moffet: Moffet was a legal secretary in Little Rock in 1979, said she met Governor Clinton at a political fundraiser and was invited to his hotel room. Moffet alleges that she fled the hotel room after Clinton demanded she perform sex acts on him.
Elizabeth Ward Gracen: A Miss Arkansas who would go on to win the Miss America contest in 1982, Gracen alleges that she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won the Miss Arkansas competition.
Becky Brown: Becky Brown was Chelsea Clinton’s nanny. L.D. Brown, an Arkansas State Trooper and Becky’s husband, claims that Clinton attempted to seduce her in while the two were in governor’s mansion.
Helen Dowdy: Dowdy, the wife of one of Hillary’s cousins, alleges that in 1986 Bill Clinton groped her on the dance floor of a wedding.
Cristy Zercher: Zercher was a flight attendant aboard Clinton’s campaign jet from 1991-1992. Zercher told the Star magazine that Clinton groped her for over 40 minutes.
Read more: Here's The (Long) List Of Women Who Have Accused Bill Clinton Of Sexual Misconduct | The Sean Hannity Show

CNN: ’14 Women Have Made Claims’ Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton
CNN political contributor Errol Louis went off-script Thursday morning when he reported out loud one of the truths the DC Media has spent decades covering up: that a total of 14 women have accused former President Bill Clinton of some form of sexual abuse, from rape to groping to harassment.
“After what we’ve seen with Bill Cosby and with old accusations,” Louis said, “There are about 14 women who could be said to have made claims at one time or another” against Bill Clinton.
Proving she hasn’t done her homework on one of the biggest stories of the day, an astonished Alisyn Camerota chimed in, “Is that right? Fourteen.”
As far as Paula Jones, she accused Clinton of harassment and he not only paid out a $850,000 settlement, this is the case that resulted in Clinton being impeached (for committing perjury) and losing his license to practice law in Arkansas. It was MUCH MORE than an accusation. Under oath, when asked on three different occasions if he had an affair with Monica Lewinsky, Clinton replied:
1. “No.”
2. “It’s certainly not the truth. It would not be the truth.”
3. “I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. I’ve never had an affair with her.”
CNN: '14 Women Have Made Claims' Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton - Breitbart

Psalm 59:2 Deliver me from the workers of iniquity

Nope. Like I said you are obsessed with him. Breibart, really , a neoconservative site. Let me list some men for you, Limbaugh, Ginsburg, Trump, Rudy Giuliano,
They should keep you busy for a long time and they are conservatives.

You seem to have ignored this...

CNN: ’14 Women Have Made Claims’ Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton

What do you fear about that?
You know, I said at the beginning of this thread that this was just a publicity stunt and that Trump would never go through with it.

Guess I was right.....................................

And what relevance does Cuban bring?

Oh that's right his wallet...

of course. & you can thank citizen's united for that.
Repealing Citizen's United would have had no effect on Cuban attending the event.

that is correct.

now... how much cash do you think sheldon addelson shoved in 'lyin ted's' pocket (after all was said & done by trump AND the 'vote your conscience' speech teddy gave at the convention) so he would throw his own wife under the bus, suck it up & give his blessing with the endorsement of tribblehead?

we'll never know, because yes... citizen's united said that could remain dark money.

None. Cruz endorsed Trump for his political survival. A number of candidates were lining up to contest his nomination in the primary, If he hadn't endorsed Trump, a lot of angry Republicans would have voted for his opponents.

Not really. Cruz is safe in Texas. Trump needs all the help he can get.
Juanita seems like a bitter old lady.

And you seem to be one who accepts rape as the prerogative of the powerful.

I recommend a careful consideration of Psalm 59:2 Deliver me from the workers of iniquity

And, perhaps this one, too....
Psalm 97:10 Let those who love the Lord hate evil

Like I said I do not believe he raped her, or had sex with her. What a bitter pitiful old lady. Feel sorry for her.

"As I said...."

"I do not believe he raped her, or had sex with her...."

And these women?

Clinton’s accusers include:
Paula Jones: A former Arkansas state employee, Jones sued Bill Clinton in 1994 for sexual harassment. Jones claims that in 1991 then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton propositioned and exposed himself to her in a Little Rock hotel. Clinton eventually settled with Jones out of court for $850,000, but never admitted to any wrongdoing.
Juanita Broaddrick: Broaddrick, a former nursing home administrator, alleges that Bill Clinton, who was running for Arkansas governor at the time, raped her in an Arkansas hotel room in the spring of 1978.
Kathleen Willey: Willey was a White House volunteer aide who, in March of 1998, alleged on the TV news program 60 Minutes that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her during his first term as President.
Eileen Wellstone: Wellstone, an English woman, alleges that Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near Oxford University where Clinton was a student in 1969.
Carolyn Moffet: Moffet was a legal secretary in Little Rock in 1979, said she met Governor Clinton at a political fundraiser and was invited to his hotel room. Moffet alleges that she fled the hotel room after Clinton demanded she perform sex acts on him.
Elizabeth Ward Gracen: A Miss Arkansas who would go on to win the Miss America contest in 1982, Gracen alleges that she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won the Miss Arkansas competition.
Becky Brown: Becky Brown was Chelsea Clinton’s nanny. L.D. Brown, an Arkansas State Trooper and Becky’s husband, claims that Clinton attempted to seduce her in while the two were in governor’s mansion.
Helen Dowdy: Dowdy, the wife of one of Hillary’s cousins, alleges that in 1986 Bill Clinton groped her on the dance floor of a wedding.
Cristy Zercher: Zercher was a flight attendant aboard Clinton’s campaign jet from 1991-1992. Zercher told the Star magazine that Clinton groped her for over 40 minutes.
Read more: Here's The (Long) List Of Women Who Have Accused Bill Clinton Of Sexual Misconduct | The Sean Hannity Show

CNN: ’14 Women Have Made Claims’ Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton
CNN political contributor Errol Louis went off-script Thursday morning when he reported out loud one of the truths the DC Media has spent decades covering up: that a total of 14 women have accused former President Bill Clinton of some form of sexual abuse, from rape to groping to harassment.
“After what we’ve seen with Bill Cosby and with old accusations,” Louis said, “There are about 14 women who could be said to have made claims at one time or another” against Bill Clinton.
Proving she hasn’t done her homework on one of the biggest stories of the day, an astonished Alisyn Camerota chimed in, “Is that right? Fourteen.”
As far as Paula Jones, she accused Clinton of harassment and he not only paid out a $850,000 settlement, this is the case that resulted in Clinton being impeached (for committing perjury) and losing his license to practice law in Arkansas. It was MUCH MORE than an accusation. Under oath, when asked on three different occasions if he had an affair with Monica Lewinsky, Clinton replied:
1. “No.”
2. “It’s certainly not the truth. It would not be the truth.”
3. “I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. I’ve never had an affair with her.”
CNN: '14 Women Have Made Claims' Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton - Breitbart

Psalm 59:2 Deliver me from the workers of iniquity

Nope. Like I said you are obsessed with him. Breibart, really , a neoconservative site. Let me list some men for you, Limbaugh, Ginsburg, Trump, Rudy Giuliano,
They should keep you busy for a long time and they are conservatives.

You seem to have ignored this...

CNN: ’14 Women Have Made Claims’ Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton

What do you fear about that?

Sorry don't believe it. I have given you 4 conservatives, so go and check out their affairs.
And you seem to be one who accepts rape as the prerogative of the powerful.

I recommend a careful consideration of Psalm 59:2 Deliver me from the workers of iniquity

And, perhaps this one, too....
Psalm 97:10 Let those who love the Lord hate evil

Like I said I do not believe he raped her, or had sex with her. What a bitter pitiful old lady. Feel sorry for her.

"As I said...."

"I do not believe he raped her, or had sex with her...."

And these women?

Clinton’s accusers include:
Paula Jones: A former Arkansas state employee, Jones sued Bill Clinton in 1994 for sexual harassment. Jones claims that in 1991 then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton propositioned and exposed himself to her in a Little Rock hotel. Clinton eventually settled with Jones out of court for $850,000, but never admitted to any wrongdoing.
Juanita Broaddrick: Broaddrick, a former nursing home administrator, alleges that Bill Clinton, who was running for Arkansas governor at the time, raped her in an Arkansas hotel room in the spring of 1978.
Kathleen Willey: Willey was a White House volunteer aide who, in March of 1998, alleged on the TV news program 60 Minutes that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her during his first term as President.
Eileen Wellstone: Wellstone, an English woman, alleges that Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near Oxford University where Clinton was a student in 1969.
Carolyn Moffet: Moffet was a legal secretary in Little Rock in 1979, said she met Governor Clinton at a political fundraiser and was invited to his hotel room. Moffet alleges that she fled the hotel room after Clinton demanded she perform sex acts on him.
Elizabeth Ward Gracen: A Miss Arkansas who would go on to win the Miss America contest in 1982, Gracen alleges that she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won the Miss Arkansas competition.
Becky Brown: Becky Brown was Chelsea Clinton’s nanny. L.D. Brown, an Arkansas State Trooper and Becky’s husband, claims that Clinton attempted to seduce her in while the two were in governor’s mansion.
Helen Dowdy: Dowdy, the wife of one of Hillary’s cousins, alleges that in 1986 Bill Clinton groped her on the dance floor of a wedding.
Cristy Zercher: Zercher was a flight attendant aboard Clinton’s campaign jet from 1991-1992. Zercher told the Star magazine that Clinton groped her for over 40 minutes.
Read more: Here's The (Long) List Of Women Who Have Accused Bill Clinton Of Sexual Misconduct | The Sean Hannity Show

CNN: ’14 Women Have Made Claims’ Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton
CNN political contributor Errol Louis went off-script Thursday morning when he reported out loud one of the truths the DC Media has spent decades covering up: that a total of 14 women have accused former President Bill Clinton of some form of sexual abuse, from rape to groping to harassment.
“After what we’ve seen with Bill Cosby and with old accusations,” Louis said, “There are about 14 women who could be said to have made claims at one time or another” against Bill Clinton.
Proving she hasn’t done her homework on one of the biggest stories of the day, an astonished Alisyn Camerota chimed in, “Is that right? Fourteen.”
As far as Paula Jones, she accused Clinton of harassment and he not only paid out a $850,000 settlement, this is the case that resulted in Clinton being impeached (for committing perjury) and losing his license to practice law in Arkansas. It was MUCH MORE than an accusation. Under oath, when asked on three different occasions if he had an affair with Monica Lewinsky, Clinton replied:
1. “No.”
2. “It’s certainly not the truth. It would not be the truth.”
3. “I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. I’ve never had an affair with her.”
CNN: '14 Women Have Made Claims' Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton - Breitbart

Psalm 59:2 Deliver me from the workers of iniquity

Nope. Like I said you are obsessed with him. Breibart, really , a neoconservative site. Let me list some men for you, Limbaugh, Ginsburg, Trump, Rudy Giuliano,
They should keep you busy for a long time and they are conservatives.

You seem to have ignored this...

CNN: ’14 Women Have Made Claims’ Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton

What do you fear about that?

Sorry don't believe it. I have given you 4 conservatives, so go and check out their affairs.

"Sorry don't believe it."

Of course you do.

You know he paid Paula Jones $850,000
You know he gave up his law license.
You know he was found guilty of lying to a federal judge.

And you know he's a rapist and sexual predator.

Ephesians 4:25 "So stop telling lies."
Like I said I do not believe he raped her, or had sex with her. What a bitter pitiful old lady. Feel sorry for her.

"As I said...."

"I do not believe he raped her, or had sex with her...."

And these women?

Clinton’s accusers include:
Paula Jones: A former Arkansas state employee, Jones sued Bill Clinton in 1994 for sexual harassment. Jones claims that in 1991 then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton propositioned and exposed himself to her in a Little Rock hotel. Clinton eventually settled with Jones out of court for $850,000, but never admitted to any wrongdoing.
Juanita Broaddrick: Broaddrick, a former nursing home administrator, alleges that Bill Clinton, who was running for Arkansas governor at the time, raped her in an Arkansas hotel room in the spring of 1978.
Kathleen Willey: Willey was a White House volunteer aide who, in March of 1998, alleged on the TV news program 60 Minutes that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her during his first term as President.
Eileen Wellstone: Wellstone, an English woman, alleges that Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near Oxford University where Clinton was a student in 1969.
Carolyn Moffet: Moffet was a legal secretary in Little Rock in 1979, said she met Governor Clinton at a political fundraiser and was invited to his hotel room. Moffet alleges that she fled the hotel room after Clinton demanded she perform sex acts on him.
Elizabeth Ward Gracen: A Miss Arkansas who would go on to win the Miss America contest in 1982, Gracen alleges that she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won the Miss Arkansas competition.
Becky Brown: Becky Brown was Chelsea Clinton’s nanny. L.D. Brown, an Arkansas State Trooper and Becky’s husband, claims that Clinton attempted to seduce her in while the two were in governor’s mansion.
Helen Dowdy: Dowdy, the wife of one of Hillary’s cousins, alleges that in 1986 Bill Clinton groped her on the dance floor of a wedding.
Cristy Zercher: Zercher was a flight attendant aboard Clinton’s campaign jet from 1991-1992. Zercher told the Star magazine that Clinton groped her for over 40 minutes.
Read more: Here's The (Long) List Of Women Who Have Accused Bill Clinton Of Sexual Misconduct | The Sean Hannity Show

CNN: ’14 Women Have Made Claims’ Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton
CNN political contributor Errol Louis went off-script Thursday morning when he reported out loud one of the truths the DC Media has spent decades covering up: that a total of 14 women have accused former President Bill Clinton of some form of sexual abuse, from rape to groping to harassment.
“After what we’ve seen with Bill Cosby and with old accusations,” Louis said, “There are about 14 women who could be said to have made claims at one time or another” against Bill Clinton.
Proving she hasn’t done her homework on one of the biggest stories of the day, an astonished Alisyn Camerota chimed in, “Is that right? Fourteen.”
As far as Paula Jones, she accused Clinton of harassment and he not only paid out a $850,000 settlement, this is the case that resulted in Clinton being impeached (for committing perjury) and losing his license to practice law in Arkansas. It was MUCH MORE than an accusation. Under oath, when asked on three different occasions if he had an affair with Monica Lewinsky, Clinton replied:
1. “No.”
2. “It’s certainly not the truth. It would not be the truth.”
3. “I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. I’ve never had an affair with her.”
CNN: '14 Women Have Made Claims' Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton - Breitbart

Psalm 59:2 Deliver me from the workers of iniquity

Nope. Like I said you are obsessed with him. Breibart, really , a neoconservative site. Let me list some men for you, Limbaugh, Ginsburg, Trump, Rudy Giuliano,
They should keep you busy for a long time and they are conservatives.

You seem to have ignored this...

CNN: ’14 Women Have Made Claims’ Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton

What do you fear about that?

Sorry don't believe it. I have given you 4 conservatives, so go and check out their affairs.

"Sorry don't believe it."

Of course you do.

You know he paid Paula Jones $850,000
You know he gave up his law license.
You know he was found guilty of lying to a federal judge.

And you know he's a rapist and sexual predator.

Ephesians 4:25 "So stop telling lies."

I know nothing of the sort. Yes he paid off Paula Jones, he loss his law license for 3 or 5 years, take a look at Ken Starr, what has he done since, oh defended alleged rapist and pedophiles. You need to move on, Bill Clinton is not running for Pres. Trump is, try to keep up with the news. I know no such thing, as I don't believe it.
"As I said...."

"I do not believe he raped her, or had sex with her...."

And these women?

Clinton’s accusers include:
Paula Jones: A former Arkansas state employee, Jones sued Bill Clinton in 1994 for sexual harassment. Jones claims that in 1991 then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton propositioned and exposed himself to her in a Little Rock hotel. Clinton eventually settled with Jones out of court for $850,000, but never admitted to any wrongdoing.
Juanita Broaddrick: Broaddrick, a former nursing home administrator, alleges that Bill Clinton, who was running for Arkansas governor at the time, raped her in an Arkansas hotel room in the spring of 1978.
Kathleen Willey: Willey was a White House volunteer aide who, in March of 1998, alleged on the TV news program 60 Minutes that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her during his first term as President.
Eileen Wellstone: Wellstone, an English woman, alleges that Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near Oxford University where Clinton was a student in 1969.
Carolyn Moffet: Moffet was a legal secretary in Little Rock in 1979, said she met Governor Clinton at a political fundraiser and was invited to his hotel room. Moffet alleges that she fled the hotel room after Clinton demanded she perform sex acts on him.
Elizabeth Ward Gracen: A Miss Arkansas who would go on to win the Miss America contest in 1982, Gracen alleges that she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won the Miss Arkansas competition.
Becky Brown: Becky Brown was Chelsea Clinton’s nanny. L.D. Brown, an Arkansas State Trooper and Becky’s husband, claims that Clinton attempted to seduce her in while the two were in governor’s mansion.
Helen Dowdy: Dowdy, the wife of one of Hillary’s cousins, alleges that in 1986 Bill Clinton groped her on the dance floor of a wedding.
Cristy Zercher: Zercher was a flight attendant aboard Clinton’s campaign jet from 1991-1992. Zercher told the Star magazine that Clinton groped her for over 40 minutes.
Read more: Here's The (Long) List Of Women Who Have Accused Bill Clinton Of Sexual Misconduct | The Sean Hannity Show

CNN: ’14 Women Have Made Claims’ Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton
CNN political contributor Errol Louis went off-script Thursday morning when he reported out loud one of the truths the DC Media has spent decades covering up: that a total of 14 women have accused former President Bill Clinton of some form of sexual abuse, from rape to groping to harassment.
“After what we’ve seen with Bill Cosby and with old accusations,” Louis said, “There are about 14 women who could be said to have made claims at one time or another” against Bill Clinton.
Proving she hasn’t done her homework on one of the biggest stories of the day, an astonished Alisyn Camerota chimed in, “Is that right? Fourteen.”
As far as Paula Jones, she accused Clinton of harassment and he not only paid out a $850,000 settlement, this is the case that resulted in Clinton being impeached (for committing perjury) and losing his license to practice law in Arkansas. It was MUCH MORE than an accusation. Under oath, when asked on three different occasions if he had an affair with Monica Lewinsky, Clinton replied:
1. “No.”
2. “It’s certainly not the truth. It would not be the truth.”
3. “I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. I’ve never had an affair with her.”
CNN: '14 Women Have Made Claims' Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton - Breitbart

Psalm 59:2 Deliver me from the workers of iniquity

Nope. Like I said you are obsessed with him. Breibart, really , a neoconservative site. Let me list some men for you, Limbaugh, Ginsburg, Trump, Rudy Giuliano,
They should keep you busy for a long time and they are conservatives.

You seem to have ignored this...

CNN: ’14 Women Have Made Claims’ Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton

What do you fear about that?

Sorry don't believe it. I have given you 4 conservatives, so go and check out their affairs.

"Sorry don't believe it."

Of course you do.

You know he paid Paula Jones $850,000
You know he gave up his law license.
You know he was found guilty of lying to a federal judge.

And you know he's a rapist and sexual predator.

Ephesians 4:25 "So stop telling lies."

I know nothing of the sort. Yes he paid off Paula Jones, he loss his law license for 3 or 5 years, take a look at Ken Starr, what has he done since, oh defended alleged rapist and pedophiles. You need to move on, Bill Clinton is not running for Pres. Trump is, try to keep up with the news. I know no such thing, as I don't believe it.

Did you miss this?

Clinton’s accusers include:
Paula Jones: A former Arkansas state employee, Jones sued Bill Clinton in 1994 for sexual harassment. Jones claims that in 1991 then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton propositioned and exposed himself to her in a Little Rock hotel. Clinton eventually settled with Jones out of court for $850,000, but never admitted to any wrongdoing.
Juanita Broaddrick: Broaddrick, a former nursing home administrator, alleges that Bill Clinton, who was running for Arkansas governor at the time, raped her in an Arkansas hotel room in the spring of 1978.
Kathleen Willey: Willey was a White House volunteer aide who, in March of 1998, alleged on the TV news program 60 Minutes that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her during his first term as President.
Eileen Wellstone: Wellstone, an English woman, alleges that Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near Oxford University where Clinton was a student in 1969.
Carolyn Moffet: Moffet was a legal secretary in Little Rock in 1979, said she met Governor Clinton at a political fundraiser and was invited to his hotel room. Moffet alleges that she fled the hotel room after Clinton demanded she perform sex acts on him.
Elizabeth Ward Gracen: A Miss Arkansas who would go on to win the Miss America contest in 1982, Gracen alleges that she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won the Miss Arkansas competition.
Becky Brown: Becky Brown was Chelsea Clinton’s nanny. L.D. Brown, an Arkansas State Trooper and Becky’s husband, claims that Clinton attempted to seduce her in while the two were in governor’s mansion.
Helen Dowdy: Dowdy, the wife of one of Hillary’s cousins, alleges that in 1986 Bill Clinton groped her on the dance floor of a wedding.
Cristy Zercher: Zercher was a flight attendant aboard Clinton’s campaign jet from 1991-1992. Zercher told the Star magazine that Clinton groped her for over 40 minutes.
Read more: Here's The (Long) List Of Women Who Have Accused Bill Clinton Of Sexual Misconduct | The Sean Hannity Show

CNN: ’14 Women Have Made Claims’ Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton
CNN political contributor Errol Louis went off-script Thursday morning when he reported out loud one of the truths the DC Media has spent decades covering up: that a total of 14 women have accused former President Bill Clinton of some form of sexual abuse, from rape to groping to harassment.
“After what we’ve seen with Bill Cosby and with old accusations,” Louis said, “There are about 14 women who could be said to have made claims at one time or another” against Bill Clinton.
Proving she hasn’t done her homework on one of the biggest stories of the day, an astonished Alisyn Camerota chimed in, “Is that right? Fourteen.”
As far as Paula Jones, she accused Clinton of harassment and he not only paid out a $850,000 settlement, this is the case that resulted in Clinton being impeached (for committing perjury) and losing his license to practice law in Arkansas. It was MUCH MORE than an accusation. Under oath, when asked on three different occasions if he had an affair with Monica Lewinsky, Clinton replied:
1. “No.”
2. “It’s certainly not the truth. It would not be the truth.”
3. “I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. I’ve never had an affair with her.”
CNN: '14 Women Have Made Claims' Of Sexual Abuse Against Bill Clinton - Breitbart

So.....what is the reason you support this rapist and sexual predator?
Paula Jones then had a nose job and was it playboy she poised for.

I'm not interested as I believe its mainly lies.

I am voting for Clinton, because of the ACA which I think is a must, she believes in global warming, and is going to raise taxes on the elites ,like Trump.
Paula Jones then had a nose job and was it playboy she poised for.

I'm not interested as I believe its mainly lies.

I am voting for Clinton, because of the ACA which I think is a must, she believes in global warming, and is going to raise taxes on the elites ,like Trump.

NYTimes: a day late and a dollar short...

"But with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, we know what happened: A president being sued for sexual harassment tried to buy off a mistress-turned-potential-witness with White House favors, and then committed perjury serious enough to merit disbarment. Which also brought forward a compelling allegation from Juanita Broaddrick that the president had raped her.

The longer I spent with these old stories, the more I came back to a question: If exploiting a willing intern is a serious enough abuse of power to warrant resignation, why is obstructing justice in a sexual harassment case not serious enough to warrant impeachment? Especially when the behavior is part of a longstanding pattern that also may extend to rape? Would any feminist today hesitate to take a similar opportunity to remove a predatory studio head or C.E.O.?" Opinion | What if Ken Starr Was Right?
Paula Jones then had a nose job and was it playboy she poised for.

I'm not interested as I believe its mainly lies.

I am voting for Clinton, because of the ACA which I think is a must, she believes in global warming, and is going to raise taxes on the elites ,like Trump.

NYTimes: a day late and a dollar short...

"But with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, we know what happened: A president being sued for sexual harassment tried to buy off a mistress-turned-potential-witness with White House favors, and then committed perjury serious enough to merit disbarment. Which also brought forward a compelling allegation from Juanita Broaddrick that the president had raped her.

The longer I spent with these old stories, the more I came back to a question: If exploiting a willing intern is a serious enough abuse of power to warrant resignation, why is obstructing justice in a sexual harassment case not serious enough to warrant impeachment? Especially when the behavior is part of a longstanding pattern that also may extend to rape? Would any feminist today hesitate to take a similar opportunity to remove a predatory studio head or C.E.O.?" Opinion | What if Ken Starr Was Right?
Surely obstructing justice in any sort of case should be grounds for impeachment.
Excellent. Now we know.

I can't wait to get Trump back for that

In “All The President’s Women,” journalists Barry Levine and Monique El-Faizy uncover 43 new sexual assault allegations against the world’s most powerful man.

Between Daniels’ claim that Trump had paid her hush money and the accounts of 20 other women who came forward against Trump during the 2016 election, Levine knew there had to be more there.

Once he started digging, he realized he wanted to co

He’ll push somebody against the wall and try and kiss them. He’ll grab a breast or a buttock. When he’s in a property that he owns, whether it be a hotel or Mar-a-Lago, he feels that he has the right to walk in on a woman in her room.

But Trump supporters don't care of course

For Donald Trump, creating his own modeling agency and being a part of some of these other beauty pageants and contests ... that became his personal hunting ground.
Excellent. Now we know.

I can't wait to get Trump back for that

In “All The President’s Women,” journalists Barry Levine and Monique El-Faizy uncover 43 new sexual assault allegations against the world’s most powerful man.

Between Daniels’ claim that Trump had paid her hush money and the accounts of 20 other women who came forward against Trump during the 2016 election, Levine knew there had to be more there.

Once he started digging, he realized he wanted to co

He’ll push somebody against the wall and try and kiss them. He’ll grab a breast or a buttock. When he’s in a property that he owns, whether it be a hotel or Mar-a-Lago, he feels that he has the right to walk in on a woman in her room.

But Trump supporters don't care of course

For Donald Trump, creating his own modeling agency and being a part of some of these other beauty pageants and contests ... that became his personal hunting ground.

Trump can grab women because they let him.

It's like magic to you never having been provided that chance. The difference between a winner and a loser.

How many times have you tried the false accusation nonsense now? I am sure it will work this time.
Excellent. Now we know.

I can't wait to get Trump back for that

In “All The President’s Women,” journalists Barry Levine and Monique El-Faizy uncover 43 new sexual assault allegations against the world’s most powerful man.

Between Daniels’ claim that Trump had paid her hush money and the accounts of 20 other women who came forward against Trump during the 2016 election, Levine knew there had to be more there.

Once he started digging, he realized he wanted to co

He’ll push somebody against the wall and try and kiss them. He’ll grab a breast or a buttock. When he’s in a property that he owns, whether it be a hotel or Mar-a-Lago, he feels that he has the right to walk in on a woman in her room.

But Trump supporters don't care of course

For Donald Trump, creating his own modeling agency and being a part of some of these other beauty pageants and contests ... that became his personal hunting ground.

Trump can grab women because they let him.

It's like magic to you never having been provided that chance. The difference between a winner and a loser.

How many times have you tried the false accusation nonsense now? I am sure it will work this time.

While a few women might let him , a few, most women are taken by surprise he has the nerve to grab them. I suspect he gets many dirty looks and has had his share of face slaps.

The few among them are cheap sluts.
Excellent. Now we know.

I can't wait to get Trump back for that

In “All The President’s Women,” journalists Barry Levine and Monique El-Faizy uncover 43 new sexual assault allegations against the world’s most powerful man.

Between Daniels’ claim that Trump had paid her hush money and the accounts of 20 other women who came forward against Trump during the 2016 election, Levine knew there had to be more there.

Once he started digging, he realized he wanted to co

He’ll push somebody against the wall and try and kiss them. He’ll grab a breast or a buttock. When he’s in a property that he owns, whether it be a hotel or Mar-a-Lago, he feels that he has the right to walk in on a woman in her room.

But Trump supporters don't care of course

For Donald Trump, creating his own modeling agency and being a part of some of these other beauty pageants and contests ... that became his personal hunting ground.
The world’s most powerful man, Mick Jagger, has spent 50 years drugging and fucking willing women.
That happens when a man is very wealthy.

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