BREAKING, Whistleblower Has Been Outed, Worked For Obama, Biden And Brennan

You mean where Trump's lackeys told the President of Ukraine that the funds were being held up until he publicly announced an investigation into Biden?
That quid pro quo?
I don't suppose you have any proof of that? No. Of course not.
Ukraine got American aid without anything in return. But the truth is, if we give, we should get something in return. If we want to pursue justice, in return for aid, who but a corrupt Democrat would object?

I have seen no evidence that Trump was ever looking to 'pursue' justice. He asked the Ukraine to investigate his political rival and his son- surprisingly the only persons in all of the Ukraine that Trump thinks need to be brought to 'justice' by Ukraine.

Oh and he didn't just ask for them to be investigated- Trump made secret demands that Ukraine make a public announcement of the investigations into his political rival.
You mean where Trump's lackeys told the President of Ukraine that the funds were being held up until he publicly announced an investigation into Biden?
That quid pro quo?
I don't suppose you have any proof of that? No. Of course not.
Ukraine got American aid without anything in return. But the truth is, if we give, we should get something in return. If we want to pursue justice, in return for aid, who but a corrupt Democrat would object?

I think it's a farce that we give aid without wanting something in return.

Could be a lot of things.
We give aid to S.A. to try to keep a choke chain on Radicals in their area.
We give South American countries aid so that everyone there doesn't come here.

These plans don't always work -
Simply asking a country that we have a treaty with to work together on corruption, to work on corruption seems like one of the best uses of taxpayer money we have witnessed lately.

One reason that they hate Trump is his idea of getting the most bang for the buck.
That is not how career govt people think.
sigh...there sure are a lot of evil people in the world.....

first, highly unlikely he's the whistle blower, he's way too young for all of these old dog, many decades of gvt experience people coming forward with the first hand knowledge in these private hearings to go to and trust him, a youngster. imo.

Second, if he is killed or he or his family is hurt, whether he is the whistle blower or not the whistle blower, will the Republicans on the committees that surmised this and leaked it to your trash RealClearInvestigations site, be sent to jail for an accessory to murder?

So you and your right wing media, is bringing harm and death threats to a young man who likely IS NOT the W/B....

there is no end to your evil, is there?

Shut up you hypocrite. If you don’t want consequences don’t work with Democrats on a lie to try to overthrow a duly elected President.
You mean where Trump's lackeys told the President of Ukraine that the funds were being held up until he publicly announced an investigation into Biden?
That quid pro quo?
I don't suppose you have any proof of that? No. Of course not.
Ukraine got American aid without anything in return. But the truth is, if we give, we should get something in return. If we want to pursue justice, in return for aid, who but a corrupt Democrat would object?

I have seen no evidence that Trump was ever looking to 'pursue' justice. He asked the Ukraine to investigate his political rival and his son- surprisingly the only persons in all of the Ukraine that Trump thinks need to be brought to 'justice' by Ukraine.

Oh and he didn't just ask for them to be investigated- Trump made secret demands that Ukraine make a public announcement of the investigations into his political rival.

Is that because you are blind and stupid?

There are more than 500 words between do me a favor and talking about Biden.
People with a brain know that
Then there is you.
Except of course that Joe Biden did this all as part of U.S. policy and there was no investigation of Burisma going on.

Except of course for that.
It was US "policy" to fire Viktor Shokin when he began to investigate Burisma? Obama sent Biden to Ukraine with the intent of getting him fired through a quid pro quo threat of withholding US funding?

And I don't suppose you have a chance in hell of documenting any of that, do you Slick?

U.S. policy didn't have anything to do with the investigation into Burisma- that had ended before Biden ever went there.

What Actually Happened Between Joe Biden and Ukraine, Explained

From February 2015 to March 2016, Viktor Shokin was prosecutor general of Ukraine. His ouster was the result of pressure from a large consensus of Western nations, including the United States, that were concerned Shokin was at the center of a lot of the country’s corruption. Their concern peaked when, in February 2016, Shokin’s own deputy prosecutor, Vitaly Kasko, resigned, citing the corruption and cronyism within the office. “The General Prosecutor’s Office has become a dead institution, which nobody believes is independent,” Kasko said at the time.

Biden was one of the leaders of the effort to remove Shokin, and a month after Kasko’s resignation, he threatened to withhold American loan guarantees from Ukraine so long as Shokin was heading the prosecutor’s office. Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, also threatened to withdraw financial support for Ukraine unless it cleaned up its corruption problem. Pretty much everyone recognized Shokin had to go, and a month later Ukrainian Parliament voted to remove him from office.

While Shokin was still in power, his office investigated a Ukrainian natural gas company called Burisma Holdings. Biden’s son, Hunter, was on the company’s board, a role for which he received payments of up to $50,000 per month. But according to CNN, at least one official in the prosecutor’s office said the investigation had been suspended by the time Biden threatened to withhold financial aid until Shokin was removed. The former vice president also did not appear to do anything to thwart other efforts, including those of the Obama administration, to investigate Burisma.
Yeah, destroy his life based on rumors. Remember that the Intel IG vetted the whistleblower's story. His/her story has been thoroughly corroborated by several others who have testified under oath. The facts and truth are all that matter.

Says a hypocrite who happily would destroy the life of any supporter, friend, or associate of President Trump based on nothing but totally debunked BS. Facts? Let us know when you actually find some.
You mean where Trump's lackeys told the President of Ukraine that the funds were being held up until he publicly announced an investigation into Biden?
That quid pro quo?
I don't suppose you have any proof of that? No. Of course not.
Ukraine got American aid without anything in return. But the truth is, if we give, we should get something in return. If we want to pursue justice, in return for aid, who but a corrupt Democrat would object?

I have seen no evidence that Trump was ever looking to 'pursue' justice. He asked the Ukraine to investigate his political rival and his son- surprisingly the only persons in all of the Ukraine that Trump thinks need to be brought to 'justice' by Ukraine.

Oh and he didn't just ask for them to be investigated- Trump made secret demands that Ukraine make a public announcement of the investigations into his political rival.

Is that because you are blind and stupid?

There are more than 500 words between do me a favor and talking about Biden.
People with a brain know that
Then there is you.

Poor little Trumpette.

You get so pissy when you feel your Orange Messiah is being threatened.
sigh...there sure are a lot of evil people in the world.....

first, highly unlikely he's the whistle blower, he's way too young for all of these old dog, many decades of gvt experience people coming forward with the first hand knowledge in these private hearings to go to and trust him, a youngster. imo.

Second, if he is killed or he or his family is hurt, whether he is the whistle blower or not the whistle blower, will the Republicans on the committees that surmised this and leaked it to your trash RealClearInvestigations site, be sent to jail for an accessory to murder?

So you and your right wing media, is bringing harm and death threats to a young man who likely IS NOT the W/B....

there is no end to your evil, is there?

Shut up you hypocrite. If you don’t want consequences don’t work with Democrats on a lie to try to overthrow a duly elected President.

Good advice
You mean where Trump's lackeys told the President of Ukraine that the funds were being held up until he publicly announced an investigation into Biden?
That quid pro quo?
I don't suppose you have any proof of that? No. Of course not.
Ukraine got American aid without anything in return. But the truth is, if we give, we should get something in return. If we want to pursue justice, in return for aid, who but a corrupt Democrat would object?

I have seen no evidence that Trump was ever looking to 'pursue' justice. He asked the Ukraine to investigate his political rival and his son- surprisingly the only persons in all of the Ukraine that Trump thinks need to be brought to 'justice' by Ukraine.

Oh and he didn't just ask for them to be investigated- Trump made secret demands that Ukraine make a public announcement of the investigations into his political rival.

Is that because you are blind and stupid?

There are more than 500 words between do me a favor and talking about Biden.
People with a brain know that
Then there is you.

Poor little Trumpette.

You get so pissy when you feel your Orange Messiah is being threatened.

I wonder if the people jailed in Ukraine for interference in the US Presidential election on behalf of Hillary are pissy?
Ukraine got American aid without anything in return. But the truth is, if we give, we should get something in return. If we want to pursue justice, in return for aid, who but a corrupt Democrat would object?
Of course we would should expect Ukraine should not be run like a kleptocracy but that's never been a deal breaker when we've allied ourselves with other nations before.

But suddenly we are supposed to believe that just when Viktor Shokin is looking into Burisma, and consequently Hunter Biden's involvement there, we are shocked, shocked I tell you, that there is gambling going on?
So old quid pro quo Joe Biden is going to clean house there and have this one man (Shokin) fired and that's supposed to clean up Ukraine and validate Barack Obama's policies towards the nation??

Only an idiot, or a leftist (which are the same things) would believe ANY of that. Check out Alexandria Chalupa and Mary Yavonovitch to see what Obama's true policies towards Ukraine were like. And corruption, or the lack of corruption, had nothing to do with it.
The phone call happened on July 25, 2019, three months after Zelensky was elected President of Ukraine.

That would mean, Biden "declared" his run for President in November 2020. So, how are you in a position to know?
Actually I was mistaken.

April 21, 2019 – New Ukrainian President elected on anti-corruption agenda

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is elected president of Ukraine, to succeed Petro Poroshenko. He ran on a “zero tolerance” anti-corruption agenda.

April 21, 2019 – First Trump-Zelenskyy Phone Call

President Trump calls to congratulate him, their first known direct communication. Trump urged Mr. Zelenskyy to pursue investigations of ‘corruption.'” According to the New York Times, Trump also urged Zelenskyy to coordinate with Giuliani; according to the Wall Street Journal, Giuliani’s name was not mentioned on the call.

April 25, 2019 – Joe Biden formally announces campaign for President.

April 25, 2019 – President Trump tells Fox News’s Sean Hannity that Attorney General Bill Barr is considering allegations that Ukrainians sought to help Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign by revealing damaging information about Paul Manafort. “I would imagine [Barr] would want to see this. … I would certainly defer to the attorney general, and we’ll see what he says about it,” Trump said. “He calls ’em straight” (transcript). Fox News reports that “Trump echoed his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, who wrote on Twitter on Wednesday [April 24]: `Keep your eye on Ukraine.’”
You left out on 7.25.2019, Trump asking a foreign national...

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."

Other than you generally sucking off Democrats for your own pleasure, is there a reason that you would not want that looked into?
I can't help you're fucking rightarded. :cuckoo:

I never said it shouldn't be looked into.

So you agree with President Trump
Sure. Too bad he was the one to ask for it though. He's not legally allowed to solicit help to his campaign from a foreign national.
Ukraine got American aid without anything in return. But the truth is, if we give, we should get something in return. If we want to pursue justice, in return for aid, who but a corrupt Democrat would object?
Of course we would should expect Ukraine should not be run like a kleptocracy but that's never been a deal breaker when we've allied ourselves with other nations before.

But suddenly we are supposed to believe that just when Viktor Shokin is looking into Burisma, and consequently Hunter Biden's involvement there, we are shocked, shocked I tell you, that there is gambling going on?
So old quid pro quo Joe Biden is going to clean house there and have this one man (Shokin) fired and that's supposed to clean up Ukraine and validate Barack Obama's policies towards the nation??

Only an idiot, or a leftist (which are the same things) would believe ANY of that. Check out Alexandria Chalupa and Mary Yavonovitch to see what Obama's true policies towards Ukraine were like. And corruption, or the lack of corruption, had nothing to do with it.

There are two consistent problems with almost all of your posts.

You are telling leftists things that they have never heard and will never hear inside their bubble and
They will never venture out of their bubble.

They would not be able to understand it if they did.
It's higher level, critical thinking and they ain't got that in them.
U.S. policy didn't have anything to do with the investigation into Burisma- that had ended before Biden ever went there.

What Actually Happened Between Joe Biden and Ukraine, Explained
If you want to be taken seriously, which it seems you don't, you won't get your information from Rolling Stone magazine.
This impeachment jazz is doomed to failure and this is just a continuation of the Russian collusion hoax featuring most of the same leftist faces coming back for another try.

And you clowns get sucked in and worked up once again. Keep the faith, baby.
You left out on 7.25.2019, Trump asking a foreign national...

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Justice Department clears Trump of wrongdoing on Ukraine call
Then Trump should be happy that he won't face criminal charges by his own DoJ when he leaves office after being impeached.
He won't be impeach. Mitch McConnell has said it will die in the senate. They are wasting time and money trying to keep you from finding out what is really going to happen.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Have someone exaplain the Constitution to ya. There's nothing McConnell can do to prevent Trump from being impeached.

Look impeachment in the house but the trial happens in the senate. No trial, Trump stays in office, democrats piss off the American people, democrats lose the house and Trump gets reelected in a landslide.

Dumbfuck, if it goes to the Senate, he's impeached. You said he won't be impeached because it won't pass in the Senate. :cuckoo:
Actually I was mistaken.

April 21, 2019 – New Ukrainian President elected on anti-corruption agenda

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is elected president of Ukraine, to succeed Petro Poroshenko. He ran on a “zero tolerance” anti-corruption agenda.

April 21, 2019 – First Trump-Zelenskyy Phone Call

President Trump calls to congratulate him, their first known direct communication. Trump urged Mr. Zelenskyy to pursue investigations of ‘corruption.'” According to the New York Times, Trump also urged Zelenskyy to coordinate with Giuliani; according to the Wall Street Journal, Giuliani’s name was not mentioned on the call.

April 25, 2019 – Joe Biden formally announces campaign for President.

April 25, 2019 – President Trump tells Fox News’s Sean Hannity that Attorney General Bill Barr is considering allegations that Ukrainians sought to help Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign by revealing damaging information about Paul Manafort. “I would imagine [Barr] would want to see this. … I would certainly defer to the attorney general, and we’ll see what he says about it,” Trump said. “He calls ’em straight” (transcript). Fox News reports that “Trump echoed his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, who wrote on Twitter on Wednesday [April 24]: `Keep your eye on Ukraine.’”
You left out on 7.25.2019, Trump asking a foreign national...

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."

Other than you generally sucking off Democrats for your own pleasure, is there a reason that you would not want that looked into?
I can't help you're fucking rightarded. :cuckoo:

I never said it shouldn't be looked into.

So you agree with President Trump
Sure. Too bad he was the one to ask for it though. He's not legally allowed to solicit help to his campaign from a foreign national.
He didn't ask for that.
There are two consistent problems with almost all of your posts.

You are telling leftists things that they have never heard and will never hear inside their bubble and
They will never venture out of their bubble.

They would not be able to understand it if they did.
It's higher level, critical thinking and they ain't got that in them.
Yes. I understand it's mostly hopeless trying to get through. I do this because following the truth is always the right thing to do. And who knows, one of these empty headed clowns may have an epiphany but that's not likely.
You left out on 7.25.2019, Trump asking a foreign national...

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."

Other than you generally sucking off Democrats for your own pleasure, is there a reason that you would not want that looked into?
I can't help you're fucking rightarded. :cuckoo:

I never said it shouldn't be looked into.

So you agree with President Trump
Sure. Too bad he was the one to ask for it though. He's not legally allowed to solicit help to his campaign from a foreign national.

You are literally retarded

Your vapid post doesn't wash away the law...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
Other than you generally sucking off Democrats for your own pleasure, is there a reason that you would not want that looked into?
I can't help you're fucking rightarded. :cuckoo:

I never said it shouldn't be looked into.

So you agree with President Trump
Sure. Too bad he was the one to ask for it though. He's not legally allowed to solicit help to his campaign from a foreign national.

You are literally retarded

Your vapid post doesn't wash away the law...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
Hey, look everyone.........Faun can cut and past useless crap.
You left out on 7.25.2019, Trump asking a foreign national...

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."

Other than you generally sucking off Democrats for your own pleasure, is there a reason that you would not want that looked into?
I can't help you're fucking rightarded. :cuckoo:

I never said it shouldn't be looked into.

So you agree with President Trump
Sure. Too bad he was the one to ask for it though. He's not legally allowed to solicit help to his campaign from a foreign national.
He didn't ask for that.
He asked a foreign national to investigate a political rival who's running for the same office he is. Performing such a service constitutes a campaign contribution. That is illegal.
Other than you generally sucking off Democrats for your own pleasure, is there a reason that you would not want that looked into?
I can't help you're fucking rightarded. :cuckoo:

I never said it shouldn't be looked into.

So you agree with President Trump
Sure. Too bad he was the one to ask for it though. He's not legally allowed to solicit help to his campaign from a foreign national.
He didn't ask for that.
He asked a foreign national to investigate a political rival who's running for the same office he is. Performing such a service constitutes a campaign contribution. That is illegal.
What a pantload.

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