Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

Is the government going to continue to let these protests go since they were just "continuing their path" like obama told them to do or is someone going to take action?

What "action" do you want taken against protesters Capt Constitution?

what action should be taken against rioters who shoot cops? Do you really have to ask that question?

are you that fricken stupid?
2 Police Officers Shot Amid Mostly Peaceful Protest At Ferguson Police Department

Fixed it for you

Ever notice that's how the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media reports these types of events.....

From the scum of the earth LSM: "Mostly Peaceful Protesters demonstrate their unhappiness by shooting their guns into the air. Unfortunately, the Mostly Peaceful protesters' bullets accidentally struck two oppressors of the Mostly Peaceful Protesters who were Mostly Peaceful while protesting Mostly Peacefully against the racial oppression evident in Ferguson as pointed out by His Excellency Eric Himmler."

dimocraps and their lackeys are the scum of the earth
News says cops are moving in to raid a house where possible suspects are.

Hope it goes peaceful. But if not...unleash hell on the fucking animals.
Could have been done by outside agitators. We don't know yet. It might help if the asshole Mayor resigned.
The egg cams first!!!!
Dinosaurus were laying eggs million of years before chickens were on the earth!
?? What does THAT have to do with the criminals in Ferguson???
I was asking if the police were the first to start the problem or was it the people. From news sources, the police have been using the citizens to generate revenue for years. Doing so with quota tickets and trumped up charges. So, the question is, "which party started the mess?" That's what I meant by which came first, the chicken or the egg. Your opinion? Was it the police that started the mess, or was it the people?

the police have been using the citizens to generate revenue for years. Doing so with quota tickets and trumped up charges
Just another excuse, to justify bad behavior by the citizens. Do you actually believe, no other city, town or village uses a quota system for tickets? Traffic Cops are nothing more that Revenue Agents in most places. You think those traffic cameras are there to make you safer? You would not believe the amount of money they bring in.
I got a speeding ticket once. I figured I would just show up and see if the judge would be nice. There were like 100 Mexicans in there (sorry, making a point). Everyone of them were just paying their ticket. I ended up having to just pay the ticket. At the counter the woman said, "Oh, don't do that. Oh, there's ____. Talk to him." So I talked to the lawyer hanging out there. He said for $200 he would see what he could do. I gave him $200, he walked right up to the front of the court room, said something to the judge, and my ticket was gone. This is the way it is, I just happened to be standing there at the time. Pay a lawyer and ticket disappears, don't and get screwed. Same everywhere and for all crimes from traffic tickets to murder.
Damn, how much was the speeding ticket for that paying $200 to the lawyer was cheaper for you?

Well worth it to keep it off your insurance.
And the average cost is 250.
I've only had one ticket for speeding and I can't remember how much it was for as it was 6.5 years ago. It was about 5 hours from home as well so I just paid the fine. I've been pretty lucky since I started driving.
Agitators from the far right or KKK or the NBPP probably fired the shots.
More than likely it was some KKK members hoping the cops would fire on the crowd.
I just saw another video, from someone's camera phone. I could be wrong but the way I see it those shots had to have been shot from a sighted rifle and the shooter was no occasional sportsman.

It's easy to hit from 100 yards. Took 15 minutes to teach he wife.
Could have been done by outside agitators. We don't know yet. It might help if the asshole Mayor resigned.

Fucking Moron....... This ENTIRE EVENT FROM BEGINNING TO END was done by outside agitators.

Time to start playing Cowboys and Negroes
How sad is it, they were lined up to defend minority business from vandalism and looting when some nut case attempts to takes two of them down. This is exactly what you get when you have the Attorney General, President, and racist agitators jump to baseless conclusions, furthermore remain steadfast in defending their poor judgement unwilling to admit they were wrong.
And this is the hope and change you all voted for?
The Communist Organizer in Chief and his comrades have incited this hate and violence. They should be ashamed of themselves. But they're not. They're actually proud of themselves.
Could have been done by outside agitators. We don't know yet. It might help if the asshole Mayor resigned.

Fucking Moron....... This ENTIRE EVENT FROM BEGINNING TO END was done by outside agitators.

Time to start playing Cowboys and Negroes
Well you just rush right in there to help. I'm sure you'll have those ******* under control in no time.

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