BREAKING: Unemployment Rate INCREASES, Numbers ‘Way Worse Than Expected’. Talk Of Inflation Grows.

All of you who say jobs cannot include something that pays less than$20 per hour as a true job. Own it. Anti worker losers.
We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation.
Those "idiots" have created more jobs in 3 months than the MORON in chief Tramp created in 4 years!!!
Cuz we all know Hillary would have lost zero jobs because of the ChiCom Flu.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.
With all due respect, Ed...Hillary couldn't protect the State Department personnel she was responsible for. You think she could have protected all of us? That's laughable...
You're right it is laughable that you think someone in Washington can "protect" people 18,000 miles away. Reagan couldn't protect the marines in Beirut....he was a pretty good President. Hey, it's you logic...I'm just applying it to another situation.
Hillary was warned repeatedly that the situation in Libya was getting more and more dangerous. She chose to ignore those warnings because she didn't like the "optics" of having a larger security force there. When the shit hit the fan...what Hillary was most concerned about was covering her own ass rather than helping those Americans that were under attack. Why ANYONE would want a person who did that to be our President is baffling to me!
The multiple congressional hearings found nothing remotely what you're imagining happened.
I don't know what hearings YOU watched but the ones that I watched made it quite clear that Hillary Clinton failed those four State Department employees that were slaughtered in Benghazi and then attempted to cover up her failures for political reasons!

But let's get back to the subject at hand, Candy! That would be the total cluelessness of the Biden Administration when it comes to Economics in general and job creation in particular!
The unemployment rate ticked up. 0.1%. We added 266,000 jobs. Not the wholesale disaster you kids are trying to sell.
We were projected to add over a million jobs! We came up 740,000 short!!! Possibly even worse if those numbers are revised downwards like the last jobs report. Coming out of the pandemic? With all of that pent up demand? That million jobs created number SHOULD have been easily achieved but by giving people so much money to stay home on unemployment...the Democrats have shot themselves in the foot! That paltry number is all on the Democrats not having a clue what they're doing.

That part is true....the experts (the people you guys have been deriding for about a year now because your doofus disagreed with them) did predict larger job growth.

We added jobs. Your blob had months where there were no jobs added. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Your guys trying to play this up as a disaster is simply's what you guys do every time. LIE.
We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation.
Those "idiots" have created more jobs in 3 months than the MORON in chief Tramp created in 4 years!!!
Cuz we all know Hillary would have lost zero jobs because of the ChiCom Flu.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.
With all due respect, Ed...Hillary couldn't protect the State Department personnel she was responsible for. You think she could have protected all of us? That's laughable...
You're right it is laughable that you think someone in Washington can "protect" people 18,000 miles away. Reagan couldn't protect the marines in Beirut....he was a pretty good President. Hey, it's you logic...I'm just applying it to another situation.
Hillary was warned repeatedly that the situation in Libya was getting more and more dangerous. She chose to ignore those warnings because she didn't like the "optics" of having a larger security force there. When the shit hit the fan...what Hillary was most concerned about was covering her own ass rather than helping those Americans that were under attack. Why ANYONE would want a person who did that to be our President is baffling to me!
The multiple congressional hearings found nothing remotely what you're imagining happened.
I don't know what hearings YOU watched but the ones that I watched made it quite clear that Hillary Clinton failed those four State Department employees that were slaughtered in Benghazi and then attempted to cover up her failures for political reasons!

But let's get back to the subject at hand, Candy! That would be the total cluelessness of the Biden Administration when it comes to Economics in general and job creation in particular!
The unemployment rate ticked up. 0.1%. We added 266,000 jobs. Not the wholesale disaster you kids are trying to sell.
We were projected to add over a million jobs! We came up 740,000 short!!! Possibly even worse if those numbers are revised downwards like the last jobs report. Coming out of the pandemic? With all of that pent up demand? That million jobs created number SHOULD have been easily achieved but by giving people so much money to stay home on unemployment...the Democrats have shot themselves in the foot! That paltry number is all on the Democrats not having a clue what they're doing.

That part is true....the experts (the people you guys have been deriding for about a year now because your doofus disagreed with them) did predict larger job growth.

We added jobs. Your blob had months where there were no jobs added. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Your guys trying to play this up as a disaster is simply's what you guys do every time. LIE.
The reason we didn't have the job growth predicted was because you liberals gave people so much money in unemployment benefits that unless they were making more than $30,000 before the pandemic...they don't want a job because they're making that much just staying at home! Meanwhile thousands of businesses just here in the State of Florida are having to cut their hours or what they offer for services when they ARE open simply because they can't get workers! It's the kind of thing that happens when you have ideologues running things instead of people with real knowlege!
As for what Trump did or did not wise?

Before the Pandemic hit he was posting historic economic numbers! Like nothing that's ever been seen in this country.

When the Pandemic crippled everyone...Trump left it up to the individual Governors of the States to make the call on how much to shut down. Trump didn't force New York State to shut down it's economy! He didn't force New York City to close down at 10 PM! Those were the policies of Governor of New York, Cuomo and Mayor of New York City, De Blasio. People are leaving States like New York, New Jersey, California, Michigan and Massachusetts in record numbers because people no longer want to live in areas that are run by liberals. They're moving to States like Florida and Texas. Why? Because THOSE States are run by Republican Governors who DIDN'T use the pandemic as an excuse to take away people's rights!

Is there anyone out there who isn't a die hard liberal that thinks Trump wouldn't be far better at creating jobs coming out of this recession? You'd have to be blind not to see that he GETS how to grow an economy and create jobs because he's already done it once!
We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation.
Those "idiots" have created more jobs in 3 months than the MORON in chief Tramp created in 4 years!!!
Cuz we all know Hillary would have lost zero jobs because of the ChiCom Flu.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.
With all due respect, Ed...Hillary couldn't protect the State Department personnel she was responsible for. You think she could have protected all of us? That's laughable...
You're right it is laughable that you think someone in Washington can "protect" people 18,000 miles away. Reagan couldn't protect the marines in Beirut....he was a pretty good President. Hey, it's you logic...I'm just applying it to another situation.
Hillary was warned repeatedly that the situation in Libya was getting more and more dangerous. She chose to ignore those warnings because she didn't like the "optics" of having a larger security force there. When the shit hit the fan...what Hillary was most concerned about was covering her own ass rather than helping those Americans that were under attack. Why ANYONE would want a person who did that to be our President is baffling to me!
The multiple congressional hearings found nothing remotely what you're imagining happened.
I don't know what hearings YOU watched but the ones that I watched made it quite clear that Hillary Clinton failed those four State Department employees that were slaughtered in Benghazi and then attempted to cover up her failures for political reasons!

But let's get back to the subject at hand, Candy! That would be the total cluelessness of the Biden Administration when it comes to Economics in general and job creation in particular!
The unemployment rate ticked up. 0.1%. We added 266,000 jobs. Not the wholesale disaster you kids are trying to sell.
We were projected to add over a million jobs! We came up 740,000 short!!! Possibly even worse if those numbers are revised downwards like the last jobs report. Coming out of the pandemic? With all of that pent up demand? That million jobs created number SHOULD have been easily achieved but by giving people so much money to stay home on unemployment...the Democrats have shot themselves in the foot! That paltry number is all on the Democrats not having a clue what they're doing.

That part is true....the experts (the people you guys have been deriding for about a year now because your doofus disagreed with them) did predict larger job growth.

We added jobs. Your blob had months where there were no jobs added. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Your guys trying to play this up as a disaster is simply's what you guys do every time. LIE.
The reason we didn't have the job growth predicted was because you liberals gave people so much money in unemployment benefits that unless they were making more than $30,000 before the pandemic...they don't want a job because they're making that much just staying at home! Meanwhile thousands of businesses just here in the State of Florida are having to cut their hours or what they offer for services when they ARE open simply because they can't get workers! It's the kind of thing that happens when you have ideologues running things instead of people with real knowlege!
Like Trump did a year ago. Were you bitching about it then?
That part is true....the experts (the people you guys have been deriding for about a year now because your doofus disagreed with them) did predict larger job growth.

We added jobs. Your blob had months where there were no jobs added. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Your guys trying to play this up as a disaster is simply's what you guys do every time. LIE.

Speaking of lying, what months were those?
We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation.
Those "idiots" have created more jobs in 3 months than the MORON in chief Tramp created in 4 years!!!
Cuz we all know Hillary would have lost zero jobs because of the ChiCom Flu.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.
With all due respect, Ed...Hillary couldn't protect the State Department personnel she was responsible for. You think she could have protected all of us? That's laughable...
You're right it is laughable that you think someone in Washington can "protect" people 18,000 miles away. Reagan couldn't protect the marines in Beirut....he was a pretty good President. Hey, it's you logic...I'm just applying it to another situation.
Hillary was warned repeatedly that the situation in Libya was getting more and more dangerous. She chose to ignore those warnings because she didn't like the "optics" of having a larger security force there. When the shit hit the fan...what Hillary was most concerned about was covering her own ass rather than helping those Americans that were under attack. Why ANYONE would want a person who did that to be our President is baffling to me!
The multiple congressional hearings found nothing remotely what you're imagining happened.
I don't know what hearings YOU watched but the ones that I watched made it quite clear that Hillary Clinton failed those four State Department employees that were slaughtered in Benghazi and then attempted to cover up her failures for political reasons!

But let's get back to the subject at hand, Candy! That would be the total cluelessness of the Biden Administration when it comes to Economics in general and job creation in particular!
The unemployment rate ticked up. 0.1%. We added 266,000 jobs. Not the wholesale disaster you kids are trying to sell.
We were projected to add over a million jobs! We came up 740,000 short!!! Possibly even worse if those numbers are revised downwards like the last jobs report. Coming out of the pandemic? With all of that pent up demand? That million jobs created number SHOULD have been easily achieved but by giving people so much money to stay home on unemployment...the Democrats have shot themselves in the foot! That paltry number is all on the Democrats not having a clue what they're doing.

That part is true....the experts (the people you guys have been deriding for about a year now because your doofus disagreed with them) did predict larger job growth.

We added jobs. Your blob had months where there were no jobs added. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Your guys trying to play this up as a disaster is simply's what you guys do every time. LIE.
The reason we didn't have the job growth predicted was because you liberals gave people so much money in unemployment benefits that unless they were making more than $30,000 before the pandemic...they don't want a job because they're making that much just staying at home! Meanwhile thousands of businesses just here in the State of Florida are having to cut their hours or what they offer for services when they ARE open simply because they can't get workers! It's the kind of thing that happens when you have ideologues running things instead of people with real knowlege!
Like Trump did a year ago. Were you bitching about it then?
A year ago we were in the middle of the pandemic, you idiot! That was the ONLY thing the derailed the economy that Trump had going prior to that!

As for what I was "bitching about" a year ago? I was asking why the hell were we closing down our economies and having healthy people hide in their homes when we've NEVER done that before? It didn't make a bit of sense to me then and the resurgence of Covid in States that locked down tight shows me that Fauci and the rest of the Chicken Little's overreacted!
We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation.
Those "idiots" have created more jobs in 3 months than the MORON in chief Tramp created in 4 years!!!
Cuz we all know Hillary would have lost zero jobs because of the ChiCom Flu.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.
With all due respect, Ed...Hillary couldn't protect the State Department personnel she was responsible for. You think she could have protected all of us? That's laughable...
You're right it is laughable that you think someone in Washington can "protect" people 18,000 miles away. Reagan couldn't protect the marines in Beirut....he was a pretty good President. Hey, it's you logic...I'm just applying it to another situation.
Hillary was warned repeatedly that the situation in Libya was getting more and more dangerous. She chose to ignore those warnings because she didn't like the "optics" of having a larger security force there. When the shit hit the fan...what Hillary was most concerned about was covering her own ass rather than helping those Americans that were under attack. Why ANYONE would want a person who did that to be our President is baffling to me!
The multiple congressional hearings found nothing remotely what you're imagining happened.
I don't know what hearings YOU watched but the ones that I watched made it quite clear that Hillary Clinton failed those four State Department employees that were slaughtered in Benghazi and then attempted to cover up her failures for political reasons!

But let's get back to the subject at hand, Candy! That would be the total cluelessness of the Biden Administration when it comes to Economics in general and job creation in particular!
The unemployment rate ticked up. 0.1%. We added 266,000 jobs. Not the wholesale disaster you kids are trying to sell.
We were projected to add over a million jobs! We came up 740,000 short!!! Possibly even worse if those numbers are revised downwards like the last jobs report. Coming out of the pandemic? With all of that pent up demand? That million jobs created number SHOULD have been easily achieved but by giving people so much money to stay home on unemployment...the Democrats have shot themselves in the foot! That paltry number is all on the Democrats not having a clue what they're doing.

That part is true....the experts (the people you guys have been deriding for about a year now because your doofus disagreed with them) did predict larger job growth.

We added jobs. Your blob had months where there were no jobs added. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Your guys trying to play this up as a disaster is simply's what you guys do every time. LIE.
The reason we didn't have the job growth predicted was because you liberals gave people so much money in unemployment benefits that unless they were making more than $30,000 before the pandemic...they don't want a job because they're making that much just staying at home! Meanwhile thousands of businesses just here in the State of Florida are having to cut their hours or what they offer for services when they ARE open simply because they can't get workers! It's the kind of thing that happens when you have ideologues running things instead of people with real knowlege!
Didn’t your blob do the same thing?
We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation.
Those "idiots" have created more jobs in 3 months than the MORON in chief Tramp created in 4 years!!!
Cuz we all know Hillary would have lost zero jobs because of the ChiCom Flu.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.
With all due respect, Ed...Hillary couldn't protect the State Department personnel she was responsible for. You think she could have protected all of us? That's laughable...
You're right it is laughable that you think someone in Washington can "protect" people 18,000 miles away. Reagan couldn't protect the marines in Beirut....he was a pretty good President. Hey, it's you logic...I'm just applying it to another situation.
Hillary was warned repeatedly that the situation in Libya was getting more and more dangerous. She chose to ignore those warnings because she didn't like the "optics" of having a larger security force there. When the shit hit the fan...what Hillary was most concerned about was covering her own ass rather than helping those Americans that were under attack. Why ANYONE would want a person who did that to be our President is baffling to me!
The multiple congressional hearings found nothing remotely what you're imagining happened.
I don't know what hearings YOU watched but the ones that I watched made it quite clear that Hillary Clinton failed those four State Department employees that were slaughtered in Benghazi and then attempted to cover up her failures for political reasons!

But let's get back to the subject at hand, Candy! That would be the total cluelessness of the Biden Administration when it comes to Economics in general and job creation in particular!
The unemployment rate ticked up. 0.1%. We added 266,000 jobs. Not the wholesale disaster you kids are trying to sell.
We were projected to add over a million jobs! We came up 740,000 short!!! Possibly even worse if those numbers are revised downwards like the last jobs report. Coming out of the pandemic? With all of that pent up demand? That million jobs created number SHOULD have been easily achieved but by giving people so much money to stay home on unemployment...the Democrats have shot themselves in the foot! That paltry number is all on the Democrats not having a clue what they're doing.

That part is true....the experts (the people you guys have been deriding for about a year now because your doofus disagreed with them) did predict larger job growth.

We added jobs. Your blob had months where there were no jobs added. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Your guys trying to play this up as a disaster is simply's what you guys do every time. LIE.
The reason we didn't have the job growth predicted was because you liberals gave people so much money in unemployment benefits that unless they were making more than $30,000 before the pandemic...they don't want a job because they're making that much just staying at home! Meanwhile thousands of businesses just here in the State of Florida are having to cut their hours or what they offer for services when they ARE open simply because they can't get workers! It's the kind of thing that happens when you have ideologues running things instead of people with real knowlege!
Like Trump did a year ago. Were you bitching about it then?
A year ago we were in the middle of the pandemic, you idiot! That was the ONLY thing the derailed the economy that Trump had going prior to that!

As for what I was "bitching about" a year ago? I was asking why the hell were we closing down our economies and having healthy people hide in their homes when we've NEVER done that before? It didn't make a bit of sense to me then and the resurgence of Covid in States that locked down tight shows me that Fauci and the rest of the Chicken Little's overreacted!
What did your blob’s CDC recommend relative to closures and distancing?
We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation.
Those "idiots" have created more jobs in 3 months than the MORON in chief Tramp created in 4 years!!!
Cuz we all know Hillary would have lost zero jobs because of the ChiCom Flu.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.
With all due respect, Ed...Hillary couldn't protect the State Department personnel she was responsible for. You think she could have protected all of us? That's laughable...
You're right it is laughable that you think someone in Washington can "protect" people 18,000 miles away. Reagan couldn't protect the marines in Beirut....he was a pretty good President. Hey, it's you logic...I'm just applying it to another situation.
Hillary was warned repeatedly that the situation in Libya was getting more and more dangerous. She chose to ignore those warnings because she didn't like the "optics" of having a larger security force there. When the shit hit the fan...what Hillary was most concerned about was covering her own ass rather than helping those Americans that were under attack. Why ANYONE would want a person who did that to be our President is baffling to me!
The multiple congressional hearings found nothing remotely what you're imagining happened.
I don't know what hearings YOU watched but the ones that I watched made it quite clear that Hillary Clinton failed those four State Department employees that were slaughtered in Benghazi and then attempted to cover up her failures for political reasons!

But let's get back to the subject at hand, Candy! That would be the total cluelessness of the Biden Administration when it comes to Economics in general and job creation in particular!
The unemployment rate ticked up. 0.1%. We added 266,000 jobs. Not the wholesale disaster you kids are trying to sell.
We were projected to add over a million jobs! We came up 740,000 short!!! Possibly even worse if those numbers are revised downwards like the last jobs report. Coming out of the pandemic? With all of that pent up demand? That million jobs created number SHOULD have been easily achieved but by giving people so much money to stay home on unemployment...the Democrats have shot themselves in the foot! That paltry number is all on the Democrats not having a clue what they're doing.

That part is true....the experts (the people you guys have been deriding for about a year now because your doofus disagreed with them) did predict larger job growth.

We added jobs. Your blob had months where there were no jobs added. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Your guys trying to play this up as a disaster is simply's what you guys do every time. LIE.
The reason we didn't have the job growth predicted was because you liberals gave people so much money in unemployment benefits that unless they were making more than $30,000 before the pandemic...they don't want a job because they're making that much just staying at home! Meanwhile thousands of businesses just here in the State of Florida are having to cut their hours or what they offer for services when they ARE open simply because they can't get workers! It's the kind of thing that happens when you have ideologues running things instead of people with real knowlege!
Like Trump did a year ago. Were you bitching about it then?
A year ago we were in the middle of the pandemic, you idiot! That was the ONLY thing the derailed the economy that Trump had going prior to that!

As for what I was "bitching about" a year ago? I was asking why the hell were we closing down our economies and having healthy people hide in their homes when we've NEVER done that before? It didn't make a bit of sense to me then and the resurgence of Covid in States that locked down tight shows me that Fauci and the rest of the Chicken Little's overreacted!
Figures a hack like you would give Trump a pass for the exact same thing you criticize Biden. :cuckoo:

Just so ya know, Trimp's stimulus cost jobs exactly like Biden's stimulus.
We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation.
Those "idiots" have created more jobs in 3 months than the MORON in chief Tramp created in 4 years!!!
Cuz we all know Hillary would have lost zero jobs because of the ChiCom Flu.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.
With all due respect, Ed...Hillary couldn't protect the State Department personnel she was responsible for. You think she could have protected all of us? That's laughable...
You're right it is laughable that you think someone in Washington can "protect" people 18,000 miles away. Reagan couldn't protect the marines in Beirut....he was a pretty good President. Hey, it's you logic...I'm just applying it to another situation.
Hillary was warned repeatedly that the situation in Libya was getting more and more dangerous. She chose to ignore those warnings because she didn't like the "optics" of having a larger security force there. When the shit hit the fan...what Hillary was most concerned about was covering her own ass rather than helping those Americans that were under attack. Why ANYONE would want a person who did that to be our President is baffling to me!
The multiple congressional hearings found nothing remotely what you're imagining happened.
I don't know what hearings YOU watched but the ones that I watched made it quite clear that Hillary Clinton failed those four State Department employees that were slaughtered in Benghazi and then attempted to cover up her failures for political reasons!

But let's get back to the subject at hand, Candy! That would be the total cluelessness of the Biden Administration when it comes to Economics in general and job creation in particular!
The unemployment rate ticked up. 0.1%. We added 266,000 jobs. Not the wholesale disaster you kids are trying to sell.
We were projected to add over a million jobs! We came up 740,000 short!!! Possibly even worse if those numbers are revised downwards like the last jobs report. Coming out of the pandemic? With all of that pent up demand? That million jobs created number SHOULD have been easily achieved but by giving people so much money to stay home on unemployment...the Democrats have shot themselves in the foot! That paltry number is all on the Democrats not having a clue what they're doing.

That part is true....the experts (the people you guys have been deriding for about a year now because your doofus disagreed with them) did predict larger job growth.

We added jobs. Your blob had months where there were no jobs added. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Your guys trying to play this up as a disaster is simply's what you guys do every time. LIE.
The reason we didn't have the job growth predicted was because you liberals gave people so much money in unemployment benefits that unless they were making more than $30,000 before the pandemic...they don't want a job because they're making that much just staying at home! Meanwhile thousands of businesses just here in the State of Florida are having to cut their hours or what they offer for services when they ARE open simply because they can't get workers! It's the kind of thing that happens when you have ideologues running things instead of people with real knowlege!
Didn’t your blob do the same thing?

Now these hypocrites expose themselves.
The President, unless you consider him one of the leftists, issued a national emergency and allowed his CDC to put out guidelines that are the very things you hate.
I dont hate the guidelines themselves

What wrong is the duration

90-120 days would have bern acceptable

But fauci and the baby hitlers in blue cities and states went too far

Heck, the public teachers in california are still refusing to go back to work
We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation.
Those "idiots" have created more jobs in 3 months than the MORON in chief Tramp created in 4 years!!!
Cuz we all know Hillary would have lost zero jobs because of the ChiCom Flu.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.
With all due respect, Ed...Hillary couldn't protect the State Department personnel she was responsible for. You think she could have protected all of us? That's laughable...
You're right it is laughable that you think someone in Washington can "protect" people 18,000 miles away. Reagan couldn't protect the marines in Beirut....he was a pretty good President. Hey, it's you logic...I'm just applying it to another situation.
Hillary was warned repeatedly that the situation in Libya was getting more and more dangerous. She chose to ignore those warnings because she didn't like the "optics" of having a larger security force there. When the shit hit the fan...what Hillary was most concerned about was covering her own ass rather than helping those Americans that were under attack. Why ANYONE would want a person who did that to be our President is baffling to me!
The multiple congressional hearings found nothing remotely what you're imagining happened.
I don't know what hearings YOU watched but the ones that I watched made it quite clear that Hillary Clinton failed those four State Department employees that were slaughtered in Benghazi and then attempted to cover up her failures for political reasons!

But let's get back to the subject at hand, Candy! That would be the total cluelessness of the Biden Administration when it comes to Economics in general and job creation in particular!
The unemployment rate ticked up. 0.1%. We added 266,000 jobs. Not the wholesale disaster you kids are trying to sell.
We were projected to add over a million jobs! We came up 740,000 short!!! Possibly even worse if those numbers are revised downwards like the last jobs report. Coming out of the pandemic? With all of that pent up demand? That million jobs created number SHOULD have been easily achieved but by giving people so much money to stay home on unemployment...the Democrats have shot themselves in the foot! That paltry number is all on the Democrats not having a clue what they're doing.

That part is true....the experts (the people you guys have been deriding for about a year now because your doofus disagreed with them) did predict larger job growth.

We added jobs. Your blob had months where there were no jobs added. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Your guys trying to play this up as a disaster is simply's what you guys do every time. LIE.
The reason we didn't have the job growth predicted was because you liberals gave people so much money in unemployment benefits that unless they were making more than $30,000 before the pandemic...they don't want a job because they're making that much just staying at home! Meanwhile thousands of businesses just here in the State of Florida are having to cut their hours or what they offer for services when they ARE open simply because they can't get workers! It's the kind of thing that happens when you have ideologues running things instead of people with real knowlege!
Like Trump did a year ago. Were you bitching about it then?
A year ago we were in the middle of the pandemic, you idiot! That was the ONLY thing the derailed the economy that Trump had going prior to that!

As for what I was "bitching about" a year ago? I was asking why the hell were we closing down our economies and having healthy people hide in their homes when we've NEVER done that before? It didn't make a bit of sense to me then and the resurgence of Covid in States that locked down tight shows me that Fauci and the rest of the Chicken Little's overreacted!
What did your blob’s CDC recommend relative to closures and distancing?
The CDC was Trump's? Are you kidding me? Trump and the CDC were constantly at odds on what the proper response should be, with the CDC constantly getting it wrong!
Figures a hack like you would give Trump a pass for the exact same thing you criticize Biden. :cuckoo:
He’s not

The conditions a year ago were far different than today

Biden is like a crack dealer giving out free samples in the schoolyard to create addicts who depend on him for what they need
Of course he is. The stimulus then was encouraging folks not to work just as it is now.
We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation.
Those "idiots" have created more jobs in 3 months than the MORON in chief Tramp created in 4 years!!!
Cuz we all know Hillary would have lost zero jobs because of the ChiCom Flu.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.
With all due respect, Ed...Hillary couldn't protect the State Department personnel she was responsible for. You think she could have protected all of us? That's laughable...
You're right it is laughable that you think someone in Washington can "protect" people 18,000 miles away. Reagan couldn't protect the marines in Beirut....he was a pretty good President. Hey, it's you logic...I'm just applying it to another situation.
Hillary was warned repeatedly that the situation in Libya was getting more and more dangerous. She chose to ignore those warnings because she didn't like the "optics" of having a larger security force there. When the shit hit the fan...what Hillary was most concerned about was covering her own ass rather than helping those Americans that were under attack. Why ANYONE would want a person who did that to be our President is baffling to me!
The multiple congressional hearings found nothing remotely what you're imagining happened.
I don't know what hearings YOU watched but the ones that I watched made it quite clear that Hillary Clinton failed those four State Department employees that were slaughtered in Benghazi and then attempted to cover up her failures for political reasons!

But let's get back to the subject at hand, Candy! That would be the total cluelessness of the Biden Administration when it comes to Economics in general and job creation in particular!
The unemployment rate ticked up. 0.1%. We added 266,000 jobs. Not the wholesale disaster you kids are trying to sell.
We were projected to add over a million jobs! We came up 740,000 short!!! Possibly even worse if those numbers are revised downwards like the last jobs report. Coming out of the pandemic? With all of that pent up demand? That million jobs created number SHOULD have been easily achieved but by giving people so much money to stay home on unemployment...the Democrats have shot themselves in the foot! That paltry number is all on the Democrats not having a clue what they're doing.

That part is true....the experts (the people you guys have been deriding for about a year now because your doofus disagreed with them) did predict larger job growth.

We added jobs. Your blob had months where there were no jobs added. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Your guys trying to play this up as a disaster is simply's what you guys do every time. LIE.
The reason we didn't have the job growth predicted was because you liberals gave people so much money in unemployment benefits that unless they were making more than $30,000 before the pandemic...they don't want a job because they're making that much just staying at home! Meanwhile thousands of businesses just here in the State of Florida are having to cut their hours or what they offer for services when they ARE open simply because they can't get workers! It's the kind of thing that happens when you have ideologues running things instead of people with real knowlege!
Like Trump did a year ago. Were you bitching about it then?
A year ago we were in the middle of the pandemic, you idiot! That was the ONLY thing the derailed the economy that Trump had going prior to that!

As for what I was "bitching about" a year ago? I was asking why the hell were we closing down our economies and having healthy people hide in their homes when we've NEVER done that before? It didn't make a bit of sense to me then and the resurgence of Covid in States that locked down tight shows me that Fauci and the rest of the Chicken Little's overreacted!
Figures a hack like you would give Trump a pass for the exact same thing you criticize Biden. :cuckoo:

Just so ya know, Trimp's stimulus cost jobs exactly like Biden's stimulus.
You really don't see the difference between extending unemployment benefits to people who through no fault of their own had their jobs closed down by government and extending unemployment benefits to people when there are businesses BEGGING for people to come work for them? You're the very definition of a partisan hack!
We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation.
Those "idiots" have created more jobs in 3 months than the MORON in chief Tramp created in 4 years!!!
Cuz we all know Hillary would have lost zero jobs because of the ChiCom Flu.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.
With all due respect, Ed...Hillary couldn't protect the State Department personnel she was responsible for. You think she could have protected all of us? That's laughable...
You're right it is laughable that you think someone in Washington can "protect" people 18,000 miles away. Reagan couldn't protect the marines in Beirut....he was a pretty good President. Hey, it's you logic...I'm just applying it to another situation.
Hillary was warned repeatedly that the situation in Libya was getting more and more dangerous. She chose to ignore those warnings because she didn't like the "optics" of having a larger security force there. When the shit hit the fan...what Hillary was most concerned about was covering her own ass rather than helping those Americans that were under attack. Why ANYONE would want a person who did that to be our President is baffling to me!
The multiple congressional hearings found nothing remotely what you're imagining happened.
I don't know what hearings YOU watched but the ones that I watched made it quite clear that Hillary Clinton failed those four State Department employees that were slaughtered in Benghazi and then attempted to cover up her failures for political reasons!

But let's get back to the subject at hand, Candy! That would be the total cluelessness of the Biden Administration when it comes to Economics in general and job creation in particular!
The unemployment rate ticked up. 0.1%. We added 266,000 jobs. Not the wholesale disaster you kids are trying to sell.
We were projected to add over a million jobs! We came up 740,000 short!!! Possibly even worse if those numbers are revised downwards like the last jobs report. Coming out of the pandemic? With all of that pent up demand? That million jobs created number SHOULD have been easily achieved but by giving people so much money to stay home on unemployment...the Democrats have shot themselves in the foot! That paltry number is all on the Democrats not having a clue what they're doing.

That part is true....the experts (the people you guys have been deriding for about a year now because your doofus disagreed with them) did predict larger job growth.

We added jobs. Your blob had months where there were no jobs added. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Your guys trying to play this up as a disaster is simply's what you guys do every time. LIE.
The reason we didn't have the job growth predicted was because you liberals gave people so much money in unemployment benefits that unless they were making more than $30,000 before the pandemic...they don't want a job because they're making that much just staying at home! Meanwhile thousands of businesses just here in the State of Florida are having to cut their hours or what they offer for services when they ARE open simply because they can't get workers! It's the kind of thing that happens when you have ideologues running things instead of people with real knowlege!
Like Trump did a year ago. Were you bitching about it then?
A year ago we were in the middle of the pandemic, you idiot! That was the ONLY thing the derailed the economy that Trump had going prior to that!

As for what I was "bitching about" a year ago? I was asking why the hell were we closing down our economies and having healthy people hide in their homes when we've NEVER done that before? It didn't make a bit of sense to me then and the resurgence of Covid in States that locked down tight shows me that Fauci and the rest of the Chicken Little's overreacted!
Figures a hack like you would give Trump a pass for the exact same thing you criticize Biden. :cuckoo:

Just so ya know, Trimp's stimulus cost jobs exactly like Biden's stimulus.
You really don't see the difference between extending unemployment benefits to people who through no fault of their own had their jobs closed down by government and extending unemployment benefits to people when there are businesses BEGGING for people to come work for them? You're the very definition of a partisan hack!
Dumbfuck, the stimulus was to everyone who earned under a certain dollar amount or was unemployed throughout the nation, even to people in areas not shut down.

And it had the same effect on unemployment as it does now.
Of course they were, but in terms of unemployment, the stimulus then encouraged people to not work just as it does now.
I repeat,


The baby hitlers were using armed police to prevent workers from attending their jobs

Now businesses are trying to reopen and the police are not arresting people for doing so

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