Breaking: Trump Will Skip Fox Debate, Do Town Hall Instead, Give The Money To Wounded Warriors

Imagine how much Trump would have to spend to get the same amount of publicity you liberals are handing him for free!

Gotta love old St. Phineas!

You are assuming that liberals don't want Trump to win the GOP nomination.
HBH nails it. Liberals think 'tiny'. Obama has been accused of 'playing checkers while Putin / the world plays chess', and Libs prove they are no better / no more competent to think more than 'checkers' strategy than Obama.

Trump is a smart man. He just pulled off a risky, bold move - that may or may not pay off - and is getting tons of MORE free publicity.
Imagine how much Trump would have to spend to get the same amount of publicity you liberals are handing him for free!

Gotta love old St. Phineas!

You actually think there's somebody left who doesn't know who he is?

Rumpleforeskin won't appreciate that. He'll prolly have you deported as a rapist.
Imagine how much Trump would have to spend to get the same amount of publicity you liberals are handing him for free!

Gotta love old St. Phineas!

You actually think there's somebody left who doesn't know who he is?

Rumpleforeskin won't appreciate that. He'll prolly have you deported as a rapist.

no that would be bill Clinton who should be deported for being a rapist.

We will know in a few days if this move helps or hurts Trump. Watch the polls and the Iowa vote next week. All this talk is of zero value, the American people will decide.
1. Reagan skipped a debate.
2. He's on tonight in front of O'reilly so he'll get hit with the hard questions.
3. CNN will hit him with hard questions too at the event. Probably an Audience ask and answer session which is what "WE" the voters want anyhow.

Ratings will go to the Vets instead of Murdoch, Open Borders, bullshit.
That's a lie and you know it. The problem with the VA is long lines because Republicans sent many tens of thousands to Iraq and the wounded have overwhelmed the VA because those same fucktard Republicans refuse to pay for what they've done. It's like when they denied health care to first responders for ten years. In fact, I bet if I go look it up, I'll find out that Republicans cut VA funding. It's what they do. It's why the are evil.

In fact, I thought that was why the GOP base votes for them. Because they LIKE to see Americans suffer. You don't think Republicans are going to help anyone do you? It would be so out of character.

Sorry, but your claiming that Vets can't get health care because of Republicans after 7+ years of Obama being in charge is BS!

Sorry, but Obama appointees and his administration did nothing - even reportedly now after the story blew up many vets are still waiting and getting sub-par health care.....

But Obama's higher-priority Illegals and terrorist/refugees are getting adequate health care. Hundreds of millions of dollars are going to settle, feed, clothe, find jobs for, etc illegals while Obama refuses to enforce exiting immigration laws, frees criminal illegals from jail, protects sanctuary cities violating federal laws by providing sanctuary for them, and while he ignores American citizens who are in need.

Obama doesn't believe in helping American citizens 1st...his own ACTIONS have and continue to prove that, no matter what you SAY.

When Liberals took over a near Super Majority control of Congress...and held the WH...they could have taken care of our infrastructure, helped provide needy veterans, homeless, and hungry Americans with help...instead their 1st spending bill was the nearly $1 trillion failed Stimulus bill that contained over 7,0000 pieces of self/party-serving DNC-Only pork. They spent money on alcoholic Chinese prostitutes and homosexual Argentinian males, gave millionaire Feinstein's husband an interest-free loan he never had to pay back, but had none to spend on infrastructure, vets, or needy Americans. In the end the 'jobs creation bill' ended up costing Middle Class tax-paying Americans over $742,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have created/saved.

Once again Libs engage in 'blame-shifting' and 'passing the buck'.
Obama is not in charge of the budget dum dum. The Republicans are. How can you not know that? What do you want him to do? Use executive order?
That's a lie and you know it. The problem with the VA is long lines because Republicans sent many tens of thousands to Iraq and the wounded have overwhelmed the VA because those same fucktard Republicans refuse to pay for what they've done. It's like when they denied health care to first responders for ten years. In fact, I bet if I go look it up, I'll find out that Republicans cut VA funding. It's what they do. It's why the are evil.

In fact, I thought that was why the GOP base votes for them. Because they LIKE to see Americans suffer. You don't think Republicans are going to help anyone do you? It would be so out of character.

Sorry, but your claiming that Vets can't get health care because of Republicans after 7+ years of Obama being in charge is BS!

Sorry, but Obama appointees and his administration did nothing - even reportedly now after the story blew up many vets are still waiting and getting sub-par health care.....

But Obama's higher-priority Illegals and terrorist/refugees are getting adequate health care. Hundreds of millions of dollars are going to settle, feed, clothe, find jobs for, etc illegals while Obama refuses to enforce exiting immigration laws, frees criminal illegals from jail, protects sanctuary cities violating federal laws by providing sanctuary for them, and while he ignores American citizens who are in need.

Obama doesn't believe in helping American citizens 1st...his own ACTIONS have and continue to prove that, no matter what you SAY.

When Liberals took over a near Super Majority control of Congress...and held the WH...they could have taken care of our infrastructure, helped provide needy veterans, homeless, and hungry Americans with help...instead their 1st spending bill was the nearly $1 trillion failed Stimulus bill that contained over 7,0000 pieces of self/party-serving DNC-Only pork. They spent money on alcoholic Chinese prostitutes and homosexual Argentinian males, gave millionaire Feinstein's husband an interest-free loan he never had to pay back, but had none to spend on infrastructure, vets, or needy Americans. In the end the 'jobs creation bill' ended up costing Middle Class tax-paying Americans over $742,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have created/saved.

Once again Libs engage in 'blame-shifting' and 'passing the buck'.

Again, the whole ideology of the left is:

1. Government is good, except for the bad Republicans.
2. It will work as soon as the bad Republicans are gone.
3. Then comes utopia.

It's so easy to understand a child could understand it. You might even say it takes the mind of a child to understand it.
Projecting again? Like I said, it's easy to win an argument when you make up both sides in your tiny head.
Bottom Line:
WHO CARES if Trump skips the debate or not?! And WHY?!

Liberals don't REALLY give a d@mn because it was not like they were going to watch the debate and were/are eager to hear what Trump has to say. The majority were only going to check the news the next morning, skimming the highlights while looking for quotes they could spin or negative articles they could use for posting on this site.

Most Conservatives don't care as it doesn't matter to them. Most know already if they like the man or not, if they would / will vote for him or not.

The Media only cares because without Trump the this will only be a 'ho-hum' event.

Fox News cares because Trump continues to tamper with their professed reputation of being an un-biased news source and of journalistic integrity...and because advertisers are pressuring them because if Trump isn't in the debate ratings will be much lower.

In the grand scheme of things, Trump being there or now really doesn't matter...IMO.
Trump is a coward. Too afraid to face someone who don't like him.

He's terrified of Megyn Kelly.
no, he is pissed which is his right. Ailes made a bad decision in allowing Kelly to do the debate. He must feel Kelly will bring in the male viewers. I'd like to think men are not that shallow.
Rightwingers are more than that shallow. Have you ever watched "Outnumbered? It's practically soft porn.

FOXNEWS knows what sells to their audience, and it isn't common sense and reason.

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Trump is making a tactical mistake.

All the other GOP candidates will have free rein to point out Trump's pro-choice, pro-Clinton, pro-socialized medicine, pro-stimulus, pro-big government, Democratic positions, and Trump won't be there to defend himself.

Should be fun!
Actually, it was a genius move. And by FOXNEWS doing that stupid, pedantic PR tweet that was insulting to Trump, they gave him permission to respond as he did. Genius!

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Because of his absence, Trump will be moved into the same opposition box as Hillary and Sanders. He will become associated with the Democratic candidates.

He's making a big mistake.
FOXNEWS doesn't DARE do that. Did you see O'Reilly last night? He spent the first half-hour literally begging Trump to do the debate. You know that command came straight from the top. I've never seen anything so embarrassing and pathetic in the mainstream media before. FOXNEWS is desperate and it shows.

I love Trump. #LOLGOP

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Without Trump it will be a dry boring debate about the future of America. With Trump it's show time with big-time look-at-me entertainment.

Yup. Which is all the more reason the gasbag shouldn't be there. Now they'll have to actually discuss issues. :ack-1:
When was the last time a Republican debate actually discussed important issues? Hint: never.

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Proving that they ARE biased against Trump, at the least, Fox News issued a well-thought-out, 'sharp' response to Trump exercising his personal right to choose not to be part of their debate by insinuating he is a 'terrorist' by declaring his act to BE am act of terrorist / 'terrorization':

"“Capitulating to politicians’ ultimatums about a debate moderator violates all journalistic standards, as do threats, including the one leveled by Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski toward Megyn Kelly,” the statement said. We can’t give in to terrorizations toward any of our employees,” the statement added."

1. 'Terrorization'?
Choosing NOT to take part in their debate is an act of 'terrorism' / 'terrorization'? REALLY
- BTW, 'Terrorization': 1. To fill or overpower with terror; terrify. 2. To coerce or intimidate by causing fear. 'Sack Up', Fox News! If Trump not participating in your debate 'fills you with fear' or intimidates you because it makes you fearful you're a bunch of pusses!

2. The choice of using this word, was not simply off-the-cuff, is an attempt to strike out and hurt Trump in retaliation for spurning them. By choosing this word they 'make it personal' and go 'over the top' in their criticism of Trump. Pretty petty and un-professional of you, Fox News.
Did you see O'Reilly on his knees servicing Trump last night for the first half-hour? After he was done Trump simply zipped up his pants and said, "No ho! I said no."



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Fox News is full of progressives... They are always desperate
1. Reagan skipped a debate.
2. He's on tonight in front of O'reilly so he'll get hit with the hard questions.
3. CNN will hit him with hard questions too at the event. Probably an Audience ask and answer session which is what "WE" the voters want anyhow.

Ratings will go to the Vets instead of Murdoch, Open Borders, bullshit.
You're a FOXNEWS believer?!??

How do you feel now after having witnessed their biggest star going down on their knees begging Trump to come back and do their so-called debate?

Aren't you thoroughly ashamed?

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Ailes made a tactical mistake here. He didn't change the moderators in the debate and made the station part of the story. To make things worse, I guess he made a derogatory remark against Trump last night. Then to hear that they are bringing in an illegal and a Muslim so the can be part of the"Take Down "of Trump during the debate is so incredibly petty and unprofessional! It is manipulating the outcome of the debate.

People will be at water coolers talking about this all day long. I think Trump and his Wounded Warriors and Vets will succeed in demolishing Ailes and Company. Wonder how many commercials are backing out of the Debate slot.

Definitely disgusted with the maneuvering of a debate to out fox one candidate. And that candidate out foxed them. 83% of viewers said they will NOT watch Fox tonight! Trump makes things happen. Think we need him in office.
Apparently the entire debate will be the take down of Trump with many of the questions designed just for that purpose.
Apparently the entire debate will be the take down of Trump with many of the questions designed just for that purpose.
Mark my words FOXNEWS believer...

The final outcome will be surmised by the following quip...

"You EFF with the get the horns!"

The bull being Trump and the horns being the MASSIVE drop in ratings for their so-called debate. And clearly, FOXNEWS being the entity EFFing around. Watch....


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