Breaking: Twitter Allows #AssassinateTrump Hashtag (How Do You Liberals Feel About This?)

This is utterly disgusting and should not be allowed. It is being used for the sole purpose to influence someone to actually assassinate our newly elected Holy Emperor. So liberals, do You agree with this?

Twitter Allows #AssassinateTrump Hashtag

Does that emoticon mean you don't believe me?
I assure you, Twitter should pull it down just as fast as they pulled down all the posts threatening to kill Hillary and her leftard army. It is not funny. You probably cut your teeth on our politicians getting shot with regularity, same as I did. And it's NOT funny.

Believe it or not I was actually agreeing with you on the no...

I find it amazing in today time we live with people hell bent on wanting to kill someone because they got elected... I say if you hate the guy then in four years run someone that can beat him...

It is also a crime and I believe it is time to start kicking everyone in the butt over this no matter if against Clinton, Obama or Trump...

They react like this because again they didn't get their way, they're emotionally immature, they're throwing another mega tantrum, again a violent tantrum.

This is what they do, something doesn't go their way, violent tantrum, start threatening people, if people don't agree with them, start screaming at them and calling them names and then threaten to become physically violent.
I'm not going to spend time sifting through months of posts to show you all the posts threatening physical violence against the left by our stalwart Trump supporters here. I'm not exaggerating, but I'm sure you're well aware of it.
It is not right on either side of the fence, but stop pretending your side is pure as the driven snow here.
The tolerant liberals self identifying themselves again. Apparently they learned nothing from Trump's election.

Good that it will be made clear for all that Trump was the better choice. No one can stand these people.

Interesting that you aren't in the least perturbed by the tolerant conservatives who called for assassinating Obama. No surprise.

But it's now and not then, the now is that people are calling for Trump to be assassinated and they're rioting and burning things down and this isn't Conservatives doing this, just like it wasn't Conservatives rioting and burning things down in Ferguson.

These are Subversive groups doing this, one Anarchists, the other was BLM who should be declared an American Domestic Terrorist organisation.
There has been rioting two nights in the same town, Portland Oregon. The rest have been large, peaceful protests. No one is burning anything down. They've burned the flag (ouch) and some trash in the street. You are getting sensationalized news and trying to make it more sensationalized. If you really cared (and why would you, you're not even an American) you wouldn't be trying to keep this fucking scream-hate fest going. The election is over.
This is utterly disgusting and should not be allowed. It is being used for the sole purpose to influence someone to actually assassinate our newly elected Holy Emperor. So liberals, do You agree with this?

Twitter Allows #AssassinateTrump Hashtag

Calling for the assassination of elected officials is way wrong. Against the law.
Twitter should be held accountable for breaking the law, and all the posters of the hashtag should be arrested.
This is utterly disgusting and should not be allowed. It is being used for the sole purpose to influence someone to actually assassinate our newly elected Holy Emperor. So liberals, do You agree with this?

Twitter Allows #AssassinateTrump Hashtag

Does that emoticon mean you don't believe me?
I assure you, Twitter should pull it down just as fast as they pulled down all the posts threatening to kill Hillary and her leftard army. It is not funny. You probably cut your teeth on our politicians getting shot with regularity, same as I did. And it's NOT funny.
Threatening to kill a presidential candidate is wrong and shameful. Threatening to kill the president is literally illegal.

Big difference.
It's strange because I heard twitter doesn't allow hate comments or ashtags
Why does twitter allow "assassinatetrump" ashtag?
Spreading hate is not very nice :(
This is utterly disgusting and should not be allowed. It is being used for the sole purpose to influence someone to actually assassinate our newly elected Holy Emperor. So liberals, do You agree with this?

Twitter Allows #AssassinateTrump Hashtag

Calling for the assassination of elected officials is way wrong. Against the law.
Twitter should be held accountable for breaking the law, and all the posters of the hashtag should be arrested.
The hashtag itself means nothing, and could refer to character assassination.

It depends what the tweets say, those should be held accountable for breaking the law, depending on their content.

Also, allowing such a hashtag would help law enforcement.
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Does that emoticon mean you don't believe me?
I assure you, Twitter should pull it down just as fast as they pulled down all the posts threatening to kill Hillary and her leftard army. It is not funny. You probably cut your teeth on our politicians getting shot with regularity, same as I did. And it's NOT funny.

Believe it or not I was actually agreeing with you on the no...

I find it amazing in today time we live with people hell bent on wanting to kill someone because they got elected... I say if you hate the guy then in four years run someone that can beat him...

It is also a crime and I believe it is time to start kicking everyone in the butt over this no matter if against Clinton, Obama or Trump...

They react like this because again they didn't get their way, they're emotionally immature, they're throwing another mega tantrum, again a violent tantrum.

This is what they do, something doesn't go their way, violent tantrum, start threatening people, if people don't agree with them, start screaming at them and calling them names and then threaten to become physically violent.
I'm not going to spend time sifting through months of posts to show you all the posts threatening physical violence against the left by our stalwart Trump supporters here. I'm not exaggerating, but I'm sure you're well aware of it.
It is not right on either side of the fence, but stop pretending your side is pure as the driven snow here.
You forgot the death threats against Republicans who refuse to vote Trump, that happened in Colorado and at least one other state.
There's no excuse for anyone calling for the assassination of any president, right or left.

The real story here isn't someone calling for a president to be assassinated, it's that a giant media outlet would allow it when they have a track record of suppressing other less dangerous speech. It shows how twitter is, at minimum, biased toward the left... and at maximum, promoting the idea of assassinating an elected president.

In the link I provided, the threats and calls for assassinating Obama all came from Twitter as well. So, at a minimum - there isn't a partisan bias here. It's twitter users who themselves create any bias.

But - I do wonder, what is the FBI doing about these things and what does Twitter do?

Did twitter approve a hashtag advocating the assassination of Barry or Hellary? If not, then you're missing the whole point of this thread.

Does your back hurt from moving goal posts?

Nothing has been moved but that's a noobish retort. Type the thread title and explain how anything has been moved.

You claim twitter approved a hashtag.

Is there an approval process for hashtags?
They can remove hashtags and tweets at will regardless.
Now someone has been shot in the Portland riots, and elsewhere, counter demonstrations are beginning to form. Way to facilitate a peaceful transition. Not.
Begs the question.. who gives two shits about Twitter? Social media has become the bane of human existence. I only do Facebook and that only because of my grand-kids.

I don't get twitter, doesn't seem worth paying attention to. But....a lot of people seem to follow that crap. If you have people calling for assassinating a president gaining a large following - especially when it's as volatile and controversial as this election has been - then you have to worry that some unbalanced individual is going to take it as his mission.

My dad just turned 97 and three months after Trump announced his candidacy, he said flat out that he's seen it all and said someone will assassinate Trump. I was stunned at the time when he said it, but now I'm thinking the old guy has seen a thing or two. Oh, and he's an Oklahoma Republican from waaaaay back.
My 87 year old neighbor who is a life long Republican confidently predicts he'll never make it to the inauguration. It's not wishful thinking on her part. SS has their hands full at the moment, that's for sure.
Interesting that you aren't in the least perturbed by the tolerant conservatives who called for assassinating Obama. No surprise.

But it's now and not then, the now is that people are calling for Trump to be assassinated and they're rioting and burning things down and this isn't Conservatives doing this, just like it wasn't Conservatives rioting and burning things down in Ferguson.

These are Subversive groups doing this, one Anarchists, the other was BLM who should be declared an American Domestic Terrorist organisation.

Most of them are just plain people - not organized groups, just angry people and they are the SAME kinds of people as those who threatened Obama. The only difference is - then it was the right, now it is the left.

People want to ignore it because they want make it seem uniquely leftist. It's angry people and I'm guessing a lot of young people on college campus....and youth and emotional control don't always occur in the same action.

Yeah, just plain people setting flags/cars or whatever they can find on fire. Completely acceptable behavior....

Yes, it's completely unacceptable behavior.

But often it is ordinary people - not organized groups. One thing to keep in mind is people - even good people - can become bad people in a mob.

They are organised groups, the thing is though when the SHTF they're not going to be more organised than the massive groups that confront them and they'll be fully armed with assault weapons and plenty of bullets.

Of course they are organized, but they are not professional protestors like Trump insinuated like someone hired them. They have every right to protest. Also they are in all cities. Clinton won the popular vote and Trump won by the skin of his teeth.
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Well it is going to explode soon because someone will cross the line and these idiots will get the backlash they deserve...

Protest and I am fine with it...

Riot, destroy the surrounding area and call for someone death then I am done with you and you need to have your ass put back in place...

People have a right to protest, people don't have a right to riot and cause serious civil unrest.

I agree that something will happen and they'll cross the line, hopefully someone films the Anarchists getting their skulls cracked so we can all enjoy watching them getting what they deserve.

I'm curious - why are you so sure they are Anarchists? As a political group in the US, Anarchists don't amount to much. Or do you mean they are anarchists in the sense that they are trying to sow civil unrest and anarchy?

The police in Portland said that they're Anarchists.

Anti-Trump protest in Portland, Oregon, turns destructive and police blame 'anarchists'

Anti-Trump protest in Portland, Oregon, turns destructive and police blame 'anarchists'

"Or do you mean they are anarchists in the sense that they are trying to sow civil unrest"

They are demanding that a democratic election be overturned, they're calling for whites to die, they're calling for Trump to be assassinated, they're throwing missiles at the police, they're smashing things up and burning the American flag.....what would you call this unless it's trying to sow civil unrest?

Also they hate the American nation, if they didn't why are they burning your flag? They're Anarchists and Traitors.

Not Anarchists, just far left regressive Clinton supporters

Well the Anarchists include the Far Left and it's a completely unacceptable situation.

Those on the Left a week ago were demanding that when Hillary won :lol: that Trump supporters must accept this and not cause any trouble.

Now Trump has won, it's the hypocrisy again and why hasn't Hillary made a statement telling the rabble to get off the streets, accept Trump and behave themselves?

Last time the GOP had complete control was in the 20's and in 29 came the depression. Did you see all our debates, the Rep and Presidential ones?
Does your back hurt from moving goal posts?

Nothing has been moved but that's a noobish retort. Type the thread title and explain how anything has been moved.

You claim twitter approved a hashtag.

Is there an approval process for hashtags?

Slow down Coyote, you might strain something spinning so fast in the hole you dug for yourself with your position. To address your question, I have no idea. I don't use it either.

I do know that attempting to justify the actions of these leftist anarchists is a losing proposition which you foolishly chose to undertake.

I'm not justifying. I clearly and totally condemn it. You don't make threats on presidents.

But you're taking it to another level aren't you? You're claiming Twitter somehow actively allowed this, thus differentiating it from the calls for assassinating Obama. As if it were somehow different. In fact you made a big point of that, but now you say you don't actually know anything about Twitter.

Is it really so hard to condemn ALL these crazy calls for assassinating duly elected candidates? Or is it somehow more acceptable to you if it's Obama?

"Twitter somehow actively allowed this,"

Twitter did, the moment they allowed Assassinate Trump to have a Hashtag. Twitter should be told to take it down or they themselves will be taken down.

Yet they allowed all the hacked emails. Come to find out they were doctored.
Just as an aside, it seems the northwest has a large anarchist contingent. The Portland riots and I remember this past summer an anarchy-inspired riot in Seattle on Labor Day.
Until we get the money out of politics we will never get many people running to promote the greater good. they will work for self,& the money that put them there
People have a right to protest, people don't have a right to riot and cause serious civil unrest.

I agree that something will happen and they'll cross the line, hopefully someone films the Anarchists getting their skulls cracked so we can all enjoy watching them getting what they deserve.

I'm curious - why are you so sure they are Anarchists? As a political group in the US, Anarchists don't amount to much. Or do you mean they are anarchists in the sense that they are trying to sow civil unrest and anarchy?

The police in Portland said that they're Anarchists.

Anti-Trump protest in Portland, Oregon, turns destructive and police blame 'anarchists'

Anti-Trump protest in Portland, Oregon, turns destructive and police blame 'anarchists'

"Or do you mean they are anarchists in the sense that they are trying to sow civil unrest"

They are demanding that a democratic election be overturned, they're calling for whites to die, they're calling for Trump to be assassinated, they're throwing missiles at the police, they're smashing things up and burning the American flag.....what would you call this unless it's trying to sow civil unrest?

Also they hate the American nation, if they didn't why are they burning your flag? They're Anarchists and Traitors.

Not Anarchists, just far left regressive Clinton supporters

Well the Anarchists include the Far Left and it's a completely unacceptable situation.

Those on the Left a week ago were demanding that when Hillary won :lol: that Trump supporters must accept this and not cause any trouble.

Now Trump has won, it's the hypocrisy again and why hasn't Hillary made a statement telling the rabble to get off the streets, accept Trump and behave themselves?

Last time the GOP had complete control was in the 20's and in 29 came the depression. Did you see all our debates, the Rep and Presidential ones?

Actually they controlled the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives from 2003-2007. And then we had The Bush/Republican Great Recession.

Conservatives have no clue about how economics works. They've proven it over and over whilte destroying tens of millions of people's lives.
I'm curious - why are you so sure they are Anarchists? As a political group in the US, Anarchists don't amount to much. Or do you mean they are anarchists in the sense that they are trying to sow civil unrest and anarchy?

The police in Portland said that they're Anarchists.

Anti-Trump protest in Portland, Oregon, turns destructive and police blame 'anarchists'

Anti-Trump protest in Portland, Oregon, turns destructive and police blame 'anarchists'

"Or do you mean they are anarchists in the sense that they are trying to sow civil unrest"

They are demanding that a democratic election be overturned, they're calling for whites to die, they're calling for Trump to be assassinated, they're throwing missiles at the police, they're smashing things up and burning the American flag.....what would you call this unless it's trying to sow civil unrest?

Also they hate the American nation, if they didn't why are they burning your flag? They're Anarchists and Traitors.

Not Anarchists, just far left regressive Clinton supporters

Well the Anarchists include the Far Left and it's a completely unacceptable situation.

Those on the Left a week ago were demanding that when Hillary won :lol: that Trump supporters must accept this and not cause any trouble.

Now Trump has won, it's the hypocrisy again and why hasn't Hillary made a statement telling the rabble to get off the streets, accept Trump and behave themselves?

Last time the GOP had complete control was in the 20's and in 29 came the depression. Did you see all our debates, the Rep and Presidential ones?

Actually they controlled the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives from 2003-2007. And then we had The Bush/Republican Great Recession.

Conservatives have no clue about how economics works. They've proven it over and over whilte destroying tens of millions of people's lives.
Trump is not Bush.

Neocon Republicanism is dead.
Does that emoticon mean you don't believe me?
I assure you, Twitter should pull it down just as fast as they pulled down all the posts threatening to kill Hillary and her leftard army. It is not funny. You probably cut your teeth on our politicians getting shot with regularity, same as I did. And it's NOT funny.

Believe it or not I was actually agreeing with you on the no...

I find it amazing in today time we live with people hell bent on wanting to kill someone because they got elected... I say if you hate the guy then in four years run someone that can beat him...

It is also a crime and I believe it is time to start kicking everyone in the butt over this no matter if against Clinton, Obama or Trump...

They react like this because again they didn't get their way, they're emotionally immature, they're throwing another mega tantrum, again a violent tantrum.

This is what they do, something doesn't go their way, violent tantrum, start threatening people, if people don't agree with them, start screaming at them and calling them names and then threaten to become physically violent.

Believe it or not death threats against the President of the United State of America are not unusual and spiked when President Obama took office...

It is wrong and those that do it are not all there in the damn head and should be dealt with in the proper manner where they can not harm anyone in society...

Hell all of you on the right know I dislike Trump but damn if I will wish for any harm to him or his family...

There are some sick puppies in this twisted world we live in!

While they are usual, sadly, they didn't spike under Obama....that was part of the Leftwing propaganda that America is a racist nation.

It isn't, it didn't.

1. "Since Mr Obama took office, the rate of threats against the president has increased 400 per cent from the 3,000 a year or so under President George W. Bush, according to Ronald Kessler, author of In the President's Secret Service"
Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service - Telegraph

And the revelation:
"5803574The director of the Secret Service today disputed widely-reported claims that President Obama is receiving more death threats than previous presidents.

At a congressional hearing into the White House security breach that took place last week, when Tareq and Michaele Salahi "crashed" the White House state dinner, Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan said the current threat level against the president is normal.

"The threats right now ... is the same level as it has been for the previous two presidents at this point in their administrations," Sullivan said. Secret Service: Threats Against Obama No Higher than Normal - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

2. And another propaganda attempt by the left:

October 16, 2008 at 4:39 pm
What is really going on at McCain-Palin rallies? The Times Leader of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., reports that the Secret Service can find no evidence that anyone shouted “Kill him!” in reference to Barack Obama at a recent Palin event (via Little Green Footballs).

The story was originally reported by a competitor, the Scranton Times-Tribune, which is standing by its reporter, David Singleton:

Mr. Singleton said the remark came from his right, amid booing that followed Mr. Hackett’s mention of Mr. Obama.

very distinctly heard, ‘Kill him!’ Male voice,” he said. “It was definitely back in the back.”
Media Nation So what about those death threats?

Same story, different day.

3. Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan told Congress today that the Secret Service took responsibility for the security breach and that three officers involved in the incident are currently suspended. He also said, however, that recent claims about higher threat levels against the president have been inaccurate and Mr. Obama was not at risk the night of the state dinner.

Mr. Obama acknowledged in the interview that "the system didn't work the way it was supposed to." (may 20, 2010)
Read more:

4. "It is well known, it's been in the press over and over again, that this president has received far more death threats than any president in the history of the United States," Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, the congressional delegate for the District of Columbia, said at today's hearing.

The Boston Globe report last month noting that the threats against Mr. Obama have fallen back to typical levels, Mark Hosenball of Newsweek writes that the reports of a 400 percent increase in threats can be traced back to a book about the Secret Service published earlier this year by author Ronald Kessler.

Sullivan said today that the president was not at risk the night of the state dinner.

"The Boston Globe report last month noting that the threats against Mr. Obama have fallen back to typical levels, Mark Hosenball of Newsweek writes that the reports of a 400 percent increase in threats can be traced back to a book about the Secret Service published earlier this year by author Ronald Kessler.
dimocraps are scum

Like that's news??:dunno:

Just like the scum who call for assassinating Obama .... Hillary....

Scum is scum. Own it.

Who has been calling for Obama and Hillary to be assassinated?

Assassination threats against Barack Obama - Wikipedia

Oregon Man Who Made Presidential Death Threats Pleads Guilty

So? That's not the subject of the thread. The subject is twitter allowing the hashtag advocating the assassination of the President Elect. Unless you produce similar historical actions your retort is not germane and is irrelevant.

No it is not seeing she did not say anything about it had to be only on twitter...

The person requested evidence of death threats against Clinton and Obama and I provided the evidence to show it goes on daily. Now to you it is irrelevant because it prove you have stupid people on all sides and not just the left...

So don't tell me what I can provide as evidence to show that threats have happen before!

Wikipedia leans left

I had some experience with them while working for a Republican candidate.

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