BREAKING: U.S. Officials Have Declassified List Of Obama Officials Who Were Involved In ‘Unmasking’ General Flynn

great. i can look at the history of tornados in Oklahoma prior to 2018 and see how much more than "normal" 2019 was? i have data to back up my assumption 2019 did in fact see a rise in activity.
Sure, you could go back and tell me how many tornadoes were in 2018, but I can come back and say not every tornado is recorded so you don’t know definitively how many tornadoes actually occurred. You could just as easily say that 2019 was a decrease because we don’t know for sure the true number.

but then if not every action on the russians is ever reported, is this an escalation of their activity OR the reporting of it?

you simply can't honestly say there's a rise in activity for a given action unless you have a baseline for what it would normally be. so while i agree not all of it was reported, then that brings the reporting into question now.

but i don't want to rabbit hole off into the integrity of our media so let's table that for now if you don't mind.

so we seem to be at a point where:
it is claimed that we saw an increase of russian interference in 2014 and beyond.

i'm still trying to substantiate that claim by validating the history of their interference to go by. while i think you are dead on that it is very difficult to do (and i believe you at least get what i am after so thank you for that) as we don't know how much has been reported historically to gauge by.

given that, how can we honestly say then that we saw a rise in 2014 and beyond w/o a valid baseline comparison?

it's like saying we saw a rise in water levels but have no idea what they levels were to begin with.
You can weaponize skepticism to justify all sorts of things. I can easily say that based on all available evidence, this represents an escalation. Now you can speculate as to what exists that we have no evidence for, but that is an endless and futile effort in my mind.
How do you know for a fact that what Russia did in 2014 and beyond was "more than usual"?

But the statement has no meat unless we know what "usual" is.

Based on the evidence, to say MORE it oddly enough needs to be MORE.
great. i can look at the history of tornados in Oklahoma prior to 2018 and see how much more than "normal" 2019 was? i have data to back up my assumption 2019 did in fact see a rise in activity.
Sure, you could go back and tell me how many tornadoes were in 2018, but I can come back and say not every tornado is recorded so you don’t know definitively how many tornadoes actually occurred. You could just as easily say that 2019 was a decrease because we don’t know for sure the true number.

but then if not every action on the russians is ever reported, is this an escalation of their activity OR the reporting of it?

you simply can't honestly say there's a rise in activity for a given action unless you have a baseline for what it would normally be. so while i agree not all of it was reported, then that brings the reporting into question now.

but i don't want to rabbit hole off into the integrity of our media so let's table that for now if you don't mind.

so we seem to be at a point where:
it is claimed that we saw an increase of russian interference in 2014 and beyond.

i'm still trying to substantiate that claim by validating the history of their interference to go by. while i think you are dead on that it is very difficult to do (and i believe you at least get what i am after so thank you for that) as we don't know how much has been reported historically to gauge by.

given that, how can we honestly say then that we saw a rise in 2014 and beyond w/o a valid baseline comparison?

it's like saying we saw a rise in water levels but have no idea what they levels were to begin with.
You can weaponize skepticism to justify all sorts of things. I can easily say that based on all available evidence, this represents an escalation. Now you can speculate as to what exists that we have no evidence for, but that is an endless and futile effort in my mind.
How do you know for a fact that what Russia did in 2014 and beyond was "more than usual"?

But the statement has no meat unless we know what "usual" is.

Based on the evidence, to say MORE it oddly enough needs to be MORE.
The evidence says there was no Russian interference in 2014. The evidence says there was interference in 2016.

Going from zero to more is an escalation based on the available evidence.
great. i can look at the history of tornados in Oklahoma prior to 2018 and see how much more than "normal" 2019 was? i have data to back up my assumption 2019 did in fact see a rise in activity.
Sure, you could go back and tell me how many tornadoes were in 2018, but I can come back and say not every tornado is recorded so you don’t know definitively how many tornadoes actually occurred. You could just as easily say that 2019 was a decrease because we don’t know for sure the true number.

but then if not every action on the russians is ever reported, is this an escalation of their activity OR the reporting of it?

you simply can't honestly say there's a rise in activity for a given action unless you have a baseline for what it would normally be. so while i agree not all of it was reported, then that brings the reporting into question now.

but i don't want to rabbit hole off into the integrity of our media so let's table that for now if you don't mind.

so we seem to be at a point where:
it is claimed that we saw an increase of russian interference in 2014 and beyond.

i'm still trying to substantiate that claim by validating the history of their interference to go by. while i think you are dead on that it is very difficult to do (and i believe you at least get what i am after so thank you for that) as we don't know how much has been reported historically to gauge by.

given that, how can we honestly say then that we saw a rise in 2014 and beyond w/o a valid baseline comparison?

it's like saying we saw a rise in water levels but have no idea what they levels were to begin with.
You can weaponize skepticism to justify all sorts of things. I can easily say that based on all available evidence, this represents an escalation. Now you can speculate as to what exists that we have no evidence for, but that is an endless and futile effort in my mind.
How do you know for a fact that what Russia did in 2014 and beyond was "more than usual"?

But the statement has no meat unless we know what "usual" is.

Based on the evidence, to say MORE it oddly enough needs to be MORE.
The evidence says there was no Russian interference in 2014. The evidence says there was interference in 2016.

Going from zero to more is an escalation based on the available evidence.
then you are talking an increase in 2 years. not an increase in usual behavior over the lifetime of interference.

my question is - in say 2000, did the russians try to interfere and if so, what did they do? OR is this "increase in activity" ONLY referring to 2014+?

if you're ONLY referring to 2014 then we'd have to look at the entire history of their interference to know whether or not this is normal, more, or less, than usual. while it may be more from 2014+ i won't view that as a valid increase in overall activity, just cherry picking to limit the view and overstate what was done.
great. i can look at the history of tornados in Oklahoma prior to 2018 and see how much more than "normal" 2019 was? i have data to back up my assumption 2019 did in fact see a rise in activity.
Sure, you could go back and tell me how many tornadoes were in 2018, but I can come back and say not every tornado is recorded so you don’t know definitively how many tornadoes actually occurred. You could just as easily say that 2019 was a decrease because we don’t know for sure the true number.

but then if not every action on the russians is ever reported, is this an escalation of their activity OR the reporting of it?

you simply can't honestly say there's a rise in activity for a given action unless you have a baseline for what it would normally be. so while i agree not all of it was reported, then that brings the reporting into question now.

but i don't want to rabbit hole off into the integrity of our media so let's table that for now if you don't mind.

so we seem to be at a point where:
it is claimed that we saw an increase of russian interference in 2014 and beyond.

i'm still trying to substantiate that claim by validating the history of their interference to go by. while i think you are dead on that it is very difficult to do (and i believe you at least get what i am after so thank you for that) as we don't know how much has been reported historically to gauge by.

given that, how can we honestly say then that we saw a rise in 2014 and beyond w/o a valid baseline comparison?

it's like saying we saw a rise in water levels but have no idea what they levels were to begin with.
You can weaponize skepticism to justify all sorts of things. I can easily say that based on all available evidence, this represents an escalation. Now you can speculate as to what exists that we have no evidence for, but that is an endless and futile effort in my mind.
How do you know for a fact that what Russia did in 2014 and beyond was "more than usual"?

But the statement has no meat unless we know what "usual" is.

Based on the evidence, to say MORE it oddly enough needs to be MORE.
The evidence says there was no Russian interference in 2014. The evidence says there was interference in 2016.

Going from zero to more is an escalation based on the available evidence.
then you are talking an increase in 2 years. not an increase in usual behavior over the lifetime of interference.

my question is - in say 2000, did the russians try to interfere and if so, what did they do? OR is this "increase in activity" ONLY referring to 2014+?

if you're ONLY referring to 2014 then we'd have to look at the entire history of their interference to know whether or not this is normal, more, or less, than usual. while it may be more from 2014+ i won't view that as a valid increase in overall activity, just cherry picking to limit the view and overstate what was done.
I could have said that for nearly any election year. I only said 2014 for the sake of simplicity.

The evidence for actual Russian interference in US elections is scant.
if you don't want to be called a king kamayamaya bitch, stop acting like one.


The Wiki article covers 1986 on. In addition, I posted another article, in post 232 from Politico.
and this link is still all about TRUMP and the elections. are you saying that trump was involved in RUSSIA interference in 1986?

i am asking point blank what RUSSIA did prior to 2014 to interfere in our elections. Not a timeline of TRUMP crap you're obsessed with. but as usual, you can't leave trump out of a single topic, can you?


but...TRUMP is all you ever have.

done. have a day.

You obviously did not read it. It covers 1986 to 2016.

In fact - you aren't making much sense here and I don't know what exactly you want. I do not know if it is deliberate or what.
if you don't want to be called a king kamayamaya bitch, stop acting like one.


The Wiki article covers 1986 on. In addition, I posted another article, in post 232 from Politico.
and this link is still all about TRUMP and the elections. are you saying that trump was involved in RUSSIA interference in 1986?

i am asking point blank what RUSSIA did prior to 2014 to interfere in our elections. Not a timeline of TRUMP crap you're obsessed with. but as usual, you can't leave trump out of a single topic, can you?


but...TRUMP is all you ever have.

done. have a day.

You obviously did not read it. It covers 1986 to 2016.

In fact - you aren't making much sense here and I don't know what exactly you want. I do not know if it is deliberate or what.
then in effect you are saying the history of RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE in US politics began with TRUMP in 1986. your 1986 reference is ONLY IN RELATION TO 2016 interference PER THE HEADLINE OF YOUR OWN GOD DAMN ARTICLE.

what you can never seem to do, comprehend nor understand is I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT TRUMP.

my question of when russia started interfering into our elections doesn't not have a god damn thing to do with TRUMP yet your NON-TDS mind can't seem to fathom i am asking a question not related at all to TRUMP in this instance in order to get a historical perspective.

just stop. you don't have TDS but you can't comprehend a world without you bitching at him.

all i want is examples of russian interference in our elections THROUGH ALL TIME, not just TRUMP!! TRUMP GOD DAMN IT TRUMP! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS BUT TRUMP!!! YEWARGH BUT I'M NOT SUFFERING TDS...but it's taking 2+ pages of bullshit to get you to realize i am not asking about interference in relation to TRUMP but OVERALL US HISTORY.

now who's trolling who again?
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if you don't want to be called a king kamayamaya bitch, stop acting like one.


The Wiki article covers 1986 on. In addition, I posted another article, in post 232 from Politico.
and this link is still all about TRUMP and the elections. are you saying that trump was involved in RUSSIA interference in 1986?

i am asking point blank what RUSSIA did prior to 2014 to interfere in our elections. Not a timeline of TRUMP crap you're obsessed with. but as usual, you can't leave trump out of a single topic, can you?


but...TRUMP is all you ever have.

done. have a day.

You obviously did not read it. It covers 1986 to 2016.

In fact - you aren't making much sense here and I don't know what exactly you want. I do not know if it is deliberate or what.
then in effect you are saying the history of RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE in US politics began with TRUMP in 1986. your 1986 reference is ONLY IN RELATION TO 2016 interference PER THE HEADLINE OF YOUR OWN GOD DAMN ARTICLE.

Where in the hell are you pulling that from? I don't know what you are reading. The headline looks at events leading up to 2016, which marks a watershed moment in terms of interference. If you quit obsessing about Trump Trump Trump (and NOTE I have not mentioned him or made it about him - I merely provided the information you kept DEMANDING) then maybe you would SEE that.

what you can never seem to do, comprehend nor understand is I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT TRUMP.

GOOD. Then SHOW that but not focusing on TRUMP.

my question of when russia started interfering into our elections doesn't not have a god damn thing to do with TRUMP yet your NON-TDS mind can't seem to fathom i am asking a question not related at all to TRUMP in this instance in order to get a historical perspective.

You are seriously deranged. Overactive Tump Defense System misfiring or something? What part of my link do you fail to understand? Regardless of where it ENDS, it provides a decent timeline of Russian activities PRIOR to 2016.

I ANSWERED your question - now MOVE ON if you can not refute the time line with better information.

just stop. you don't have TDS but you can't comprehend a world without you bitching at him.

all i want is examples of russian interference in our elections THROUGH ALL TIME, not just TRUMP!! TRUMP GOD DAMN IT TRUMP! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS BUT TRUMP!!! YEWARGH BUT I'M NOT SUFFERING TDS...but it's taking 2+ pages of bullshit to get you to realize i am not asking about interference in relation to TRUMP but OVERALL US HISTORY.

now who's trolling who again?

if you don't want to be called a king kamayamaya bitch, stop acting like one.


The Wiki article covers 1986 on. In addition, I posted another article, in post 232 from Politico.
and this link is still all about TRUMP and the elections. are you saying that trump was involved in RUSSIA interference in 1986?

i am asking point blank what RUSSIA did prior to 2014 to interfere in our elections. Not a timeline of TRUMP crap you're obsessed with. but as usual, you can't leave trump out of a single topic, can you?


but...TRUMP is all you ever have.

done. have a day.

You obviously did not read it. It covers 1986 to 2016.

In fact - you aren't making much sense here and I don't know what exactly you want. I do not know if it is deliberate or what.
then in effect you are saying the history of RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE in US politics began with TRUMP in 1986. your 1986 reference is ONLY IN RELATION TO 2016 interference PER THE HEADLINE OF YOUR OWN GOD DAMN ARTICLE.

Where in the hell are you pulling that from? I don't know what you are reading. The headline looks at events leading up to 2016, which marks a watershed moment in terms of interference. If you quit obsessing about Trump Trump Trump (and NOTE I have not mentioned him or made it about him - I merely provided the information you kept DEMANDING) then maybe you would SEE that.

what you can never seem to do, comprehend nor understand is I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT TRUMP.

GOOD. Then SHOW that but not focusing on TRUMP.

my question of when russia started interfering into our elections doesn't not have a god damn thing to do with TRUMP yet your NON-TDS mind can't seem to fathom i am asking a question not related at all to TRUMP in this instance in order to get a historical perspective.

You are seriously deranged. Overactive Tump Defense System misfiring or something? What part of my link do you fail to understand? Regardless of where it ENDS, it provides a decent timeline of Russian activities PRIOR to 2016.

I ANSWERED your question - now MOVE ON if you can not refute the time line with better information.

just stop. you don't have TDS but you can't comprehend a world without you bitching at him.

all i want is examples of russian interference in our elections THROUGH ALL TIME, not just TRUMP!! TRUMP GOD DAMN IT TRUMP! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS BUT TRUMP!!! YEWARGH BUT I'M NOT SUFFERING TDS...but it's taking 2+ pages of bullshit to get you to realize i am not asking about interference in relation to TRUMP but OVERALL US HISTORY.

now who's trolling who again?

i asked you for a complete history of russian interference into our elections going as far back as WWII.

the headline for the link you gave me is what again?

so you are only giving me russian interference as it related to the trump election.

at this point i honestly don't give a fuck anymore. you and i are so far apart on base reality of what simple things are that talking to you in a logical / linear fashion is impossible. i t-shoot technical problems quite often and think in a linear fashion. you tell me that an activity was escalated, then it means it's more than it was before.

i want to know what it was before said escalation so we have a base to show how much (if any) it actually was escalated.

your headline from the link is again:

and i asked for ALL RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE, you keep giving me just as it relates to trump, or 2016, and act like this has a fuck-one thing to do with what i was searching for. at least colfax understands what i am asking. you don't. either you refuse to, don't want to, or simply can't comprehend a question that doesn't involve trump and frankly, i don't give a shit which it is. but your link had nothing to do with the entire history of russian interference in US elections OF WHICH has been my request this this bullshit hayride began.

have a day.
if you don't want to be called a king kamayamaya bitch, stop acting like one.


The Wiki article covers 1986 on. In addition, I posted another article, in post 232 from Politico.
and this link is still all about TRUMP and the elections. are you saying that trump was involved in RUSSIA interference in 1986?

i am asking point blank what RUSSIA did prior to 2014 to interfere in our elections. Not a timeline of TRUMP crap you're obsessed with. but as usual, you can't leave trump out of a single topic, can you?


but...TRUMP is all you ever have.

done. have a day.

You obviously did not read it. It covers 1986 to 2016.

In fact - you aren't making much sense here and I don't know what exactly you want. I do not know if it is deliberate or what.
then in effect you are saying the history of RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE in US politics began with TRUMP in 1986. your 1986 reference is ONLY IN RELATION TO 2016 interference PER THE HEADLINE OF YOUR OWN GOD DAMN ARTICLE.

what you can never seem to do, comprehend nor understand is I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT TRUMP.

my question of when russia started interfering into our elections doesn't not have a god damn thing to do with TRUMP yet your NON-TDS mind can't seem to fathom i am asking a question not related at all to TRUMP in this instance in order to get a historical perspective.

just stop. you don't have TDS but you can't comprehend a world without you bitching at him.

all i want is examples of russian interference in our elections THROUGH ALL TIME, not just TRUMP!! TRUMP GOD DAMN IT TRUMP! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS BUT TRUMP!!! YEWARGH BUT I'M NOT SUFFERING TDS...but it's taking 2+ pages of bullshit to get you to realize i am not asking about interference in relation to TRUMP but OVERALL US HISTORY.

now who's trolling who again?
You are correct, that whole 'timeline' link is Trump centric. Aside from that the link lists only one thing in 1986 which is....guess what? Trump is invited to the Soviet Union. There is not one mention of US election interference.

Then in 1987, Trump and Ivana take a trip to Russia to scout for construction sites for Trump Tower.

Then in 1991, Coyote's link gives us a one line history of Soviet Union' dissolution. Not one word about US election interference.

Then in 1996, the article again becomes Trump centric with a report of Trump's travels to the now Russia.

I could go on but you, sir, are 100% correct. The article in Coyote's link has no information about Russia election interference prior to 2014 so, to say that Russian interference ramped up in order to get Trump elected is not rooted in any kind of real data, it's just Democrat propaganda.
if you don't want to be called a king kamayamaya bitch, stop acting like one.


The Wiki article covers 1986 on. In addition, I posted another article, in post 232 from Politico.
and this link is still all about TRUMP and the elections. are you saying that trump was involved in RUSSIA interference in 1986?

i am asking point blank what RUSSIA did prior to 2014 to interfere in our elections. Not a timeline of TRUMP crap you're obsessed with. but as usual, you can't leave trump out of a single topic, can you?


but...TRUMP is all you ever have.

done. have a day.

You obviously did not read it. It covers 1986 to 2016.

In fact - you aren't making much sense here and I don't know what exactly you want. I do not know if it is deliberate or what.
then in effect you are saying the history of RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE in US politics began with TRUMP in 1986. your 1986 reference is ONLY IN RELATION TO 2016 interference PER THE HEADLINE OF YOUR OWN GOD DAMN ARTICLE.

what you can never seem to do, comprehend nor understand is I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT TRUMP.

my question of when russia started interfering into our elections doesn't not have a god damn thing to do with TRUMP yet your NON-TDS mind can't seem to fathom i am asking a question not related at all to TRUMP in this instance in order to get a historical perspective.

just stop. you don't have TDS but you can't comprehend a world without you bitching at him.

all i want is examples of russian interference in our elections THROUGH ALL TIME, not just TRUMP!! TRUMP GOD DAMN IT TRUMP! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS BUT TRUMP!!! YEWARGH BUT I'M NOT SUFFERING TDS...but it's taking 2+ pages of bullshit to get you to realize i am not asking about interference in relation to TRUMP but OVERALL US HISTORY.

now who's trolling who again?
You are correct, that whole 'timeline' link is Trump centric. Aside from that the link lists only one thing in 1986 which is....guess what? Trump is invited to the Soviet Union. There is not one mention of US election interference.

Then in 1987, Trump and Ivana take a trip to Russia to scout for construction sites for Trump Tower.

Then in 1991, Coyote's link gives us a one line history of Soviet Union' dissolution. Not one word about US election interference.

Then in 1996, the article again becomes Trump centric with a report of Trump's travels to the now Russia.

I could go on but you, sir, are 100% correct. The article in Coyote's link has no information about Russia election interference prior to 2014 so, to say that Russian interference ramped up in order to get Trump elected is not rooted in any kind of real data, it's just Democrat propaganda.
all i am after is baseline data on russian hacking / interference.

i don't care about trump. i don't care about obama. i don't care about much of anything except establishing a history of their activity. THEN AND ONLY THEN can you say there has been an increase in the usual activity.

while her link was very details on TRUMP, it had nothing to do with overall history, other than being the part i was out to validate as being "more" by knowing what that meant.

such a simple concept got blown the fuck up to all this bullshit cause someone who thinks they don't have TDS does in fact, have it.

pretty frustrating to be told i didn't read something i obviously read and understood better than the person chiding me.
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but that would pretty much be like every election before and what we do to others around the world on an all too regular basis
I always challenge this assertion. I don’t see this as a normal thing. Can you remember the last time Russia jacked with our election?

Russia (then USSR) has a long history of attempting to interfere with our democratic process (with the aim of showing that democracy is inherently inferior), but you are right - this level of interference, on a multinational platform, is unprecedented.
and other than hacking the DNC, just what did they do?

i know of facebook ads. what else?
Is hacking the DNC and Podesta, with the subsequent release of the info, not significant enough? It was a major event during the campaign.
1. Who hacked the DNC and Podesta ?

2. Who released the info or how was it released ?

3. Was the info released steeped in lies or truth ?

4. What was the response by the DNC and Podesta for it's info being hacked, and subsequently that information being released ?

5. How did the hackers or anyone know of such information ?

6. Was the information first obtained by insiders who had an ax to grind, and it's information location then given over to the hackers ?

Where is all this information or the answers to it all now ? Is there so much information out there, that the scene has been flooded, and the DNC has been enjoying the chaos in it all by assigning blame or using it politically in order to regain power somehow ?

The DNC blaming Trump for everything because they hate him, and hate him for spurious reasons unrelated, seems to be grounded in what should be called "operation political chaos" by them, where as you gather up negative information in what ever form it takes or it comes in, and then attempt to apply it politically for nefarious reasons, and/or for other reasons not pertaining to the need to get to the bottom of anything, but just use it for future outcomes in hopes to sway future elections.
All that information is in the Mueller report. Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta. Russia released the hacked information. The DNC hired CrowdStrike to clean out their network. Hackers used phishing to gain access to the network. It was not some “inside job”.
Oh so Russia just happened to know that the DNC was dirty, and so they were assured that they could gain success on hurting their chances by hacking and releasing dirt on them ? Out of thin air, the Russians targeted the DNC without any help from inside the workings of the DNC ??

Nothing dirty in the hacks, just embarrassing.
The Russians are opportunistic and have attempted to hack a great many things, often successfully.

You are like an ostrich with it head in the sand.
The Democrats used unverified Russian propaganda (Steele Dossier) to illegally obtain a FISA warrant in order to spy on the Trump campaign and, after that, Trump's Presidential transition team. It wasn't the Russians interfering with the election, it was the DNC attempting an old fashioned coup.
How do you get from FISA warrant on Carter Page to old fashioned coup? Where’s the connection between those two things?
i'm still looking to find out other than "potentially / likely" hacking the DNC and facebook ads, what russia did to interfere in our elections and how that was so much more than "normal" interfering activity.
So what crimes did Russia commit other than the totally illegal things they did to interfere in our election? That doesn’t sound like a very serious question. Read the Muller report volume one. There was a little more along the lines of troll farms and fake grassroots but the most sensational activity was hacking and dumping of emails. That’s enough. It was a major story during the campaign. Trump designed campaign strategy around the story which is why they were seeking coordination with Wikileaks.

I don’t think there is “normal” interfering. As your link pointed out, Russia really doesn’t interfere in our elections.
Then there's Hillary bleach bitting, destroying evidence left and right, servers in bathroom's, but nothing at all to see here folks, nothing at all. It was the Russians I tell ya, the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming.
Hillary didn’t destroy evidence. Y’all got your panties in a wad because she used the wrong email address acting like it was the end of the world or something.
You act like her doing what she did was an accident.

As soon as she was asked for the mail, games started. A secretary of state running their own server should know gov mail retention policy and she did not follow it.

There seems to me to be an impression that her email server was used to cover up some vast criminal conspiracy. The evidence to support that just isn’t there.
Guess not since she was busy destroying it all.
if you don't want to be called a king kamayamaya bitch, stop acting like one.


The Wiki article covers 1986 on. In addition, I posted another article, in post 232 from Politico.
and this link is still all about TRUMP and the elections. are you saying that trump was involved in RUSSIA interference in 1986?

i am asking point blank what RUSSIA did prior to 2014 to interfere in our elections. Not a timeline of TRUMP crap you're obsessed with. but as usual, you can't leave trump out of a single topic, can you?


but...TRUMP is all you ever have.

done. have a day.

You obviously did not read it. It covers 1986 to 2016.

In fact - you aren't making much sense here and I don't know what exactly you want. I do not know if it is deliberate or what.
then in effect you are saying the history of RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE in US politics began with TRUMP in 1986. your 1986 reference is ONLY IN RELATION TO 2016 interference PER THE HEADLINE OF YOUR OWN GOD DAMN ARTICLE.

Where in the hell are you pulling that from? I don't know what you are reading. The headline looks at events leading up to 2016, which marks a watershed moment in terms of interference. If you quit obsessing about Trump Trump Trump (and NOTE I have not mentioned him or made it about him - I merely provided the information you kept DEMANDING) then maybe you would SEE that.

what you can never seem to do, comprehend nor understand is I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT TRUMP.

GOOD. Then SHOW that but not focusing on TRUMP.

my question of when russia started interfering into our elections doesn't not have a god damn thing to do with TRUMP yet your NON-TDS mind can't seem to fathom i am asking a question not related at all to TRUMP in this instance in order to get a historical perspective.

You are seriously deranged. Overactive Tump Defense System misfiring or something? What part of my link do you fail to understand? Regardless of where it ENDS, it provides a decent timeline of Russian activities PRIOR to 2016.

I ANSWERED your question - now MOVE ON if you can not refute the time line with better information.

just stop. you don't have TDS but you can't comprehend a world without you bitching at him.

all i want is examples of russian interference in our elections THROUGH ALL TIME, not just TRUMP!! TRUMP GOD DAMN IT TRUMP! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS BUT TRUMP!!! YEWARGH BUT I'M NOT SUFFERING TDS...but it's taking 2+ pages of bullshit to get you to realize i am not asking about interference in relation to TRUMP but OVERALL US HISTORY.

now who's trolling who again?

i asked you for a complete history of russian interference into our elections going as far back as WWII.

the headline for the link you gave me is what again?

so you are only giving me russian interference as it related to the trump election.

at this point i honestly don't give a fuck anymore. you and i are so far apart on base reality of what simple things are that talking to you in a logical / linear fashion is impossible. i t-shoot technical problems quite often and think in a linear fashion. you tell me that an activity was escalated, then it means it's more than it was before.

i want to know what it was before said escalation so we have a base to show how much (if any) it actually was escalated.

your headline from the link is again:

and i asked for ALL RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE, you keep giving me just as it relates to trump, or 2016, and act like this has a fuck-one thing to do with what i was searching for. at least colfax understands what i am asking. you don't. either you refuse to, don't want to, or simply can't comprehend a question that doesn't involve trump and frankly, i don't give a shit which it is. but your link had nothing to do with the entire history of russian interference in US elections OF WHICH has been my request this this bullshit hayride began.

have a day.

Earlier, before wiki, I linked to a Politico article that gave some historic background on Russian interference. This was the link: Russia’s Long and Mostly Unsuccessful History of Election Interference. Did you read that one?

If Politico doesn't suit you, here is another: Russian Meddling in the United States: The Historical Context of the Mueller Report
Last edited:
if you don't want to be called a king kamayamaya bitch, stop acting like one.


The Wiki article covers 1986 on. In addition, I posted another article, in post 232 from Politico.
and this link is still all about TRUMP and the elections. are you saying that trump was involved in RUSSIA interference in 1986?

i am asking point blank what RUSSIA did prior to 2014 to interfere in our elections. Not a timeline of TRUMP crap you're obsessed with. but as usual, you can't leave trump out of a single topic, can you?


but...TRUMP is all you ever have.

done. have a day.

You obviously did not read it. It covers 1986 to 2016.

In fact - you aren't making much sense here and I don't know what exactly you want. I do not know if it is deliberate or what.
then in effect you are saying the history of RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE in US politics began with TRUMP in 1986. your 1986 reference is ONLY IN RELATION TO 2016 interference PER THE HEADLINE OF YOUR OWN GOD DAMN ARTICLE.

what you can never seem to do, comprehend nor understand is I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT TRUMP.

my question of when russia started interfering into our elections doesn't not have a god damn thing to do with TRUMP yet your NON-TDS mind can't seem to fathom i am asking a question not related at all to TRUMP in this instance in order to get a historical perspective.

just stop. you don't have TDS but you can't comprehend a world without you bitching at him.

all i want is examples of russian interference in our elections THROUGH ALL TIME, not just TRUMP!! TRUMP GOD DAMN IT TRUMP! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS BUT TRUMP!!! YEWARGH BUT I'M NOT SUFFERING TDS...but it's taking 2+ pages of bullshit to get you to realize i am not asking about interference in relation to TRUMP but OVERALL US HISTORY.

now who's trolling who again?
You are correct, that whole 'timeline' link is Trump centric. Aside from that the link lists only one thing in 1986 which is....guess what? Trump is invited to the Soviet Union. There is not one mention of US election interference.

Then in 1987, Trump and Ivana take a trip to Russia to scout for construction sites for Trump Tower.

Then in 1991, Coyote's link gives us a one line history of Soviet Union' dissolution. Not one word about US election interference.

Then in 1996, the article again becomes Trump centric with a report of Trump's travels to the now Russia.

I could go on but you, sir, are 100% correct. The article in Coyote's link has no information about Russia election interference prior to 2014 so, to say that Russian interference ramped up in order to get Trump elected is not rooted in any kind of real data, it's just Democrat propaganda.
all i am after is baseline data on russian hacking / interference.

i don't care about trump. i don't care about obama. i don't care about much of anything except establishing a history of their activity. THEN AND ONLY THEN can you say there has been an increase in the usual activity.

while her link was very details on TRUMP, it had nothing to do with overall history, other than being the part i was out to validate as being "more" by knowing what that meant.

such a simple concept got blown the fuck up to all this bullshit cause someone who thinks they don't have TDS does in fact, have it.

pretty frustrating to be told i didn't read something i obviously read and understood better than the person chiding me.

Pretty frustrating to have every argument refuted with TDS TDS TDS
but that would pretty much be like every election before and what we do to others around the world on an all too regular basis
I always challenge this assertion. I don’t see this as a normal thing. Can you remember the last time Russia jacked with our election?

Russia (then USSR) has a long history of attempting to interfere with our democratic process (with the aim of showing that democracy is inherently inferior), but you are right - this level of interference, on a multinational platform, is unprecedented.
and other than hacking the DNC, just what did they do?

i know of facebook ads. what else?
Is hacking the DNC and Podesta, with the subsequent release of the info, not significant enough? It was a major event during the campaign.
1. Who hacked the DNC and Podesta ?

2. Who released the info or how was it released ?

3. Was the info released steeped in lies or truth ?

4. What was the response by the DNC and Podesta for it's info being hacked, and subsequently that information being released ?

5. How did the hackers or anyone know of such information ?

6. Was the information first obtained by insiders who had an ax to grind, and it's information location then given over to the hackers ?

Where is all this information or the answers to it all now ? Is there so much information out there, that the scene has been flooded, and the DNC has been enjoying the chaos in it all by assigning blame or using it politically in order to regain power somehow ?

The DNC blaming Trump for everything because they hate him, and hate him for spurious reasons unrelated, seems to be grounded in what should be called "operation political chaos" by them, where as you gather up negative information in what ever form it takes or it comes in, and then attempt to apply it politically for nefarious reasons, and/or for other reasons not pertaining to the need to get to the bottom of anything, but just use it for future outcomes in hopes to sway future elections.
All that information is in the Mueller report. Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta. Russia released the hacked information. The DNC hired CrowdStrike to clean out their network. Hackers used phishing to gain access to the network. It was not some “inside job”.
Oh so Russia just happened to know that the DNC was dirty, and so they were assured that they could gain success on hurting their chances by hacking and releasing dirt on them ? Out of thin air, the Russians targeted the DNC without any help from inside the workings of the DNC ??

Nothing dirty in the hacks, just embarrassing.
The Russians are opportunistic and have attempted to hack a great many things, often successfully.

You are like an ostrich with it head in the sand.
The Democrats used unverified Russian propaganda (Steele Dossier) to illegally obtain a FISA warrant in order to spy on the Trump campaign and, after that, Trump's Presidential transition team. It wasn't the Russians interfering with the election, it was the DNC attempting an old fashioned coup.
How do you get from FISA warrant on Carter Page to old fashioned coup? Where’s the connection between those two things?
i'm still looking to find out other than "potentially / likely" hacking the DNC and facebook ads, what russia did to interfere in our elections and how that was so much more than "normal" interfering activity.
So what crimes did Russia commit other than the totally illegal things they did to interfere in our election? That doesn’t sound like a very serious question. Read the Muller report volume one. There was a little more along the lines of troll farms and fake grassroots but the most sensational activity was hacking and dumping of emails. That’s enough. It was a major story during the campaign. Trump designed campaign strategy around the story which is why they were seeking coordination with Wikileaks.

I don’t think there is “normal” interfering. As your link pointed out, Russia really doesn’t interfere in our elections.
it's a very serious question since we keep referring to these crimes being linked to trump somehow. if we're going to ask why is one unmasking different than the other so we can get to the details, that's fine. i'm in.

but i want to know why whatever russia did was a "vast escalation" over past interferances.

what did they do before?
hacking DNC / $100k facebook ads - is this it that we're calling a mass escalation in interferance?

i want to be sure of what we are calling escalated crimes by russia before i agree they are in fact worse than past actions.
Hacking the DNC and the emails produced was headline news for weeks. It was one of the major stories during the campaign.

Yes. It was a huge escalation.
Huge escalation that didn't change not one American vote, but hey gotta use something to hide the broken Democrat party who decided that it was better to aggressively pursue policies that the American people hated and rebuked, otherwise instead of being the party of John Kennedy back in the day (ask not what your nation can do for you, but instead ask what you can do for your nation).
How do you know the release of that information didn’t change one American vote? Seems like that’s an unknowable statement. What we do know is that Trump and his team were elated at the hacking and dumping, used them as part of their campaign and it was a major story during the campaign.
Not one vote, because American's aren't that stupid. Your party might think or even hope that they are, but they aren't thank God.
but that would pretty much be like every election before and what we do to others around the world on an all too regular basis
I always challenge this assertion. I don’t see this as a normal thing. Can you remember the last time Russia jacked with our election?

Russia (then USSR) has a long history of attempting to interfere with our democratic process (with the aim of showing that democracy is inherently inferior), but you are right - this level of interference, on a multinational platform, is unprecedented.
and other than hacking the DNC, just what did they do?

i know of facebook ads. what else?
Is hacking the DNC and Podesta, with the subsequent release of the info, not significant enough? It was a major event during the campaign.
1. Who hacked the DNC and Podesta ?

2. Who released the info or how was it released ?

3. Was the info released steeped in lies or truth ?

4. What was the response by the DNC and Podesta for it's info being hacked, and subsequently that information being released ?

5. How did the hackers or anyone know of such information ?

6. Was the information first obtained by insiders who had an ax to grind, and it's information location then given over to the hackers ?

Where is all this information or the answers to it all now ? Is there so much information out there, that the scene has been flooded, and the DNC has been enjoying the chaos in it all by assigning blame or using it politically in order to regain power somehow ?

The DNC blaming Trump for everything because they hate him, and hate him for spurious reasons unrelated, seems to be grounded in what should be called "operation political chaos" by them, where as you gather up negative information in what ever form it takes or it comes in, and then attempt to apply it politically for nefarious reasons, and/or for other reasons not pertaining to the need to get to the bottom of anything, but just use it for future outcomes in hopes to sway future elections.
All that information is in the Mueller report. Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta. Russia released the hacked information. The DNC hired CrowdStrike to clean out their network. Hackers used phishing to gain access to the network. It was not some “inside job”.
Oh so Russia just happened to know that the DNC was dirty, and so they were assured that they could gain success on hurting their chances by hacking and releasing dirt on them ? Out of thin air, the Russians targeted the DNC without any help from inside the workings of the DNC ??

Nothing dirty in the hacks, just embarrassing.
The Russians are opportunistic and have attempted to hack a great many things, often successfully.

You are like an ostrich with it head in the sand.
The Democrats used unverified Russian propaganda (Steele Dossier) to illegally obtain a FISA warrant in order to spy on the Trump campaign and, after that, Trump's Presidential transition team. It wasn't the Russians interfering with the election, it was the DNC attempting an old fashioned coup.
How do you get from FISA warrant on Carter Page to old fashioned coup? Where’s the connection between those two things?
i'm still looking to find out other than "potentially / likely" hacking the DNC and facebook ads, what russia did to interfere in our elections and how that was so much more than "normal" interfering activity.
So what crimes did Russia commit other than the totally illegal things they did to interfere in our election? That doesn’t sound like a very serious question. Read the Muller report volume one. There was a little more along the lines of troll farms and fake grassroots but the most sensational activity was hacking and dumping of emails. That’s enough. It was a major story during the campaign. Trump designed campaign strategy around the story which is why they were seeking coordination with Wikileaks.

I don’t think there is “normal” interfering. As your link pointed out, Russia really doesn’t interfere in our elections.
Then there's Hillary bleach bitting, destroying evidence left and right, servers in bathroom's, but nothing at all to see here folks, nothing at all. It was the Russians I tell ya, the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming.
Hillary didn’t destroy evidence. Y’all got your panties in a wad because she used the wrong email address acting like it was the end of the world or something.
You act like her doing what she did was an accident.

As soon as she was asked for the mail, games started. A secretary of state running their own server should know gov mail retention policy and she did not follow it.

There seems to me to be an impression that her email server was used to cover up some vast criminal conspiracy. The evidence to support that just isn’t there.
Guess not since she was busy destroying it all.
The idea that the only evidence of a criminal conspiracy would be in a few emails on her server is beyond silly.
but that would pretty much be like every election before and what we do to others around the world on an all too regular basis
I always challenge this assertion. I don’t see this as a normal thing. Can you remember the last time Russia jacked with our election?

Russia (then USSR) has a long history of attempting to interfere with our democratic process (with the aim of showing that democracy is inherently inferior), but you are right - this level of interference, on a multinational platform, is unprecedented.
and other than hacking the DNC, just what did they do?

i know of facebook ads. what else?
Is hacking the DNC and Podesta, with the subsequent release of the info, not significant enough? It was a major event during the campaign.
1. Who hacked the DNC and Podesta ?

2. Who released the info or how was it released ?

3. Was the info released steeped in lies or truth ?

4. What was the response by the DNC and Podesta for it's info being hacked, and subsequently that information being released ?

5. How did the hackers or anyone know of such information ?

6. Was the information first obtained by insiders who had an ax to grind, and it's information location then given over to the hackers ?

Where is all this information or the answers to it all now ? Is there so much information out there, that the scene has been flooded, and the DNC has been enjoying the chaos in it all by assigning blame or using it politically in order to regain power somehow ?

The DNC blaming Trump for everything because they hate him, and hate him for spurious reasons unrelated, seems to be grounded in what should be called "operation political chaos" by them, where as you gather up negative information in what ever form it takes or it comes in, and then attempt to apply it politically for nefarious reasons, and/or for other reasons not pertaining to the need to get to the bottom of anything, but just use it for future outcomes in hopes to sway future elections.
All that information is in the Mueller report. Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta. Russia released the hacked information. The DNC hired CrowdStrike to clean out their network. Hackers used phishing to gain access to the network. It was not some “inside job”.
Oh so Russia just happened to know that the DNC was dirty, and so they were assured that they could gain success on hurting their chances by hacking and releasing dirt on them ? Out of thin air, the Russians targeted the DNC without any help from inside the workings of the DNC ??

Nothing dirty in the hacks, just embarrassing.
The Russians are opportunistic and have attempted to hack a great many things, often successfully.

You are like an ostrich with it head in the sand.
The Democrats used unverified Russian propaganda (Steele Dossier) to illegally obtain a FISA warrant in order to spy on the Trump campaign and, after that, Trump's Presidential transition team. It wasn't the Russians interfering with the election, it was the DNC attempting an old fashioned coup.
How do you get from FISA warrant on Carter Page to old fashioned coup? Where’s the connection between those two things?
i'm still looking to find out other than "potentially / likely" hacking the DNC and facebook ads, what russia did to interfere in our elections and how that was so much more than "normal" interfering activity.
So what crimes did Russia commit other than the totally illegal things they did to interfere in our election? That doesn’t sound like a very serious question. Read the Muller report volume one. There was a little more along the lines of troll farms and fake grassroots but the most sensational activity was hacking and dumping of emails. That’s enough. It was a major story during the campaign. Trump designed campaign strategy around the story which is why they were seeking coordination with Wikileaks.

I don’t think there is “normal” interfering. As your link pointed out, Russia really doesn’t interfere in our elections.
it's a very serious question since we keep referring to these crimes being linked to trump somehow. if we're going to ask why is one unmasking different than the other so we can get to the details, that's fine. i'm in.

but i want to know why whatever russia did was a "vast escalation" over past interferances.

what did they do before?
hacking DNC / $100k facebook ads - is this it that we're calling a mass escalation in interferance?

i want to be sure of what we are calling escalated crimes by russia before i agree they are in fact worse than past actions.
Hacking the DNC and the emails produced was headline news for weeks. It was one of the major stories during the campaign.

Yes. It was a huge escalation.
Huge escalation that didn't change not one American vote, but hey gotta use something to hide the broken Democrat party who decided that it was better to aggressively pursue policies that the American people hated and rebuked, otherwise instead of being the party of John Kennedy back in the day (ask not what your nation can do for you, but instead ask what you can do for your nation).
How do you know the release of that information didn’t change one American vote? Seems like that’s an unknowable statement. What we do know is that Trump and his team were elated at the hacking and dumping, used them as part of their campaign and it was a major story during the campaign.
Not one vote, because American's aren't that stupid. Your party might think or even hope that they are, but they aren't thank God.
Who said anything about being stupid? You don’t have to be stupid to have your vote influence by the released of illegally hacked private informatiom.
but that would pretty much be like every election before and what we do to others around the world on an all too regular basis
I always challenge this assertion. I don’t see this as a normal thing. Can you remember the last time Russia jacked with our election?

Russia (then USSR) has a long history of attempting to interfere with our democratic process (with the aim of showing that democracy is inherently inferior), but you are right - this level of interference, on a multinational platform, is unprecedented.
and other than hacking the DNC, just what did they do?

i know of facebook ads. what else?
Is hacking the DNC and Podesta, with the subsequent release of the info, not significant enough? It was a major event during the campaign.
1. Who hacked the DNC and Podesta ?

2. Who released the info or how was it released ?

3. Was the info released steeped in lies or truth ?

4. What was the response by the DNC and Podesta for it's info being hacked, and subsequently that information being released ?

5. How did the hackers or anyone know of such information ?

6. Was the information first obtained by insiders who had an ax to grind, and it's information location then given over to the hackers ?

Where is all this information or the answers to it all now ? Is there so much information out there, that the scene has been flooded, and the DNC has been enjoying the chaos in it all by assigning blame or using it politically in order to regain power somehow ?

The DNC blaming Trump for everything because they hate him, and hate him for spurious reasons unrelated, seems to be grounded in what should be called "operation political chaos" by them, where as you gather up negative information in what ever form it takes or it comes in, and then attempt to apply it politically for nefarious reasons, and/or for other reasons not pertaining to the need to get to the bottom of anything, but just use it for future outcomes in hopes to sway future elections.
All that information is in the Mueller report. Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta. Russia released the hacked information. The DNC hired CrowdStrike to clean out their network. Hackers used phishing to gain access to the network. It was not some “inside job”.
Oh so Russia just happened to know that the DNC was dirty, and so they were assured that they could gain success on hurting their chances by hacking and releasing dirt on them ? Out of thin air, the Russians targeted the DNC without any help from inside the workings of the DNC ??

Nothing dirty in the hacks, just embarrassing.
The Russians are opportunistic and have attempted to hack a great many things, often successfully.

You are like an ostrich with it head in the sand.
The Democrats used unverified Russian propaganda (Steele Dossier) to illegally obtain a FISA warrant in order to spy on the Trump campaign and, after that, Trump's Presidential transition team. It wasn't the Russians interfering with the election, it was the DNC attempting an old fashioned coup.
How do you get from FISA warrant on Carter Page to old fashioned coup? Where’s the connection between those two things?
i'm still looking to find out other than "potentially / likely" hacking the DNC and facebook ads, what russia did to interfere in our elections and how that was so much more than "normal" interfering activity.
So what crimes did Russia commit other than the totally illegal things they did to interfere in our election? That doesn’t sound like a very serious question. Read the Muller report volume one. There was a little more along the lines of troll farms and fake grassroots but the most sensational activity was hacking and dumping of emails. That’s enough. It was a major story during the campaign. Trump designed campaign strategy around the story which is why they were seeking coordination with Wikileaks.

I don’t think there is “normal” interfering. As your link pointed out, Russia really doesn’t interfere in our elections.
it's a very serious question since we keep referring to these crimes being linked to trump somehow. if we're going to ask why is one unmasking different than the other so we can get to the details, that's fine. i'm in.

but i want to know why whatever russia did was a "vast escalation" over past interferances.

what did they do before?
hacking DNC / $100k facebook ads - is this it that we're calling a mass escalation in interferance?

i want to be sure of what we are calling escalated crimes by russia before i agree they are in fact worse than past actions.
Hacking the DNC and the emails produced was headline news for weeks. It was one of the major stories during the campaign.

Yes. It was a huge escalation.
Huge escalation that didn't change not one American vote, but hey gotta use something to hide the broken Democrat party who decided that it was better to aggressively pursue policies that the American people hated and rebuked, otherwise instead of being the party of John Kennedy back in the day (ask not what your nation can do for you, but instead ask what you can do for your nation).
How do you know the release of that information didn’t change one American vote? Seems like that’s an unknowable statement. What we do know is that Trump and his team were elated at the hacking and dumping, used them as part of their campaign and it was a major story during the campaign.

Exactly - there is no quantifiable way of knowing what the effect was, but it was certainly in the news cycle big time.
If there is no way to quantify it, then stop saying their actions made a difference at all.
Absolutely right. Keep catching them in their bullcrap, because that's all it is.
if you don't want to be called a king kamayamaya bitch, stop acting like one.


The Wiki article covers 1986 on. In addition, I posted another article, in post 232 from Politico.
and this link is still all about TRUMP and the elections. are you saying that trump was involved in RUSSIA interference in 1986?

i am asking point blank what RUSSIA did prior to 2014 to interfere in our elections. Not a timeline of TRUMP crap you're obsessed with. but as usual, you can't leave trump out of a single topic, can you?


but...TRUMP is all you ever have.

done. have a day.

You obviously did not read it. It covers 1986 to 2016.

In fact - you aren't making much sense here and I don't know what exactly you want. I do not know if it is deliberate or what.
then in effect you are saying the history of RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE in US politics began with TRUMP in 1986. your 1986 reference is ONLY IN RELATION TO 2016 interference PER THE HEADLINE OF YOUR OWN GOD DAMN ARTICLE.

what you can never seem to do, comprehend nor understand is I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT TRUMP.

my question of when russia started interfering into our elections doesn't not have a god damn thing to do with TRUMP yet your NON-TDS mind can't seem to fathom i am asking a question not related at all to TRUMP in this instance in order to get a historical perspective.

just stop. you don't have TDS but you can't comprehend a world without you bitching at him.

all i want is examples of russian interference in our elections THROUGH ALL TIME, not just TRUMP!! TRUMP GOD DAMN IT TRUMP! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS BUT TRUMP!!! YEWARGH BUT I'M NOT SUFFERING TDS...but it's taking 2+ pages of bullshit to get you to realize i am not asking about interference in relation to TRUMP but OVERALL US HISTORY.

now who's trolling who again?
You are correct, that whole 'timeline' link is Trump centric. Aside from that the link lists only one thing in 1986 which is....guess what? Trump is invited to the Soviet Union. There is not one mention of US election interference.

Then in 1987, Trump and Ivana take a trip to Russia to scout for construction sites for Trump Tower.

Then in 1991, Coyote's link gives us a one line history of Soviet Union' dissolution. Not one word about US election interference.

Then in 1996, the article again becomes Trump centric with a report of Trump's travels to the now Russia.

I could go on but you, sir, are 100% correct. The article in Coyote's link has no information about Russia election interference prior to 2014 so, to say that Russian interference ramped up in order to get Trump elected is not rooted in any kind of real data, it's just Democrat propaganda.
all i am after is baseline data on russian hacking / interference.

i don't care about trump. i don't care about obama. i don't care about much of anything except establishing a history of their activity. THEN AND ONLY THEN can you say there has been an increase in the usual activity.

while her link was very details on TRUMP, it had nothing to do with overall history, other than being the part i was out to validate as being "more" by knowing what that meant.

such a simple concept got blown the fuck up to all this bullshit cause someone who thinks they don't have TDS does in fact, have it.

pretty frustrating to be told i didn't read something i obviously read and understood better than the person chiding me.

Pretty frustrating to have every argument refuted with TDS TDS TDS
Then stop acting like you are afflicted with it. The link you put up is nothing but an anti-Trump screed supposedly linking him to Russia in yet another poorly veiled attempt to try to prove Trump 'colluded' with Russians in order to get elected. Give it up already 3 years, and absolutely no proof.. Otherwise, I must conclude that you have that affliction.
if you don't want to be called a king kamayamaya bitch, stop acting like one.


The Wiki article covers 1986 on. In addition, I posted another article, in post 232 from Politico.
and this link is still all about TRUMP and the elections. are you saying that trump was involved in RUSSIA interference in 1986?

i am asking point blank what RUSSIA did prior to 2014 to interfere in our elections. Not a timeline of TRUMP crap you're obsessed with. but as usual, you can't leave trump out of a single topic, can you?


but...TRUMP is all you ever have.

done. have a day.

You obviously did not read it. It covers 1986 to 2016.

In fact - you aren't making much sense here and I don't know what exactly you want. I do not know if it is deliberate or what.
then in effect you are saying the history of RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE in US politics began with TRUMP in 1986. your 1986 reference is ONLY IN RELATION TO 2016 interference PER THE HEADLINE OF YOUR OWN GOD DAMN ARTICLE.

what you can never seem to do, comprehend nor understand is I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT TRUMP.

my question of when russia started interfering into our elections doesn't not have a god damn thing to do with TRUMP yet your NON-TDS mind can't seem to fathom i am asking a question not related at all to TRUMP in this instance in order to get a historical perspective.

just stop. you don't have TDS but you can't comprehend a world without you bitching at him.

all i want is examples of russian interference in our elections THROUGH ALL TIME, not just TRUMP!! TRUMP GOD DAMN IT TRUMP! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS BUT TRUMP!!! YEWARGH BUT I'M NOT SUFFERING TDS...but it's taking 2+ pages of bullshit to get you to realize i am not asking about interference in relation to TRUMP but OVERALL US HISTORY.

now who's trolling who again?
You are correct, that whole 'timeline' link is Trump centric. Aside from that the link lists only one thing in 1986 which is....guess what? Trump is invited to the Soviet Union. There is not one mention of US election interference.

Then in 1987, Trump and Ivana take a trip to Russia to scout for construction sites for Trump Tower.

Then in 1991, Coyote's link gives us a one line history of Soviet Union' dissolution. Not one word about US election interference.

Then in 1996, the article again becomes Trump centric with a report of Trump's travels to the now Russia.

I could go on but you, sir, are 100% correct. The article in Coyote's link has no information about Russia election interference prior to 2014 so, to say that Russian interference ramped up in order to get Trump elected is not rooted in any kind of real data, it's just Democrat propaganda.
all i am after is baseline data on russian hacking / interference.

i don't care about trump. i don't care about obama. i don't care about much of anything except establishing a history of their activity. THEN AND ONLY THEN can you say there has been an increase in the usual activity.

while her link was very details on TRUMP, it had nothing to do with overall history, other than being the part i was out to validate as being "more" by knowing what that meant.

such a simple concept got blown the fuck up to all this bullshit cause someone who thinks they don't have TDS does in fact, have it.

pretty frustrating to be told i didn't read something i obviously read and understood better than the person chiding me.

Pretty frustrating to have every argument refuted with TDS TDS TDS
Cause every point I make you bring Trump into it and blame me when I'm not even talking about him.

Done for awhile. My apathy to you is consuming me right now.
if you don't want to be called a king kamayamaya bitch, stop acting like one.


The Wiki article covers 1986 on. In addition, I posted another article, in post 232 from Politico.
and this link is still all about TRUMP and the elections. are you saying that trump was involved in RUSSIA interference in 1986?

i am asking point blank what RUSSIA did prior to 2014 to interfere in our elections. Not a timeline of TRUMP crap you're obsessed with. but as usual, you can't leave trump out of a single topic, can you?


but...TRUMP is all you ever have.

done. have a day.

You obviously did not read it. It covers 1986 to 2016.

In fact - you aren't making much sense here and I don't know what exactly you want. I do not know if it is deliberate or what.
then in effect you are saying the history of RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE in US politics began with TRUMP in 1986. your 1986 reference is ONLY IN RELATION TO 2016 interference PER THE HEADLINE OF YOUR OWN GOD DAMN ARTICLE.

Where in the hell are you pulling that from? I don't know what you are reading. The headline looks at events leading up to 2016, which marks a watershed moment in terms of interference. If you quit obsessing about Trump Trump Trump (and NOTE I have not mentioned him or made it about him - I merely provided the information you kept DEMANDING) then maybe you would SEE that.

what you can never seem to do, comprehend nor understand is I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT TRUMP.

GOOD. Then SHOW that but not focusing on TRUMP.

my question of when russia started interfering into our elections doesn't not have a god damn thing to do with TRUMP yet your NON-TDS mind can't seem to fathom i am asking a question not related at all to TRUMP in this instance in order to get a historical perspective.

You are seriously deranged. Overactive Tump Defense System misfiring or something? What part of my link do you fail to understand? Regardless of where it ENDS, it provides a decent timeline of Russian activities PRIOR to 2016.

I ANSWERED your question - now MOVE ON if you can not refute the time line with better information.

just stop. you don't have TDS but you can't comprehend a world without you bitching at him.

all i want is examples of russian interference in our elections THROUGH ALL TIME, not just TRUMP!! TRUMP GOD DAMN IT TRUMP! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS BUT TRUMP!!! YEWARGH BUT I'M NOT SUFFERING TDS...but it's taking 2+ pages of bullshit to get you to realize i am not asking about interference in relation to TRUMP but OVERALL US HISTORY.

now who's trolling who again?

i asked you for a complete history of russian interference into our elections going as far back as WWII.

the headline for the link you gave me is what again?

so you are only giving me russian interference as it related to the trump election.

at this point i honestly don't give a fuck anymore. you and i are so far apart on base reality of what simple things are that talking to you in a logical / linear fashion is impossible. i t-shoot technical problems quite often and think in a linear fashion. you tell me that an activity was escalated, then it means it's more than it was before.

i want to know what it was before said escalation so we have a base to show how much (if any) it actually was escalated.

your headline from the link is again:

and i asked for ALL RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE, you keep giving me just as it relates to trump, or 2016, and act like this has a fuck-one thing to do with what i was searching for. at least colfax understands what i am asking. you don't. either you refuse to, don't want to, or simply can't comprehend a question that doesn't involve trump and frankly, i don't give a shit which it is. but your link had nothing to do with the entire history of russian interference in US elections OF WHICH has been my request this this bullshit hayride began.

have a day.

Earlier, before wiki, I linked to a Politico article that gave some historic background on Russian interference. This was the link: Russia’s Long and Mostly Unsuccessful History of Election Interference. Did you read that one?

If Politico doesn't suit you, here is another: Russian Meddling in the United States: The Historical Context of the Mueller Report
Oh Geez, another Trump centric screed. From your link..First sentence..

"Until the election of Donald Trump, no sitting president had ever requested a foreign government’s help to discredit a political rival."

The article does go on to prove Russian interference in past elections but the claim that the interference was 'unprecented' for Trump is just not there. Nice try though. I will say what I said before though, the only ones using Russian disinformation were the Democrats who used the fake Russian dossier to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign and then his Presidential transition team.

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