Breaking: Watch A Worthless Texas Pig Assault A Family After They CALLED THEM For Help

Should I feel bad for knowing this was going to involve a fat black woman after reading the thread title?

They watch a lot of those Jerry Springer copycat shows and think that idiotic behavior works in real life, never mind it's blatantly fake and fools no one over the age of 4.
I don't want to come off as someone who thinks all fat black women are violent. I know several who are good people.

What I posted earlier about black women being more likely to get violent was absolutely true.

I do a lot of community work, myself, and most are very nice, at least those who work in the church programs and do community service. The media of ocurse wants to generate a different narrative, presenting them all as outraged and belligerent, and all for letting the scum of the earth run all over them and control their neighborhoods, which is just nonsense only Burb Brats will buy.
Aside of the ones I have a good working relationship with, my only other experience with them has been when they're a patient, or a visitor.

I was recently called to help security remove 3 black women from our ICU because they couldn't control themselves. It was an ugly scene that got them kicked out from seeing their mother.
Fucking idiots.

I've seen it too, I just don't see it as much, I guess; different situational environments.
Should I feel bad for knowing this was going to involve a fat black woman after reading the thread title?

They watch a lot of those Jerry Springer copycat shows and think that idiotic behavior works in real life, never mind it's blatantly fake and fools no one over the age of 4.
I don't want to come off as someone who thinks all fat black women are violent. I know several who are good people.

What I posted earlier about black women being more likely to get violent was absolutely true.

I do a lot of community work, myself, and most are very nice, at least those who work in the church programs and do community service. The media of ocurse wants to generate a different narrative, presenting them all as outraged and belligerent, and all for letting the scum of the earth run all over them and control their neighborhoods, which is just nonsense only Burb Brats will buy. Remember, the tabloid media is the cretins who can't find a real life 'victim' to save their lives and constantly shoot themselves in the foot glorifying the Trayvons, and Johnsons and Freddie Greys. And you can bet Skippy here relies on them as his 'sources' exclusively, being a major dumbass.

Sucking cock at your local gay theatre for $5 a pop does not count as "community work," gimp.
I have no doubt about that being something you would know about.
You apparently need a Facebook account to view. Who the hell has time to have a Facebook account?

No, you don't. I don't have one and I can view it just fine.

It won't let me in, it tried it several times. The bottom line is if the cop is guilty and if the police cam upholds the lady's story they need to fire and prosecute the police officer.

You should be able to watch it right here on the forum. No logging in necessary. Not sure what the problem is with your computer or browser, but it works.

It could be my browser, I'm not worried, Facebook isn't worth my time. People isolate themselves by using social media.
Should I feel bad for knowing this was going to involve a fat black woman after reading the thread title?

They watch a lot of those Jerry Springer copycat shows and think that idiotic behavior works in real life, never mind it's blatantly fake and fools no one over the age of 4.
I don't want to come off as someone who thinks all fat black women are violent. I know several who are good people.

What I posted earlier about black women being more likely to get violent was absolutely true.

I do a lot of community work, myself, and most are very nice, at least those who work in the church programs and do community service. The media of ocurse wants to generate a different narrative, presenting them all as outraged and belligerent, and all for letting the scum of the earth run all over them and control their neighborhoods, which is just nonsense only Burb Brats will buy.
Aside of the ones I have a good working relationship with, my only other experience with them has been when they're a patient, or a visitor.

I was recently called to help security remove 3 black women from our ICU because they couldn't control themselves. It was an ugly scene that got them kicked out from seeing their mother.
Fucking idiots.

I've seen it too, I just don't see it as much, I guess; different situational environments.
I've been helping security with combative people for 11yrs.. While I like to see things end peacefully, it doesn't always end that way.
She didn't "know" anything. All she knew is that the worthless, useless fucking pig was deliberately trying to provoke her by questioning "why" the man couldn't choke her son.

Fucking moron
Are you a black person?
I was wondering the same thing.

Are you black, SYTFE?

He is against police brutality, he has a right to be concerned. If we don't hold public officials accountable who will. I will wait for facts and I would make a decision later and I mostly side with law enforcement, but we need to make sure that we hold those that are supposed to serve us accountable.
I'm also against cops fucking up. That's coming from a guy who got a cop fired for using a taser on a guy who was in our (hospitals) custody.

I know there are cops who use poor judgement.
She didn't "know" anything. All she knew is that the worthless, useless fucking pig was deliberately trying to provoke her by questioning "why" the man couldn't choke her son.

Fucking moron
Are you a black person?
I was wondering the same thing.

Are you black, SYTFE?

Would you march with the BLM crew?

Any day, any time.

I'm not surprised.
I want to add that STYFE's thread calling the cop a pig and bashing my entire beloved state is typical of bed wetting parasites, and that's why police misconduct is regularly over looked.

Most of the people making those accusations are assholes who should get their teeth knocked down their throats. There wouldn't be as much police misconduct if people had respect for them. That respect is undermined by parasites like Stiffy, and the meat puppet faggot who are so eager to assail the police before the facts come out, promote lies like "hand up don't shoot", and embolden ghetto rats to get physical with police and then cry when they get their asses kicked.
How old were you the first time you deep throated a nightstick?
This just happened a few hours ago, apparently.

A woman called the police for help because a man choked her 7-year old son. The police respond by questioning her when she states that the man had no right to do that, asking her "why not?" which starts an emotional escalation, and within seconds the worthless, useless fucking pig is throwing her to the ground.

Watch below:

The end of the video tells me all I need to know. He should have tazed them all, especially the camera holder.

How about you...when did you learn ?
You know, I live next to a school, and there are kids that go by all the time. Some of them even litter a bit, because I find candy wrappers and homework in my yard.

No. When I see them do something like that I tell them to pick it up. Usually they do, but sometimes they ignore me.

Not once have I ever put one of those kids in a choke hold.

And yeah.............the cop should have spent more time investigating the call he was requested for (the kid being choked by the dude), than commenting on her parenting skills.
You know, I live next to a school, and there are kids that go by all the time. Some of them even litter a bit, because I find candy wrappers and homework in my yard.

No. When I see them do something like that I tell them to pick it up. Usually they do, but sometimes they ignore me.

Not once have I ever put one of those kids in a choke hold.

And yeah.............the cop should have spent more time investigating the call he was requested for (the kid being choked by the dude), than commenting on her parenting skills.

No evidence of anybody laying a hand on her kid, astro-turfer. This woman has zero cred, and her kids have less than hers.
You know, I live next to a school, and there are kids that go by all the time. Some of them even litter a bit, because I find candy wrappers and homework in my yard.

No. When I see them do something like that I tell them to pick it up. Usually they do, but sometimes they ignore me.

Not once have I ever put one of those kids in a choke hold.

And yeah.............the cop should have spent more time investigating the call he was requested for (the kid being choked by the dude), than commenting on her parenting skills.

No evidence of anybody laying a hand on her kid, astro-turfer. This woman has zero cred, and her kids have less than hers.

He said the officer should have investigated. You know, look for evidence?
You know, I live next to a school, and there are kids that go by all the time. Some of them even litter a bit, because I find candy wrappers and homework in my yard.

No. When I see them do something like that I tell them to pick it up. Usually they do, but sometimes they ignore me.

Not once have I ever put one of those kids in a choke hold.

And yeah.............the cop should have spent more time investigating the call he was requested for (the kid being choked by the dude), than commenting on her parenting skills.

No evidence of anybody laying a hand on her kid, astro-turfer. This woman has zero cred, and her kids have less than hers.

The woman called the cop originally because the dude was choking her son. She as much as said so, and that is what the original call was made for. Why didn't the cop at least check on the reason he was called there in the first place?

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