BREAKING: Unemployment Rate INCREASES, Numbers ‘Way Worse Than Expected’. Talk Of Inflation Grows.

We were projected to add over a million jobs!
That 266K was more jobs than Tramp created in 4 years!!!!
How was Trump doing with jobs BEFORE the pandemic, Ed? You know as well as I do that he was putting up historic unemployment numbers!

He'd be doing the same thing now...except we voted in the dumbest guy in the Senate for the past forty years and Joe Biden's clueless about most things.
Trump had the economy booming until the democrat party ally, China, let the virus loose.
Tramp NEVER had the economy BOOMING, it was growing SLOWER under Tramp than it grew under Obama. And Tramp, not China, set the policies that let the Trump Pandemic to run wild in the USA.

Way to use "statistics" to paint a picture that hides the truth rather than exposes it, Ben! Obama was awful on job creation. The US economy rebounded despite him...not because of him. The biggest boom during the Obama Era was the Oil and Natural Gas Boom...something caused by fracking...which was opposed by Barry!
The only Trumpcine trump had anything to do with was J&J, and it is POISON.

Nope, the vaccine is fine and approved for use by the FDA once again.

Trump funded and signed contracts with eight potential companies that were working on the vaccine.
BULLSHIT! The only Trumpcine Tramp funded was the poisonous J&J Trumpcine.

Trump made the latest plea for credit at a speech to his most dedicated supporters during a Republican National Committee retreat.

In addition to touting the "Trumpcine," he reportedly spent several minutes deriding Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his wife, Elaine Chao.
BULLSHIT! The only Trumpcine Tramp funded was the poisonous J&J Trumpcine.

Trump made the latest plea for credit at a speech to his most dedicated supporters during a Republican National Committee retreat.

In addition to touting the "Trumpcine," he reportedly spent several minutes deriding Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his wife, Elaine Chao.

How much do you want to bet? I suggest going to Wiki and search Operation Warp Speed, then get back to me.
Buying vaccines AFTER they were created, had NOTHING to do with their creation. But you knew that already.

He signed the contracts before the first one was even near emergency use approval.
Signing a contract to buy vaccines AFTER they are created has NOTHING to do creating them.
And you still knew that before you repeated your lie.
They were created under Trump’s leadership. So you say you sign to buy things before they’re created? Damn you really are stupid. Here’s this bridge I can sell you.....
The only Trumpcine trump had anything to do with was J&J, and it is POISON.
Stop lying Sparky. Check this thing called Operation Warp Speed. J&J is approved by the FDA again. Keep trying...
And in Normal World, hiring is expected to increase, interest rates dropped at this morning's news, and the interest rate-sensitive NASDAQ loved it.
Who "expects" job numbers to increase? You? If you don't have a job do interest rates matter all that much?
"Normal World" is full of crap!
Bank of America predicts "hypersonic inflation" in your Normal World.

As Jimmy Carter leaves this world Joe Biden steps in and takes his place as the most incompetent
economy butcher this nation has seen , at least in the last century.

And you couldn't be happier.
Okay, Captain Hyperbole.
With all due respect, SHOULD come roaring back as the vaccines free all of the pent up demand from the last year...yet the jobs numbers are tepid at best! Everything is there for a booming economy except people to lead who understand economics! We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation. They're actually proposing extensions to unemployment benefits when the Private Sector can't find people to work because so many people are content to sit home and collect a check from Government. That's so incredibly stupid it boggles the mind!

Everything is there for a booming economy except one really important thing...

President Trump....had we put him back in office this country would be booming.....

He , tramp is a loser.
Biden is the loser, followed by losers.
Tramp has lost the 3 election, the house , the senate and now the presidential. How many times can 1 man be a loser. Tramp is the big loser.
We were projected to add over a million jobs!
That 266K was more jobs than Tramp created in 4 years!!!!
How was Trump doing with jobs BEFORE the pandemic, Ed? You know as well as I do that he was putting up historic unemployment numbers!

He'd be doing the same thing now...except we voted in the dumbest guy in the Senate for the past forty years and Joe Biden's clueless about most things.
Too bad Trump's term wasn't only 3 years.
We were projected to add over a million jobs!
That 266K was more jobs than Tramp created in 4 years!!!!
How was Trump doing with jobs BEFORE the pandemic, Ed? You know as well as I do that he was putting up historic unemployment numbers!

He'd be doing the same thing now...except we voted in the dumbest guy in the Senate for the past forty years and Joe Biden's clueless about most things.
Too bad Trump's term wasn't only 3 years.
What's too bad is that we don't have Trump for another four years. He's the guy that would have gotten the country working again. Instead we've got the dumbest man in the US Senate for the past forty years leading us...a man who doesn't have a clue when it comes to the economy or foreign policy.

You know I'm right's why you have to use misleading statistics to hide how well Trump did before the pandemic hit and how badly Biden is doing as it winds down!
We were projected to add over a million jobs!
That 266K was more jobs than Tramp created in 4 years!!!!
How was Trump doing with jobs BEFORE the pandemic, Ed? You know as well as I do that he was putting up historic unemployment numbers!

He'd be doing the same thing now...except we voted in the dumbest guy in the Senate for the past forty years and Joe Biden's clueless about most things.
Too bad Trump's term wasn't only 3 years.
What's too bad is that we don't have Trump for another four years. He's the guy that would have gotten the country working again. Instead we've got the dumbest man in the US Senate for the past forty years leading us...a man who doesn't have a clue when it comes to the economy or foreign policy.

You know I'm right's why you have to use misleading statistics to hide how well Trump did before the pandemic hit and how badly Biden is doing as it winds down!
No, I don't know you're right. How could I know that when you give credit to House Republicans for a growing economy because they won the midterm in 2010 but then you deny House Democrats who did the same in 2018? Your bias blinds you.

And again, Trump was president for 4 years, not 3. Sorry you don't like that but that's not changing no matter how much you protest. And at the end of 4 years, he produced a grand total of 1.2% GDP growth and negative 3 million jobs. Worst record since Herbert "Great Depression" Hoover.
No, he wasn't. All his "numbers" were FAKE!

:link: :link: :link: :link: :link:
From Tramp himself, BLS numbers are fake, you must combine not in labor force with unemployed to get the "REAL" UE rate.

Don’t forget in the meantime we have a real unemployment rate that’s probably 21%. It’s not 6. It’s not 5.2 and 5.5. Our real unemployment rate–in fact, I saw a chart the other day, our real unemployment–because you have ninety million people that aren’t working. Ninety-three million to be exact. (the NILF total)
If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.

- Donald J Trump, Time interview, Aug. 18, 2015

Tramp jacked that "REAL" 42% up to a "real" 69% when he left.
BULLSHIT! The only Trumpcine Tramp funded was the poisonous J&J Trumpcine.

Trump made the latest plea for credit at a speech to his most dedicated supporters during a Republican National Committee retreat.

In addition to touting the "Trumpcine," he reportedly spent several minutes deriding Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his wife, Elaine Chao.

How much do you want to bet? I suggest going to Wiki and search Operation Warp Speed, then get back to me.
Pfizer took NO vaccine development money from Tramp and Moderna had developed their vaccine BEFORE operation snail's pace even began.
Pfizer took NO vaccine development money from Tramp and Moderna had developed their vaccine BEFORE operation snail's pace even began.

From Pfizer's own website, and note the date of the article.

  • U.S. government placed an initial order of 100 million doses for $1.95 billion and can acquire up to 500 million additional doses
  • Americans to receive the vaccine for free consistent with U.S. government’s commitment for free access for COVID-19 vaccines
  • Pfizer and BioNTech remain on track to begin an anticipated Phase 2b/3 safety and efficacy trial later this month, seek regulatory review as early as October 2020, and manufacture globally up to 100 million doses by the end of 2020 and potentially more than 1.3 billion doses by the end of 2021

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