Breaking: Trump Will Skip Fox Debate, Do Town Hall Instead, Give The Money To Wounded Warriors

Maybe Trump's his best bet should have been to plead sickness and send a substitute to the debate.
The substitute could hold up pictures of Trump that correlate to the best response. Trump's pouty pictures are his best, and they should be used often. My kids like Trump's pouty look even better than his imitation of a disabled person.
It is hard to believe that America has gone from George Washington to this.
Trump is a coward. Too afraid to face someone who don't like him.

He's terrified of Megyn Kelly.
no, he is pissed which is his right. Ailes made a bad decision in allowing Kelly to do the debate. He must feel Kelly will bring in the male viewers. I'd like to think men are not that shallow.

I would rather debate with those that disagree with me than those that do agree with me. The latter wouldn't be much of a debate.

He chose Kelly because she will ask tough questions that Trump obviously doesn't want to have to face.

there is a difference between tough questions and set up questions.

for example: are you still using cocaine? yes or no
or, its been reported that you used cocaine, can you address that claim?

Wouldn't it be nice if Trump ever gave any of his vast fortune to our veterans?
To only the ones that count, straight White veterans of European heritage

I am sure that is exactly what Trump is planning on doing- probably will be one of his campaign promises.....
Trump is a coward. Too afraid to face someone who don't like him.

He's terrified of Megyn Kelly.
no, he is pissed which is his right. Ailes made a bad decision in allowing Kelly to do the debate. He must feel Kelly will bring in the male viewers. I'd like to think men are not that shallow.

I would rather debate with those that disagree with me than those that do agree with me. The latter wouldn't be much of a debate.

He chose Kelly because she will ask tough questions that Trump obviously doesn't want to have to face.

there is a difference between tough questions and set up questions.

for example: are you still using cocaine? yes or no
or, its been reported that you used cocaine, can you address that claim?

If you can debate worth a shit a set up question can be used to your advantage.
1. In something like 2011 Trump reportedly praised Kelly for her competence as a Moderator and declared candidates who skips a debate is a 'loser'...
LINK: Trump 2011: Candidates who skip debates are losers, or something

2. Joe Scarborough reportedly declared that he would rather set himself on fire than participate in a debate moderated by Megyn Kelly...
LINK: Scarborough: 'I'd Rather Set Myself on Fire' Than Participate in Debate With Megyn Kelly - Breitbart

It is funny watching Liberals twist, turn, and torture themselves on how to react to Trump declaring he is going to skip the Fox debate if Kelly is a moderator.
- They HATE Trump, and skipping a debate is perfect ammo for them
- At the same time they HATE Fox, declare it is not a 'REAL' news agency: This means if they side with Trump against Fox News they are supporting Donald Trump, and if they side with Fox News over Trump they will be supporting Fox and the idea that they are a legitimate news agency that deserves respect.

What a pickle... :p
No pickle at all Trump is a coward and FOX are liars ......Any question they ask trump will be a difficult one to answer ,,,,,
I am not a Trump supporter.
I don't care if he rises or falls in the polls.
I DO find this 'chess move' of his both interesting and funny, though.

Here is a guy who has the b@lls to tell the self-important media 'I don't need YOU, you need ME!'
- There is some truth to this as it is being reported that debate-time advertisers are pissed and pressuring Fox NOT to let Trump walk, to even remove Kelly if they have to.
- Trump may be playing 'chicken' with FOX...who blinks 1st?! If Fox does he 'owns' the media. If Trump does, especially after his 'candidates who skip debates are losers' quote, he/his ego/persona take a hit...

This move could make Trump look strong and independent - 'his own man'.

It could make him look like a kid who just took his ball and is going home, not exactly the picture you want to paint as a future Commander and chief AND negotiator with other world leaders...

He is trying to mitigate the potential damage by making the 'Wounded Warrior' play.

It is the last debate before the up-coming voting takes place, so it could hurt Trump.

ALL sides (Fox, Trump, Trump Supporters, Liberals / GOP Establishment / Trump HATERS) are feverishly trying to spin it....

As I said, I don't care whether this helps or hurts him, but it does make for some great 'reality tv'!
Trump is making a tactical mistake.

All the other GOP candidates will have free rein to point out Trump's pro-choice, pro-Clinton, pro-socialized medicine, pro-stimulus, pro-big government, Democratic positions, and Trump won't be there to defend himself.

Should be fun!
I wonder WHAT questions is trump afraid to answer from FOX?

Yeah, too bad he isn't a Liberal like Hillary and scheduled to debate on CNN. Then he would get questions like, "How do you feel', 'What's your favorite color', 'do you like babies'... :p
easy there you go again lying like a republican Think all those questions were like the ones you mentioned when the repubs grilled Hill NINE times?
I am not a Trump supporter.
I don't care if he rises or falls in the polls.
I DO find this 'chess move' of his both interesting and funny, though.

Here is a guy who has the b@lls to tell the self-important media 'I don't need YOU, you need ME!'
- There is some truth to this as it is being reported that debate-time advertisers are pissed and pressuring Fox NOT to let Trump walk, to even remove Kelly if they have to.
- Trump may be playing 'chicken' with FOX...who blinks 1st?! If Fox does he 'owns' the media. If Trump does, especially after his 'candidates who skip debates are losers' quote, he/his ego/persona take a hit...

This move could make Trump look strong and independent - 'his own man'.

It could make him look like a kid who just took his ball and is going home, not exactly the picture you want to paint as a future Commander and chief AND negotiator with other world leaders...

He is trying to mitigate the potential damage by making the 'Wounded Warrior' play.

It is the last debate before the up-coming voting takes place, so it could hurt Trump.

ALL sides (Fox, Trump, Trump Supporters, Liberals / GOP Establishment / Trump HATERS) are feverishly trying to spin it....

As I said, I don't care whether this helps or hurts him, but it does make for some great 'reality tv'!

Absolutely- great entertainment!
Because of his absence, Trump will be moved into the same opposition box as Hillary and Sanders. He will become associated with the Democratic candidates.

He's making a big mistake.
1. In something like 2011 Trump reportedly praised Kelly for her competence as a Moderator and declared candidates who skips a debate is a 'loser'...
LINK: Trump 2011: Candidates who skip debates are losers, or something

2. Joe Scarborough reportedly declared that he would rather set himself on fire than participate in a debate moderated by Megyn Kelly...
LINK: Scarborough: 'I'd Rather Set Myself on Fire' Than Participate in Debate With Megyn Kelly - Breitbart

It is funny watching Liberals twist, turn, and torture themselves on how to react to Trump declaring he is going to skip the Fox debate if Kelly is a moderator.
- They HATE Trump, and skipping a debate is perfect ammo for them
- At the same time they HATE Fox, declare it is not a 'REAL' news agency: This means if they side with Trump against Fox News they are supporting Donald Trump, and if they side with Fox News over Trump they will be supporting Fox and the idea that they are a legitimate news agency that deserves respect.

What a pickle... :p

LOL- I find Trump to be very entertaining- he is a great entertainer.

I don't care whether Trump goes to any debate at all- and neither do his supporters.

Personally- I hope they put up a big cardboard cutout of Trump on stage.

I am loving the GOP primary.
same here. Its a hoot :p
Without Trump it will be a dry boring debate about the future of America. With Trump it's show time with big-time look-at-me entertainment.
Trump is a coward. Too afraid to face someone who don't like him.

He's terrified of Megyn Kelly.
no, he is pissed which is his right. Ailes made a bad decision in allowing Kelly to do the debate. He must feel Kelly will bring in the male viewers. I'd like to think men are not that shallow.

I would rather debate with those that disagree with me than those that do agree with me. The latter wouldn't be much of a debate.

He chose Kelly because she will ask tough questions that Trump obviously doesn't want to have to face.

there is a difference between tough questions and set up questions.

for example: are you still using cocaine? yes or no
or, its been reported that you used cocaine, can you address that claim?

If you can debate worth a shit a set up question can be used to your advantage.

yeah, but why deal with it if you don't need to? He is on top. He who is on top calls the shots.
Trump is making a tactical mistake.

All the other GOP candidates will have free rein to point out Trump's pro-choice, pro-Clinton, pro-socialized medicine, pro-stimulus, pro-big government, Democratic positions, and Trump won't be there to defend himself.

Should be fun!

we get it, you are scared that Trump will kick your poor little Hillary's fat ass. We understand your motives.
Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.
Try 8.
And Obama is presidential?

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