Breaking: Trump Will Skip Fox Debate, Do Town Hall Instead, Give The Money To Wounded Warriors

Without Trump it will be a dry boring debate about the future of America. With Trump it's show time with big-time look-at-me entertainment.

Yup. Which is all the more reason the gasbag shouldn't be there. Now they'll have to actually discuss issues. :ack-1:
Maybe Trump's his best bet should have been to plead sickness and send a substitute to the debate.
The substitute could hold up pictures of Trump that correlate to the best response. Trump's pouty pictures are his best, and they should be used often. My kids like Trump's pouty look even better than his imitation of a disabled person.
It is hard to believe that America has gone from George Washington to this.

It's just a failure of strategy. All he has to do is show up, and when Megyn Kelly fires a question, bust a move:


"Brave Sir Rumpy ran away, he boldly ran away...
When Megyn Kelly reared her head
He bravely turned his tail and fled,
Yes, brave Sir Rumpy turned about
And gallantly he chickened out;
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat
Bravest of the brave, brave Sir Rumpy.... "


He's terrified of Megyn Kelly.
no, he is pissed which is his right. Ailes made a bad decision in allowing Kelly to do the debate. He must feel Kelly will bring in the male viewers. I'd like to think men are not that shallow.

I would rather debate with those that disagree with me than those that do agree with me. The latter wouldn't be much of a debate.

He chose Kelly because she will ask tough questions that Trump obviously doesn't want to have to face.

there is a difference between tough questions and set up questions.

for example: are you still using cocaine? yes or no
or, its been reported that you used cocaine, can you address that claim?

If you can debate worth a shit a set up question can be used to your advantage.

yeah, but why deal with it if you don't need to? He is on top. He who is on top calls the shots.

Sounds like something a coward would say to justify his cowardice.
Proving that they ARE biased against Trump, at the least, Fox News issued a well-thought-out, 'sharp' response to Trump exercising his personal right to choose not to be part of their debate by insinuating he is a 'terrorist' by declaring his act to BE am act of terrorist / 'terrorization':

"“Capitulating to politicians’ ultimatums about a debate moderator violates all journalistic standards, as do threats, including the one leveled by Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski toward Megyn Kelly,” the statement said. We can’t give in to terrorizations toward any of our employees,” the statement added."

1. 'Terrorization'?
Choosing NOT to take part in their debate is an act of 'terrorism' / 'terrorization'? REALLY
- BTW, 'Terrorization': 1. To fill or overpower with terror; terrify. 2. To coerce or intimidate by causing fear. 'Sack Up', Fox News! If Trump not participating in your debate 'fills you with fear' or intimidates you because it makes you fearful you're a bunch of pusses!

2. The choice of using this word, was not simply off-the-cuff, is an attempt to strike out and hurt Trump in retaliation for spurning them. By choosing this word they 'make it personal' and go 'over the top' in their criticism of Trump. Pretty petty and un-professional of you, Fox News.
Proving that they ARE biased against Trump, at the least, Fox News issued a well-thought-out, 'sharp' response to Trump exercising his personal right to choose not to be part of their debate by insinuating he is a 'terrorist' by declaring his act to BE am act of terrorist / 'terrorization':

"“Capitulating to politicians’ ultimatums about a debate moderator violates all journalistic standards, as do threats, including the one leveled by Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski toward Megyn Kelly,” the statement said. We can’t give in to terrorizations toward any of our employees,” the statement added."

1. 'Terrorization'?
Choosing NOT to take part in their debate is an act of 'terrorism' / 'terrorization'? REALLY
- BTW, 'Terrorization': 1. To fill or overpower with terror; terrify. 2. To coerce or intimidate by causing fear. 'Sack Up', Fox News! If Trump not participating in your debate 'fills you with fear' or intimidates you because it makes you fearful you're a bunch of pusses!

2. The choice of using this word, was not simply off-the-cuff, is an attempt to strike out and hurt Trump in retaliation for spurning them. By choosing this word they 'make it personal' and go 'over the top' in their criticism of Trump. Pretty petty and un-professional of you, Fox News.

Trump is the one that is scared. Scared that Kelly will be "unfair" to him. What a pussy!

Wouldn't it be nice if Trump ever gave any of his vast fortune to our veterans?

Hell, they can't even get adequate health care from the VA.
That's a lie and you know it. The problem with the VA is long lines because Republicans sent many tens of thousands to Iraq and the wounded have overwhelmed the VA because those same fucktard Republicans refuse to pay for what they've done. It's like when they denied health care to first responders for ten years. In fact, I bet if I go look it up, I'll find out that Republicans cut VA funding. It's what they do. It's why the are evil.

In fact, I thought that was why the GOP base votes for them. Because they LIKE to see Americans suffer. You don't think Republicans are going to help anyone do you? It would be so out of character.
Proving that they ARE biased against Trump, at the least, Fox News issued a well-thought-out, 'sharp' response to Trump exercising his personal right to choose not to be part of their debate by insinuating he is a 'terrorist' by declaring his act to BE am act of terrorist / 'terrorization':

"“Capitulating to politicians’ ultimatums about a debate moderator violates all journalistic standards, as do threats, including the one leveled by Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski toward Megyn Kelly,” the statement said. We can’t give in to terrorizations toward any of our employees,” the statement added."

1. 'Terrorization'?
Choosing NOT to take part in their debate is an act of 'terrorism' / 'terrorization'? REALLY
- BTW, 'Terrorization': 1. To fill or overpower with terror; terrify. 2. To coerce or intimidate by causing fear. 'Sack Up', Fox News! If Trump not participating in your debate 'fills you with fear' or intimidates you because it makes you fearful you're a bunch of pusses!

2. The choice of using this word, was not simply off-the-cuff, is an attempt to strike out and hurt Trump in retaliation for spurning them. By choosing this word they 'make it personal' and go 'over the top' in their criticism of Trump. Pretty petty and un-professional of you, Fox News.

Trump is the one that is scared. Scared that Kelly will be "unfair" to him. What a pussy!

You and I haven't traditionally agreed on much but we can both see the obvious here. :beer:

Wouldn't it be nice if Trump ever gave any of his vast fortune to our veterans?

Hell, they can't even get adequate health care from the VA.
That's a lie and you know it. The problem with the VA is long lines because Republicans sent many tens of thousands to Iraq and the wounded have overwhelmed the VA because those same fucktard Republicans refuse to pay for what they've done. It's like when they denied health care to first responders for ten years. In fact, I bet if I go look it up, I'll find out that Republicans cut VA funding. It's what they do. It's why the are evil.

In fact, I thought that was why the GOP base votes for them. Because they LIKE to see Americans suffer. You don't think Republicans are going to help anyone do you? It would be so out of character.

No, that is the problem with government run anything.

Government owes you nothing. Anything they don't want to pay for they don't pay for, whether it is your social security or health care.

I suppose your argument is, let's keep the "bad" people out of government who don't pay for what they should.

And that sir is why you fail.
Proving that they ARE biased against Trump, at the least, Fox News issued a well-thought-out, 'sharp' response to Trump exercising his personal right to choose not to be part of their debate by insinuating he is a 'terrorist' by declaring his act to BE am act of terrorist / 'terrorization':

"“Capitulating to politicians’ ultimatums about a debate moderator violates all journalistic standards, as do threats, including the one leveled by Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski toward Megyn Kelly,” the statement said. We can’t give in to terrorizations toward any of our employees,” the statement added."

1. 'Terrorization'?
Choosing NOT to take part in their debate is an act of 'terrorism' / 'terrorization'? REALLY
- BTW, 'Terrorization': 1. To fill or overpower with terror; terrify. 2. To coerce or intimidate by causing fear. 'Sack Up', Fox News! If Trump not participating in your debate 'fills you with fear' or intimidates you because it makes you fearful you're a bunch of pusses!

2. The choice of using this word, was not simply off-the-cuff, is an attempt to strike out and hurt Trump in retaliation for spurning them. By choosing this word they 'make it personal' and go 'over the top' in their criticism of Trump. Pretty petty and un-professional of you, Fox News.

Trump is the one that is scared. Scared that Kelly will be "unfair" to him. What a pussy!
This is a new level of pussy.
Look Donald, look how scary she is. I think she's eating baby fingers:


Wouldn't it be nice if Trump ever gave any of his vast fortune to our veterans?

Hell, they can't even get adequate health care from the VA.
That's a lie and you know it. The problem with the VA is long lines because Republicans sent many tens of thousands to Iraq and the wounded have overwhelmed the VA because those same fucktard Republicans refuse to pay for what they've done. It's like when they denied health care to first responders for ten years. In fact, I bet if I go look it up, I'll find out that Republicans cut VA funding. It's what they do. It's why the are evil.

In fact, I thought that was why the GOP base votes for them. Because they LIKE to see Americans suffer. You don't think Republicans are going to help anyone do you? It would be so out of character.
Actually the blame is on democrat president Lyndon Johnson for sending tens of thousands of troops to Vietname who are still clogging up the lines and paperwork making it extremely difficult for current new veterans to get help.

Wouldn't it be nice if Trump ever gave any of his vast fortune to our veterans?

Hell, they can't even get adequate health care from the VA.
That's a lie and you know it. The problem with the VA is long lines because Republicans sent many tens of thousands to Iraq and the wounded have overwhelmed the VA because those same fucktard Republicans refuse to pay for what they've done. It's like when they denied health care to first responders for ten years. In fact, I bet if I go look it up, I'll find out that Republicans cut VA funding. It's what they do. It's why the are evil.

In fact, I thought that was why the GOP base votes for them. Because they LIKE to see Americans suffer. You don't think Republicans are going to help anyone do you? It would be so out of character.

No, that is the problem with government run anything.

Government owes you nothing. Anything they don't want to pay for they don't pay for, whether it is your social security or health care.

I suppose your argument is, let's keep the "bad" people out of government who don't pay for what they should.

And that sir is why you fail.
First you say:
I suppose your argument is

Then you make up some lame ass argument.

Then you say:
And that sir is why you fail.

In other words, you won the debate because of something you imagined I was going to say? Hilarious. I know you don't understand what I'm laughing at. However, others do. And believe me, they ARE laughing.

Wouldn't it be nice if Trump ever gave any of his vast fortune to our veterans?

Hell, they can't even get adequate health care from the VA.
That's a lie and you know it. The problem with the VA is long lines because Republicans sent many tens of thousands to Iraq and the wounded have overwhelmed the VA because those same fucktard Republicans refuse to pay for what they've done. It's like when they denied health care to first responders for ten years. In fact, I bet if I go look it up, I'll find out that Republicans cut VA funding. It's what they do. It's why the are evil.

In fact, I thought that was why the GOP base votes for them. Because they LIKE to see Americans suffer. You don't think Republicans are going to help anyone do you? It would be so out of character.
Actually the blame is on democrat president Lyndon Johnson for sending tens of thousands of troops to Vietname who are still clogging up the lines and paperwork making it extremely difficult for current new veterans to get help.

Yuh huh. So it's the veterans' fault for being numerous.

Johnson... Johnson.... isn't he the one you have a bogus quote attributed to in your sigline? Not content with "blame Bush" or "blame Clinton", here's a poster who leapfrogs eight presidents to try to find a point to make. Hey, that's almost as good as a bogus quote.

Wouldn't it be nice if Trump ever gave any of his vast fortune to our veterans?

Hell, they can't even get adequate health care from the VA.
That's a lie and you know it. The problem with the VA is long lines because Republicans sent many tens of thousands to Iraq and the wounded have overwhelmed the VA because those same fucktard Republicans refuse to pay for what they've done. It's like when they denied health care to first responders for ten years. In fact, I bet if I go look it up, I'll find out that Republicans cut VA funding. It's what they do. It's why the are evil.

In fact, I thought that was why the GOP base votes for them. Because they LIKE to see Americans suffer. You don't think Republicans are going to help anyone do you? It would be so out of character.
Actually the blame is on democrat president Lyndon Johnson for sending tens of thousands of troops to Vietname who are still clogging up the lines and paperwork making it extremely difficult for current new veterans to get help.

Yuh huh. So it's the veterans' fault for being numerous.

Johnson... Johnson.... isn't he the one you have a bogus quote attributed to in your sigline? Not content with "blame Bush" or "blame Clinton", here's a poster who leapfrogs eight presidents to try to find a point to make. Hey, that's almost as good as a bogus quote.
I'm going to have to stick with Bush. He tricked America into war. The cost so far is three trillion over the 200 billion they said it would cost. He didn't beef up VA hospitals. He secretly brought back the corpses of young people in caskets refusing to let the coffins be photographed.. He cut trillions in taxes knowing the true cost of the wars. And the GOP tries to blame all that on Obama. What a bunch of pigs.

Wouldn't it be nice if Trump ever gave any of his vast fortune to our veterans?

Hell, they can't even get adequate health care from the VA.
That's a lie and you know it. The problem with the VA is long lines because Republicans sent many tens of thousands to Iraq and the wounded have overwhelmed the VA because those same fucktard Republicans refuse to pay for what they've done. It's like when they denied health care to first responders for ten years. In fact, I bet if I go look it up, I'll find out that Republicans cut VA funding. It's what they do. It's why the are evil.

In fact, I thought that was why the GOP base votes for them. Because they LIKE to see Americans suffer. You don't think Republicans are going to help anyone do you? It would be so out of character.

No, that is the problem with government run anything.

Government owes you nothing. Anything they don't want to pay for they don't pay for, whether it is your social security or health care.

I suppose your argument is, let's keep the "bad" people out of government who don't pay for what they should.

And that sir is why you fail.
First you say:
I suppose your argument is

Then you make up some lame ass argument.

Then you say:
And that sir is why you fail.

In other words, you won the debate because of something you imagined I was going to say? Hilarious. I know you don't understand what I'm laughing at. However, others do. And believe me, they ARE laughing.

You do know those voices in your head are not real, right?
That's a lie and you know it. The problem with the VA is long lines because Republicans sent many tens of thousands to Iraq and the wounded have overwhelmed the VA because those same fucktard Republicans refuse to pay for what they've done. It's like when they denied health care to first responders for ten years. In fact, I bet if I go look it up, I'll find out that Republicans cut VA funding. It's what they do. It's why the are evil.

In fact, I thought that was why the GOP base votes for them. Because they LIKE to see Americans suffer. You don't think Republicans are going to help anyone do you? It would be so out of character.

Sorry, but your claiming that Vets can't get health care because of Republicans after 7+ years of Obama being in charge is BS!

Sorry, but Obama appointees and his administration did nothing - even reportedly now after the story blew up many vets are still waiting and getting sub-par health care.....

But Obama's higher-priority Illegals and terrorist/refugees are getting adequate health care. Hundreds of millions of dollars are going to settle, feed, clothe, find jobs for, etc illegals while Obama refuses to enforce exiting immigration laws, frees criminal illegals from jail, protects sanctuary cities violating federal laws by providing sanctuary for them, and while he ignores American citizens who are in need.

Obama doesn't believe in helping American citizens 1st...his own ACTIONS have and continue to prove that, no matter what you SAY.

When Liberals took over a near Super Majority control of Congress...and held the WH...they could have taken care of our infrastructure, helped provide needy veterans, homeless, and hungry Americans with help...instead their 1st spending bill was the nearly $1 trillion failed Stimulus bill that contained over 7,0000 pieces of self/party-serving DNC-Only pork. They spent money on alcoholic Chinese prostitutes and homosexual Argentinian males, gave millionaire Feinstein's husband an interest-free loan he never had to pay back, but had none to spend on infrastructure, vets, or needy Americans. In the end the 'jobs creation bill' ended up costing Middle Class tax-paying Americans over $742,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have created/saved.

Once again Libs engage in 'blame-shifting' and 'passing the buck'.
Wouldn't it be nice if Trump ever gave any of his vast fortune to our veterans?

Hell, they can't even get adequate health care from the VA.
That's a lie and you know it. The problem with the VA is long lines because Republicans sent many tens of thousands to Iraq and the wounded have overwhelmed the VA because those same fucktard Republicans refuse to pay for what they've done. It's like when they denied health care to first responders for ten years. In fact, I bet if I go look it up, I'll find out that Republicans cut VA funding. It's what they do. It's why the are evil.

In fact, I thought that was why the GOP base votes for them. Because they LIKE to see Americans suffer. You don't think Republicans are going to help anyone do you? It would be so out of character.
Actually the blame is on democrat president Lyndon Johnson for sending tens of thousands of troops to Vietname who are still clogging up the lines and paperwork making it extremely difficult for current new veterans to get help.

Yuh huh. So it's the veterans' fault for being numerous.

Johnson... Johnson.... isn't he the one you have a bogus quote attributed to in your sigline? Not content with "blame Bush" or "blame Clinton", here's a poster who leapfrogs eight presidents to try to find a point to make. Hey, that's almost as good as a bogus quote.
I'm going to have to stick with Bush. He tricked America into war. The cost so far is three trillion over the 200 billion they said it would cost. He didn't beef up VA hospitals. He secretly brought back the corpses of young people in caskets refusing to let the coffins be photographed.. He cut trillions in taxes knowing the true cost of the wars. And the GOP tries to blame all that on Obama. What a bunch of pigs.


Wouldn't it be nice if Trump ever gave any of his vast fortune to our veterans?

Hell, they can't even get adequate health care from the VA.
That's a lie and you know it. The problem with the VA is long lines because Republicans sent many tens of thousands to Iraq and the wounded have overwhelmed the VA because those same fucktard Republicans refuse to pay for what they've done. It's like when they denied health care to first responders for ten years. In fact, I bet if I go look it up, I'll find out that Republicans cut VA funding. It's what they do. It's why the are evil.

In fact, I thought that was why the GOP base votes for them. Because they LIKE to see Americans suffer. You don't think Republicans are going to help anyone do you? It would be so out of character.
Actually the blame is on democrat president Lyndon Johnson for sending tens of thousands of troops to Vietname who are still clogging up the lines and paperwork making it extremely difficult for current new veterans to get help.

Yuh huh. So it's the veterans' fault for being numerous.

Johnson... Johnson.... isn't he the one you have a bogus quote attributed to in your sigline? Not content with "blame Bush" or "blame Clinton", here's a poster who leapfrogs eight presidents to try to find a point to make. Hey, that's almost as good as a bogus quote.
I'm going to have to stick with Bush. He tricked America into war. The cost so far is three trillion over the 200 billion they said it would cost. He didn't beef up VA hospitals. He secretly brought back the corpses of young people in caskets refusing to let the coffins be photographed.. He cut trillions in taxes knowing the true cost of the wars. And the GOP tries to blame all that on Obama. What a bunch of pigs.

Actually the doctors who blew the whistle on the VA scandal ran to none other than Senator John McCain.

Now you would think that John, being a veteran and a Republican, would be the guy to run to for help. Wrong!

As soon as they contacted John, they were fired from their jobs.

If it had not been for some obscure Congressman in Florida the whole affair may never have seen the light of day. That is just how corrupt the nation has become and begs the question, are we this close to having our voices snuffed out completely by Big Brother?
That's a lie and you know it. The problem with the VA is long lines because Republicans sent many tens of thousands to Iraq and the wounded have overwhelmed the VA because those same fucktard Republicans refuse to pay for what they've done. It's like when they denied health care to first responders for ten years. In fact, I bet if I go look it up, I'll find out that Republicans cut VA funding. It's what they do. It's why the are evil.

In fact, I thought that was why the GOP base votes for them. Because they LIKE to see Americans suffer. You don't think Republicans are going to help anyone do you? It would be so out of character.

Sorry, but your claiming that Vets can't get health care because of Republicans after 7+ years of Obama being in charge is BS!

Sorry, but Obama appointees and his administration did nothing - even reportedly now after the story blew up many vets are still waiting and getting sub-par health care.....

But Obama's higher-priority Illegals and terrorist/refugees are getting adequate health care. Hundreds of millions of dollars are going to settle, feed, clothe, find jobs for, etc illegals while Obama refuses to enforce exiting immigration laws, frees criminal illegals from jail, protects sanctuary cities violating federal laws by providing sanctuary for them, and while he ignores American citizens who are in need.

Obama doesn't believe in helping American citizens 1st...his own ACTIONS have and continue to prove that, no matter what you SAY.

When Liberals took over a near Super Majority control of Congress...and held the WH...they could have taken care of our infrastructure, helped provide needy veterans, homeless, and hungry Americans with help...instead their 1st spending bill was the nearly $1 trillion failed Stimulus bill that contained over 7,0000 pieces of self/party-serving DNC-Only pork. They spent money on alcoholic Chinese prostitutes and homosexual Argentinian males, gave millionaire Feinstein's husband an interest-free loan he never had to pay back, but had none to spend on infrastructure, vets, or needy Americans. In the end the 'jobs creation bill' ended up costing Middle Class tax-paying Americans over $742,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have created/saved.

Once again Libs engage in 'blame-shifting' and 'passing the buck'.

Again, the whole ideology of the left is:

1. Government is good, except for the bad Republicans.
2. It will work as soon as the bad Republicans are gone.
3. Then comes utopia.

It's so easy to understand a child could understand it. You might even say it takes the mind of a child to understand it.

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