Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

So you'd arrest a woman who shot a man trying to rape her....just because the dead guy cant talk? Wow.
Nope, sure wouldn't arrest her. I would have to first examine the scene, dig into their back ground. Check to see if they had a sexual relationship prior to the incident. Talk to friends, neighbors, and check cell phone and computer records to see if they had been arguing. I'd do a complete and thorough investigation first before I did anything. I'd have to be absolutely positive of guilt before I arrested her. I'd do my homework first class, no stones unturned. Taking someone's freedom is a serious matter. You don't do that unless you're 110% positive that you're right. Circumstantial evidence and cases should never make it inside a courtroom.

You're exactly right. And thats why Wilson wasnt charged. See? That was easy!
Mr. Wilson wasn't charged because his was the only side presented for investigation.

But in the woman rape scenario I gave said you wouldnt charge her...even though only her side can be told.

So which is it? Should a person always be presumed somewhat guilty when they kill someone in alleged self defense...since only their side of the story can be told?
It takes proof. You don't send someone to prison on "could've been", "might have been", "my gut feelings tell s me", "it's possible", "kinda believable", or anything other than hard rock solid undeniable, undisputable concrete evidence.

Exactly right...and thats why Darren Wilson remains innocent.
You are pulling them out of your butt. "MOST police officers do ot do these things", you say. Really? Link? And, yes, 51% does mean most.

Theres no incidents that dont occur.

There are 900, 000 cops in America. Even if there were 9, 000 Mike Brown incidents per year...almost 200 per week...that'd only be 1% of cops. And we DO NOT have 200 Mike Browns per week. We 1-2 at most.
The Free Thought Project


This means nothing. This is nothing but a website dedicated to people who hate the police. Lol. Who is responsible for the creation of this website? There is no "about us" available on this website. Not to mention, it in no way is an indictment of ALL or even MOST police officers. Lol. Silly.
The stories are true, they happen every single day. If you can dispute the stories, then by all means do so. If can prove they are fabricated, lies, and imagination, then please do so. That sites has new stories about bad cops every single day, hundreds of them. Of course, cop lovers are going to dispute the stories without any proof, just saying they are not representative is good enough. Try reading it each day and see how many cops are bad. I dare you. And, of course some of them aren't indicted, nor convicted, because most of the time cops get a free pass. How many cops are in our prisons? How much money has been paid out to settle claims against abusive cops? Dismiss it if you want, but hiding from facts doesn't change anything.

Hundreds per day? At 100 per day...that'd be 36, 500 in a year. Far too many.

But still less than 5% of all cops.

The math for cop hate...just doesnt add up.

As a group cops are among the least criminal and corrupt in our society.
It happens every single day somewhere in this country.

Filming Cops
Sorry, but you would be wrong. MOST police officers do not do these things.
Do you know that for a fact, or are you just assuming because you're pro-cop? How many do those things? How many don't do those things?

YOU are the one throwing about accusations. The burden of proof lies on you, not me. I am skeptical of your claims, as they are ridiculous . . . so how many do these things?
Your feelings are not evidence. The reports etc are evidence. You have to rebut. No one else has to do anything except point that out to you until you do.
The reports are subject to debate. What evidence was allowed? What witnesses were accepted? There was only one side of the story given, no one was alive to dispute it. The government's people did the testing and interviews. There were no videos, or witnesses to what took place inside the officer's vehicle.

So what, Sonny? What do you have in rebuttal. You need far more than questions.
Filming Cops

Unvalidated or Improper Forensic Science The Innocence Project
Nope, sure wouldn't arrest her. I would have to first examine the scene, dig into their back ground. Check to see if they had a sexual relationship prior to the incident. Talk to friends, neighbors, and check cell phone and computer records to see if they had been arguing. I'd do a complete and thorough investigation first before I did anything. I'd have to be absolutely positive of guilt before I arrested her. I'd do my homework first class, no stones unturned. Taking someone's freedom is a serious matter. You don't do that unless you're 110% positive that you're right. Circumstantial evidence and cases should never make it inside a courtroom.

You're exactly right. And thats why Wilson wasnt charged. See? That was easy!
Mr. Wilson wasn't charged because his was the only side presented for investigation.

But in the woman rape scenario I gave said you wouldnt charge her...even though only her side can be told.

So which is it? Should a person always be presumed somewhat guilty when they kill someone in alleged self defense...since only their side of the story can be told?
It takes proof. You don't send someone to prison on "could've been", "might have been", "my gut feelings tell s me", "it's possible", "kinda believable", or anything other than hard rock solid undeniable, undisputable concrete evidence.

Exactly right...and thats why Darren Wilson remains innocent.
There was no proof one way or the other. Only one side was heard from.
You're exactly right. And thats why Wilson wasnt charged. See? That was easy!
Mr. Wilson wasn't charged because his was the only side presented for investigation.

But in the woman rape scenario I gave said you wouldnt charge her...even though only her side can be told.

So which is it? Should a person always be presumed somewhat guilty when they kill someone in alleged self defense...since only their side of the story can be told?
It takes proof. You don't send someone to prison on "could've been", "might have been", "my gut feelings tell s me", "it's possible", "kinda believable", or anything other than hard rock solid undeniable, undisputable concrete evidence.

Exactly right...and thats why Darren Wilson remains innocent.
There was no proof one way or the other. Only one side was heard from.

Ok. You're impossible to debate when you childishly just deny whats known. This crime scene was studied as intensely as the Boston marathon bombing. And all.evidence supports Wilson.

Case closed. War Eagle.
Mr. Wilson wasn't charged because his was the only side presented for investigation.

But in the woman rape scenario I gave said you wouldnt charge her...even though only her side can be told.

So which is it? Should a person always be presumed somewhat guilty when they kill someone in alleged self defense...since only their side of the story can be told?
It takes proof. You don't send someone to prison on "could've been", "might have been", "my gut feelings tell s me", "it's possible", "kinda believable", or anything other than hard rock solid undeniable, undisputable concrete evidence.

Exactly right...and thats why Darren Wilson remains innocent.
There was no proof one way or the other. Only one side was heard from.

Ok. You're impossible to debate when you childishly just deny whats known. This crime scene was studied as intensely as the Boston marathon bombing. And all.evidence supports Wilson.

Case closed. War Eagle.
Unvalidated or Improper Forensic Science The Innocence Project

Filming Cops

I'm NOT childish. I have given my side and have listened to your side. We have both expressed our opinions. So, what's childish about that? Please explain. Thanks. Giiving my side of the discussion is not childish.
Sonny...reposting the same link over and over is childish.

If your argument is that forensic science isnt perfect...well obviously. No science is. I fully support continued efforts to improve forensics and crime scene analysis. Always room to improve.

Doesnt make Darren Wilson guilty.
No, it doesn't make him guilty of anything, and I have never ever said that it did. He is neither guilty nor innocent due to the facts as I have presented them over and over and over. And supporting my opinion with links is a last resort. If you consider links to back one's claim childish, then almost everyone on this forum is childish.
But in the woman rape scenario I gave said you wouldnt charge her...even though only her side can be told.

So which is it? Should a person always be presumed somewhat guilty when they kill someone in alleged self defense...since only their side of the story can be told?
It takes proof. You don't send someone to prison on "could've been", "might have been", "my gut feelings tell s me", "it's possible", "kinda believable", or anything other than hard rock solid undeniable, undisputable concrete evidence.

Exactly right...and thats why Darren Wilson remains innocent.
There was no proof one way or the other. Only one side was heard from.

Ok. You're impossible to debate when you childishly just deny whats known. This crime scene was studied as intensely as the Boston marathon bombing. And all.evidence supports Wilson.

Case closed. War Eagle.
Unvalidated or Improper Forensic Science The Innocence Project

Filming Cops

I'm NOT childish. I have given my side and have listened to your side. We have both expressed our opinions. So, what's childish about that? Please explain. Thanks. Giiving my side of the discussion is not childish.

All you do now is repost the same links over and over. Kids argue like that. Your "filming cops" link? Shows criminals who wore a uniform and thank God they got arrested (so much for the myth that cops never get arrested). But its a few dozen stories...out of nearly a million cops.

I bet I can post stories about lawyers and doctors and carpenters and teachers getting arrested to. Does that make all their peers guilty? Of course not.

Cop haters just hate authority being granted to anyone over them. Thats the pure root of it.
Mr. Wilson wasn't charged because his was the only side presented for investigation.

But in the woman rape scenario I gave said you wouldnt charge her...even though only her side can be told.

So which is it? Should a person always be presumed somewhat guilty when they kill someone in alleged self defense...since only their side of the story can be told?
It takes proof. You don't send someone to prison on "could've been", "might have been", "my gut feelings tell s me", "it's possible", "kinda believable", or anything other than hard rock solid undeniable, undisputable concrete evidence.

Exactly right...and thats why Darren Wilson remains innocent.
There was no proof one way or the other. Only one side was heard from.

Ok. You're impossible to debate when you childishly just deny whats known. This crime scene was studied as intensely as the Boston marathon bombing. And all.evidence supports Wilson.

Case closed. War Eagle.
ROLL TIDE !!!! GO BAM GO !!!!!
Sonny...reposting the same link over and over is childish.

If your argument is that forensic science isnt perfect...well obviously. No science is. I fully support continued efforts to improve forensics and crime scene analysis. Always room to improve.

Doesnt make Darren Wilson guilty.
No, it doesn't make him guilty of anything, and I have never ever said that it did. He is neither guilty nor innocent due to the facts as I have presented them over and over and over. And supporting my opinion with links is a last resort. If you consider links to back one's claim childish, then almost everyone on this forum is childish.

He is innocent until proven guilty. Innocent.

Your link proves what? That a small % of a larger group.of humans were arrested? No shit. Thats true for all groups. Show me a group of humans without criminals in their midst?
It takes proof. You don't send someone to prison on "could've been", "might have been", "my gut feelings tell s me", "it's possible", "kinda believable", or anything other than hard rock solid undeniable, undisputable concrete evidence.

Exactly right...and thats why Darren Wilson remains innocent.
There was no proof one way or the other. Only one side was heard from.

Ok. You're impossible to debate when you childishly just deny whats known. This crime scene was studied as intensely as the Boston marathon bombing. And all.evidence supports Wilson.

Case closed. War Eagle.
Unvalidated or Improper Forensic Science The Innocence Project

Filming Cops

I'm NOT childish. I have given my side and have listened to your side. We have both expressed our opinions. So, what's childish about that? Please explain. Thanks. Giiving my side of the discussion is not childish.

All you do now is repost the same links over and over. Kids argue like that. Your "filming cops" link? Shows criminals who wore a uniform and thank God they got arrested (so much for the myth that cops never get arrested). But its a few dozen stories...out of nearly a million cops.

I bet I can post stories about lawyers and doctors and carpenters and teachers getting arrested to. Does that make all their peers guilty? Of course not.

Cop haters just hate authority being granted to anyone over them. Thats the pure root of it.
I'll bet I can post articles about almost every single profession being corrupt in some way, shape, form, or fashion. But, this conversation is about cops, nothing more. And, If posting links to back your opinion is childish, then almost every member of this forum is childish. I posted them as a last resort to prove testing is flawed, which is an argument mentioned many many times during this conversation. And, the link about filming cops also backs my opinion as to dirty cops, which happens every single day somewhere in this country. Several site report it every day. I'm expressing my opinion the same as all of you are expressing yours, nothing more.
Sonny...reposting the same link over and over is childish.

If your argument is that forensic science isnt perfect...well obviously. No science is. I fully support continued efforts to improve forensics and crime scene analysis. Always room to improve.

Doesnt make Darren Wilson guilty.
No, it doesn't make him guilty of anything, and I have never ever said that it did. He is neither guilty nor innocent due to the facts as I have presented them over and over and over. And supporting my opinion with links is a last resort. If you consider links to back one's claim childish, then almost everyone on this forum is childish.

He is innocent until proven guilty. Innocent.

Your link proves what? That a small % of a larger group.of humans were arrested? No shit. Thats true for all groups. Show me a group of humans without criminals in their midst?
Yes, you're correct. Almost all professions have crooks, dishonest people, and those that act uncivil, I agree. But, this conversation is about dirty cops. nothing more.
It takes proof. You don't send someone to prison on "could've been", "might have been", "my gut feelings tell s me", "it's possible", "kinda believable", or anything other than hard rock solid undeniable, undisputable concrete evidence.

Exactly right...and thats why Darren Wilson remains innocent.
There was no proof one way or the other. Only one side was heard from.

Ok. You're impossible to debate when you childishly just deny whats known. This crime scene was studied as intensely as the Boston marathon bombing. And all.evidence supports Wilson.

Case closed. War Eagle.
Unvalidated or Improper Forensic Science The Innocence Project

Filming Cops

I'm NOT childish. I have given my side and have listened to your side. We have both expressed our opinions. So, what's childish about that? Please explain. Thanks. Giiving my side of the discussion is not childish.

All you do now is repost the same links over and over. Kids argue like that. Your "filming cops" link? Shows criminals who wore a uniform and thank God they got arrested (so much for the myth that cops never get arrested). But its a few dozen stories...out of nearly a million cops.

I bet I can post stories about lawyers and doctors and carpenters and teachers getting arrested to. Does that make all their peers guilty? Of course not.

Cop haters just hate authority being granted to anyone over them. Thats the pure root of it.
It's not about hating cops or anyone else. It's about right and wrong, justice, and the abuse of power and authority, nothing more. Hate has absolutely nothing to do with it. It's seeing reality and not living in a fairy tale world looking at everything as rosy and pure.
Exactly right...and thats why Darren Wilson remains innocent.
There was no proof one way or the other. Only one side was heard from.

Ok. You're impossible to debate when you childishly just deny whats known. This crime scene was studied as intensely as the Boston marathon bombing. And all.evidence supports Wilson.

Case closed. War Eagle.
Unvalidated or Improper Forensic Science The Innocence Project

Filming Cops

I'm NOT childish. I have given my side and have listened to your side. We have both expressed our opinions. So, what's childish about that? Please explain. Thanks. Giiving my side of the discussion is not childish.

All you do now is repost the same links over and over. Kids argue like that. Your "filming cops" link? Shows criminals who wore a uniform and thank God they got arrested (so much for the myth that cops never get arrested). But its a few dozen stories...out of nearly a million cops.

I bet I can post stories about lawyers and doctors and carpenters and teachers getting arrested to. Does that make all their peers guilty? Of course not.

Cop haters just hate authority being granted to anyone over them. Thats the pure root of it.
I'll bet I can post articles about almost every single profession being corrupt in some way, shape, form, or fashion. But, this conversation is about cops, nothing more. And, If posting links to back your opinion is childish, then almost every member of this forum is childish. I posted them as a last resort to prove testing is flawed, which is an argument mentioned many many times during this conversation. And, the link about filming cops also backs my opinion as to dirty cops, which happens every single day somewhere in this country. Several site report it every day. I'm expressing my opinion the same as all of you are expressing yours, nothing more.

True. There are about 900,000 cops in America. Or...about the population of Charlotte, NC.

I bet every day...someone in Charlotte does something wrong. But...the vast majority of charlotte residents are good law abiding folks.

Thats the point. The outrage is so badly disproportionate to the problem of corrupt cops because the % is so tiny.

Handle the bad ones. Which your link shows the authorities are by firing amd arresting them.

But national outrage and riots and shooting innocent officers over a problem that is so relatively absurd.
Here's the deal folks. 50 years of violence proves the civil rights movement was a waste of time. Citizenship in The United States requires contribution to fellow citizens, not burden and blame.

Americans have given too much to blacks, there is a reason they were never considered citizens of the U.S. by it's founders.

With that being said Missouri needs to decide whether they want to have police officers standing around like sitting ducks or are they going to crack down. These "protests" are not peaceful, they are a race based extortion attempt to remove Whites from the Ferguson PD. A real problem remains, as soon as Ferguson PD is ethnically cleansed of whites, that will embolden these feral black criminal extortionists to move on to the next White community and ruin it.

Though I accept the rabble are indeed out of line BIG TIME there is no need to tar all with the same brush. I trust that is NOT what you are doing.

But as regards the potential cop killers; there is a proper procedure to follow and I suggest that the Law has already begun it!!


I kind of agree with the first paragraph of his post. He is absolutely correct there. The black community (the law abiding ones) need to join us and stop fighting against us. No, most of your shot black youth are not innocent babies. They are criminals who have committed crimes and/or gang members in most instances who were caught breaking the law. Then, when the fight the police, the police are going to react and sometimes with deadly force if they feel it is necessary.

This is not about a problem with the police. It is a problem with the black community and their disrespect for authority.

I agree with that wrt police and black targets. If a target is a criminal and a danger to police I refuse to call them a victim. The innocent black victims of black crime is my main concern. The vast majority of innocent blacks are killed by guilty blacks!! Seems to be the apologists are at work trying to paint all black deaths as other than the fault of black crims. The sanitising of black crime as being "other people's fault", whiteys, is a disgusting tactic used by the usual suspects...and surprise surprise; they're usually up to their armpits in the Democratic Party. Ferguson has shown that the "hands up" fools have been dudded by their leaders. Let me put it this way: the facts do not support the claim that there was a victim!! There was an episode of self defense.

So now, you are trying to say that the forensic experts are covering for the police? Good Lord. This belongs in the conspiracy theory section of the forum. Your conspiracy theories are worthless.
It's been know to have happened. Are you saying that bias never enters into police cases?

Sure it has and will in the future, but there is nothing to indicate that in this particular case besides some angry black people.
I agree, nothing so far has come out about the tests not being correct. And, it may never come out. The tests may have been done on the up and up, who knows. Also, the witnesses may have been questioned at length for both sides, but we'll never know for sure because some witnesses were dismissed as liars. It was handled by people that had a dog in the fight. No outside independent sources, some witnesses dismissed, no word on the two construction workers that witnessed the actual shooting, and was on video the second it happened. So, can any of us be sure that everything was handled correctly, fairly, and above board?

Yes, I believe the officer's story. It aligns with the forensics evidence and other eye witness accounts (which are always questionable anyways, which is why we rely more on forensic physical evidence). Unless you can prove that the forensics experts are also corrupt, then you've got nothing at all to argue about here.
Well, I can say that the evidence was compared to just one side of the story. I can say that an independent outside source wasn't called in to avoid a possible conflict of interest. I can say that some witnesses were dismissed. I can say that government investigating government leaves a lot to be desired.

Yes it was. You are wrong again!!! Both sides got to have their own forensics experts.
All good Americans oppose racialism of left or right as well as support appropriate law and order.

You and your folks don't.

I oppose people breaking the law and when confronted by police, fighting with them. I oppose all of the riots based upon this falsehood that they are somehow victims of racism by police too. It is just not true. Police officers do not open fire unless they feel threatened. Somebody needs to tell the black community to cooperate with the police and to stop fighting with them at every turn. The results will be more dead black kids. The black community needs to step up and instead of making their children feel victims of society, bring them up to be a part of society.
Horse crap sniveling, dear. Violence is wrong, but the record remains quite clear FPD was a bad outfit. What the black community needs to do is vote; they need to stand up and vote.

Are you saying that a report by a guy with an agenda is somehow valid? Holder has made comments that prejudged the Police in Ferguson. It is nothing more than a vapid self serving diatribe.

Obama Holder Sharpton Stoke Flames Ferguson Officers Shot - Breitbart

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Exactly right...and thats why Darren Wilson remains innocent.
There was no proof one way or the other. Only one side was heard from.

Ok. You're impossible to debate when you childishly just deny whats known. This crime scene was studied as intensely as the Boston marathon bombing. And all.evidence supports Wilson.

Case closed. War Eagle.
Unvalidated or Improper Forensic Science The Innocence Project

Filming Cops

I'm NOT childish. I have given my side and have listened to your side. We have both expressed our opinions. So, what's childish about that? Please explain. Thanks. Giiving my side of the discussion is not childish.

All you do now is repost the same links over and over. Kids argue like that. Your "filming cops" link? Shows criminals who wore a uniform and thank God they got arrested (so much for the myth that cops never get arrested). But its a few dozen stories...out of nearly a million cops.

I bet I can post stories about lawyers and doctors and carpenters and teachers getting arrested to. Does that make all their peers guilty? Of course not.

Cop haters just hate authority being granted to anyone over them. Thats the pure root of it.
I'll bet I can post articles about almost every single profession being corrupt in some way, shape, form, or fashion. But, this conversation is about cops, nothing more. And, If posting links to back your opinion is childish, then almost every member of this forum is childish. I posted them as a last resort to prove testing is flawed, which is an argument mentioned many many times during this conversation. And, the link about filming cops also backs my opinion as to dirty cops, which happens every single day somewhere in this country. Several site report it every day. I'm expressing my opinion the same as all of you are expressing yours, nothing more.

And you have provided no evidence that such is the case in this particular Michael Brown shooting. So what are you arguing about?

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