Breaking: Trump Will Skip Fox Debate, Do Town Hall Instead, Give The Money To Wounded Warriors

With Trump it's deja vu all over again.

no not really

the gov was a simpleton

trump is not
Like I said, nothing in his life tells me he holds conservative values or even is a Patriot. But plenty that says he is a leftist.
And I looked more into that charity of his. I call BS. Started when he was first going to run for office, no financial reporting as any good charity does, and it's for St Judes, which is a charity already in itself. I've been giving directly to St Judes for decades.

nothing will change your mind that is your right

but you are getting hood winked by cruz he is a player

like the rest of them

do your homework
Nothing will change my mind because all of the evidence says he is a leftist. And I'm not casting my vote for a leftist.
Voting is a process of ilimination. I care nothing about what other candidates say about the others, it's about seeing how the candidate has led their life.

Sorry, but you're the one falling for rhetoric, just like Obama voters do.

Just a question, not to change your mind, but it is logical----------> If Trump considers himself a leftist; or for that matter, is honestly a leftist, why didn't he run in the Democratic primaries?

To make a case he has to defeat Hillary in the general, but was afraid to run against her in the primaries, makes no sense at all. Why? Because while it is massively expensive to run a primary campaign, it is double that to run a general election campaign, if not triple. It is not logical from any standpoint.

And, before the primaries started, you had Cruz hailed as the most conservative candidate since Reagan running on the GOP side, and one of the mistrusted and disliked candidates in Hilly running on the Democratic side.

The reasonable logic get into the general, the easiest path would be through the Democratic side! Even the Democrats know this, which is why they didn't give Hilly any competition, and she is still FLOUNDERING about against Bernie.

Soo, by logic, Trump believes he is at least somewhat Conservative, and belongs in the GOP primaries. We can all agree to disagree on that one, but to suggest he is hiding his true thoughts for some nefarious reason is ludicrous.
Trump was brilliant for running as a Republican. All of the Dem talking points are already covered by Hillary and Bernie. And he doesn't have to take on the Clinton Dreadnaught Machine for the party nomination. GOP meanwhile has been very lax in handling the issues people want resolved. His entire popularity is due to simple words parroting those issues. The guy looks at polls and simply adds it to his rhetoric.
Just announced it. A very good move.
Yeah good move Donald Duck, wouldn't want that vicious tyrant Megyn Kelly to embarrass your silly ass by asking an honest question again.

He's a fucking infant.
He's a smart boy. In a utube video of him explaining his move, he mentioned he would arrange something to view simultaneously to the Fox Debate. Haven't heard more about that yet. He will have to get the word out, possibly buying air time (commercials) from other stations.
All because Fox wouldn't knuckle under to his demands to remove Megyn Kelly from the moderator panel; he might be *smart* but that doesn't mitigate the fact that he's an infantile asshole that cannot stand NOT being the center of attention.

Personally I won't be surprised if/when he suddenly declares that he's back in the debate and makes up some nonsensical bullshit about how Fox conceded to his demands, which if it's the case I hope Megyn fires another question at him about his crass and sexist remarks; that would be AWESOME.

Of course he would be the center of attention...he always is. I doubt if he goes back in, it appears he might be appearing on another network at the same time! Awesome is the right word!
no not really

the gov was a simpleton

trump is not
Like I said, nothing in his life tells me he holds conservative values or even is a Patriot. But plenty that says he is a leftist.
And I looked more into that charity of his. I call BS. Started when he was first going to run for office, no financial reporting as any good charity does, and it's for St Judes, which is a charity already in itself. I've been giving directly to St Judes for decades.

nothing will change your mind that is your right

but you are getting hood winked by cruz he is a player

like the rest of them

do your homework
Nothing will change my mind because all of the evidence says he is a leftist. And I'm not casting my vote for a leftist.
Voting is a process of ilimination. I care nothing about what other candidates say about the others, it's about seeing how the candidate has led their life.

Sorry, but you're the one falling for rhetoric, just like Obama voters do.

Just a question, not to change your mind, but it is logical----------> If Trump considers himself a leftist; or for that matter, is honestly a leftist, why didn't he run in the Democratic primaries?

To make a case he has to defeat Hillary in the general, but was afraid to run against her in the primaries, makes no sense at all. Why? Because while it is massively expensive to run a primary campaign, it is double that to run a general election campaign, if not triple. It is not logical from any standpoint.

And, before the primaries started, you had Cruz hailed as the most conservative candidate since Reagan running on the GOP side, and one of the mistrusted and disliked candidates in Hilly running on the Democratic side.

The reasonable logic get into the general, the easiest path would be through the Democratic side! Even the Democrats know this, which is why they didn't give Hilly any competition, and she is still FLOUNDERING about against Bernie.

Soo, by logic, Trump believes he is at least somewhat Conservative, and belongs in the GOP primaries. We can all agree to disagree on that one, but to suggest he is hiding his true thoughts for some nefarious reason is ludicrous.
Trump was brilliant for running as a Republican. All of the Dem talking points are already covered by Hillary and Bernie. And he doesn't have to take on the Clinton Dreadnaught Machine for the party nomination. GOP meanwhile has been very lax in handling the issues people want resolved. His entire popularity is due to simple words parroting those issues. The guy looks at polls and simply adds it to his rhetoric.

So then, by mathematical equation, we have now come to the conclusion that it is easier to garner the most votes against 12, then it is against 3. Cruz, Paul, and Rubio could not outwit Trump, but Hillary could?

Okeeedoke. I am not a Trump apologist, and in fact support Cruz, but I kind of find it amazing that anyone could believe that someone would rather face a debate champion like Cruz with 10 or 11 others behind him, then face one of the most mistrusted people in America; namely Hillary.

We all DO understand that if the left is to be believed that this election is in the bag, a President Trump would be MORE likely if he was on the Democratic side, yes! And his road by numerical numbers alone would be easier to get into the general.

I am sorry, but the whole logic fails. Still, I do respect your opinion, and thanks for responding.
Trump is a coward. Too afraid to face someone who don't like him.

He's terrified of Megyn Kelly.
no, he is pissed which is his right. Ailes made a bad decision in allowing Kelly to do the debate. He must feel Kelly will bring in the male viewers. I'd like to think men are not that shallow.
Trump's afraid of a blonde bimbo. :lol:

He's probably scared she will ask him about his record as a Democrat who is pro-choice, pro-socialized medicine, and has a love affair with the Clintons.

So instead of 12 million, 2.5 million will watch.
It won't be due to him just not attending, but the fact that he will put on a counter event to pull away viewers.

Remember, even the purposefully hidden Democrat debates have been experiencing RECORD viewership. That let's you know there is more and more interest in this election by the American public.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

no one is watching the dem "debates". Where did you get that idea?
Go read a newspaper and get some sense into that so-called brain of yours putz.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

what were their ratings? putz. stop the bullshit, you earlier admitted that the dems did not want anyone to watch so they put them on when people were watching more interesting things, like NFL games.

Hillary does not want any more exposure than she absolutely must do. Her handlers know that the more people see of her, the less they like her.
Trump is a coward. Too afraid to face someone who don't like him.

He's terrified of Megyn Kelly.
no, he is pissed which is his right. Ailes made a bad decision in allowing Kelly to do the debate. He must feel Kelly will bring in the male viewers. I'd like to think men are not that shallow.

I would rather debate with those that disagree with me than those that do agree with me. The latter wouldn't be much of a debate.

He chose Kelly because she will ask tough questions that Trump obviously doesn't want to have to face.
1. In something like 2011 Trump reportedly praised Kelly for her competence as a Moderator and declared candidates who skips a debate is a 'loser'...
LINK: Trump 2011: Candidates who skip debates are losers, or something

2. Joe Scarborough reportedly declared that he would rather set himself on fire than participate in a debate moderated by Megyn Kelly...
LINK: Scarborough: 'I'd Rather Set Myself on Fire' Than Participate in Debate With Megyn Kelly - Breitbart

It is funny watching Liberals twist, turn, and torture themselves on how to react to Trump declaring he is going to skip the Fox debate if Kelly is a moderator.
- They HATE Trump, and skipping a debate is perfect ammo for them
- At the same time they HATE Fox, declare it is not a 'REAL' news agency: This means if they side with Trump against Fox News they are supporting Donald Trump, and if they side with Fox News over Trump they will be supporting Fox and the idea that they are a legitimate news agency that deserves respect.

What a pickle... :p
I wonder WHAT questions is trump afraid to answer from FOX?

Yeah, too bad he isn't a Liberal like Hillary and scheduled to debate on CNN. Then he would get questions like, "How do you feel', 'What's your favorite color', 'do you like babies'... :p

Wouldn't it be nice if Trump ever gave any of his vast fortune to our veterans?
To only the ones that count, straight White veterans of European heritage

I am sure that is exactly what Trump is planning on doing- probably will be one of his campaign promises.....
1. In something like 2011 Trump reportedly praised Kelly for her competence as a Moderator and declared candidates who skips a debate is a 'loser'...
LINK: Trump 2011: Candidates who skip debates are losers, or something

2. Joe Scarborough reportedly declared that he would rather set himself on fire than participate in a debate moderated by Megyn Kelly...
LINK: Scarborough: 'I'd Rather Set Myself on Fire' Than Participate in Debate With Megyn Kelly - Breitbart

It is funny watching Liberals twist, turn, and torture themselves on how to react to Trump declaring he is going to skip the Fox debate if Kelly is a moderator.
- They HATE Trump, and skipping a debate is perfect ammo for them
- At the same time they HATE Fox, declare it is not a 'REAL' news agency: This means if they side with Trump against Fox News they are supporting Donald Trump, and if they side with Fox News over Trump they will be supporting Fox and the idea that they are a legitimate news agency that deserves respect.

What a pickle... :p

LOL- I find Trump to be very entertaining- he is a great entertainer.

I don't care whether Trump goes to any debate at all- and neither do his supporters.

Personally- I hope they put up a big cardboard cutout of Trump on stage.

I am loving the GOP primary.

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