Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department


Ironically both of the cops that were shot, were not on the Ferguson Police force.
Maybe behavior like this is why the Ferguson Police treated the people like they did.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The egg cams first!!!!
Dinosaurus were laying eggs million of years before chickens were on the earth!
?? What does THAT have to do with the criminals in Ferguson???
I was asking if the police were the first to start the problem or was it the people. From news sources, the police have been using the citizens to generate revenue for years. Doing so with quota tickets and trumped up charges. So, the question is, "which party started the mess?" That's what I meant by which came first, the chicken or the egg. Your opinion? Was it the police that started the mess, or was it the people?

I blame globalization, myself (using your line of logic, that is......).
Do you mean, "The Global Economy"? If so, then I agree that it is a partial reason. Simply due to the fact that the global economy has created a poor and dependent citizenry. And, just curious, what "line of logic" do you believe that I used or was referring to? Thanks.
The clintons and obuthole are big global economy fools.
Race relations have become far worse since the Obama administration. That has been the greatest of his failures.

And there's no observer more tuned in to what's going on in U.S. race relations than a poster who lives in ... central Europe.
Could have been done by outside agitators. We don't know yet. It might help if the asshole Mayor resigned.

Wait, what, no rush to judgment?

You're so full-of-shit... oh wait, it's chief shitting bull.


Thank you, Soggy Jew, for your usual insight.

Again asshat... I'm Episcopalian... you really need to let go of the Jew hating thing.

Only when you stop calling me the derogatory Native American epithet.
One cop shot is white. The story is breaking everywhere right now. Looks like the protestors are amassing for a massive chimpout. These pissed cops now have a good excuse to put these feral savages down for once and for all.

And assholism like this ^^ is what brings this about.

Good job, asshole.

Ohhhhhh: someone gets called a silly name so it's then OK to go out and shoot cops. That's libtardism for ya!!


That makes no sense. Try English.
Race relations have become far worse since the Obama administration. That has been the greatest of his failures.

And there's no observer more tuned in to what's going on in U.S. race relations than a poster who lives in ... central Europe.

based on his posts and your posts, he is more intuned than you are. Either that or you are nothing but a disengenuous partisan asshole.
It's very possible to hit a target of more than 100 yards with a pistol.

Bet you cant. Just as I'd bet no one in ferguson can.
You dont know shit about firearms.
No, I can't. I'm not very good with a pistol anymore. I was at one time back when I was in the Marine Corps. In the Marine Corps, I qualified as a Sharp Shooter with a 45 cal. But, I'm older and don't shoot pistols much anymore. But, with a rifle, that's a different story. I can hold my own with a rifle. I have three rifles and two of them are very accurate, even with me shooting them and I'm 67 years young. You don't know as much as you think you know. At. least where I'm concerned. You know absolutely nothing about me, nor what I've done or haven't, nor what I know and don't know. But, go ahead with your childish personal attacks if it makes your day. Your age?

You think a .22 goes "ZING"
Apparently all your firearm knowledge comes from comic books.
My firearm knowledge comes from many years of shooting, hunting, owning guns, and using different size and cal. of bullets. I have owned and shot 30.06, .270., 7 X 57 Mausers, .22, 12, 20, 16, and 410 shot guns, .308, 9mm pistols, 38 pistols, and 45 pistols. I presently have ( 2 ) 7mm Mausers and one .270 rifle. I started shooting when I was 6 or 7 years old. I have hunted all of my life, and continue to do so. I have shot at targets, animals, and mistletoe hanging in trees. Anything else you'd like to know? Oh, and I forgot an M1 while serving in the Marine Corps.
Ironic that you almost forgot the M1. Because that is exactly what it sounded like. So I was off by .08, shoot me. ah, wait...

Well, the M1 was back in 1967 - 1970. What do you mean you were off by .08? No, I wouldn't shoot you. I don't shoot people. I hunt deer. I shoot targets. Not people.
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Obama, Holder and the poor LE response teams are responsible for the situation in Ferguson today. You reap what you sow.

And what does that make the legacy of the PD? Innocent victims?
Ironically both of the cops that were shot, were not on the Ferguson Police force.
Maybe behavior like this is why the Ferguson Police treated the people like they did.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The egg cams first!!!!
Dinosaurus were laying eggs million of years before chickens were on the earth!
?? What does THAT have to do with the criminals in Ferguson???
I was asking if the police were the first to start the problem or was it the people. From news sources, the police have been using the citizens to generate revenue for years. Doing so with quota tickets and trumped up charges. So, the question is, "which party started the mess?" That's what I meant by which came first, the chicken or the egg. Your opinion? Was it the police that started the mess, or was it the people?

The city council sets ticket quotas. Not the police. Any cop will tell you he sees more law breaking every day than he writes tickets for.
One cop shot is white. The story is breaking everywhere right now. Looks like the protestors are amassing for a massive chimpout. These pissed cops now have a good excuse to put these feral savages down for once and for all.

And assholism like this ^^ is what brings this about.

Good job, asshole.
The assholes are ilk like you and the protesters.

So you agree with setting up a race of humans as "feral savages" and advocate mowing them down for that.

Do tell us more. You'll have a wider audience here than Stürmfront.
Note: "Wider" -- not "whiter".

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The egg cams first!!!!
Dinosaurus were laying eggs million of years before chickens were on the earth!
?? What does THAT have to do with the criminals in Ferguson???
I was asking if the police were the first to start the problem or was it the people. From news sources, the police have been using the citizens to generate revenue for years. Doing so with quota tickets and trumped up charges. So, the question is, "which party started the mess?" That's what I meant by which came first, the chicken or the egg. Your opinion? Was it the police that started the mess, or was it the people?

the police have been using the citizens to generate revenue for years. Doing so with quota tickets and trumped up charges
Just another excuse, to justify bad behavior by the citizens. Do you actually believe, no other city, town or village uses a quota system for tickets? Traffic Cops are nothing more that Revenue Agents in most places. You think those traffic cameras are there to make you safer? You would not believe the amount of money they bring in.
I got a speeding ticket once. I figured I would just show up and see if the judge would be nice. There were like 100 Mexicans in there (sorry, making a point). Everyone of them were just paying their ticket. I ended up having to just pay the ticket. At the counter the woman said, "Oh, don't do that. Oh, there's ____. Talk to him." So I talked to the lawyer hanging out there. He said for $200 he would see what he could do. I gave him $200, he walked right up to the front of the court room, said something to the judge, and my ticket was gone. This is the way it is, I just happened to be standing there at the time. Pay a lawyer and ticket disappears, don't and get screwed. Same everywhere and for all crimes from traffic tickets to murder.
Damn, how much was the speeding ticket for that paying $200 to the lawyer was cheaper for you?
Ask me how fast I was going over the speed limit. Wait, don't ask me how fast I was going over the speed limit. It is not just the price on the ticket. It is also the insurance increase. This is why people who do have not have the money to play the rigged game keep falling further and further behind.
Maybe people should stop speeding if they don't like the tickets.
Time we all congratulated America's Kenyan President for actually having achieved one (1, libs) of His goals!

But should race war really be considered "legacy"?
I have gotten a couple of tickets in my life without breaking any laws. And, there are many that have experienced the same.

I got surrounded by 6 cops when I was 18. 3 black, 3 white. They gave me a ticket for excessive noise because of the bass in my pickup truck, said it was rattling the windows at the mall. Without my permission, one of the black guys searched my truck and turned my radio up. When he realized I just had the factory speakers that came in a 1993 Chevy Silverado, he said I took the speakers and amp out. $295.00 + court costs for that one and I never had woofers in my truck. I could have bitched, but what good would that do? I'm not obnoxious enough to be a whiner, I can't stand drama queens, and anybody that bitches over little shit like that leads a pretty miserable life.

I don't wanna be that melodramatic moron, so I take my lumps and move on. More people should be like that, it leads to minimal stress, slower effects on aging, and Conservatism. And let's face it, who wants to be a lousy liberal that's always pissing and moaning about little things?
Bet you cant. Just as I'd bet no one in ferguson can.
You dont know shit about firearms.
No, I can't. I'm not very good with a pistol anymore. I was at one time back when I was in the Marine Corps. In the Marine Corps, I qualified as a Sharp Shooter with a 45 cal. But, I'm older and don't shoot pistols much anymore. But, with a rifle, that's a different story. I can hold my own with a rifle. I have three rifles and two of them are very accurate, even with me shooting them and I'm 67 years young. You don't know as much as you think you know. At. least where I'm concerned. You know absolutely nothing about me, nor what I've done or haven't, nor what I know and don't know. But, go ahead with your childish personal attacks if it makes your day. Your age?

You think a .22 goes "ZING"
Apparently all your firearm knowledge comes from comic books.
My firearm knowledge comes from many years of shooting, hunting, owning guns, and using different size and cal. of bullets. I have owned and shot 30.06, .270., 7 X 57 Mausers, .22, 12, 20, 16, and 410 shot guns, .308, 9mm pistols, 38 pistols, and 45 pistols. I presently have ( 2 ) 7mm Mausers and one .270 rifle. I started shooting when I was 6 or 7 years old. I have hunted all of my life, and continue to do so. I have shot at targets, animals, and mistletoe hanging in trees. Anything else you'd like to know? Oh, and I forgot an M1 while serving in the Marine Corps.
Ironic that you almost forgot the M1. Because that is exactly what it sounded like. So I was off by .08, shoot me. ah, wait...

Well, the M1 was back in 1967 - 1970. What do you mean you were off by .08? No, I wouldn't shoot you. I don't shot people. I hunt deer. I soot targets. Not people.

I originally thought a .22 Long maybe. This is a 9mm pistol and .22 Long rifle. The 9 mm is close. If I did own a handgun this is the one. In the .22 rifle video after the rifle is shot they shoot a .22 pistol which also sounds similar.

shooting only 14 sec into video.

The police chief resigning wasn't enough. Apparently the savages want war.
Hurry and get there!.... Oh I forgot you are just a pussy that talks on the internet.

So are you.'re the moron who said Boston cops should apologize to the terrorists family after they shot their murderous terrorist offspring.

You should self deport back to the continent you claim from.
Since I have slapped the shit out of 2 KKK members I am way more than just talk.

Thats correct. In my opinion they should apologize.

No. I wont deport myself. Why would I do something that stupid while I own real estate here?
Really? Why not 4 KKK members? Why not 10 as long as you're making shit up to impress us with what a tough guy you are?
The police chief resigning wasn't enough. Apparently the savages want war.
Hurry and get there!.... Oh I forgot you are just a pussy that talks on the internet.

So are you.'re the moron who said Boston cops should apologize to the terrorists family after they shot their murderous terrorist offspring.

You should self deport back to the continent you claim from.
Since I have slapped the shit out of 2 KKK members I am way more than just talk.

Thats correct. In my opinion they should apologize.

No. I wont deport myself. Why would I do something that stupid while I own real estate here?
Really? Why not 4 KKK members? Why not 10 as long as you're making shit up to impress us with what a tough guy you are?
Because it was only 2 of the pussies I slapped and made turn red then pink.
It's very possible to hit a target of more than 100 yards with a pistol.

Bet you cant. Just as I'd bet no one in ferguson can.
You dont know shit about firearms.
No, I can't. I'm not very good with a pistol anymore. I was at one time back when I was in the Marine Corps. In the Marine Corps, I qualified as a Sharp Shooter with a 45 cal. But, I'm older and don't shoot pistols much anymore. But, with a rifle, that's a different story. I can hold my own with a rifle. I have three rifles and two of them are very accurate, even with me shooting them and I'm 67 years young. You don't know as much as you think you know. At. least where I'm concerned. You know absolutely nothing about me, nor what I've done or haven't, nor what I know and don't know. But, go ahead with your childish personal attacks if it makes your day. Your age?

You think a .22 goes "ZING"
Apparently all your firearm knowledge comes from comic books.
My firearm knowledge comes from many years of shooting, hunting, owning guns, and using different size and cal. of bullets. I have owned and shot 30.06, .270., 7 X 57 Mausers, .22, 12, 20, 16, and 410 shot guns, .308, 9mm pistols, 38 pistols, and 45 pistols. I presently have ( 2 ) 7mm Mausers and one .270 rifle. I started shooting when I was 6 or 7 years old. I have hunted all of my life, and continue to do so. I have shot at targets, animals, and mistletoe hanging in trees. Anything else you'd like to know? Oh, and I forgot an M1 while serving in the Marine Corps.
Ironic that you almost forgot the M1. Because that is exactly what it sounded like. So I was off by .08, shoot me. ah, wait...

The media is reporting that the shots are believed to be from a handgun, not a rifle.

He said officers had seen muzzle flashes, and later found shell casings that might have been from the shooting. Based on the sound of the shots and the officers’ wounds, he said, the weapon was a handgun, not a rifle.

I took a peek at Chuck Hawks handgun max point black range chart, and it is definitely possible...Handgun Trajectory Table
One cop shot is white. The story is breaking everywhere right now. Looks like the protestors are amassing for a massive chimpout. These pissed cops now have a good excuse to put these feral savages down for once and for all.

And assholism like this ^^ is what brings this about.

Good job, asshole.
The assholes are ilk like you and the protesters.

So you agree with setting up a race of humans as "feral savages" and advocate mowing them down for that.

Do tell us more. You'll have a wider audience here than Stürmfront.
Note: "Wider" -- not "whiter".

No, I am saying the assholes are brown for breaking the law and the thugs in the street crying like little b$&@@. The police should crack down.

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