Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

Agitators from the far right or KKK or the NBPP probably fired the shots.
More than likely it was some KKK members hoping the cops would fire on the crowd.
I just saw another video, from someone's camera phone. I could be wrong but the way I see it those shots had to have been shot from a sighted rifle and the shooter was no occasional sportsman.
That's what I thought, but a report today said the weapon was probably a handgun. If so, the LEO are dealing with a very dangerous person.
I'm not calling everyone racists. I'm only calling cave monkeys such as yourself racists.

You're either a racist dimwit, or just another dumb White Communist. So quit ya bitchin and STFU. It's tired and old. And hey, just heard Walmart is handing out Obamaphones right now. But supplies are limited. Better head on over and get in line. Off ya go now...
Theres no guessing. You are definitely an inbred cave chimp. Stop whining. Its always been old. Go back to the monkey house and put a banana in your mouth and stop your howling.

Yeah, i'm goin with racist dimwit. Anyway, why are you still here? Walmart's gonna run out of those Obamaphones any minute now. Better hurry. See ya. :arrow:
How do you know Walmart is running out of Obamaphones? You must have stood in line to get one. BTW what is a Obamaphone?

Ha yeah, like you don't know. Quit lyin ya lil bitch. That's you standing behind her.

I dont know. Is this you with your Obama phone?

You stupid fuck. Sure a round will go a long way,hitting what you aim at is a whole nother story. And this guy hit twice.
You continue to show your ignorance of firearms and their capabilities.
There are several videos online that show someone hitting a target 1,000 yards away with a pistol. A lot of deer hunters use pistols and can hit a deer 200 yards away. Field and Stream web site has videos and articles on it all the time. Plenty of people are very good with pistols at long ranges. I know a lot about firearms. I own three, I've hunted all of my live, and have owned many guns during my life.

So your telling me some dumbass in ferguson is capable of hitting from a thousand yards? Which is a world record by the way. So we now have world record pistol shooters in Ferguson?
Jesus you're stupid. The average pistol shooter is lucky to hit from seventy five feet let alone a thousand yards.
BB guns dont count as firearms by the way.
They said the shots came from 125 yards away. Put your foot in your mouth again with your failed logic. Youre a fucking idiot. :laugh:

"Witnesses said the shots came from a hill a distance away from the protest that overlooks the station. Belmar said officers saw "muzzle flashes ... about 125 yards away."
It's very possible to hit a target of more than 100 yards with a pistol.

Bet you cant. Just as I'd bet no one in ferguson can.
You dont know shit about firearms.
No, I can't. I'm not very good with a pistol anymore. I was at one time back when I was in the Marine Corps. In the Marine Corps, I qualified as a Sharp Shooter with a 45 cal. But, I'm older and don't shoot pistols much anymore. But, with a rifle, that's a different story. I can hold my own with a rifle. I have three rifles and two of them are very accurate, even with me shooting them and I'm 67 years young. You don't know as much as you think you know. At. least where I'm concerned. You know absolutely nothing about me, nor what I've done or haven't, nor what I know and don't know. But, go ahead with your childish personal attacks if it makes your day. Your age?
One cop shot is white. The story is breaking everywhere right now. Looks like the protestors are amassing for a massive chimpout. These pissed cops now have a good excuse to put these feral savages down for once and for all.
Lets give them what they want. Declare martial law and crack down...or just let the people loose and take care of this problem. Blacks are not FIT nor are they Smart enough to live in a civilized society. They are much more fit for a jungle or crack house.

Well, let's work this out. First, a Ferguson citizen commits a strong arm robbery, then assaults a police officer and attempts to get the officers gun, then tries to bumrush the officer and is shot dead in the attempt. Then some citizens of Ferguson lie about the incident with "hands up, don't shoot", THEN the citizens of Ferguson loot the town and destroy or burn down the city. And today they ambushed and shot two police officers standing guard in front of the police station. But the police are the bad guys.
THAT is exactly what you'll hear from the liberals, the race-baiters, the race-hucksters, the Obama administration, and the useful idiots that believe the aforementioned anti-American freaks.

Before all that happened Police have been using the blacks there to line their pockets from tickets. Abused and harassed blacks for years.

But ignore that all started with MB

Actually, they were lining the School Districts pockets...funding education.

There was a tiny little town not far from me called Mack's Creek. It was on a stretch of US-54 where the speed limit is 65mph. Mack's Creek was uniquely situated at the very nadir of V-shaped valley where the highway ran down steep downgrades on either side.

The city conveniently reduced the speed limit to 45mph for 1/4 mile inside their city limits and stationed an officer full time to write speeding tickets. Those ticket produced 80% of the towns revenue. It became so infamous that state lawmakers passed a law literally named the "Mack's Creek law" that limited the amount of revenue realized by tickets written by local police to 30% of the total revenue any city in Missouri received. Mack's Creek was forced into bankruptcy and unincorporated.


1) Writing tickets does NOT line the pockets of incorporated towns in Missouri...most is remitted to the Missouri Department of Revenue to be redistributed to the local school dictrict budget.

2) Mack's Creek burned tens of thousands of Missourians with their unscrupulous practices...yet, the city wasn't looted, the businesses weren't burnt to the ground and the police officers weren't shot down in front of their police station. The matter was handled the way civilized human beings handle unfair practices and the ballot box and through legislation means.

And as an ironic aside...the speed limit is still 45mph in unincorporated Mack's Creek...but now the State Troopers sit at the bottom of the hill and write the tickets.

Mack's Creek law
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Yep...I say let natural selection run it's course. We've held it back for too long to the detriment of society.
You havent held back. Youre just too much of a pussy to actually be on the front line.
Gee, I got a novel idea ................... How about you don't break any laws ....................... THEN you wont get any tickets!!!!
I have gotten a couple of tickets in my life without breaking any laws. And, there are many that have experienced the same.

What statute was written on the ticket? See...thats the law you broke. They dont have a statute called "Doing Nothing Wrong".
Are you completely unaware and ignorant about BS quota tickets? I see it take place almost every day right outside my subdivision from my front door. Denial doesn't prove anything.
??You mean they give out tickets when no laws are broken???

In some cases other cases they give out tickets for minor stuff they dont seem to charge whites for unless whites dont jaywalk and stuff like that.

So while I share your concern and fervor for ticketing jay walkers they care more about those laws when its a certain group that does it.

I mean its pretty simple. If you believe the Justice system is fair and honest then you wont believe it. But not one of you will ever say those words because its just too silly. So if you wont say the words that means you acknowledge the system is not fair...which leads to not fair situations and events
They have to write SOMETHING on the line that says the reason the ticket was written!!!
What was written on that line on your ticket????
Did they write "because I didn't like the way he combed his hair"??
Or did the write "because I didn't like the way he tied his shooes"????
What did the sccuse you of??????
As whites, here is what we are dealing with. The Negro possesses a slope forehead which usually denotes low intelligence and reasoning. There is abnormality with the frontal cortex of a Negro..........The Negro also lacks impulse control and strive on violence and anarchy. They are mad animals. Ferguson, Mall flash mobs, knockout games and chimpouts at McDonalds over wrong orders are proof of this.
or this. :laugh:


Yeah we know, you gangsta. You makin that phat doh.


Now STFU and get me my fries bitch!
Sounds like you think you are a gangsta except you aint makin no dough.. You do realize thats were the term came from right?


What you gon do with that whole $17 bitch? Your Micky D's shift ends soon. You rollin wit dat phat doh son. :laugh:

The police are paid to enforce the laws, the police don't make the laws, they only enforce laws that are made by other people.
Ya wanna bitch about the laws????
Talk to the people that make the laws.
OR better yet, DON'T BREAK THE LAW, THEN you wont be ticketed, or taken to jail.
Ya wanna be a criminal and attack the police, expect to be shot.
Don't like it????
......... DON'T BE A CRIMINAL!!!!!
What about cops raping women, molesting children, ganging up on someone already handcuffed and on the ground, the 92 year old woman shot and killed in her own home because the cops had the wrong address, and cops taking bribes from pimps and drug dealers? Can you defend them also?

You mean the 0.5% of them? Like any group of humans...a few b
You stupid fuck. Sure a round will go a long way,hitting what you aim at is a whole nother story. And this guy hit twice.
You continue to show your ignorance of firearms and their capabilities.
There are several videos online that show someone hitting a target 1,000 yards away with a pistol. A lot of deer hunters use pistols and can hit a deer 200 yards away. Field and Stream web site has videos and articles on it all the time. Plenty of people are very good with pistols at long ranges. I know a lot about firearms. I own three, I've hunted all of my live, and have owned many guns during my life.

Did you watch the video? The sound. Those shots were crisp. Nearby. Not 1000 yards away or even 100.
Hard to tell from the video. Sounds travel a long way, especially gun shots. Very difficult to tell distance from a video.

Bullshit,shots that are close by sound crisp and sharp. Long shots are muffled.
Here is a link with the sound of the shots. My guess would be a .22 Long shot from a rifle. .22 Long is a common round for both the rifle and the pistol. It is also a relatively small round that will give that 'zing' rather than a 'bang!'.

From Online Army Study Guide - M9 Pistol
Describe the M9 pistol.
The M9 pistol is a 9-mm, semiautomatic, magazine fed, recoil-operation, double-action weapon chambered for the 9-mm cartridge.​
What is the maximum range of the M9?
What is the maximum effective range of the M9?
50 meters
Ferguson Shooting Police Officers Released From the Hospital - ABC News

A zing? :lmao:You're a complete firearm noob.
A .22 gives a sharp report.
You havent held back. Youre just too much of a pussy to actually be on the front line.
I have gotten a couple of tickets in my life without breaking any laws. And, there are many that have experienced the same.

What statute was written on the ticket? See...thats the law you broke. They dont have a statute called "Doing Nothing Wrong".
Are you completely unaware and ignorant about BS quota tickets? I see it take place almost every day right outside my subdivision from my front door. Denial doesn't prove anything.
??You mean they give out tickets when no laws are broken???

In some cases other cases they give out tickets for minor stuff they dont seem to charge whites for unless whites dont jaywalk and stuff like that.

So while I share your concern and fervor for ticketing jay walkers they care more about those laws when its a certain group that does it.

I mean its pretty simple. If you believe the Justice system is fair and honest then you wont believe it. But not one of you will ever say those words because its just too silly. So if you wont say the words that means you acknowledge the system is not fair...which leads to not fair situations and events
They have to write SOMETHING on the line that says the reason the ticket was written!!!
What was written on that line on your ticket????
Did they write "because I didn't like the way he combed his hair"??
Or did the write "because I didn't like the way he tied his shooes"????
What did the sccuse you of??????
You idiot. They can pretty much write what they want. Its their word against yours.
Yep...I say let natural selection run it's course. We've held it back for too long to the detriment of society.
You havent held back. Youre just too much of a pussy to actually be on the front line.
Gee, I got a novel idea ................... How about you don't break any laws ....................... THEN you wont get any tickets!!!!
I have gotten a couple of tickets in my life without breaking any laws. And, there are many that have experienced the same.

What statute was written on the ticket? See...thats the law you broke. They dont have a statute called "Doing Nothing Wrong".
Are you completely unaware and ignorant about BS quota tickets? I see it take place almost every day right outside my subdivision from my front door. Denial doesn't prove anything.
??You mean they give out tickets when no laws are broken???

In some cases other cases they give out tickets for minor stuff they dont seem to charge whites for unless whites dont jaywalk and stuff like that.

So while I share your concern and fervor for ticketing jay walkers they care more about those laws when its a certain group that does it.

I mean its pretty simple. If you believe the Justice system is fair and honest then you wont believe it. But not one of you will ever say those words because its just too silly. So if you wont say the words that means you acknowledge the system is not fair...which leads to not fair situations and events
Our judicial system is a joke, plain and simple. Our courts are likewise a joke. If you doubt it, then explain unequal punishment and fines. Explain the innocent citizens behind bars.
There are several videos online that show someone hitting a target 1,000 yards away with a pistol. A lot of deer hunters use pistols and can hit a deer 200 yards away. Field and Stream web site has videos and articles on it all the time. Plenty of people are very good with pistols at long ranges. I know a lot about firearms. I own three, I've hunted all of my live, and have owned many guns during my life.

So your telling me some dumbass in ferguson is capable of hitting from a thousand yards? Which is a world record by the way. So we now have world record pistol shooters in Ferguson?
Jesus you're stupid. The average pistol shooter is lucky to hit from seventy five feet let alone a thousand yards.
BB guns dont count as firearms by the way.
They said the shots came from 125 yards away. Put your foot in your mouth again with your failed logic. Youre a fucking idiot. :laugh:

"Witnesses said the shots came from a hill a distance away from the protest that overlooks the station. Belmar said officers saw "muzzle flashes ... about 125 yards away."
It's very possible to hit a target of more than 100 yards with a pistol.

Bet you cant. Just as I'd bet no one in ferguson can.
You dont know shit about firearms.
No, I can't. I'm not very good with a pistol anymore. I was at one time back when I was in the Marine Corps. In the Marine Corps, I qualified as a Sharp Shooter with a 45 cal. But, I'm older and don't shoot pistols much anymore. But, with a rifle, that's a different story. I can hold my own with a rifle. I have three rifles and two of them are very accurate, even with me shooting them and I'm 67 years young. You don't know as much as you think you know. At. least where I'm concerned. You know absolutely nothing about me, nor what I've done or haven't, nor what I know and don't know. But, go ahead with your childish personal attacks if it makes your day. Your age?

You think a .22 goes "ZING"
Apparently all your firearm knowledge comes from comic books.
As whites, here is what we are dealing with. The Negro possesses a slope forehead which usually denotes low intelligence and reasoning. There is abnormality with the frontal cortex of a Negro..........The Negro also lacks impulse control and strive on violence and anarchy. They are mad animals. Ferguson, Mall flash mobs, knockout games and chimpouts at McDonalds over wrong orders are proof of this.
or this. :laugh:


Yeah we know, you gangsta. You makin that phat doh.


Now STFU and get me my fries bitch!
Sounds like you think you are a gangsta except you aint makin no dough.. You do realize thats were the term came from right?


What you gon do with that whole $17 bitch? Your Micky D's shift ends soon. You rollin wit dat phat doh son. :laugh:

You only make $17 at Micky D's? No wonder you live in a trailer park. You must get some kind of aid too right?
Ok, so the asshole President and Al Sharpton got what they wanted. Some cops got shot. Can the animals start behaving now?
One cop shot is white. The story is breaking everywhere right now. Looks like the protestors are amassing for a massive chimpout. These pissed cops now have a good excuse to put these feral savages down for once and for all.
Lets give them what they want. Declare martial law and crack down...or just let the people loose and take care of this problem. Blacks are not FIT nor are they Smart enough to live in a civilized society. They are much more fit for a jungle or crack house.

That i
Well, let's work this out. First, a Ferguson citizen commits a strong arm robbery, then assaults a police officer and attempts to get the officers gun, then tries to bumrush the officer and is shot dead in the attempt. Then some citizens of Ferguson lie about the incident with "hands up, don't shoot", THEN the citizens of Ferguson loot the town and destroy or burn down the city. And today they ambushed and shot two police officers standing guard in front of the police station. But the police are the bad guys.
THAT is exactly what you'll hear from the liberals, the race-baiters, the race-hucksters, the Obama administration, and the useful idiots that believe the aforementioned anti-American freaks.

Before all that happened Police have been using the blacks there to line their pockets from tickets. Abused and harassed blacks for years.

But ignore that all started with MB

Actually, they were lining the School Districts pockets...funding education.

There was a tiny little town not far from me called Mack's Creek. It was on a stretch of US-54 where the speed limit is 65mph. Mack's Creek was uniquely situated at the very nadir of V-shaped valley where the highway ran down steep downgrades on either side.

The city conveniently reduce the speed limit to 45mph for 1/4 mile inside their city limits a stationed an officer full time to write speeding tickets. Those ticket produced 80% of the town revenue. It became so infamous that state lawmakers passed a law literally named the "Mack's Creek law" that limited the amount of revenue realized by tickets written by local police state to 30% of the total revenue any city in Missouri received. Mack's Creek was forced into bankruptcy and unincorporated.


1) Writing tickets does NOT line the pockets of incorporated towns in Missouri.

2) Mack's Creek burned tens of thousands of Missourians with their unscrupulous practices...yet, the city wasn't looted, the businesses weren't burnt to the ground and the police officers weren't shot down in front of their police station. The matter was handled the way civilized human beings handle unfair practices and the ballot box and through legislation means.

And as an ironic aside...the speed limit is still 45mph in unincorporated Mack's Creek...but now the State Troopers sit at the bottom of the hill and write the tickets.

Mack's Creek law
IF the speed limit is 45 MPH, then don't go over 45 MPH and you wont get a ticket!!!!
Gee, ain't THAT simple!!!
Any more problems that I can solve for ya?
You havent held back. Youre just too much of a pussy to actually be on the front line.
I have gotten a couple of tickets in my life without breaking any laws. And, there are many that have experienced the same.

What statute was written on the ticket? See...thats the law you broke. They dont have a statute called "Doing Nothing Wrong".
Are you completely unaware and ignorant about BS quota tickets? I see it take place almost every day right outside my subdivision from my front door. Denial doesn't prove anything.
??You mean they give out tickets when no laws are broken???

In some cases other cases they give out tickets for minor stuff they dont seem to charge whites for unless whites dont jaywalk and stuff like that.

So while I share your concern and fervor for ticketing jay walkers they care more about those laws when its a certain group that does it.

I mean its pretty simple. If you believe the Justice system is fair and honest then you wont believe it. But not one of you will ever say those words because its just too silly. So if you wont say the words that means you acknowledge the system is not fair...which leads to not fair situations and events
Our judicial system is a joke, plain and simple. Our courts are likewise a joke. If you doubt it, then explain unequal punishment and fines. Explain the innocent citizens behind bars.
Its a known fact that whites are allowed to skate when committing crimes that blacks get fined or locked up for. That #crimingwhilewhite hash tag put out by the younger generation of whites pretty much exposed what Blacks have known for years.
As whites, here is what we are dealing with. The Negro possesses a slope forehead which usually denotes low intelligence and reasoning. There is abnormality with the frontal cortex of a Negro..........The Negro also lacks impulse control and strive on violence and anarchy. They are mad animals. Ferguson, Mall flash mobs, knockout games and chimpouts at McDonalds over wrong orders are proof of this.
or this. :laugh:


Yeah we know, you gangsta. You makin that phat doh.


Now STFU and get me my fries bitch!
Sounds like you think you are a gangsta except you aint makin no dough.. You do realize thats were the term came from right?


What you gon do with that whole $17 bitch? Your Micky D's shift ends soon. You rollin wit dat phat doh son. :laugh:

You only make $17 at Micky D's? No wonder you live in a trailer park. You must get some kind of aid too right?

Hey bitch, those fries ain't gonna cook themselves. Don't make me call your manager. Get me my damn fries NOW!
What statute was written on the ticket? See...thats the law you broke. They dont have a statute called "Doing Nothing Wrong".
Are you completely unaware and ignorant about BS quota tickets? I see it take place almost every day right outside my subdivision from my front door. Denial doesn't prove anything.
??You mean they give out tickets when no laws are broken???

In some cases other cases they give out tickets for minor stuff they dont seem to charge whites for unless whites dont jaywalk and stuff like that.

So while I share your concern and fervor for ticketing jay walkers they care more about those laws when its a certain group that does it.

I mean its pretty simple. If you believe the Justice system is fair and honest then you wont believe it. But not one of you will ever say those words because its just too silly. So if you wont say the words that means you acknowledge the system is not fair...which leads to not fair situations and events
Our judicial system is a joke, plain and simple. Our courts are likewise a joke. If you doubt it, then explain unequal punishment and fines. Explain the innocent citizens behind bars.
Its a known fact that whites are allowed to skate when committing crimes that blacks get fined or locked up for. That #crimingwhilewhite hash tag put out by the younger generation of whites pretty much exposed what Blacks have known for years.

You be racist. So quit yo damn bitchin. STFU and go join the Black Panthers or somethin. No one wants to hear yo whinin bout Whitey no mo. It's tired and boring.

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