Kremlin-linked network amplifies 'alt-right' media - USA Today
Aug 24, 2017 - The websites — which include True Pundit, the Gateway Pundit and Imperialist U — are regular features on the list of “Top Domains” pushed by a network of 600 Twitter accounts followed by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, which tracks a Russian disinformation and propaganda campaign .
Gateway Pundit is sourcing this link. Your attempt to discredit fails, as usual.

Grassley, Graham Uncover ‘Unusual Email’ Sent by Susan Rice to Herself on President Trump’s Inauguration Day | Chuck Grassley
They're all being ensnared due to their arrogance and emails exposing their treachery against Trump and the American people who voted for him.

BREAKING: Grassley Uncovers Bizarre Susan Rice Email to HERSELF on Secret Meeting with Comey, Yates and OBAMA on Spying on Trump
Wow- talk about a smoking gun! Look at what she said!

In particular, Ambassador Rice wrote: “President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities ‘by the book’. The President stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.

Compare that of course with how Trump has handled the 'investigation'.....
They're all being ensnared due to their arrogance and emails exposing their treachery against Trump and the American people who voted for him.

BREAKING: Grassley Uncovers Bizarre Susan Rice Email to HERSELF on Secret Meeting with Comey, Yates and OBAMA on Spying on Trump
Interesting: So was she hoping to use this email if caught up in the Obama web of deceitful actions? If so she screwed herself and her old boss....

Breaking Update!

Susan Rice Memo Implicates Obama, the DOJ and FBI in Spying on Opposition Candidate Trump – Using Dirty FISA Warrants
They're all being ensnared due to their arrogance and emails exposing their treachery against Trump and the American people who voted for him.

BREAKING: Grassley Uncovers Bizarre Susan Rice Email to HERSELF on Secret Meeting with Comey, Yates and OBAMA on Spying on Trump
Interesting: So was she hoping to use this email if caught up in the Obama web of deceitful actions? If so she screwed herself and her old boss....
Sounds like she was panicked, leaving that day, knowing what would be there to be discovered and hoping that would provide future exoneration.
They're all being ensnared due to their arrogance and emails exposing their treachery against Trump and the American people who voted for him.

BREAKING: Grassley Uncovers Bizarre Susan Rice Email to HERSELF on Secret Meeting with Comey, Yates and OBAMA on Spying on Trump
Interesting: So was she hoping to use this email if caught up in the Obama web of deceitful actions? If so she screwed herself and her old boss....
Sounds like she was panicked, leaving that day, knowing what would be there to be discovered and hoping that would provide future exoneration.
She may have just fucked them all....lmfao....
Clarify what I am missing here, as I'm slightly confused and a bit under the weather.

The fact she sent that suggests she wanted to protect herself AND Obama. She could say "I took notes on the meeting and Obama and he didn't want any funny stuff". So if and when the funny stuff is found out as it is being found out now, she can refer to email as some sort of evidence. On the day of inauguration at that. Is this an accurate assessment?

When you consider how much effort the MSM is going through to avoid even discussing the allegations and efforts, it's clear, this could very well go down as a full court coup. The efforts of an administration to not only steal the election from it's citizens, but to maintain control of the courts and continue this charade for a reelection of Hillary and beyond. All while destroying America for International interests and developing a two tier system of rulers and underclass dependent serfs.

In the Free World on the top of my had I can only think of one situation in history which would have been worse, and that was the French Foreign Legion planning to kill their leader (De Gaulle I think?) in the 1950's, and they were thwarted. They believed they were protecting France, as some believed they were protecting America from some threat. That threat was a businessman, anti-Establishment president.

This has the hallmarks of being even worse than even the attempted in France, as the long term potential was to basically open up the borders to anyone, destroy the U.S courts, alter the Constitution and do God knows what. Consider how much Clinton and her pals have gotten away with, America is not a nation of Kings. They wanted to turn America into a weak, European cuckhold nation and playground for International socialist crooks.

People must be held to account, there is no other way forward, IF any or all of what I believe has happened has in fact happened. If I'm wrong, then someone advise accordingly so I can remove my tinfoil hat.
This memo proves OBAMA LIED.

OBAMA said he had nothing to do with it.

In fact, he had Comey in his office discussing it.

Time to realize Obama is a traitor and that the Russia investigation is a left wing coup attempt....
Kremlin-linked network amplifies 'alt-right' media - USA Today
Aug 24, 2017 - The websites — which include True Pundit, the Gateway Pundit and Imperialist U — are regular features on the list of “Top Domains” pushed by a network of 600 Twitter accounts followed by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, which tracks a Russian disinformation and propaganda campaign .

Jake, are you saying that Susan Rice didn't send the email to herself?
Fm: Hannibal Lecter
To: Hannibal Lecter
Re: Dinner

I just enjoyed a lovely meal of Liver, fava beans and a big Amarone with a Census tracker who said that "he'd love to join me for dinner"
Susan Rice, Eric Holder and Barack Obama, the three best reasons known to permanently ban so-called Affirmative Action

All three of these treasonous bigots care not about the US, truth, or justice.

They just care about stealing as much as they can for their party....

LOL- you are virtually describing Trump and his followers to a 'tee'
This memo proves OBAMA LIED.

OBAMA said he had nothing to do with it.

In fact, he had Comey in his office discussing it.

Time to realize Obama is a traitor and that the Russia investigation is a left wing coup attempt....

And this memo just shows that Obama had nothing to do with it- other than to tell law enforcement to do their job.

Hey- but good job of trying to spin the GOP propaganda points! A True Trumpster!
Susan Rice, Eric Holder and Barack Obama, the three best reasons known to permanently ban so-called Affirmative Action

All three of these treasonous bigots care not about the US, truth, or justice.

They just care about stealing as much as they can for their party....

LOL- you are virtually describing Trump and his followers to a 'tee'
Typical lib. Nope, obuthole and his stooges.
The point is why did she feel,the need to send the email? Susan Rice has always been a hack whose only claim to fame is her loyalty and her personal mandate to make sure nothing happens to Obama’s legacy. That has always been her number one mission. How convenient, obama says I want you all to do this by the book after they have already done it illegally. Obama’s people are going down and Rice’s desperation is only one example that she knows it.
Kremlin-linked network amplifies 'alt-right' media - USA Today
Aug 24, 2017 - The websites — which include True Pundit, the Gateway Pundit and Imperialist U — are regular features on the list of “Top Domains” pushed by a network of 600 Twitter accounts followed by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, which tracks a Russian disinformation and propaganda campaign .

So Senator Grassley is a Russian agent too now?

The point is why did she feel,the need to send the email? Susan Rice has always been a hack whose only claim to fame is her loyalty and her personal mandate to make sure nothing happens to Obama’s legacy. That has always been her number one mission. How convenient, obama says I want you all to do this by the book after they have already done it illegally. Obama’s people are going down and Rice’s desperation is only one example that she knows it.

Agreed. Must have been a CYA.

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