BREAKING: Unemployment Rate INCREASES, Numbers ‘Way Worse Than Expected’. Talk Of Inflation Grows.

Biden-Harris own inflation. What policies are they going to pursue that will reduce inflation? Try and blame inflation on Trump. The excuses will be laughable.
Yes you can blame inflation on tramp, without him over 1/2 million would not be dead.

Do you have any clue on economic policies or are you simply that consumed with Trump?
All they can do is foam at the mouth about Trump on every topic from politics to home improvement.
Wages go up when an economy is booming and companies need to hire more employees. That was how Trump increased overall wages.
Wages today are HIGHER under Biden than they EVER were under Tramp, so thank you for admitting the Biden economy is BOOMING!!!
We were losing 4,000 per day to the Trump Pandemic at its peak, now under Biden it is well under 1,000 per day

Funny how that is being that we are saving more people thanks to Trump's vaccine that Whorris said she would never take.
Tramp had nothing to do with the Pfizer vaccine and Moderna was started long BEFORE Tramp's operation snail's pace, the only "Trumpcine," J&J, is poison according to Trumpists.
Tramp had nothing to do with the Pfizer vaccine and Moderna was started long BEFORE Tramp's operation snail's pace, the only "Trumpcine," J&J, is poison according to Trumpists.

Wrong. Trump signed contracts with eight potential vaccine companies for 100 million doses with an option to purchase another 300 million if needed. He made sure Americans came first. He also put a lot of pressure on the FDA to speed up the approval process to get these vaccines to us ASAP.
We know she would have handled the Trump Pandemic better than Tramp did.

Trump handled it just fine in spite of being called xenophobic and racist by the left when he put travel bans in. How would Hillary have done? Look at what Biden is doing today. He's letting in tens of thousands of these third worlders into the country untested and busing them from coast to coast. The numbers people said at this rate, we will end up with a million more of them by the end of the year unless he does something like put Trump's successful border policies back in place. Of course he won't because the Democrat party comes first, and Americans second.
And in Normal World, hiring is expected to increase, interest rates dropped at this morning's news, and the interest rate-sensitive NASDAQ loved it.
Who "expects" job numbers to increase? You? If you don't have a job do interest rates matter all that much?
"Normal World" is full of crap!
Bank of America predicts "hypersonic inflation" in your Normal World.

As Jimmy Carter leaves this world Joe Biden steps in and takes his place as the most incompetent
economy butcher this nation has seen , at least in the last century.

And you couldn't be happier.
These fools are about to see that spewing hate at the other side won't do squat to help feed them or keep a roof over their heads. What's coming isn't going to surprise most Trump supporters... the crowd of haters? Not so much. Plan B for the plantation dwellers is to burn, loot, and murder but THIS time, they'll see what the real world looks like when they come to suburbia/rural areas. Their politicians and local cops won't be able to save them from angry, frightened Americans.
It's coming and nothing will stop it.
Tramp had nothing to do with the Pfizer vaccine and Moderna was started long BEFORE Tramp's operation snail's pace, the only "Trumpcine," J&J, is poison according to Trumpists.

Wrong. Trump signed contracts with eight potential vaccine companies for 100 million doses with an option to purchase another 300 million if needed. He made sure Americans came first. He also put a lot of pressure on the FDA to speed up the approval process to get these vaccines to us ASAP.wrong1
Buying vaccines AFTER they were created, had NOTHING to do with their creation. But you knew that already.
And in Normal World, hiring is expected to increase, interest rates dropped at this morning's news, and the interest rate-sensitive NASDAQ loved it.
Obviously, we disagree on this but I am curious... at what point do you expect inflation to become a serious problem? In the first 100 days of the new administration, nearly 6T$ has been created out of the aether. They're talking about spending even MORE. If you do not believe this will lead to hyper-inflation could you please explain how we avoid it?
And in Normal World, hiring is expected to increase, interest rates dropped at this morning's news, and the interest rate-sensitive NASDAQ loved it.
Who "expects" job numbers to increase? You? If you don't have a job do interest rates matter all that much?
"Normal World" is full of crap!
Bank of America predicts "hypersonic inflation" in your Normal World.

As Jimmy Carter leaves this world Joe Biden steps in and takes his place as the most incompetent
economy butcher this nation has seen , at least in the last century.

And you couldn't be happier.
Okay, Captain Hyperbole.
With all due respect, SHOULD come roaring back as the vaccines free all of the pent up demand from the last year...yet the jobs numbers are tepid at best! Everything is there for a booming economy except people to lead who understand economics! We have idiots controlling the country right now and they don't have a clue what they're doing when it comes to job creation. They're actually proposing extensions to unemployment benefits when the Private Sector can't find people to work because so many people are content to sit home and collect a check from Government. That's so incredibly stupid it boggles the mind!
If you simply assume that their actions are INTENDED to weaken and then collapse our economy, then their moves make PERFECT SENSE. They are fully aware of the consequences of their acts.
Wages go up when an economy is booming and companies need to hire more employees. That was how Trump increased overall wages.
Wages today are HIGHER under Biden than they EVER were under Tramp, so thank you for admitting the Biden economy is BOOMING!!!

Do you have a link for that?
Of course, by now you should know I ALWAYS have a link.
Tramp's highest weekly average wage was $1047.20, now under Biden it is $1055.95


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