Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

Agitators from the far right or KKK or the NBPP probably fired the shots.
More than likely it was some KKK members hoping the cops would fire on the crowd.
I just saw another video, from someone's camera phone. I could be wrong but the way I see it those shots had to have been shot from a sighted rifle and the shooter was no occasional sportsman.
I wouldnt put it past the KKK kowards to do this. No doubt arranged by some of the KKK members of the Ferguson police force. Notice the cops that were shot were not members of the local PD?
Hitting two officers from a long way off is not something an average person can do with an average gun. Certainly not a handgun. I can promise this was a longgun.
People joke about this shit. Not so funny now, is it?

Were the police officers confronting protesters when they were shot....or were they in fact just standing there? Misrepresenting facts to fit a popular narrative is yellow journalism.
Who'll get there first?

Holder to investigate why the police where not hunkered down in the station?

Obama to apologize to the offenders for their not having jobs?

Sharpton to capitalize?

Here's one more link....

Chief 2 officers shot in Ferguson were ambushed

Video with this one.

Holder will run to Ferguson if the shooters are caught to make sure their civil rights are being upheld.
One cop shot is white. The story is breaking everywhere right now. Looks like the protestors are amassing for a massive chimpout. These pissed cops now have a good excuse to put these feral savages down for once and for all.
Lets give them what they want. Declare martial law and crack down...or just let the people loose and take care of this problem. Blacks are not FIT nor are they Smart enough to live in a civilized society. They are much more fit for a jungle or crack house.
If only those good folks had more govt handouts, programs, and community organized welfare benefits....

Taxpayer coerced reparations.... For justice !!!!
One cop shot is white. The story is breaking everywhere right now. Looks like the protestors are amassing for a massive chimpout. These pissed cops now have a good excuse to put these feral savages down for once and for all.
Lets give them what they want. Declare martial law and crack down...or just let the people loose and take care of this problem. Blacks are not FIT nor are they Smart enough to live in a civilized society. They are much more fit for a jungle or crack house.
You cave chimps crack me up.

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