Breaking Trump Tweet: I Did Not Make, And Do Not Have Comey Tapes


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
The Liberals on Twitter are very angry about this. The doubt of Tapes made Comey tell the truth. Our President knows how to play the pretentious poseurs with too much time & power on their hands. We are really truly Blessed!

[Donald J. Trump ✔ ‎@realDonaldTrump

With all of the recently reported electronic surveillance, intercepts, unmasking and illegal leaking of information, I have no idea...

10:54 AM - 22 Jun 2017]

[Donald J. Trump ✔ ‎@realDonaldTrump

...whether there are "tapes" or recordings of my conversations with James Comey, but I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings.

10:55 AM - 22 Jun 2017]

BREAKING: Trump Finally Tells The World About The Comey Tapes!
From a poster at Free Republic:

Here is the scenario I suspect played out:

1. After the one-on-one meetings with Trump, Comey prepared a bunch of memos that contained outright lies and fabrications.

2. After he was fired, he sent them to his friend to read them over the phone to the New York Times. The whole charade was set up to ensure that nobody other than Comey and his friend ever saw them before they were leaked to the NYT over the phone. The NYT didn't even verify their authenticity by demanding to see them before running the story.

3. After Trump posted his legendary "He better hope there are no tapes" Twitter message, Comey went back and drafted new memos with all of the lies and fabrications scrubbed out. He gave them to his friend and to Mueller's office, and represented these as the real ones.
From a poster at Free Republic:

Here is the scenario I suspect played out:

1. After the one-on-one meetings with Trump, Comey prepared a bunch of memos that contained outright lies and fabrications.

2. After he was fired, he sent them to his friend to read them over the phone to the New York Times. The whole charade was set up to ensure that nobody other than Comey and his friend ever saw them before they were leaked to the NYT over the phone. The NYT didn't even verify their authenticity by demanding to see them before running the story.

3. After Trump posted his legendary "He better hope there are no tapes" Twitter message, Comey went back and drafted new memos with all of the lies and fabrications scrubbed out. He gave them to his friend and to Mueller's office, and represented these as the real ones.

I think this happened.....and I do think Trump had tapes to use against Comey
This is what happens when Trump is ordered to prove the shit he's constantly spewing. Which nobody demands him to ever, for some reason.
Trump head faked the left with his tapes comment, let them get their hopes up then dashed them. :laugh:
The Liberals on Twitter are very angry about this. The doubt of Tapes made Comey tell the truth. Our President knows how to play the pretentious poseurs with too much time & power on their hands. We are really truly Blessed!

[Donald J. Trump ✔ ‎@realDonaldTrump

With all of the recently reported electronic surveillance, intercepts, unmasking and illegal leaking of information, I have no idea...

10:54 AM - 22 Jun 2017]

[Donald J. Trump ✔ ‎@realDonaldTrump

...whether there are "tapes" or recordings of my conversations with James Comey, but I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings.

10:55 AM - 22 Jun 2017]

BREAKING: Trump Finally Tells The World About The Comey Tapes!
They are angry because Trump's bluff forced Comey to out himself and Loretta Lynch.
Trump plays the left at will its hilarious. :laugh: I guess its back to Russian conspiracies for the libs :laugh:
From a poster at Free Republic:

Here is the scenario I suspect played out:

1. After the one-on-one meetings with Trump, Comey prepared a bunch of memos that contained outright lies and fabrications.

2. After he was fired, he sent them to his friend to read them over the phone to the New York Times. The whole charade was set up to ensure that nobody other than Comey and his friend ever saw them before they were leaked to the NYT over the phone. The NYT didn't even verify their authenticity by demanding to see them before running the story.

3. After Trump posted his legendary "He better hope there are no tapes" Twitter message, Comey went back and drafted new memos with all of the lies and fabrications scrubbed out. He gave them to his friend and to Mueller's office, and represented these as the real ones.

I think this happened.....and I do think Trump had tapes to use against Comey

You could tell when Comey was under oath that he felt like a trapped rat. He was forced to admit that he was not a fair or ethical man.

And apparently no one has seen these I don't even care any more. Comey was outted, Lynch was ratted on, Rice Broke The Law, and Obama Illegally spied on The Trump Campaign, and Clinton Crimes got brushed under the rug.

Someone on The Left will be going to jail.
The Liberals on Twitter are very angry about this. The doubt of Tapes made Comey tell the truth.

Yes, and that truth happens to be that Trump is the swamp king who abused his office to obstruct investigation.

Trump never said that he had tapes of the Comey conversation. The media overreacted to his statement that Comey better hope there is no tape.
The Donald played The Swamp like a Stradivarius! He pwnd the democrat/msm and surprise...they are butthurt AGAIN! :p
Trump never said that he had tapes of the Comey conversation. The media overreacted to his statement that Comey better hope there is no tape.

No? Then what did he say and why?

Problem for Trump is that people are not stupid and have a pretty good idea why he says his rediculous, petty comments.
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Trump never said that he had tapes of the Comey conversation. The media overreacted to his statement that Comey better hope there is no tape.

No? Then what did he say and why?

Problem for Trump is that people are not stupid and have a pretty good idea why he says his rediculous, petty comments.
I am pretty sure you ARE stupid.

Hell, you don't even know how to spell "ridiculous".
The Liberals on Twitter are very angry about this. The doubt of Tapes made Comey tell the truth.

Yes, and that truth happens to be that Trump is the swamp king who abused his office to obstruct investigation.


Call me when you don't have evidence that doesn't point to The Democrat Party and a litany of crimes they committed to keep President Trump from being elected.

Seriously, are you this partisan that you don't care about the Truth, about Justice, and about FALSELY ACCUSING President Trump of something that never occurred?

Y'all want to get to the "BOTTOM OF THIS" but every time "THE BOTTOM" points to The Clinton Campaign and Obama Regime and their unethical and criminal activities. You don't want to talk about "THAT" do you?

Or is it that you are that gullible that you buy in to the Lying Rhetoric of the Democrat Party who dishonestly rigged debates, dishonestly stole debate questions, dishonestly rigged their primary, dishonestly rigged interviews, and dishonestly rigged town hall meetings & dishonestly promoted lying accusation after lying accusations in a desperate attempt to win an election? Hell, they even committed TREASON AND ESPIONAGE in an attempt to win, but you are OK WITH THAT?

Wasn't the fact they shafted Bernie Sanders enough for you?
Wasn't the fact they were caught being bigots enough to show you they were phonies?
Wasn't the fact they had to fire TWO DNC HEADS consecutively for Ethical VIOLATIONS, but only did so because what they did became public?
And then Clinton hired Schultz without blinking an eye? That doesn't even phase you?

It's not every day that you get to catch upper DNC leadership taking shady deals from Russians like stock options and multi-million dollar donations, or making bigoted statements against The Police, Hispanics, Black Americans, Bernie Sanders Voters, Trump Voters, Coal Miners, Working Moms, Christians, Jews, Conservatives, Veterans and People in Rural Areas.

Yet you still serve yourself up as a WILLING PAWN for them?

I have to ask you, why? What are you getting out of this, because no reasonable person should support a corrupt party like that, but even worse, if you still believed in your party, NO REASONABLE person should tolerate the Corruption and Incompetence, and Intolerance of Hillary Clinton.

Fake New after Fake News story repeatedly being proven false, and repeatedly proven to come from The Democrats. Yet you still swallow it hook line and sinker.

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Is any one really surprised. He is a pathological liar. His mouth is connected directly to the illogical center of his brain and bypasses reason. Take for example:

"Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”.

The press usually cuts his words off right after that. What he says after that is the reason he lied in the first place, to denigrate Arab Americans and play to the fears of his base.
The Liberals on Twitter are very angry about this. The doubt of Tapes made Comey tell the truth. Our President knows how to play the pretentious poseurs with too much time & power on their hands. We are really truly Blessed!
[Donald J. Trump ✔ ‎@realDonaldTrump
With all of the recently reported electronic surveillance, intercepts, unmasking and illegal leaking of information, I have no idea...
10:54 AM - 22 Jun 2017]
[Donald J. Trump ✔ ‎@realDonaldTrump
...whether there are "tapes" or recordings of my conversations with James Comey, but I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings.
10:55 AM - 22 Jun 2017]
BREAKING: Trump Finally Tells The World About The Comey Tapes!
Which means he could not edit out his demanding that Comey drop the Russia investigation without leaving a trail.
Is any one really surprised. He is a pathological liar. His mouth is connected directly to the illogical center of his brain and bypasses reason. Take for example:

"Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”.

The press usually cuts his words off right after that. What he says after that is the reason he lied in the first place, to denigrate Arab Americans and play to the fears of his base.
There were people at Islamic Mosques cheering in New Jersey and that was verified. They also were cheering over in the Gaza Strip, and various Islamic Hate groups also did the same. The press tried to discredit Mr. Trump for making that statement, but his statements turned out to be factual.

But why pick on Islam when you have people like Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farakahn doing the same thing?
Is any one really surprised. He is a pathological liar. His mouth is connected directly to the illogical center of his brain and bypasses reason. Take for example:

"Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”.

The press usually cuts his words off right after that. What he says after that is the reason he lied in the first place, to denigrate Arab Americans and play to the fears of his base.
There were people at Islamic Mosques cheering in New Jersey and that was verified. They also were cheering over in the Gaza Strip, and various Islamic Hate groups also did the same. The press tried to discredit Mr. Trump for making that statement, but his statements turned out to be factual.

But why pick on Islam when you have people like Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farakahn doing the same thing?

It was a complete fabrication. "And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down."

Our president pussy-grabber is a polished liar. Bringing up Wright or Farafuckahn doesn't change that irrefutable fact.
Is any one really surprised. He is a pathological liar. His mouth is connected directly to the illogical center of his brain and bypasses reason. Take for example:

"Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”.

The press usually cuts his words off right after that. What he says after that is the reason he lied in the first place, to denigrate Arab Americans and play to the fears of his base.
There were people at Islamic Mosques cheering in New Jersey and that was verified. They also were cheering over in the Gaza Strip, and various Islamic Hate groups also did the same. The press tried to discredit Mr. Trump for making that statement, but his statements turned out to be factual.

But why pick on Islam when you have people like Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farakahn doing the same thing?

It was a complete fabrication. "And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down."

Our president pussy-grabber is a polished liar. Bringing up Wright or Farafuckahn doesn't change that irrefutable fact.
He watched the news that showed that, moron.

I saw it too, and I was 13 when 9/11 happened.

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