Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

Ironically both of the cops that were shot, were not on the Ferguson Police force.
Maybe behavior like this is why the Ferguson Police treated the people like they did.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The egg cams first!!!!
Dinosaurus were laying eggs million of years before chickens were on the earth!
?? What does THAT have to do with the criminals in Ferguson???
I was asking if the police were the first to start the problem or was it the people. From news sources, the police have been using the citizens to generate revenue for years. Doing so with quota tickets and trumped up charges. So, the question is, "which party started the mess?" That's what I meant by which came first, the chicken or the egg. Your opinion? Was it the police that started the mess, or was it the people?

The city council sets ticket quotas. Not the police. Any cop will tell you he sees more law breaking every day than he writes tickets for.
Police officers should disobey orders to write BS quota tickets. But, they have no sense of right and wrong, nor do they have a conscience.
Ironically both of the cops that were shot, were not on the Ferguson Police force.
Maybe behavior like this is why the Ferguson Police treated the people like they did.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The egg cams first!!!!
Dinosaurus were laying eggs million of years before chickens were on the earth!
?? What does THAT have to do with the criminals in Ferguson???
I was asking if the police were the first to start the problem or was it the people. From news sources, the police have been using the citizens to generate revenue for years. Doing so with quota tickets and trumped up charges. So, the question is, "which party started the mess?" That's what I meant by which came first, the chicken or the egg. Your opinion? Was it the police that started the mess, or was it the people?

The city council sets ticket quotas. Not the police. Any cop will tell you he sees more law breaking every day than he writes tickets for.
Police officers should disobey orders to write BS quota tickets. But, they have no sense of right and wrong, nor do they have a conscience.
Or soon no job.

The infractions are taking place. I went to traffic school in 82' and the police instructor told us they could write 10 times the amount of tickets but don't.

Im not on twitter. But im emailing everyone I can requesting this hashtag be made and sent to all cops anyone knows.

All cops should abandon Ferguson and refuse to work there. Let gangs take over. Let Obama and Holder figure it out.

The police will stay for the righteous of Ferguson, the good people who aren't rioting in the streets and burning it down. That's why I love police officers, they are there to protect the good people.

And I say rather than abandon Ferguson, we should double the police force and crush these riots.
Ahh, tis easy to use the cover of protests by others to carry out a deadly deed.


Two police officers are shot in Ferguson News
What goes around, comes around. The way they've treated the people there, it was bound to happen sooner or later. In my opinion, this is just the beginning. It wouldn't surprise me to hear about shootings of this nature all across the country in the coming months. Cops have been asking for this for many years now, and now they have what they've been looking for. Riots, shootings, civil unrest, protests, and marches will become common place, for several reasons. We've created a poor, dependent, frustrated, and angry citizenry. Oppressed people will soon revolt, and authority will sleep with one eye open.

When you take away citizens' rights, their freedom, and opportunities to be self-supporting members of society, you create an angry people, one that will grow tired of oppression and revolt. For now, it's anger directed towards members of law enforcement, next it'll be anger directed at any authority. This anger has been growing for many years now, and it's only going to get worse with time.

You're joking with this right? Not even they deserve what just happened to them. Go sit in fron of a mirror and contemplate the vileness that you just issued forth.
Sonny is right. This is just the 47% playing survival of the fittest. At least half the world is probably wondering why this screwed up system did not break down before now. This goes on the heads of all political leaders since Lyndon B. Johnson. This only the beginning. And those shots sounded like they came from a high powered rifle and the targeting would suggest someone with at least moderate skill. Oh, and violent crack downs don't work very well. Time to learn from others.
Correct. This has been brewing for many years now, if not decades. People have been pushed into a corner, and even animals try to fight their way out when cornered. It's not just law enforcement that's abused their power and authority, but government in general. Society in general has been oppressed and used, abused and neglected, and now the tired and the weary are pushing back. Throughout history, around the world, this same scenario has been played out hundreds of times. As a matter of fact, this nation was founded as a result of people revolting against an oppressive authority. I predicted this years ago, and knew that one day, the people would say, "enough is enough".

We're subjected to excessive taxation, invasion of privacy, and freedom has become just a nice sounding word, with little if any real meaning. We've created a poor and dependent citizenry, dependent on government assistance programs and unemployment checks. Our elections are rigged by the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Our government has become an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself.

People aren't totally blind to this. When given an excuse to revolt, such as we're seeing now, it's only natural that frustrations and anger surface. Citizens feel the pain of oppression, they feel the heavy hand of authority pressing them further into submission, and they've had enough. Where does the blame lie? Do we blame the servant or do we blame the master? Do we continue to bow and cower, allowing authority to ignore rights, justice, and freedom? Or, do we speak up and demand consideration? Have we reached a point to where citizens will demand that their cries be heard, and their voice are recognized?

I don't have a crystal ball, but I do know people, know their anger and frustrations, and know that when the time comes, they will revolt. History is filled with stories and accounts of people standing against oppression and absolute rule. Why would we be an exception? Is America exempt from internal unrest and revolt? Personally, I don't believe that we are exempt. Times are hard, people are hurting, and many see no light at the end of the tunnel. So, what do you believe is their alternative?
You write professionally, don't you? That was amazing.
No, I haven't had any offers to do so, though I wouldn't mind it. I've been at this many years now, it comes naturally. I have had several pieces published in newspapers, but that was back in 2004 and 2005. I honestly appreciate the kind words, thank you so much. You're too kind to this old man.
Please be advised, this has not been independently confirmed as of yet.

Two police officers shot during Ferguson, Missouri, protest

Don't you just know Holder and Sharpton are doing their happy dance?? :dance:
I think in the case of Holder, there's a stab of fear upon hearing this. He knows he's responsible, though he'll never take the blame. But he knows a just God is watching and he will pay an eternal price for all the evil he did in Ferguson.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The egg cams first!!!!
Dinosaurus were laying eggs million of years before chickens were on the earth!
?? What does THAT have to do with the criminals in Ferguson???
I was asking if the police were the first to start the problem or was it the people. From news sources, the police have been using the citizens to generate revenue for years. Doing so with quota tickets and trumped up charges. So, the question is, "which party started the mess?" That's what I meant by which came first, the chicken or the egg. Your opinion? Was it the police that started the mess, or was it the people?

the police have been using the citizens to generate revenue for years. Doing so with quota tickets and trumped up charges
Just another excuse, to justify bad behavior by the citizens. Do you actually believe, no other city, town or village uses a quota system for tickets? Traffic Cops are nothing more that Revenue Agents in most places. You think those traffic cameras are there to make you safer? You would not believe the amount of money they bring in.
I got a speeding ticket once. I figured I would just show up and see if the judge would be nice. There were like 100 Mexicans in there (sorry, making a point). Everyone of them were just paying their ticket. I ended up having to just pay the ticket. At the counter the woman said, "Oh, don't do that. Oh, there's ____. Talk to him." So I talked to the lawyer hanging out there. He said for $200 he would see what he could do. I gave him $200, he walked right up to the front of the court room, said something to the judge, and my ticket was gone. This is the way it is, I just happened to be standing there at the time. Pay a lawyer and ticket disappears, don't and get screwed. Same everywhere and for all crimes from traffic tickets to murder.
Damn, how much was the speeding ticket for that paying $200 to the lawyer was cheaper for you?
Ask me how fast I was going over the speed limit. Wait, don't ask me how fast I was going over the speed limit. It is not just the price on the ticket. It is also the insurance increase. This is why people who do have not have the money to play the rigged game keep falling further and further behind.
Why are there still police in Ferguson? The people obviously don't want them there. Eric Holder wants the department dismantled. What were the protesters protesting?
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Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The egg cams first!!!!
Dinosaurus were laying eggs million of years before chickens were on the earth!
?? What does THAT have to do with the criminals in Ferguson???
I was asking if the police were the first to start the problem or was it the people. From news sources, the police have been using the citizens to generate revenue for years. Doing so with quota tickets and trumped up charges. So, the question is, "which party started the mess?" That's what I meant by which came first, the chicken or the egg. Your opinion? Was it the police that started the mess, or was it the people?

The city council sets ticket quotas. Not the police. Any cop will tell you he sees more law breaking every day than he writes tickets for.
Police officers should disobey orders to write BS quota tickets. But, they have no sense of right and wrong, nor do they have a conscience.
Or soon no job.

The infractions are taking place. I went to traffic school in 82' and the police instructor told us they could write 10 times the amount of tickets but don't.
No one is forced to take unfair advantage of anyone. Cops know what's expected of them even before they put on the uniform. Doing wrong for a dollar is NOT right.
Why are there still police in Ferguson? The people obviously don't want them there. Eric Holder wants the department dismantled. What were the protesters protesting?

He's succeeding:

FERGUSON - Police Chief Thomas Jackson resigned Wednesday, saying he always wanted to do what's best for his community and realized that now meant leaving it.

Jackson, whose departure has been a high priority for protesters since the controversial shooting of Michael Brown on Aug. 9, said in an exclusive interview, "This city needs to move forward without any distractions."

Ferguson police chief resigns News -- GOPUSA
Why are there still police in Ferguson? The people obviously don't want them there. Eric Holder wants the department dismantled. What were the protesters protesting?

What were the Rodney King rioters protesting? These animals aren't protesting anything, they're burning down their own neighborhoods and shooting police because they're animals.
What goes around, comes around. The way they've treated the people there, it was bound to happen sooner or later. In my opinion, this is just the beginning. It wouldn't surprise me to hear about shootings of this nature all across the country in the coming months. Cops have been asking for this for many years now, and now they have what they've been looking for. Riots, shootings, civil unrest, protests, and marches will become common place, for several reasons. We've created a poor, dependent, frustrated, and angry citizenry. Oppressed people will soon revolt, and authority will sleep with one eye open.

When you take away citizens' rights, their freedom, and opportunities to be self-supporting members of society, you create an angry people, one that will grow tired of oppression and revolt. For now, it's anger directed towards members of law enforcement, next it'll be anger directed at any authority. This anger has been growing for many years now, and it's only going to get worse with time.

You're joking with this right? Not even they deserve what just happened to them. Go sit in fron of a mirror and contemplate the vileness that you just issued forth.
Sonny is right. This is just the 47% playing survival of the fittest. At least half the world is probably wondering why this screwed up system did not break down before now. This goes on the heads of all political leaders since Lyndon B. Johnson. This only the beginning. And those shots sounded like they came from a high powered rifle and the targeting would suggest someone with at least moderate skill. Oh, and violent crack downs don't work very well. Time to learn from others.
Correct. This has been brewing for many years now, if not decades. People have been pushed into a corner, and even animals try to fight their way out when cornered. It's not just law enforcement that's abused their power and authority, but government in general. Society in general has been oppressed and used, abused and neglected, and now the tired and the weary are pushing back. Throughout history, around the world, this same scenario has been played out hundreds of times. As a matter of fact, this nation was founded as a result of people revolting against an oppressive authority. I predicted this years ago, and knew that one day, the people would say, "enough is enough".

We're subjected to excessive taxation, invasion of privacy, and freedom has become just a nice sounding word, with little if any real meaning. We've created a poor and dependent citizenry, dependent on government assistance programs and unemployment checks. Our elections are rigged by the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Our government has become an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself.

People aren't totally blind to this. When given an excuse to revolt, such as we're seeing now, it's only natural that frustrations and anger surface. Citizens feel the pain of oppression, they feel the heavy hand of authority pressing them further into submission, and they've had enough. Where does the blame lie? Do we blame the servant or do we blame the master? Do we continue to bow and cower, allowing authority to ignore rights, justice, and freedom? Or, do we speak up and demand consideration? Have we reached a point to where citizens will demand that their cries be heard, and their voice are recognized?

I don't have a crystal ball, but I do know people, know their anger and frustrations, and know that when the time comes, they will revolt. History is filled with stories and accounts of people standing against oppression and absolute rule. Why would we be an exception? Is America exempt from internal unrest and revolt? Personally, I don't believe that we are exempt. Times are hard, people are hurting, and many see no light at the end of the tunnel. So, what do you believe is their alternative?
You write professionally, don't you? That was amazing.
No, I haven't had any offers to do so, though I wouldn't mind it. I've been at this many years now, it comes naturally. I have had several pieces published in newspapers, but that was back in 2004 and 2005. I honestly appreciate the kind words, thank you so much. You're too kind to this old man.
I've probably flamed you before and I will probably flame you again at some point. Please try to remember at one point in there somewhere I was a nice guy. :)
Well, let's work this out. First, a Ferguson citizen commits a strong arm robbery, then assaults a police officer and attempts to get the officers gun, then tries to bumrush the officer and is shot dead in the attempt. Then some citizens of Ferguson lie about the incident with "hands up, don't shoot", THEN the citizens of Ferguson loot the town and destroy or burn down the city. And today they ambushed and shot two police officers standing guard in front of the police station. But the police are the bad guys.
Why would ANY cop show up tonight in that shit hole? And other agencies are sending their officer in there. WHY? These were St Louis and Oak Grove officers who never even worked in Ferguson. ...who just got shot. For what?

Fuck Ferguson. Let the animals have their jungle.
More blood from innocent citizen police officers on the hands of Obama, Holder and Sharpton

When are you going to take a stand against them
Well, let's work this out. First, a Ferguson citizen commits a strong arm robbery, then assaults a police officer and attempts to get the officers gun, then tries to bumrush the officer and is shot dead in the attempt. Then some citizens of Ferguson lie about the incident with "hands up, don't shoot", THEN the citizens of Ferguson loot the town and destroy or burn down the city. And today they ambushed and shot two police officers standing guard in front of the police station. But the police are the bad guys.

Yep. That place is a fucking jungle. Let the animals be. No cops life is worth protecting that shit hole. Let Obama and Holder come patrol the streets.
Why are we pussy footin around with these fuck heads? Crack some skulls & put them in jail. Or just pull out completely and let em kill each other and burn up their own community.

This shit is so stupid. All because a negro that WASN'T clean & articulate wanted to play gangsta
Why are we pussy footin around with these fuck heads? Crack some skulls & put them in jail. Or just pull out completely and let em kill each other and burn up their own community.

This shit is so stupid. All because a negro that WASN'T clean & articulate wanted to play gangsta

Well....last summer the anarchists and thugs...and Obama and Holder and the left...hated the cops for kicking ass. Given...during a mass riot...not a SINGLE cop or citizen was killed or seriously hurt.

But...they demanded cops tone it down and not mean ya know?

Cops back down. And now are getting shot.

You're right. Either kick thug ass or just abandon that shit hole.

Obamas "Hug A Thug" policy has never worked.

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