Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

Here's the deal folks. 50 years of violence proves the civil rights movement was a waste of time. Citizenship in The United States requires contribution to fellow citizens, not burden and blame.

Americans have given too much to blacks, there is a reason they were never considered citizens of the U.S. by it's founders.

With that being said Missouri needs to decide whether they want to have police officers standing around like sitting ducks or are they going to crack down. These "protests" are not peaceful, they are a race based extortion attempt to remove Whites from the Ferguson PD. A real problem remains, as soon as Ferguson PD is ethnically cleansed of whites, that will embolden these feral black criminal extortionists to move on to the next White community and ruin it.

Though I accept the rabble are indeed out of line BIG TIME there is no need to tar all with the same brush. I trust that is NOT what you are doing.

But as regards the potential cop killers; there is a proper procedure to follow and I suggest that the Law has already begun it!!


I kind of agree with the first paragraph of his post. He is absolutely correct there. The black community (the law abiding ones) need to join us and stop fighting against us. No, most of your shot black youth are not innocent babies. They are criminals who have committed crimes and/or gang members in most instances who were caught breaking the law. Then, when the fight the police, the police are going to react and sometimes with deadly force if they feel it is necessary.

This is not about a problem with the police. It is a problem with the black community and their disrespect for authority.

I agree with that wrt police and black targets. If a target is a criminal and a danger to police I refuse to call them a victim. The innocent black victims of black crime is my main concern. The vast majority of innocent blacks are killed by guilty blacks!! Seems to be the apologists are at work trying to paint all black deaths as other than the fault of black crims. The sanitising of black crime as being "other people's fault", whiteys, is a disgusting tactic used by the usual suspects...and surprise surprise; they're usually up to their armpits in the Democratic Party. Ferguson has shown that the "hands up" fools have been dudded by their leaders. Let me put it this way: the facts do not support the claim that there was a victim!! There was an episode of self defense.


I think that a lot black-on-black homicides are gang related and are not exactly "innocent." Lol.
From my previous source:

And so anti-police rage boils to the surface, encouraged by the White House, encouraged by the Attorney General, and encouraged by its media sycophants. Innocent men are shot. And all of those who helped label cops racist throw up their hands in faux horror.

Thank you cop killers!!

Here's the deal folks. 50 years of violence proves the civil rights movement was a waste of time. Citizenship in The United States requires contribution to fellow citizens, not burden and blame.

Americans have given too much to blacks, there is a reason they were never considered citizens of the U.S. by it's founders.

With that being said Missouri needs to decide whether they want to have police officers standing around like sitting ducks or are they going to crack down. These "protests" are not peaceful, they are a race based extortion attempt to remove Whites from the Ferguson PD. A real problem remains, as soon as Ferguson PD is ethnically cleansed of whites, that will embolden these feral black criminal extortionists to move on to the next White community and ruin it.

Though I accept the rabble are indeed out of line BIG TIME there is no need to tar all with the same brush. I trust that is NOT what you are doing.

But as regards the potential cop killers; there is a proper procedure to follow and I suggest that the Law has already begun it!!


I kind of agree with the first paragraph of his post. He is absolutely correct there. The black community (the law abiding ones) need to join us and stop fighting against us. No, most of your shot black youth are not innocent babies. They are criminals who have committed crimes and/or gang members in most instances who were caught breaking the law. Then, when the fight the police, the police are going to react and sometimes with deadly force if they feel it is necessary.

This is not about a problem with the police. It is a problem with the black community and their disrespect for authority.

I agree with that wrt police and black targets. If a target is a criminal and a danger to police I refuse to call them a victim. The innocent black victims of black crime is my main concern. The vast majority of innocent blacks are killed by guilty blacks!! Seems to be the apologists are at work trying to paint all black deaths as other than the fault of black crims. The sanitising of black crime as being "other people's fault", whiteys, is a disgusting tactic used by the usual suspects...and surprise surprise; they're usually up to their armpits in the Democratic Party. Ferguson has shown that the "hands up" fools have been dudded by their leaders. Let me put it this way: the facts do not support the claim that there was a victim!! There was an episode of self defense.


I think that a lot black-on-black homicides are gang related and are not exactly "innocent." Lol.
Very much so, but the number of innocent blacks murdered is far and away by blacks. That some black crims are killed by police is only to be expected. Has anyone quoted an example of an INNOCENT black guy killed by police??


Here's the deal folks. 50 years of violence proves the civil rights movement was a waste of time. Citizenship in The United States requires contribution to fellow citizens, not burden and blame.

Americans have given too much to blacks, there is a reason they were never considered citizens of the U.S. by it's founders.

With that being said Missouri needs to decide whether they want to have police officers standing around like sitting ducks or are they going to crack down. These "protests" are not peaceful, they are a race based extortion attempt to remove Whites from the Ferguson PD. A real problem remains, as soon as Ferguson PD is ethnically cleansed of whites, that will embolden these feral black criminal extortionists to move on to the next White community and ruin it.

Though I accept the rabble are indeed out of line BIG TIME there is no need to tar all with the same brush. I trust that is NOT what you are doing.

But as regards the potential cop killers; there is a proper procedure to follow and I suggest that the Law has already begun it!!


I kind of agree with the first paragraph of his post. He is absolutely correct there. The black community (the law abiding ones) need to join us and stop fighting against us. No, most of your shot black youth are not innocent babies. They are criminals who have committed crimes and/or gang members in most instances who were caught breaking the law. Then, when the fight the police, the police are going to react and sometimes with deadly force if they feel it is necessary.

This is not about a problem with the police. It is a problem with the black community and their disrespect for authority.

I agree with that wrt police and black targets. If a target is a criminal and a danger to police I refuse to call them a victim. The innocent black victims of black crime is my main concern. The vast majority of innocent blacks are killed by guilty blacks!! Seems to be the apologists are at work trying to paint all black deaths as other than the fault of black crims. The sanitising of black crime as being "other people's fault", whiteys, is a disgusting tactic used by the usual suspects...and surprise surprise; they're usually up to their armpits in the Democratic Party. Ferguson has shown that the "hands up" fools have been dudded by their leaders. Let me put it this way: the facts do not support the claim that there was a victim!! There was an episode of self defense.


I think that a lot black-on-black homicides are gang related and are not exactly "innocent." Lol.

Oh: and well done the Patriots.:thewave::thewave:

All good Americans oppose racialism of left or right as well as support appropriate law and order.

You and your folks don't.

I oppose people breaking the law and when confronted by police, fighting with them. I oppose all of the riots based upon this falsehood that they are somehow victims of racism by police too. It is just not true. Police officers do not open fire unless they feel threatened. Somebody needs to tell the black community to cooperate with the police and to stop fighting with them at every turn. The results will be more dead black kids. The black community needs to step up and instead of making their children feel victims of society, bring them up to be a part of society.
Horse crap sniveling, dear. Violence is wrong, but the record remains quite clear FPD was a bad outfit. What the black community needs to do is vote; they need to stand up and vote.

Are you saying that a report by a guy with an agenda is somehow valid? Holder has made comments that prejudged the Police in Ferguson. It is nothing more than a vapid self serving diatribe.

Obama Holder Sharpton Stoke Flames Ferguson Officers Shot - BreitbartGreg
You have an agenda, Greg, and by that standard is questionable as the guy who authorized the report.

You have to do more than say "I disagree" to have any weight in this discussion.
All good Americans oppose racialism of left or right as well as support appropriate law and order.

You and your folks don't.

I oppose people breaking the law and when confronted by police, fighting with them. I oppose all of the riots based upon this falsehood that they are somehow victims of racism by police too. It is just not true. Police officers do not open fire unless they feel threatened. Somebody needs to tell the black community to cooperate with the police and to stop fighting with them at every turn. The results will be more dead black kids. The black community needs to step up and instead of making their children feel victims of society, bring them up to be a part of society.
Horse crap sniveling, dear. Violence is wrong, but the record remains quite clear FPD was a bad outfit. What the black community needs to do is vote; they need to stand up and vote.

Are you saying that a report by a guy with an agenda is somehow valid? Holder has made comments that prejudged the Police in Ferguson. It is nothing more than a vapid self serving diatribe.

Obama Holder Sharpton Stoke Flames Ferguson Officers Shot - BreitbartGreg
You have an agenda, Greg, and by that standard is questionable as the guy who authorized the report.

You have to do more than say "I disagree" to have any weight in this discussion.

WTH? He is participating in the thread. Who do you think YOU are anyways?
All good Americans oppose racialism of left or right as well as support appropriate law and order.

You and your folks don't.

I oppose people breaking the law and when confronted by police, fighting with them. I oppose all of the riots based upon this falsehood that they are somehow victims of racism by police too. It is just not true. Police officers do not open fire unless they feel threatened. Somebody needs to tell the black community to cooperate with the police and to stop fighting with them at every turn. The results will be more dead black kids. The black community needs to step up and instead of making their children feel victims of society, bring them up to be a part of society.
Horse crap sniveling, dear. Violence is wrong, but the record remains quite clear FPD was a bad outfit. What the black community needs to do is vote; they need to stand up and vote.

Are you saying that a report by a guy with an agenda is somehow valid? Holder has made comments that prejudged the Police in Ferguson. It is nothing more than a vapid self serving diatribe.

Obama Holder Sharpton Stoke Flames Ferguson Officers Shot - BreitbartGreg
You have an agenda, Greg, and by that standard is questionable as the guy who authorized the report.

You have to do more than say "I disagree" to have any weight in this discussion.

WTH? He is participating in the thread. Who do you think YOU are anyways?
I am the guy who tells you when you are full of it, just as did the jerk who has an agenda questions someone else who has an agenda. Ese?
I oppose people breaking the law and when confronted by police, fighting with them. I oppose all of the riots based upon this falsehood that they are somehow victims of racism by police too. It is just not true. Police officers do not open fire unless they feel threatened. Somebody needs to tell the black community to cooperate with the police and to stop fighting with them at every turn. The results will be more dead black kids. The black community needs to step up and instead of making their children feel victims of society, bring them up to be a part of society.
Horse crap sniveling, dear. Violence is wrong, but the record remains quite clear FPD was a bad outfit. What the black community needs to do is vote; they need to stand up and vote.

Are you saying that a report by a guy with an agenda is somehow valid? Holder has made comments that prejudged the Police in Ferguson. It is nothing more than a vapid self serving diatribe.

Obama Holder Sharpton Stoke Flames Ferguson Officers Shot - BreitbartGreg
You have an agenda, Greg, and by that standard is questionable as the guy who authorized the report.

You have to do more than say "I disagree" to have any weight in this discussion.

WTH? He is participating in the thread. Who do you think YOU are anyways?
I am the guy who tells you when you are full of it, just as did the jerk who has an agenda questions someone else who has an agenda. Ese?

No,sorry, you are not. You do not tell me or other people what to do around here. :) I think you need to relax. This forum is about participation. Greg is not even of this country, IIRC, he is an Australian. And he does not seem to have an agenda at all to me, but is merely participating and giving his opinions on the topic.
Have done it and will continue to do it. The forum is about being called out for hyper partisanship when necessary, among other things. I don't care if Greg is an Austrian. Yeah, he has an agenda but won't apply the same standard to himself.
Have done it and will continue to do it. The forum is about being called out for hyper partisanship when necessary, among other things. I don't care if Greg is an Austrian. Yeah, he has an agenda but won't apply the same standard to himself.

Well, don't be surprised when nobody listens to you because you sound silly. :D Greg is FAR from being hyperpartisan anyways. Obviously you haven't read many of his posts. Also, he is entitled to share his opinions whether you like them or agree with them or not.
Have read his and your posts. Yes, you are being partisan. The facts about Ferguson are quite clear. Wilson was justified in shooting Brown. FPD needs to be replaced.
Have read his and your posts. Yes, you are being partisan. The facts about Ferguson are quite clear. Wilson was justified in shooting Brown. FPD needs to be replaced.

If he was justified in shooting him, why do you think the FPD needs to be replaced? And who, pray tell, do you want to replace them with? What exactly are you saying here? You want the entire police force to be fired? And how far up the rungs would you want to go? The Chief of Police? The Mayor? Who else are you going to crucify and for what reason?
Just because Wilson had a righteous shoot does not mean the DOJ should not do a righteous shoot on the FPD.

DOJ has done it before and DOJ will figure out how much has to be done.
Just because Wilson had a righteous shoot does not mean the DOJ should not do a righteous shoot on the FPD.

DOJ has done it before and DOJ will figure out how much has to be done.

But you didn't answer my question. Are you actually accusing the ENTIRE police department of corruption? And just how far up the rungs do you want to take this? Are you just wanting the patrol officers fired, who are actually following orders of their superiors? Where does this paranoia stop?
Since the paranoia is in your head, ChrisL, your questions are not important enough to me to answer. I will trust the DOJ on this. It had to do the same thing to an East Texas police force. It is what it is, and it won't change.
All good Americans oppose racialism of left or right as well as support appropriate law and order.

You and your folks don't.

I oppose people breaking the law and when confronted by police, fighting with them. I oppose all of the riots based upon this falsehood that they are somehow victims of racism by police too. It is just not true. Police officers do not open fire unless they feel threatened. Somebody needs to tell the black community to cooperate with the police and to stop fighting with them at every turn. The results will be more dead black kids. The black community needs to step up and instead of making their children feel victims of society, bring them up to be a part of society.
Horse crap sniveling, dear. Violence is wrong, but the record remains quite clear FPD was a bad outfit. What the black community needs to do is vote; they need to stand up and vote.

Are you saying that a report by a guy with an agenda is somehow valid? Holder has made comments that prejudged the Police in Ferguson. It is nothing more than a vapid self serving diatribe.

Obama Holder Sharpton Stoke Flames Ferguson Officers Shot - BreitbartGreg
You have an agenda, Greg, and by that standard is questionable as the guy who authorized the report.

You have to do more than say "I disagree" to have any weight in this discussion. I make a statement and back it up with a link that shows the statement is valid and that's not enough??

And you have supported your position how?

As for my's not one of those "subconscious" racism ones that the left likes to blurt when one wonders why most blacks are murdered by other blacks?? Or why the black stats on crime are out of proportion to the actual population? Or why I want America to be colour blind in all things so object to the obnoxious misrepresentation of the position by the so called "black leaders"??


You funny, mahn!!

All good Americans oppose racialism of left or right as well as support appropriate law and order.

You and your folks don't.

I oppose people breaking the law and when confronted by police, fighting with them. I oppose all of the riots based upon this falsehood that they are somehow victims of racism by police too. It is just not true. Police officers do not open fire unless they feel threatened. Somebody needs to tell the black community to cooperate with the police and to stop fighting with them at every turn. The results will be more dead black kids. The black community needs to step up and instead of making their children feel victims of society, bring them up to be a part of society.
Horse crap sniveling, dear. Violence is wrong, but the record remains quite clear FPD was a bad outfit. What the black community needs to do is vote; they need to stand up and vote.

Are you saying that a report by a guy with an agenda is somehow valid? Holder has made comments that prejudged the Police in Ferguson. It is nothing more than a vapid self serving diatribe.

Obama Holder Sharpton Stoke Flames Ferguson Officers Shot - BreitbartGreg
You have an agenda, Greg, and by that standard is questionable as the guy who authorized the report.

You have to do more than say "I disagree" to have any weight in this discussion. I make a statement and back it up with a link that shows the statement is valid and that's not enough??

And you have supported your position how?

As for my's not one of those "subconscious" racism ones that the left likes to blurt when one wonders why most blacks are murdered by other blacks?? Or why the black stats on crime are out of proportion to the actual population? Or why I want America to be colour blind in all things so object to the obnoxious misrepresentation of the position by the so called "black leaders"??


You funny, mahn!!


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