BREAKING: U.S. Officials Have Declassified List Of Obama Officials Who Were Involved In ‘Unmasking’ General Flynn

The Last Refuge

Satchel Contents Identified – Grenell Moves to Unmask the Unmaskers…

Posted on May 11, 2020 by sundance


Last week it was noted that Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard “Ric” Grenell delivered a satchel of classified documents to AG Bill Barr. The exact content of the documents was unknown.

Today ABC is reporting that Grenell has requested AG Bill Barr use the declassification authority, granted to him by President Trump in May 2019, to declassify the list of Obama officials who requested unmaskings of Trump campaign and administration officials.

He was never unmasked.

Unfortunately your messiah may never get what he deserves for all his criminal actions conducted throughout his 8 year tenure. The there are Barry's acolytes, appointees, and life long lackeys. Those we can go after. So unless Barry issued get out of jail cards like confetti they are liable and open to conviction for the sedition and perfidy against the America people and in particular President Trump failing their attempt to overthrow the presidency, the election, our Constitution and the rights and freedom of individuals.
In the end the revelations to be found in these declassified documents will prove perjury for some, abuse of power for other and violations of the National Security Act.
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He was never unmasked.

Unfortunately your messiah may never get what he deserves for all his criminal actions conducted throughout his 8 year tenure

Why not?

He is a traitor.

Traitors must pay.

Hey, I know how you feel. No president since Washington has ever been charged or convicted for his actions while president. Democrats may attempt to do so after Trump leaves but that is a political horse of a different color. The only way this can be resolved is to get those who did his bidding.
Like you, I'd love to see Barry sharing a cell with a guy named Big Bubba. But it ain't gonna happen. So let's go after the bad actors like Rice, Power, Brennan, Clapper, Baker, McCabe, Priestap, Yates, Strzok, Page, Comey, Lynch, Rhodes even Jarrett if involved.
The retard left has no idea just how dangerous this is really going to get. That President is going to be under EXTRA security too but that might nnot help him with so many infiltrators within....


We have the 4th coming up that could be a beautiful day to destroy america the demonic nuts would love it.
The Last Refuge

Satchel Contents Identified – Grenell Moves to Unmask the Unmaskers…

Posted on May 11, 2020 by sundance


Last week it was noted that Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard “Ric” Grenell delivered a satchel of classified documents to AG Bill Barr. The exact content of the documents was unknown.

Today ABC is reporting that Grenell has requested AG Bill Barr use the declassification authority, granted to him by President Trump in May 2019, to declassify the list of Obama officials who requested unmaskings of Trump campaign and administration officials.


Hmm..., was it Rice or Power that unmasked Lt. Gen. Flynn.....?
Any day now :)
normally i agree. but the charges on flynn bring dropped started dominos. it does sound like barr reached way back and anyone going outside of process for the purpose of inflating this "problem" is going to be held responsible.


until people are held accountable, and in this case kicking and screaming NO I AM RIGHT I AM RIGHT (like children do) this will only get worse. if you're upset that people who did in fact do improper / illegal things are getting punished, that's on you. trying to say BUT THE OTHER GUY DID IT when nothing was found in years of looking is simply deflection to the core.
Why the Trump admin has been dragging its feet on prosecuting the traitor vermin is the question, and has been for many months. Getting rid of AG's hasn't seemed to work. These scum need to be charged and in prison now, not 5 years form now. Hillary and her mob of gangsters and theives should have been tried and executed for treason 2 years ago. And Comey is still walking around, too, along with Mueller.
Why the Trump admin has been dragging its feet on prosecuting the traitor vermin is the question, and has been for many months. Getting rid of AG's hasn't seemed to work.

1. Barr has to PROVE it in court.

2. Team obama had a strategic division of crime so nobody did anything worthy of several years in prison...only a year or 2.

So Barr has to tie it all together in a "big picture" sort of way (coup attempt) & prosecute them all as a group rather than individually. To do that he needs to PROVE what each of them did individually and in concert with eachother...and PROVE they knew about the other moving parts while doing their part.
ABC News first reported the news but initially said in the title that Grenell was in the process of trying to declassify the list of Obama officials.

A source with knowledge of the matter told The Daily Wire that the list has already been declassified and now it’s on Attorney General William Barr to release the list.

This is very, very nice news! :thup: :biggrin:

MAY 12TH, 2020

Well done! :clap2:
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I read the link. Double talk and BS. Have fun with your list, honey.
Do you need a blow torch in your A to open your eyes? Your scam is over with. Period. Finished.
He was never unmasked.
piece by piece this is coming together; this "truth". and i don't think many on the left who are so emotionally invested are going to like it. we will hear barr is a stooge (yet there were no "stooges" helping the left when obama was in power; got it. unless that's a BUT OBAMA i can't do but you can; those do happen i know) and the right is making stuff up.

but what is becoming painfully obvious is a lot of people went way beyond the law to stop trump. now hating trump seems to make it ok.

piece by piece, the "facts" to hold onto are getting smaller and smaller and in time we are going to find what you likely already knew.

russia was total and complete bullshit.
Any day now :)
normally i agree. but the charges on flynn bring dropped started dominos. it does sound like barr reached way back and anyone going outside of process for the purpose of inflating this "problem" is going to be held responsible.


until people are held accountable, and in this case kicking and screaming NO I AM RIGHT I AM RIGHT (like children do) this will only get worse. if you're upset that people who did in fact do improper / illegal things are getting punished, that's on you. trying to say BUT THE OTHER GUY DID IT when nothing was found in years of looking is simply deflection to the core.

Why would you care about accountability when Trump got away with obstruction and attempting to coerce a foreign leader for political dirt on his private rival went uncontested? This desire for "accountability" is partisan driven

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