Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

Due to the shooting, I think there should be a moratorium on protests. A curfew should be set. Not gatherings after sunset.
First amendment rights. Could start a whole new fire-storm.

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
One cop shot is white. The story is breaking everywhere right now. Looks like the protestors are amassing for a massive chimpout. These pissed cops now have a good excuse to put these feral savages down for once and for all.

And assholism like this ^^ is what brings this about.

Good job, asshole.
No. It will be a good job well done if they put these feral savages down. The 2 cops were just standing guard.

So any protesters should be killed now just for being there and black? Dude, you are literally part of the problem.
The PC zombies never did get it.

It is what it is..........we don't have police problem. We have a black problem.:up:

But as the great Bob Grants said decades ago......."they cant hide".:eusa_dance:

I say, the police department deploy drones and when shit goes down, they drone their asses!!!:coffee:
We have an authority problem, period.

Aint that the truth....a lack of respect for it.
One cop shot is white. The story is breaking everywhere right now. Looks like the protestors are amassing for a massive chimpout. These pissed cops now have a good excuse to put these feral savages down for once and for all.

Wow dude. Racist much?

Racism is the product of what we see in Mizzou. Racism is a reactive instinct and a direct byproduct relative to the failed black culture

If my great, great, great grandfather knew that things would turn out this bad, they would have picked the cotton themselves


Yeah, you're totally not racist right?
The PC zombies never did get it.

It is what it is..........we don't have police problem. We have a black problem.:up:

But as the great Bob Grants said decades ago......."they cant hide".:eusa_dance:

I say, the police department deploy drones and when shit goes down, they drone their asses!!!:coffee:
We have an authority problem, period.

Aint that the truth....a lack of respect for it.
And why should we have respect for authority? Does authority have respect for us? Obviously not. Shouldn't it be a two way street? Shouldn't both sides respect each other? If not, why not? As a general rule, respect is earned, and not just given. Has authority earned our respect? Obviously not.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The egg cams first!!!!
Dinosaurus were laying eggs million of years before chickens were on the earth!
?? What does THAT have to do with the criminals in Ferguson???
I was asking if the police were the first to start the problem or was it the people. From news sources, the police have been using the citizens to generate revenue for years. Doing so with quota tickets and trumped up charges. So, the question is, "which party started the mess?" That's what I meant by which came first, the chicken or the egg. Your opinion? Was it the police that started the mess, or was it the people?

the police have been using the citizens to generate revenue for years. Doing so with quota tickets and trumped up charges
Just another excuse, to justify bad behavior by the citizens. Do you actually believe, no other city, town or village uses a quota system for tickets? Traffic Cops are nothing more that Revenue Agents in most places. You think those traffic cameras are there to make you safer? You would not believe the amount of money they bring in.
I got a speeding ticket once. I figured I would just show up and see if the judge would be nice. There were like 100 Mexicans in there (sorry, making a point). Everyone of them were just paying their ticket. I ended up having to just pay the ticket. At the counter the woman said, "Oh, don't do that. Oh, there's ____. Talk to him." So I talked to the lawyer hanging out there. He said for $200 he would see what he could do. I gave him $200, he walked right up to the front of the court room, said something to the judge, and my ticket was gone. This is the way it is, I just happened to be standing there at the time. Pay a lawyer and ticket disappears, don't and get screwed. Same everywhere and for all crimes from traffic tickets to murder.
Damn, how much was the speeding ticket for that paying $200 to the lawyer was cheaper for you?

Well worth it to keep it off your insurance.
And the average cost is 250.
Please be advised, this has not been independently confirmed as of yet.

Two police officers shot during Ferguson, Missouri, protest

Don't you just know Holder and Sharpton are doing their happy dance?? :dance:
I think in the case of Holder, there's a stab of fear upon hearing this. He knows he's responsible, though he'll never take the blame. But he knows a just God is watching and he will pay an eternal price for all the evil he did in Ferguson.
No, this is part of the plan. Fast & Furious was similar. Once the bodies started piling up Obama would have given another "This must stop!" speeches.

They want people to die. That's why they had an orgasm over Sandyhook.
Psh... They won't be anywhere in sight if there's no way to make it a racist issue. If the cops were gone, obama and holder would be nowhere around. They don't care about the people there, just the tension they can raise. Race baitingest sons a bitches I've ever seen.
The PC zombies never did get it.

It is what it is..........we don't have police problem. We have a black problem.:up:

But as the great Bob Grants said decades ago......."they cant hide".:eusa_dance:

I say, the police department deploy drones and when shit goes down, they drone their asses!!!:coffee:
We have an authority problem, period.

Aint that the truth....a lack of respect for it.
And why should we have respect for authority? Does authority have respect for us? Obviously not. Shouldn't it be a two way street? Shouldn't both sides respect each other? If not, why not? As a general rule, respect is earned, and not just given. Has authority earned our respect? Obviously not.

Dont commit crimes and the police will leave you alone. It's really that simple.
Ironically both of the cops that were shot, were not on the Ferguson Police force.
Maybe behavior like this is why the Ferguson Police treated the people like they did.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The egg cams first!!!!
Dinosaurus were laying eggs million of years before chickens were on the earth!
?? What does THAT have to do with the criminals in Ferguson???
I was asking if the police were the first to start the problem or was it the people. From news sources, the police have been using the citizens to generate revenue for years. Doing so with quota tickets and trumped up charges. So, the question is, "which party started the mess?" That's what I meant by which came first, the chicken or the egg. Your opinion? Was it the police that started the mess, or was it the people?

The city council sets ticket quotas. Not the police. Any cop will tell you he sees more law breaking every day than he writes tickets for.
Police officers should disobey orders to write BS quota tickets. But, they have no sense of right and wrong, nor do they have a conscience.

As I've said before and was mentioned in this thread...cops could write tickets all day long and far above their quotas because there are that many scoff laws on the road.

Im not on twitter. But im emailing everyone I can requesting this hashtag be made and sent to all cops anyone knows.

All cops should abandon Ferguson and refuse to work there. Let gangs take over. Let Obama and Holder figure it out.

The police will stay for the righteous of Ferguson, the good people who aren't rioting in the streets and burning it down. That's why I love police officers, they are there to protect the good people.

And I say rather than abandon Ferguson, we should double the police force and crush these riots.

I dont care which option they choose. Both would be appropriate.
The police chief resigning wasn't enough. Apparently the savages want war.

How about all police just stay in the police station for their whole shift.
Let the freaks in Ferguson there take care of themself.
THEN they wont be able to blame the police for anything that happens in Ferguson.
"Survival of the fittest", a wide open town, THEN the people of Ferguson will be happy-as-a-pig-in-shit.
Force the demonstrators into a building like a church to bitch. No more standing in the street with the darkness of night to protect their identity. No one's freedom of speech is violated and they can be patted down for weapons when they enter the building. We need to protect our LEOs from further harm.

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