Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

Truth is I don't care. They let Whitey rule the place, time to shut him down.

After further consideration, you're right... Pull whitey out of there. I'd love to see how long those residents lasted without the law. We can start calling it "Lil Chicago" as the black on black murders skyrocket.
Whitey isnt the law.
We've always made the law since this nations inception due to our superiority over you type people.
Actually the cops did that...

'Communist Organizing' at its worst. This President and his asshole comrades like Sharpton ,should be absolutely ashamed of themselves for inciting this violence. They got these officers shot.
The racist cops got other cops shot. Stop trying to shift blame.

No, despicable Communist Organizing got them shot. To hell with this President and all of his asshole comrades who've exploited and incited this mess. They can go to hell.
No, the feral cave monkey white racist cops got this cop shot. To hell with all cave chimps that serve as LEOs. They need to screen for racists when hiring cops.

You're a racist yourself. Therefore, you have no right to whine about racism.
Youre a racist cave monkey. Therefore you have no right to whine about racism.
I was asking if the police were the first to start the problem or was it the people. From news sources, the police have been using the citizens to generate revenue for years. Doing so with quota tickets and trumped up charges. So, the question is, "which party started the mess?" That's what I meant by which came first, the chicken or the egg. Your opinion? Was it the police that started the mess, or was it the people?

The city council sets ticket quotas. Not the police. Any cop will tell you he sees more law breaking every day than he writes tickets for.
Police officers should disobey orders to write BS quota tickets. But, they have no sense of right and wrong, nor do they have a conscience.
Or soon no job.

The infractions are taking place. I went to traffic school in 82' and the police instructor told us they could write 10 times the amount of tickets but don't.
No one is forced to take unfair advantage of anyone. Cops know what's expected of them even before they put on the uniform. Doing wrong for a dollar is NOT right.
The police are paid to enforce the laws, the police don't make the laws, they only enforce laws that are made by other people.
Ya wanna bitch about the laws????
Talk to the people that make the laws.
OR better yet, DON'T BREAK THE LAW, THEN you wont be ticketed, or taken to jail.
Ya wanna be a criminal and attack the police, expect to be shot.
Don't like it????
......... DON'T BE A CRIMINAL!!!!!
What about cops raping women, molesting children, ganging up on someone already handcuffed and on the ground, the 92 year old woman shot and killed in her own home because the cops had the wrong address, and cops taking bribes from pimps and drug dealers? Can you defend them also?
Agitators from the far right or KKK or the NBPP probably fired the shots.
More than likely it was some KKK members hoping the cops would fire on the crowd.
You two are fucking idiots.
You must be a fucked idiot then.
Yeah, the KKK snuck into the crowd and shot those cops from the grassy knoll. Morons.

KKK? Actually, that is very possible.
The city council sets ticket quotas. Not the police. Any cop will tell you he sees more law breaking every day than he writes tickets for.
Police officers should disobey orders to write BS quota tickets. But, they have no sense of right and wrong, nor do they have a conscience.
Or soon no job.

The infractions are taking place. I went to traffic school in 82' and the police instructor told us they could write 10 times the amount of tickets but don't.
No one is forced to take unfair advantage of anyone. Cops know what's expected of them even before they put on the uniform. Doing wrong for a dollar is NOT right.
The police are paid to enforce the laws, the police don't make the laws, they only enforce laws that are made by other people.
Ya wanna bitch about the laws????
Talk to the people that make the laws.
OR better yet, DON'T BREAK THE LAW, THEN you wont be ticketed, or taken to jail.
Ya wanna be a criminal and attack the police, expect to be shot.
Don't like it????
......... DON'T BE A CRIMINAL!!!!!
There are no laws concerning quota tickets.
Gee, I got a novel idea ................... How about you don't break any laws ....................... THEN you wont get any tickets!!!!
I got a speeding ticket once. I figured I would just show up and see if the judge would be nice. There were like 100 Mexicans in there (sorry, making a point). Everyone of them were just paying their ticket. I ended up having to just pay the ticket. At the counter the woman said, "Oh, don't do that. Oh, there's ____. Talk to him." So I talked to the lawyer hanging out there. He said for $200 he would see what he could do. I gave him $200, he walked right up to the front of the court room, said something to the judge, and my ticket was gone. This is the way it is, I just happened to be standing there at the time. Pay a lawyer and ticket disappears, don't and get screwed. Same everywhere and for all crimes from traffic tickets to murder.
Damn, how much was the speeding ticket for that paying $200 to the lawyer was cheaper for you?

Well worth it to keep it off your insurance.
And the average cost is 250.
I've only had one ticket for speeding and I can't remember how much it was for as it was 6.5 years ago. It was about 5 hours from home as well so I just paid the fine. I've been pretty lucky since I started driving.

It's been over ten years since I've had a ticket.
Hard to get a ticket if you dont have a car and your bike has training wheels.

I've owned more cars and trucks in the last ten years than you have up on blocks in your front yard.
Damn, how much was the speeding ticket for that paying $200 to the lawyer was cheaper for you?

Well worth it to keep it off your insurance.
And the average cost is 250.
I've only had one ticket for speeding and I can't remember how much it was for as it was 6.5 years ago. It was about 5 hours from home as well so I just paid the fine. I've been pretty lucky since I started driving.

It's been over ten years since I've had a ticket.
Hard to get a ticket if you dont have a car and your bike has training wheels.

I've owned more cars and trucks in the last ten years than you have up on blocks in your front yard.
So I was right then. You have owned zero cars. Thanks for confirming that.
The Communist Organizer in Chief and his comrades have incited this hate and violence.
Actually the cops did that...

'Communist Organizing' at its worst. This President and his asshole comrades like Sharpton ,should be absolutely ashamed of themselves for inciting this violence. They got these officers shot.
The racist cops got other cops shot. Stop trying to shift blame.

No, despicable Communist Organizing got them shot. To hell with this President and all of his asshole comrades who've exploited and incited this mess. They can go to hell.
No, the feral cave monkey white racist cops got this cop shot. To hell with all cave chimps that serve as LEOs. They need to screen for racists when hiring cops.
No, Michael Browns chimpout antics got these two cops shot.
'Communist Organizing' at its worst. This President and his asshole comrades like Sharpton ,should be absolutely ashamed of themselves for inciting this violence. They got these officers shot.
The racist cops got other cops shot. Stop trying to shift blame.

No, despicable Communist Organizing got them shot. To hell with this President and all of his asshole comrades who've exploited and incited this mess. They can go to hell.
No, the feral cave monkey white racist cops got this cop shot. To hell with all cave chimps that serve as LEOs. They need to screen for racists when hiring cops.

You're a racist yourself. Therefore, you have no right to whine about racism.
Youre a racist cave monkey. Therefore you have no right to whine about racism.

Dumb racists don't get to bitch & whine about racism. So piss off dummy.
The city council sets ticket quotas. Not the police. Any cop will tell you he sees more law breaking every day than he writes tickets for.
Police officers should disobey orders to write BS quota tickets. But, they have no sense of right and wrong, nor do they have a conscience.
Or soon no job.

The infractions are taking place. I went to traffic school in 82' and the police instructor told us they could write 10 times the amount of tickets but don't.
No one is forced to take unfair advantage of anyone. Cops know what's expected of them even before they put on the uniform. Doing wrong for a dollar is NOT right.
The police are paid to enforce the laws, the police don't make the laws, they only enforce laws that are made by other people.
Ya wanna bitch about the laws????
Talk to the people that make the laws.
OR better yet, DON'T BREAK THE LAW, THEN you wont be ticketed, or taken to jail.
Ya wanna be a criminal and attack the police, expect to be shot.
Don't like it????
......... DON'T BE A CRIMINAL!!!!!
What about cops raping women, molesting children, ganging up on someone already handcuffed and on the ground, the 92 year old woman shot and killed in her own home because the cops had the wrong address, and cops taking bribes from pimps and drug dealers? Can you defend them also?

You mean the 0.5% of them? Like any group of humans...a few bad ones exist.
The racist cops got other cops shot. Stop trying to shift blame.

No, despicable Communist Organizing got them shot. To hell with this President and all of his asshole comrades who've exploited and incited this mess. They can go to hell.
No, the feral cave monkey white racist cops got this cop shot. To hell with all cave chimps that serve as LEOs. They need to screen for racists when hiring cops.

You're a racist yourself. Therefore, you have no right to whine about racism.
Youre a racist cave monkey. Therefore you have no right to whine about racism.

Dumb racists don't get to bitch & whine about racism. So piss off dummy.
Stop bitching and whining then you dumb racist.
Are you not aware of the shakedowns that were exposed and led directly to the firings and resignations of town police and officials? This news came out immediately preceding the shooting. Were there shootings at police before the extortion and shakedowns were exposed?

So if a cop shakes me down, I have a legitimate reason to shoot at him? Thanks for the heads up.
Truth is I don't care. They let Whitey rule the place, time to shut him down.

After further consideration, you're right... Pull whitey out of there. I'd love to see how long those residents lasted without the law. We can start calling it "Lil Chicago" as the black on black murders skyrocket.

Yep...I say let natural selection run it's course. We've held it back for too long to the detriment of society.
You must be a fucked idiot then.
Yeah, the KKK snuck into the crowd and shot those cops from the grassy knoll. Morons.
They werent in the crowd moron. Learn how to read or listen.

How about you do a little research before you flap your lips.
It was even on video so you dont have to read.
Cops said the rounds came from a handgun. So that puts them right up close to the action.
Range of a Handgun Bullet

You stupid fuck. Sure a round will go a long way,hitting what you aim at is a whole nother story. And this guy hit twice.
You continue to show your ignorance of firearms and their capabilities.
There are several videos online that show someone hitting a target 1,000 yards away with a pistol. A lot of deer hunters use pistols and can hit a deer 200 yards away. Field and Stream web site has videos and articles on it all the time. Plenty of people are very good with pistols at long ranges. I know a lot about firearms. I own three, I've hunted all of my live, and have owned many guns during my life.
The LAST thing I want is a thug police force. Having stated that, whether this was an orchestrated shooting or not, the police need to be given summary execution powers when it comes to blacks when they turn feral. Then we need to go back to segregation until we can properly deal with them.
Yeah, the KKK snuck into the crowd and shot those cops from the grassy knoll. Morons.
They werent in the crowd moron. Learn how to read or listen.

How about you do a little research before you flap your lips.
It was even on video so you dont have to read.
Cops said the rounds came from a handgun. So that puts them right up close to the action.
Range of a Handgun Bullet

You stupid fuck. Sure a round will go a long way,hitting what you aim at is a whole nother story. And this guy hit twice.
You continue to show your ignorance of firearms and their capabilities.
There are several videos online that show someone hitting a target 1,000 yards away with a pistol. A lot of deer hunters use pistols and can hit a deer 200 yards away. Field and Stream web site has videos and articles on it all the time. Plenty of people are very good with pistols at long ranges. I know a lot about firearms. I own three, I've hunted all of my live, and have owned many guns during my life.
He is an idiot. You exposed him so now he is angry with you.
No, despicable Communist Organizing got them shot. To hell with this President and all of his asshole comrades who've exploited and incited this mess. They can go to hell.
No, the feral cave monkey white racist cops got this cop shot. To hell with all cave chimps that serve as LEOs. They need to screen for racists when hiring cops.

You're a racist yourself. Therefore, you have no right to whine about racism.
Youre a racist cave monkey. Therefore you have no right to whine about racism.

Dumb racists don't get to bitch & whine about racism. So piss off dummy.
Stop bitching and whining then you dumb racist.

I'm not the one whining and calling everyone RAAAACISTS. That's your dumbass doin that. But like i said, you're a racist yourself. So you can STFU now.
Truth is I don't care. They let Whitey rule the place, time to shut him down.

After further consideration, you're right... Pull whitey out of there. I'd love to see how long those residents lasted without the law. We can start calling it "Lil Chicago" as the black on black murders skyrocket.

Yep...I say let natural selection run it's course. We've held it back for too long to the detriment of society.
You havent held back. Youre just too much of a pussy to actually be on the front line.
Police officers should disobey orders to write BS quota tickets. But, they have no sense of right and wrong, nor do they have a conscience.
Or soon no job.

The infractions are taking place. I went to traffic school in 82' and the police instructor told us they could write 10 times the amount of tickets but don't.
No one is forced to take unfair advantage of anyone. Cops know what's expected of them even before they put on the uniform. Doing wrong for a dollar is NOT right.
The police are paid to enforce the laws, the police don't make the laws, they only enforce laws that are made by other people.
Ya wanna bitch about the laws????
Talk to the people that make the laws.
OR better yet, DON'T BREAK THE LAW, THEN you wont be ticketed, or taken to jail.
Ya wanna be a criminal and attack the police, expect to be shot.
Don't like it????
......... DON'T BE A CRIMINAL!!!!!
There are no laws concerning quota tickets.
Gee, I got a novel idea ................... How about you don't break any laws ....................... THEN you wont get any tickets!!!!
I have gotten a couple of tickets in my life without breaking any laws. And, there are many that have experienced the same.
The city council sets ticket quotas. Not the police. Any cop will tell you he sees more law breaking every day than he writes tickets for.
Police officers should disobey orders to write BS quota tickets. But, they have no sense of right and wrong, nor do they have a conscience.
Or soon no job.

The infractions are taking place. I went to traffic school in 82' and the police instructor told us they could write 10 times the amount of tickets but don't.
No one is forced to take unfair advantage of anyone. Cops know what's expected of them even before they put on the uniform. Doing wrong for a dollar is NOT right.
The police are paid to enforce the laws, the police don't make the laws, they only enforce laws that are made by other people.
Ya wanna bitch about the laws????
Talk to the people that make the laws.
OR better yet, DON'T BREAK THE LAW, THEN you wont be ticketed, or taken to jail.
Ya wanna be a criminal and attack the police, expect to be shot.
Don't like it????
......... DON'T BE A CRIMINAL!!!!!
What about cops raping women, molesting children, ganging up on someone already handcuffed and on the ground, the 92 year old woman shot and killed in her own home because the cops had the wrong address, and cops taking bribes from pimps and drug dealers? Can you defend them also?

You mean the 0.5% of them? Like any group of humans...a few b
Yeah, the KKK snuck into the crowd and shot those cops from the grassy knoll. Morons.
They werent in the crowd moron. Learn how to read or listen.

How about you do a little research before you flap your lips.
It was even on video so you dont have to read.
Cops said the rounds came from a handgun. So that puts them right up close to the action.
Range of a Handgun Bullet

You stupid fuck. Sure a round will go a long way,hitting what you aim at is a whole nother story. And this guy hit twice.
You continue to show your ignorance of firearms and their capabilities.
There are several videos online that show someone hitting a target 1,000 yards away with a pistol. A lot of deer hunters use pistols and can hit a deer 200 yards away. Field and Stream web site has videos and articles on it all the time. Plenty of people are very good with pistols at long ranges. I know a lot about firearms. I own three, I've hunted all of my live, and have owned many guns during my life.

Did you watch the video? The sound. Those shots were crisp. Nearby. Not 1000 yards away or even 100.

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