BREAKING: Unemployment Rate INCREASES, Numbers ‘Way Worse Than Expected’. Talk Of Inflation Grows.

We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation.
Those "idiots" have created more jobs in 3 months than the MORON in chief Tramp created in 4 years!!!
Cuz we all know Hillary would have lost zero jobs because of the ChiCom Flu.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.
With all due respect, Ed...Hillary couldn't protect the State Department personnel she was responsible for. You think she could have protected all of us? That's laughable...
You're right it is laughable that you think someone in Washington can "protect" people 18,000 miles away. Reagan couldn't protect the marines in Beirut....he was a pretty good President. Hey, it's you logic...I'm just applying it to another situation.
Hillary was warned repeatedly that the situation in Libya was getting more and more dangerous. She chose to ignore those warnings because she didn't like the "optics" of having a larger security force there. When the shit hit the fan...what Hillary was most concerned about was covering her own ass rather than helping those Americans that were under attack. Why ANYONE would want a person who did that to be our President is baffling to me!
The multiple congressional hearings found nothing remotely what you're imagining happened.
I don't know what hearings YOU watched but the ones that I watched made it quite clear that Hillary Clinton failed those four State Department employees that were slaughtered in Benghazi and then attempted to cover up her failures for political reasons!

But let's get back to the subject at hand, Candy! That would be the total cluelessness of the Biden Administration when it comes to Economics in general and job creation in particular!
The unemployment rate ticked up. 0.1%. We added 266,000 jobs. Not the wholesale disaster you kids are trying to sell.
Sure killing half a millions was 'just' fine with America-haters like you and Tramp.

I'm going to teach you something you obviously didn't know: A US President cannot control a microorganism, and he can't control the response of the citizens in a free country.

But okay, go ahead. If you want to blame Trump for 500,000 dead Americans, then do you also blame DumBama for the 200,000 dead Americans from the common flu during his two terms?
500,000 dead in one year, and 200,000 in 8, even YOU can figure out who was worse.
Its the republican talking point.

Who would want a shitty job working in a restaurant with the pay and hours.
Anyone that wants to eat and have a roof over their heads and hasn’t expended the effort to acquire marketable skills.
We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation.
Those "idiots" have created more jobs in 3 months than the MORON in chief Tramp created in 4 years!!!
Cuz we all know Hillary would have lost zero jobs because of the ChiCom Flu.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.
With all due respect, Ed...Hillary couldn't protect the State Department personnel she was responsible for. You think she could have protected all of us? That's laughable...
The Right prove they know they are dead wrong when they change the subject to a different lie.
Thank you.
They can raise the price for wages in restaurants and get a benefit package.
Good one. Close the last few restaurants Democrats missed closing during the past year.

Yes they can pay people more and stop the tips. Waiters and bus boys work for squander.
I worked in the restaurant industry as management for a year or so, the wait staff made more than the managers when hours worked were factored in. Don’t talk to me about underplayed waitstaff.
Wages go up when an economy is booming and companies need to hire more employees. That was how Trump increased overall wages.
Wages today are HIGHER under Biden than they EVER were under Tramp, so thank you for admitting the Biden economy is BOOMING!!!

Do you have a link for that?
Of course, by now you should know I ALWAYS have a link.
Tramp's highest weekly average wage was $1047.20, now under Biden it is $1055.95

You gave me what I needed thank you. So Biden is going up, and Trump was higher than Obama. I bet Obama was higher than Bush who was higher than Clinton and on and on. Nothing unexpected. Wow, it was a smooth slope, the one big jump was under Trump in 2020. Thanks for pointing that out.
You seem to have missed the final drop under Tramp that Biden reversed. I'm not surprised by your blindness
It went from 6.0 to 6.1%

Not a disaster.

The problem is that all the forecasts were for the unemployment rate to DROP to 5.8%.

Keep spinning!

Good to see that you're now listening to experts. Or is that just a situational thing?

As you, better than some, know well. I always do my research and yet you and others of your ilk refuse to do the research yourselves. You let CNN, MSNBC, and Facebook interpret for you. You always whine but never do successfully refute my FACTS.

Thank you, thank you so much!
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Wages go up when an economy is booming and companies need to hire more employees. That was how Trump increased overall wages.
Wages today are HIGHER under Biden than they EVER were under Tramp, so thank you for admitting the Biden economy is BOOMING!!!

Do you have a link for that?
Of course, by now you should know I ALWAYS have a link.
Tramp's highest weekly average wage was $1047.20, now under Biden it is $1055.95

You gave me what I needed thank you. So Biden is going up, and Trump was higher than Obama. I bet Obama was higher than Bush who was higher than Clinton and on and on. Nothing unexpected. Wow, it was a smooth slope, the one big jump was under Trump in 2020. Thanks for pointing that out.
You seem to have missed the final drop under Tramp that Biden reversed. I'm not surprised by your blindness

Wages go up when an economy is booming and companies need to hire more employees. That was how Trump increased overall wages.
Wages today are HIGHER under Biden than they EVER were under Tramp, so thank you for admitting the Biden economy is BOOMING!!!

Do you have a link for that?
Of course, by now you should know I ALWAYS have a link.
Tramp's highest weekly average wage was $1047.20, now under Biden it is $1055.95

You gave me what I needed thank you. So Biden is going up, and Trump was higher than Obama. I bet Obama was higher than Bush who was higher than Clinton and on and on. Nothing unexpected. Wow, it was a smooth slope, the one big jump was under Trump in 2020. Thanks for pointing that out.
You seem to have missed the final drop under Tramp that Biden reversed. I'm not surprised by your blindness

As you know, the recovery began last Summer. But thanks for reminding us that you are an avid CNN viewer.
Wages go up when an economy is booming and companies need to hire more employees. That was how Trump increased overall wages.
Wages today are HIGHER under Biden than they EVER were under Tramp, so thank you for admitting the Biden economy is BOOMING!!!

Do you have a link for that?
Of course, by now you should know I ALWAYS have a link.
Tramp's highest weekly average wage was $1047.20, now under Biden it is $1055.95

You gave me what I needed thank you. So Biden is going up, and Trump was higher than Obama. I bet Obama was higher than Bush who was higher than Clinton and on and on. Nothing unexpected. Wow, it was a smooth slope, the one big jump was under Trump in 2020. Thanks for pointing that out.
You seem to have missed the final drop under Tramp that Biden reversed. I'm not surprised by your blindness

As you know, the recovery began last Summer. But thanks for reminding us that you are an avid CNN viewer.
The Tramp January 2021 DROP was NOT last Summer!
Sure killing half a millions was 'just' fine with America-haters like you and Tramp.

I'm going to teach you something you obviously didn't know: A US President cannot control a microorganism, and he can't control the response of the citizens in a free country.

But okay, go ahead. If you want to blame Trump for 500,000 dead Americans, then do you also blame DumBama for the 200,000 dead Americans from the common flu during his two terms?
500,000 dead in one year, and 200,000 in 8, even YOU can figure out who was worse.

Buying vaccines AFTER they were created, had NOTHING to do with their creation. But you knew that already.

He signed the contracts before the first one was even near emergency use approval.
Signing a contract to buy vaccines AFTER they are created has NOTHING to do creating them.
And you still knew that before you repeated your lie.
They were created under Trump’s leadership. So you say you sign to buy things before they’re created? Damn you really are stupid. Here’s this bridge I can sell you.....
We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation.
Those "idiots" have created more jobs in 3 months than the MORON in chief Tramp created in 4 years!!!
Cuz we all know Hillary would have lost zero jobs because of the ChiCom Flu.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.
With all due respect, Ed...Hillary couldn't protect the State Department personnel she was responsible for. You think she could have protected all of us? That's laughable...
You're right it is laughable that you think someone in Washington can "protect" people 18,000 miles away. Reagan couldn't protect the marines in Beirut....he was a pretty good President. Hey, it's you logic...I'm just applying it to another situation.
Hillary was warned repeatedly that the situation in Libya was getting more and more dangerous. She chose to ignore those warnings because she didn't like the "optics" of having a larger security force there. When the shit hit the fan...what Hillary was most concerned about was covering her own ass rather than helping those Americans that were under attack. Why ANYONE would want a person who did that to be our President is baffling to me!
The multiple congressional hearings found nothing remotely what you're imagining happened.
I don't know what hearings YOU watched but the ones that I watched made it quite clear that Hillary Clinton failed those four State Department employees that were slaughtered in Benghazi and then attempted to cover up her failures for political reasons!

But let's get back to the subject at hand, Candy! That would be the total cluelessness of the Biden Administration when it comes to Economics in general and job creation in particular!
The unemployment rate ticked up. 0.1%. We added 266,000 jobs. Not the wholesale disaster you kids are trying to sell.
Let’s see. You idiots predicted 1,000,000 jobs and a drop in unemployment. Total failure all around and you say success? Go back to searching for Natural Causes. Maybe you’ll actually find him this time.....
It went from 6.0 to 6.1%

Not a disaster.

The problem is that all the forecasts were for the unemployment rate to DROP to 5.8%.

Keep spinning!

Good to see that you're now listening to experts. Or is that just a situational thing?

As you, better than some, know well. I always do my research and yet you and others of your ilk refuse to do the research yourselves. You let CNN, MSNBC, and Facebook interpret for you. You always whine but never do successfully refute my FACTS.

Thank you, thank you so much!

The facts are that we added 266,000 jobs. And that represented an increase in unemployment of .1%. Those are the facts. "All of the forecasts" agreed? Negative.
I don't need to refute your "facts" have none.
We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation.
Those "idiots" have created more jobs in 3 months than the MORON in chief Tramp created in 4 years!!!
Cuz we all know Hillary would have lost zero jobs because of the ChiCom Flu.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.
With all due respect, Ed...Hillary couldn't protect the State Department personnel she was responsible for. You think she could have protected all of us? That's laughable...
You're right it is laughable that you think someone in Washington can "protect" people 18,000 miles away. Reagan couldn't protect the marines in Beirut....he was a pretty good President. Hey, it's you logic...I'm just applying it to another situation.
Hillary was warned repeatedly that the situation in Libya was getting more and more dangerous. She chose to ignore those warnings because she didn't like the "optics" of having a larger security force there. When the shit hit the fan...what Hillary was most concerned about was covering her own ass rather than helping those Americans that were under attack. Why ANYONE would want a person who did that to be our President is baffling to me!
The multiple congressional hearings found nothing remotely what you're imagining happened.
I don't know what hearings YOU watched but the ones that I watched made it quite clear that Hillary Clinton failed those four State Department employees that were slaughtered in Benghazi and then attempted to cover up her failures for political reasons!

But let's get back to the subject at hand, Candy! That would be the total cluelessness of the Biden Administration when it comes to Economics in general and job creation in particular!
The unemployment rate ticked up. 0.1%. We added 266,000 jobs. Not the wholesale disaster you kids are trying to sell.
Let’s see. You idiots predicted 1,000,000 jobs and a drop in unemployment. Total failure all around and you say success? Go back to searching for Natural Causes. Maybe you’ll actually find him this time.....

Really? LOL... The million jobs added was last month under Biden's leadership. Unlike the months and months of shameful losses under your blob.

Last month, we only added a quarter of a million jobs. Still better than a lot of your blob's months.
We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation.
Those "idiots" have created more jobs in 3 months than the MORON in chief Tramp created in 4 years!!!
Cuz we all know Hillary would have lost zero jobs because of the ChiCom Flu.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.
With all due respect, Ed...Hillary couldn't protect the State Department personnel she was responsible for. You think she could have protected all of us? That's laughable...
You're right it is laughable that you think someone in Washington can "protect" people 18,000 miles away. Reagan couldn't protect the marines in Beirut....he was a pretty good President. Hey, it's you logic...I'm just applying it to another situation.
Hillary was warned repeatedly that the situation in Libya was getting more and more dangerous. She chose to ignore those warnings because she didn't like the "optics" of having a larger security force there. When the shit hit the fan...what Hillary was most concerned about was covering her own ass rather than helping those Americans that were under attack. Why ANYONE would want a person who did that to be our President is baffling to me!
The multiple congressional hearings found nothing remotely what you're imagining happened.
I don't know what hearings YOU watched but the ones that I watched made it quite clear that Hillary Clinton failed those four State Department employees that were slaughtered in Benghazi and then attempted to cover up her failures for political reasons!

But let's get back to the subject at hand, Candy! That would be the total cluelessness of the Biden Administration when it comes to Economics in general and job creation in particular!
The unemployment rate ticked up. 0.1%. We added 266,000 jobs. Not the wholesale disaster you kids are trying to sell.
We were projected to add over a million jobs! We came up 740,000 short!!! Possibly even worse if those numbers are revised downwards like the last jobs report. Coming out of the pandemic? With all of that pent up demand? That million jobs created number SHOULD have been easily achieved but by giving people so much money to stay home on unemployment...the Democrats have shot themselves in the foot! That paltry number is all on the Democrats not having a clue what they're doing.
We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation.
Those "idiots" have created more jobs in 3 months than the MORON in chief Tramp created in 4 years!!!
Cuz we all know Hillary would have lost zero jobs because of the ChiCom Flu.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.
With all due respect, Ed...Hillary couldn't protect the State Department personnel she was responsible for. You think she could have protected all of us? That's laughable...
You're right it is laughable that you think someone in Washington can "protect" people 18,000 miles away. Reagan couldn't protect the marines in Beirut....he was a pretty good President. Hey, it's you logic...I'm just applying it to another situation.
Hillary was warned repeatedly that the situation in Libya was getting more and more dangerous. She chose to ignore those warnings because she didn't like the "optics" of having a larger security force there. When the shit hit the fan...what Hillary was most concerned about was covering her own ass rather than helping those Americans that were under attack. Why ANYONE would want a person who did that to be our President is baffling to me!
The multiple congressional hearings found nothing remotely what you're imagining happened.
I don't know what hearings YOU watched but the ones that I watched made it quite clear that Hillary Clinton failed those four State Department employees that were slaughtered in Benghazi and then attempted to cover up her failures for political reasons!

But let's get back to the subject at hand, Candy! That would be the total cluelessness of the Biden Administration when it comes to Economics in general and job creation in particular!
The unemployment rate ticked up. 0.1%. We added 266,000 jobs. Not the wholesale disaster you kids are trying to sell.
We were projected to add over a million jobs! We came up 740,000 short!!! Possibly even worse if those numbers are revised downwards like the last jobs report. Coming out of the pandemic? With all of that pent up demand? That million jobs created number SHOULD have been easily achieved but by giving people so much money to stay home on unemployment...the Democrats have shot themselves in the foot! That paltry number is all on the Democrats not having a clue what they're doing.
Orange mans fault.

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