Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

One cop shot is white. The story is breaking everywhere right now. Looks like the protestors are amassing for a massive chimpout. These pissed cops now have a good excuse to put these feral savages down for once and for all.

Shoot to kill.
More cave chimp howls.
Here's the deal folks. 50 years of violence proves the civil rights movement was a waste of time. Citizenship in The United States requires contribution to fellow citizens, not burden and blame.

Americans have given too much to blacks, there is a reason they were never considered citizens of the U.S. by it's founders.

With that being said Missouri needs to decide whether they want to have police officers standing around like sitting ducks or are they going to crack down. These "protests" are not peaceful, they are a race based extortion attempt to remove Whites from the Ferguson PD. A real problem remains, as soon as Ferguson PD is ethnically cleansed of whites, that will embolden these feral black criminal extortionists to move on to the next White community and ruin it.
Back in 1950s, Brooklyn, persistent complaints of brutality against White New York City cops in the Black Bedford Stuyvestant community led to all White cops in that sector being replaced by Blacks.

Within six months, brutality complaints by Black residents against the Black cops far exceeded those complaints that led to removal of the White cops -- who gradually were returned to Bedford Stuyvestant.

The best thing governing officials could do in Ferguson, MO, is replace all White cops with Blacks.
One cop shot is white. The story is breaking everywhere right now. Looks like the protestors are amassing for a massive chimpout. These pissed cops now have a good excuse to put these feral savages down for once and for all.

Shoot to kill.
More cave chimp howls.

Dont look now but I just found your family tree..or is it your family in a tree?

Looks just like you Compare that with your pic below.

They should just change the name from Ferguson, Missouri to Mogadishu, Missouri.
Agitators from the far right or KKK or the NBPP probably fired the shots.
More than likely it was some KKK members hoping the cops would fire on the crowd.
I just saw another video, from someone's camera phone. I could be wrong but the way I see it those shots had to have been shot from a sighted rifle and the shooter was no occasional sportsman.
I wouldnt put it past the KKK kowards to do this. No doubt arranged by some of the KKK members of the Ferguson police force. Notice the cops that were shot were not members of the local PD?
I find that a very plausible scenario. At the very least this was premeditated and it seems that the desired end result being the wounding or killing of officers is too simplistic. The question is did or didn't they get the desired results? And if not will they try again? That last question if rather obvious.
No: it was some asshole with a gun and a chip against police. Nothing else is to blame except the asshole who pulled the trigger. The violence they used as cover is a different matter.

But where did the shooter's hatred of police spawn from? Surely it couldn't have just been because of the perceived biases of the Police Department? The entire weight of the political world has been foisted on that city. All of them know that everyone is watching. Political rhetoric, inflammatory remarks, and chants of "no justice, no peace."

The Police are not to blame; the community is NOT to blame; the blame is on the shooters as it ever is.


So if someone yells fire in an auditorium and people get trampeled to death,who are you going to blame?
Agitators from the far right or KKK or the NBPP probably fired the shots.
More than likely it was some KKK members hoping the cops would fire on the crowd.
I just saw another video, from someone's camera phone. I could be wrong but the way I see it those shots had to have been shot from a sighted rifle and the shooter was no occasional sportsman.
I wouldnt put it past the KKK kowards to do this. No doubt arranged by some of the KKK members of the Ferguson police force. Notice the cops that were shot were not members of the local PD?
I find that a very plausible scenario. At the very least this was premeditated and it seems that the desired end result being the wounding or killing of officers is too simplistic. The question is did or didn't they get the desired results? And if not will they try again? That last question if rather obvious.
They wont risk trying it again if they were KKK cops or in league with them. I'm sure there will be surveillance the next time.
No: it was some asshole with a gun and a chip against police. Nothing else is to blame except the asshole who pulled the trigger. The violence they used as cover is a different matter.

But where did the shooter's hatred of police spawn from? Surely it couldn't have just been because of the perceived biases of the Police Department? The entire weight of the political world has been foisted on that city. All of them know that everyone is watching. Political rhetoric, inflammatory remarks, and chants of "no justice, no peace."

The Police are not to blame; the community is NOT to blame; the blame is on the shooters as it ever is.


So if someone yells fire in an auditorium and people get trampeled to death,who are you going to blame?
What kind of stupid post was that?
Due to the shooting, I think there should be a moratorium on protests. A curfew should be set. Not gatherings after sunset.
Were the police officers confronting protesters when they were shot....or were they in fact just standing there? Misrepresenting facts to fit a popular narrative is yellow journalism.
From what I have heard the protests were actually quieting down for the night. It would have been firing on police completely disengaged from the protesters. From my understanding.
*I apologize in advance if this has already been posted, or if it belongs in another section.*

"St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said two police officers were shot and seriously wounded shortly after midnight outside the Ferguson, Mo., police department. The shooting occurred as a protest outside the police station had begun to wind down.

The Webster Groves officer was struck once in the face. He is 32 years old and a five-year veteran of the force, Belmar said. He said the St. Louis County officer is 41 years old and a 14-year veteran of the force. That officer was struck once in the shoulder.

Belmar said the Webster Groves officer was shot just below his right eye, and that the bullet is now lodged in the back of his head. The St. Louis County officer was struck in the shoulder, and the bullet passed through and exited his back.

2 Police Officers Shot Amid Protest At Ferguson Police Department The Two-Way NPR

Is the government going to continue to let these protests go since they were just "continuing their path" like obama told them to do or is someone going to take action?

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