Breaking: Trump Will Skip Fox Debate, Do Town Hall Instead, Give The Money To Wounded Warriors

1. Reagan skipped a debate.
2. He's on tonight in front of O'reilly so he'll get hit with the hard questions.
3. CNN will hit him with hard questions too at the event. Probably an Audience ask and answer session which is what "WE" the voters want anyhow.

Ratings will go to the Vets instead of Murdoch, Open Borders, bullshit.
You're a FOXNEWS believer?!??

How do you feel now after having witnessed their biggest star going down on their knees begging Trump to come back and do their so-called debate?

Aren't you thoroughly ashamed?

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I'm not a brain washed mermedon.
I think Trump has a point, what is the point of another debate with moderators you don't like who are simply going to ask you gotcha questions. We've already had 6 debates. Lets do some fundraisers. Lets do something else. Why should he put up with moderators he doesn't like if he doesn't have to. Everyone who watches the debates already have heard everything he has to say. Doing CNN is a smart move.

I do have problems with how he expresses himself. He does sound like a petulant child at times. It does bother me. But none of the candidates expresses my point of view, takes on my platforms, closer than Trump does.
Apparently the entire debate will be the take down of Trump with many of the questions designed just for that purpose.
Mark my words FOXNEWS believer...

The final outcome will be surmised by the following quip...

"You EFF with the get the horns!"

The bull being Trump and the horns being the MASSIVE drop in ratings for their so-called debate. And clearly, FOXNEWS being the entity EFFing around. Watch....

FYI I find Megyn Kelly to be a bore. She brings in guests opposing to her whom I believe she actually agrees with and purposely does a bad job arguing against their philosophies to make them look good.

I find Hannity to be too much of a mama's boy. I find him too much of a Christian. If Hannity was in charge we would have a theocracy and he would outlaw freedom of speech bye outlawing stuff like pornography. I also find he is an enemy of freedom, considering I believe individuals should be free to do with their own selves what they see fit. Drugs, prostitution, whatever, as long as it's their own choice. Hannity is an enemy of free choice if it goes against his christian ethics.

I find O'Reilley trying too hard at pretending to be neutral, giving opposing sides too much lee way. I see O'Reilley more of being a circus ringleader then a political commentator. He's more into putting on a good show then he is at winning points on a particular side. I'd prefer he'd take a side, my side, and fight for it like Glen Beck used to back before he went nutzo.

I hate Sheppard Smith. Just the way he stands their uppity like he's better than anyone else prattling on his bullshit. I'd prefer it if they replaced him.

I hate Greta doing shows from the Lawyers/Judges point of view. She doesn't really know what makes a good show and looks to me to simply be duplicating what other people, who do good shows, do and getting lucky at it. I don't understand her high ratings. I hate the fact that every time I want to watch tv she's on. ie. I finish work and my two app games about the time her show comes on. I much rather watch O'Reilley.

I find Greg Gutfeld to be a bore. He has no humor, he's not funny. He does a rotten job at being a comic. He's the Conservative attempt at being a funny host and he's a total failure at it. I can't believe they gave him his own show and kept Red Eye on too. They both suck.

5 guys, whatever, I don't watch. I don't like any of their token Democrats. I don't watch tv to get someone elses opinion on what happened today. I just want to know what happened today and I'll form my own opinion.

Do you still think I'm a Fox guy?

I'm a drudge guy. He gives me the news in short headlines spurts just like I want them. If I want to know more than what is in the headline I click on the link. Though I hate the News groups trying to force me into buying a subscription to their services when I click on Drudges links. He shouldn't get his stories from those who require subscriptions.
Apparently the entire debate will be the take down of Trump with many of the questions designed just for that purpose.
Mark my words FOXNEWS believer...

The final outcome will be surmised by the following quip...

"You EFF with the get the horns!"

The bull being Trump and the horns being the MASSIVE drop in ratings for their so-called debate. And clearly, FOXNEWS being the entity EFFing around. Watch....

FYI I find Megyn Kelly to be a bore. She brings in guests opposing to her whom I believe she actually agrees with and purposely does a bad job arguing against their philosophies to make them look good.

I find Hannity to be too much of a mama's boy. I find him too much of a Christian. If Hannity was in charge we would have a theocracy and he would outlaw freedom of speech bye outlawing stuff like pornography. I also find he is an enemy of freedom, considering I believe individuals should be free to do with their own selves what they see fit. Drugs, prostitution, whatever, as long as it's their own choice. Hannity is an enemy of free choice if it goes against his christian ethics.

I find O'Reilley trying too hard at pretending to be neutral, giving opposing sides too much lee way. I see O'Reilley more of being a circus ringleader then a political commentator. He's more into putting on a good show then he is at winning points on a particular side. I'd prefer he'd take a side, my side, and fight for it like Glen Beck used to back before he went nutzo.

I hate Sheppard Smith. Just the way he stands their uppity like he's better than anyone else prattling on his bullshit. I'd prefer it if they replaced him.

I hate Greta doing shows from the Lawyers/Judges point of view. She doesn't really know what makes a good show and looks to me to simply be duplicating what other people, who do good shows, do and getting lucky at it. I don't understand her high ratings. I hate the fact that every time I want to watch tv she's on. ie. I finish work and my two app games about the time her show comes on. I much rather watch O'Reilley.

I find Greg Gutfeld to be a bore. He has no humor, he's not funny. He does a rotten job at being a comic. He's the Conservative attempt at being a funny host and he's a total failure at it. I can't believe they gave him his own show and kept Red Eye on too. They both suck.

5 guys, whatever, I don't watch. I don't like any of their token Democrats. I don't watch tv to get someone elses opinion on what happened today. I just want to know what happened today and I'll form my own opinion.

Do you still think I'm a Fox guy?

I'm a drudge guy. He gives me the news in short headlines spurts just like I want them. If I want to know more than what is in the headline I click on the link. Though I hate the News groups trying to force me into buying a subscription to their services when I click on Drudges links. He shouldn't get his stories from those who require subscriptions.
Well...thanks for clearing that up.

We happen to share a lot of beliefs about the entity known as FOXNEWS.

I think Greg is pretty funny though, although I don't agree with him on much. He's funny, he's very witty, sharp as a whip. I like him.

Shep, I believe is the soul of FOXNEWS, what little they have, he's the entire thing.

Hannity is a hack, he's not a Christian, he's a pretender of the worse kind, an authoritarian at that. So is Bill, you're spot on about Bill-O, he's also a pretender, charlatan and authoritian, he doesn't do as well as he THINKS he is in hiding his bias. I am impressed by his word choice though, he speaks in ways that makes it somewhat difficult to nail him on positions or opinions especially. A great skill in his field I suppose.

Greta receives high ratings simply because FOXNEWS watchers like to support FOXNEWS, it's a religion for them, anything that's on they will support by default. On any other network she would flop, doing the exact same thing.

Thanks again for clearing that up, I'll keep my good eye on you.

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