BREAKING, Whistleblower Has Been Outed, Worked For Obama, Biden And Brennan

Why Paul Sperry’s Outing Of the Whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, Is Important

DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon


The media wall of conspiratorial silence has been breached. – The identity of the fake “whistleblower” who conspired with Adam Schiff and his staff to serve as the kicking-off point for the Democrat/media-driven impeachment scam has been widely known for weeks now. It has been so widely known, in fact, that Paul Sperry, in his revelatory report on RealClearInvestigations, said this:

“… a handful of former colleagues have compiled a roughly 40-page research dossier on him. A classified version of the document is circulating on Capitol Hill, and briefings have been conducted based on it. One briefed Republican has been planning to unmask the whistleblower in a speech on the House floor.

“On the Internet, meanwhile, Ciaramella’s name for weeks has been bandied about on Twitter feeds and intelligence blogs as the suspected person who blew the whistle on the president. The mainstream media are also aware of his name.”

Yet, despite the broad knowledge of Ciaramella’s identity as the leaker – that’s really all he is – the fake news media has been so intimately complicit in the impeachment scam that literally every major outlet has played along with the pretense that he somehow deserves protection under a “whistleblower” law that doesn’t even apply to accusations made against any sitting president. As an arm of RealClearPolitics, a news aggregation site whose average of polls is regularly cited by every major news organization on a daily basis, RealClearInvestigations is in fact a part of the mainstream media and thus became the first to break through that solid wall of conspiratorial media silence Wednesday night.

“Everyone knows who he is. CNN knows. The Washington Post knows. The New York Times knows. Congress knows. The White House knows. Even the president knows who he is,” said Fred Fleitz, a former CIA analyst.

While conservative websites like The Gateway Pundit and The Conservative Treehouse revealed the leaker’s likely identity weeks ago, it was important for a mainstream media outlet to break through that conspiratorial wall in order to deny the ability of Democrat activist outlets to claim Ciaramella’s identity was somehow “confidential.” That excuse is now gone, although most of those outlets – including the increasingly swampy Fox News – continue to refuse to report the story this morning.

Make no mistake about it, that wall of conspiratorial silence constituted a direct assault not just on President Donald Trump, whose presidency is threatened by the false accusations made by this deep state functionary, but on the American people and their right to know who and what is behind all of this. The thought that the 2016 presidential election could be overturned based on accusations made by an accuser who would never be confronted by the accused or even identified to the public is the most un-American concept ever devised by political minds.

The utter mendacity behind that scheme becomes crystal clear now that we know who this guy really is:

– Ciaramella is a long-time associate of senior staff for Adam Schiff;

– Ciaramella has worked at various times for John Brennan, Susan Rice, Joe Biden and other Democrat skunks;

– In 2015 and 2016, Ciaramella worked on Ukraine policy with Biden and never raised a peep of alarm over Biden and his son’s obvious influence-peddling operation there;

– He was an Obama holdover on the initial Trump NSC staff, led by deep state snake H.R. McMaster, serving there until mid-2017 when he was revealed to be a serial leaker of classified information;

– While working at the NSC, Ciaramella was in fact instrumental in creating the false “Putin fired Comey” narrative that helped create the rationale for appointing a special counsel;

– Instead of being fired on the spot, McMaster intervened on his behalf and sent him to work at the CIA;

– Ciaramella was not on the July 25 call between President Trump and Ukraine President Zelensky, and has zero first-hand knowledge of anything that was said on that call;

– All of the allegations made in his false “whistleblower” complaint come from second-and-third-hand hearsay accounts, with much of it very likely coming from fellow deep state functionary Alexander Vindman, who is most likely the second fake whistleblower in this impeachment scam.

Ciramella is, in other words, the classic example of the sort of anti-American deep state functionaries who remain embeded throughout the federal bureaucracy, especially in our intelligence community, Department of Justice and at the State Department. Obama literally filled our government with this kind of disloyal hack, people who have no respect whatsoever for our nation’s electoral process, and who place their their political ideology above the good of the country.

No wonder Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and the disloyal hacks who infest our national news media outlets were so desperate to keep his identity a secret. Paul Sperry and the editors at RealClearInvestigations deserve medals for breaching that wall of conspiratorial silence.
Can you name one thing in the W/B complaint that was not proven correct with first hand accounts????

Everything was correct, but sadly, for didn't mean anything since Trump didn't do anything wrong. The "leaker" might as well have "leaked" the lunch menu at the White House and then let the democrat pretend that the menu was proof of an impeachable offense.......

You just keep repeating that:
Trump didn't do anything wrong when he withheld congressionally approved funding to Ukraine and used it to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating his political rival.
He’s not a whistle blower nothing he said has been backed up

Except of course- pretty much everything the Whistleblower described was accurate.

Except for that.

Trump’s favorite talking point about the whistleblower has been refuted by his own White House

That account of the call uncannily matches the memo about it released by the White House. According to the memo, after Trump congratulated Zelensky on his win and criticized other European countries who have “done almost nothing for you,” he asked the new Ukrainian president to “do us a favor” and brought up his desired investigations into the origins of the FBI’s Russia probe that concluded Russia interfered in the 2016 election on his behalf — and also asked for an investigation into Biden.

Not only was the whistleblower correct about the broad outlines of the Trump-Zelensky call, but he had particular details right. For instance, the complaint alleges that Trump pressured Zelensky to “meet or speak with two people the President named explicitly as his personal envoys on these matters, [his personal lawyer Rudy] Giuliani and Attorney General [William] Barr, to whom the President referred multiple times in tandem.”

As the above excerpt from the White House memo indicates, the whistleblower also correctly characterized the call when he alleged that Trump praised a prosecutor who had expressed interest in investigating the Bidens but was fired on corruption concerns, Yuriy Lutsenko, “and suggested that [Zelensky] might want to keep him in his position.”

The whistleblower was also right about the White House’s efforts to cover up the phone call
Not only did the White House corroborate the whistleblower’s account of the Trump-Zelensky phone call, but it also corroborated his allegation that afterward, “senior White House officials had intervened to ‘lock down’ all records of the phone call.”

In fact, the whistleblower’s account of how the White House tried to restrict the spreading of information about the call matches the White House’s down to the specific government agency involved. From the complaint:

According to multiple White House officials I spoke with, the transcript of the President’s call with President [Zelensky] was placed into a computer system managed directly by the National Security Council (NSC) Directorate for Intelligence Programs. This is a standalone computer system reserved for codeword-level intelligence information, such as covert action. According to information I received from White House officials, some officials voiced concerns internally that this would be an abuse of the system and was not consistent with the responsibilities of the Directorate for Intelligence Programs.
As the transcript reads there was nothing wrong with it .. according to today’s witness.. that makes a lot of people you are calling a liar lol

Make up your mind- do you think that 'transcript' matches the whistleblowers claims or is it 'perfect'

According to at least two witnesses so far, the conversation was far from perfect.
I don't know who 'today's witness' is- or what he or she said- so please feel free to provide a link.
It was very accurate,, what’s the problem? Lol are you agreeing? Hahah

Great so now we are in agreement that the transcript and the whistleblowers claims are both 'accurate'.

Now if we can just get the President to stop impeding the investigation and stop trying to conceal all of the documents.
Since so many of Trump's own people have testified that the whistle blower's claims were correct, I'm not sure what difference it makes if his knowledge was first hand or not.
Uhh.. No. Nobody said the transcripts arent accurate.

Some said they "feel" differently.

Yes dummy. The white house never even called it a transcript. They called it a summary, and testimony before the investigative committees has shown it wasn't even a complete summary. Did fox somehow forget to mention that part?
He’s not a whistle blower nothing he said has been backed up

Except of course- pretty much everything the Whistleblower described was accurate.

Except for that.

Trump’s favorite talking point about the whistleblower has been refuted by his own White House

That account of the call uncannily matches the memo about it released by the White House. According to the memo, after Trump congratulated Zelensky on his win and criticized other European countries who have “done almost nothing for you,” he asked the new Ukrainian president to “do us a favor” and brought up his desired investigations into the origins of the FBI’s Russia probe that concluded Russia interfered in the 2016 election on his behalf — and also asked for an investigation into Biden.

Not only was the whistleblower correct about the broad outlines of the Trump-Zelensky call, but he had particular details right. For instance, the complaint alleges that Trump pressured Zelensky to “meet or speak with two people the President named explicitly as his personal envoys on these matters, [his personal lawyer Rudy] Giuliani and Attorney General [William] Barr, to whom the President referred multiple times in tandem.”

As the above excerpt from the White House memo indicates, the whistleblower also correctly characterized the call when he alleged that Trump praised a prosecutor who had expressed interest in investigating the Bidens but was fired on corruption concerns, Yuriy Lutsenko, “and suggested that [Zelensky] might want to keep him in his position.”

The whistleblower was also right about the White House’s efforts to cover up the phone call
Not only did the White House corroborate the whistleblower’s account of the Trump-Zelensky phone call, but it also corroborated his allegation that afterward, “senior White House officials had intervened to ‘lock down’ all records of the phone call.”

In fact, the whistleblower’s account of how the White House tried to restrict the spreading of information about the call matches the White House’s down to the specific government agency involved. From the complaint:

According to multiple White House officials I spoke with, the transcript of the President’s call with President [Zelensky] was placed into a computer system managed directly by the National Security Council (NSC) Directorate for Intelligence Programs. This is a standalone computer system reserved for codeword-level intelligence information, such as covert action. According to information I received from White House officials, some officials voiced concerns internally that this would be an abuse of the system and was not consistent with the responsibilities of the Directorate for Intelligence Programs.
As the transcript reads there was nothing wrong with it .. according to today’s witness.. that makes a lot of people you are calling a liar lol

Make up your mind- do you think that 'transcript' matches the whistleblowers claims or is it 'perfect'

According to at least two witnesses so far, the conversation was far from perfect.
I don't know who 'today's witness' is- or what he or she said- so please feel free to provide a link.
It was very accurate,, what’s the problem? Lol are you agreeing? Hahah

Great so now we are in agreement that the transcript and the whistleblowers claims are both 'accurate'.

Now if we can just get the President to stop impeding the investigation and stop trying to conceal all of the documents.
Name one in the transcript that became true after it was released lol OPPPPS HAHAH
Since so many of Trump's own people have testified that the whistle blower's claims were correct, I'm not sure what difference it makes if his knowledge was first hand or not.

You dummy.....its whistleblower "opinions". Didnt you ever hear the saying, "Opinions are like assholes.....". d0y we saw with Russian colussion, progressives continue to be bamboozled by loose associations. Language interpretation.:113::113:

You're still whining about how the whistle blower could have been wrong long after direct witnesses proved him to be right.
You just keep repeating that:
Trump didn't do anything wrong when he withheld congressionally approved funding to Ukraine and used it to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating his political rival.
Interesting take. Did Joe Biden do anything wrong when he threatened to withhold funds intended for Ukraine unless the investigator looking into corruption at Burisma, some of which involved Quid Pro Joe Biden's son?

There is no evidence, on the other hand, that Trump withheld aid to Ukraine to get them to investigate Joe.
Since so many of Trump's own people have testified that the whistle blower's claims were correct, I'm not sure what difference it makes if his knowledge was first hand or not.

You dummy.....its whistleblower "opinions". Didnt you ever hear the saying, "Opinions are like assholes.....". d0y we saw with Russian colussion, progressives continue to be bamboozled by loose associations. Language interpretation.:113::113:
Second hand opinions at that.

Which was backed up by first hand testimony.
He’s not a whistle blower nothing he said has been backed up

Except of course- pretty much everything the Whistleblower described was accurate.

Except for that.

Trump’s favorite talking point about the whistleblower has been refuted by his own White House

That account of the call uncannily matches the memo about it released by the White House. According to the memo, after Trump congratulated Zelensky on his win and criticized other European countries who have “done almost nothing for you,” he asked the new Ukrainian president to “do us a favor” and brought up his desired investigations into the origins of the FBI’s Russia probe that concluded Russia interfered in the 2016 election on his behalf — and also asked for an investigation into Biden.

Not only was the whistleblower correct about the broad outlines of the Trump-Zelensky call, but he had particular details right. For instance, the complaint alleges that Trump pressured Zelensky to “meet or speak with two people the President named explicitly as his personal envoys on these matters, [his personal lawyer Rudy] Giuliani and Attorney General [William] Barr, to whom the President referred multiple times in tandem.”

As the above excerpt from the White House memo indicates, the whistleblower also correctly characterized the call when he alleged that Trump praised a prosecutor who had expressed interest in investigating the Bidens but was fired on corruption concerns, Yuriy Lutsenko, “and suggested that [Zelensky] might want to keep him in his position.”

The whistleblower was also right about the White House’s efforts to cover up the phone call
Not only did the White House corroborate the whistleblower’s account of the Trump-Zelensky phone call, but it also corroborated his allegation that afterward, “senior White House officials had intervened to ‘lock down’ all records of the phone call.”

In fact, the whistleblower’s account of how the White House tried to restrict the spreading of information about the call matches the White House’s down to the specific government agency involved. From the complaint:

According to multiple White House officials I spoke with, the transcript of the President’s call with President [Zelensky] was placed into a computer system managed directly by the National Security Council (NSC) Directorate for Intelligence Programs. This is a standalone computer system reserved for codeword-level intelligence information, such as covert action. According to information I received from White House officials, some officials voiced concerns internally that this would be an abuse of the system and was not consistent with the responsibilities of the Directorate for Intelligence Programs.

Since so many of Trump's own people have testified that the whistle blower's claims were correct, I'm not sure what difference it makes if his knowledge was first hand or not.

You dummy.....its whistleblower "opinions". Didnt you ever hear the saying, "Opinions are like assholes.....". d0y we saw with Russian colussion, progressives continue to be bamboozled by loose associations. Language interpretation.:113::113:
Second hand opinions at that.

Which was backed up by first hand testimony.
Why Paul Sperry’s Outing Of the Whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, Is Important

DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon


The media wall of conspiratorial silence has been breached. – The identity of the fake “whistleblower” who conspired with Adam Schiff and his staff to serve as the kicking-off point for the Democrat/media-driven impeachment scam has been widely known for weeks now. It has been so widely known, in fact, that Paul Sperry, in his revelatory report on RealClearInvestigations, said this:

“… a handful of former colleagues have compiled a roughly 40-page research dossier on him. A classified version of the document is circulating on Capitol Hill, and briefings have been conducted based on it. One briefed Republican has been planning to unmask the whistleblower in a speech on the House floor.

“On the Internet, meanwhile, Ciaramella’s name for weeks has been bandied about on Twitter feeds and intelligence blogs as the suspected person who blew the whistle on the president. The mainstream media are also aware of his name.”

Yet, despite the broad knowledge of Ciaramella’s identity as the leaker – that’s really all he is – the fake news media has been so intimately complicit in the impeachment scam that literally every major outlet has played along with the pretense that he somehow deserves protection under a “whistleblower” law that doesn’t even apply to accusations made against any sitting president. As an arm of RealClearPolitics, a news aggregation site whose average of polls is regularly cited by every major news organization on a daily basis, RealClearInvestigations is in fact a part of the mainstream media and thus became the first to break through that solid wall of conspiratorial media silence Wednesday night.

“Everyone knows who he is. CNN knows. The Washington Post knows. The New York Times knows. Congress knows. The White House knows. Even the president knows who he is,” said Fred Fleitz, a former CIA analyst.

While conservative websites like The Gateway Pundit and The Conservative Treehouse revealed the leaker’s likely identity weeks ago, it was important for a mainstream media outlet to break through that conspiratorial wall in order to deny the ability of Democrat activist outlets to claim Ciaramella’s identity was somehow “confidential.” That excuse is now gone, although most of those outlets – including the increasingly swampy Fox News – continue to refuse to report the story this morning.

Make no mistake about it, that wall of conspiratorial silence constituted a direct assault not just on President Donald Trump, whose presidency is threatened by the false accusations made by this deep state functionary, but on the American people and their right to know who and what is behind all of this. The thought that the 2016 presidential election could be overturned based on accusations made by an accuser who would never be confronted by the accused or even identified to the public is the most un-American concept ever devised by political minds.

The utter mendacity behind that scheme becomes crystal clear now that we know who this guy really is:

– Ciaramella is a long-time associate of senior staff for Adam Schiff;

– Ciaramella has worked at various times for John Brennan, Susan Rice, Joe Biden and other Democrat skunks;

– In 2015 and 2016, Ciaramella worked on Ukraine policy with Biden and never raised a peep of alarm over Biden and his son’s obvious influence-peddling operation there;

– He was an Obama holdover on the initial Trump NSC staff, led by deep state snake H.R. McMaster, serving there until mid-2017 when he was revealed to be a serial leaker of classified information;

– While working at the NSC, Ciaramella was in fact instrumental in creating the false “Putin fired Comey” narrative that helped create the rationale for appointing a special counsel;

– Instead of being fired on the spot, McMaster intervened on his behalf and sent him to work at the CIA;

– Ciaramella was not on the July 25 call between President Trump and Ukraine President Zelensky, and has zero first-hand knowledge of anything that was said on that call;

– All of the allegations made in his false “whistleblower” complaint come from second-and-third-hand hearsay accounts, with much of it very likely coming from fellow deep state functionary Alexander Vindman, who is most likely the second fake whistleblower in this impeachment scam.

Ciramella is, in other words, the classic example of the sort of anti-American deep state functionaries who remain embeded throughout the federal bureaucracy, especially in our intelligence community, Department of Justice and at the State Department. Obama literally filled our government with this kind of disloyal hack, people who have no respect whatsoever for our nation’s electoral process, and who place their their political ideology above the good of the country.

No wonder Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and the disloyal hacks who infest our national news media outlets were so desperate to keep his identity a secret. Paul Sperry and the editors at RealClearInvestigations deserve medals for breaching that wall of conspiratorial silence.
Can you name one thing in the W/B complaint that was not proven correct with first hand accounts????

Everything was correct, but sadly, for didn't mean anything since Trump didn't do anything wrong. The "leaker" might as well have "leaked" the lunch menu at the White House and then let the democrat pretend that the menu was proof of an impeachable offense.......

You just keep repeating that:
Trump didn't do anything wrong when he withheld congressionally approved funding to Ukraine and used it to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating his political rival.

Still didn't happen
But even if it did, Is there a crime?
sigh...there sure are a lot of evil people in the world.....

first, highly unlikely he's the whistle blower, he's way too young for all of these old dog, many decades of gvt experience people coming forward with the first hand knowledge in these private hearings to go to and trust him, a youngster. imo.

Second, if he is killed or he or his family is hurt, whether he is the whistle blower or not the whistle blower, will the Republicans on the committees that surmised this and leaked it to your trash RealClearInvestigations site, be sent to jail for an accessory to murder?

So you and your right wing media, is bringing harm and death threats to a young man who likely IS NOT the W/B....

there is no end to your evil, is there?

Unfortunately, the "non'thrashy" Lamestream Media , CBS, NBC, ABC , CNN , rt al, are not neutral when it comes to DJT. So we must depend on them for the news.

Our new network is also reporting that Ciramella is Deep Throat.


Ciaramella is a registered Democrat who previously worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan. His name has been tossed around on social media platforms for weeks and is known by many on Capitol Hill.

He is young therefore easily influenced by Bolton, Schiff, Pelosi, et al

You just keep repeating that:
Trump didn't do anything wrong when he withheld congressionally approved funding to Ukraine and used it to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating his political rival.
Interesting take. Did Joe Biden do anything wrong when he threatened to withhold funds intended for Ukraine unless the investigator looking into corruption at Burisma, some of which involved Quid Pro Joe Biden's son?

There is no evidence, on the other hand, that Trump withheld aid to Ukraine to get them to investigate Joe.

Did Joe Biden do anything wrong when, Biden, as part of official U.S. policy, and at the direction of the President, threatened to withhold U.S. funds unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor the U.S., the EU and NGO's all said was not fighting corruption?


Is there any evidence that Trump tried to withhold aid to Ukraine to get them to investigate Joe?
First of all we know that Trump secretly did try to get Ukraine to investigate Joe- Trump has already admitted that.
Secondly we also know that Trump asked Ukraine to to do the investigation as 'a favor' right after discussing Javelin missiles.
Third we now have testimony that Trump's minions were indeed threatening to withhold funding unless the President of Ukraine publicly announced an investigation into Joe.
sigh...there sure are a lot of evil people in the world.....

first, highly unlikely he's the whistle blower, he's way too young for all of these old dog, many decades of gvt experience people coming forward with the first hand knowledge in these private hearings to go to and trust him, a youngster. imo.

Second, if he is killed or he or his family is hurt, whether he is the whistle blower or not the whistle blower, will the Republicans on the committees that surmised this and leaked it to your trash RealClearInvestigations site, be sent to jail for an accessory to murder?

So you and your right wing media, is bringing harm and death threats to a young man who likely IS NOT the W/B....

there is no end to your evil, is there?

Unfortunately, the "non'thrashy" Lamestream Media , CBS, NBC, ABC , CNN , rt al, are not neutral when it comes to DJT. So we must depend on them for the news.

Our new network is also reporting that Ciramella is Deep Throat.


Ciaramella is a registered Democrat who previously worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan. His name has been tossed around on social media platforms for weeks and is known by many on Capitol Hill.

He is young therefore easily influenced by Bolton, Schiff, Pelosi, et al


Ah who is surprised that Trump's pocket network is flogging this too?
Why Paul Sperry’s Outing Of the Whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, Is Important

DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon


The media wall of conspiratorial silence has been breached. – The identity of the fake “whistleblower” who conspired with Adam Schiff and his staff to serve as the kicking-off point for the Democrat/media-driven impeachment scam has been widely known for weeks now. It has been so widely known, in fact, that Paul Sperry, in his revelatory report on RealClearInvestigations, said this:

“… a handful of former colleagues have compiled a roughly 40-page research dossier on him. A classified version of the document is circulating on Capitol Hill, and briefings have been conducted based on it. One briefed Republican has been planning to unmask the whistleblower in a speech on the House floor.

“On the Internet, meanwhile, Ciaramella’s name for weeks has been bandied about on Twitter feeds and intelligence blogs as the suspected person who blew the whistle on the president. The mainstream media are also aware of his name.”

Yet, despite the broad knowledge of Ciaramella’s identity as the leaker – that’s really all he is – the fake news media has been so intimately complicit in the impeachment scam that literally every major outlet has played along with the pretense that he somehow deserves protection under a “whistleblower” law that doesn’t even apply to accusations made against any sitting president. As an arm of RealClearPolitics, a news aggregation site whose average of polls is regularly cited by every major news organization on a daily basis, RealClearInvestigations is in fact a part of the mainstream media and thus became the first to break through that solid wall of conspiratorial media silence Wednesday night.

“Everyone knows who he is. CNN knows. The Washington Post knows. The New York Times knows. Congress knows. The White House knows. Even the president knows who he is,” said Fred Fleitz, a former CIA analyst.

While conservative websites like The Gateway Pundit and The Conservative Treehouse revealed the leaker’s likely identity weeks ago, it was important for a mainstream media outlet to break through that conspiratorial wall in order to deny the ability of Democrat activist outlets to claim Ciaramella’s identity was somehow “confidential.” That excuse is now gone, although most of those outlets – including the increasingly swampy Fox News – continue to refuse to report the story this morning.

Make no mistake about it, that wall of conspiratorial silence constituted a direct assault not just on President Donald Trump, whose presidency is threatened by the false accusations made by this deep state functionary, but on the American people and their right to know who and what is behind all of this. The thought that the 2016 presidential election could be overturned based on accusations made by an accuser who would never be confronted by the accused or even identified to the public is the most un-American concept ever devised by political minds.

The utter mendacity behind that scheme becomes crystal clear now that we know who this guy really is:

– Ciaramella is a long-time associate of senior staff for Adam Schiff;

– Ciaramella has worked at various times for John Brennan, Susan Rice, Joe Biden and other Democrat skunks;

– In 2015 and 2016, Ciaramella worked on Ukraine policy with Biden and never raised a peep of alarm over Biden and his son’s obvious influence-peddling operation there;

– He was an Obama holdover on the initial Trump NSC staff, led by deep state snake H.R. McMaster, serving there until mid-2017 when he was revealed to be a serial leaker of classified information;

– While working at the NSC, Ciaramella was in fact instrumental in creating the false “Putin fired Comey” narrative that helped create the rationale for appointing a special counsel;

– Instead of being fired on the spot, McMaster intervened on his behalf and sent him to work at the CIA;

– Ciaramella was not on the July 25 call between President Trump and Ukraine President Zelensky, and has zero first-hand knowledge of anything that was said on that call;

– All of the allegations made in his false “whistleblower” complaint come from second-and-third-hand hearsay accounts, with much of it very likely coming from fellow deep state functionary Alexander Vindman, who is most likely the second fake whistleblower in this impeachment scam.

Ciramella is, in other words, the classic example of the sort of anti-American deep state functionaries who remain embeded throughout the federal bureaucracy, especially in our intelligence community, Department of Justice and at the State Department. Obama literally filled our government with this kind of disloyal hack, people who have no respect whatsoever for our nation’s electoral process, and who place their their political ideology above the good of the country.

No wonder Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and the disloyal hacks who infest our national news media outlets were so desperate to keep his identity a secret. Paul Sperry and the editors at RealClearInvestigations deserve medals for breaching that wall of conspiratorial silence.
Can you name one thing in the W/B complaint that was not proven correct with first hand accounts????

Everything was correct, but sadly, for didn't mean anything since Trump didn't do anything wrong. The "leaker" might as well have "leaked" the lunch menu at the White House and then let the democrat pretend that the menu was proof of an impeachable offense.......

You just keep repeating that:
Trump didn't do anything wrong when he withheld congressionally approved funding to Ukraine and used it to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating his political rival.

Still didn't happen
But even if it did, Is there a crime?

I love that- 'didn't happen'- and its not a crime.

Except of course- pretty much everything the Whistleblower described was accurate.

Except for that.

Trump’s favorite talking point about the whistleblower has been refuted by his own White House

That account of the call uncannily matches the memo about it released by the White House. According to the memo, after Trump congratulated Zelensky on his win and criticized other European countries who have “done almost nothing for you,” he asked the new Ukrainian president to “do us a favor” and brought up his desired investigations into the origins of the FBI’s Russia probe that concluded Russia interfered in the 2016 election on his behalf — and also asked for an investigation into Biden.

Not only was the whistleblower correct about the broad outlines of the Trump-Zelensky call, but he had particular details right. For instance, the complaint alleges that Trump pressured Zelensky to “meet or speak with two people the President named explicitly as his personal envoys on these matters, [his personal lawyer Rudy] Giuliani and Attorney General [William] Barr, to whom the President referred multiple times in tandem.”

As the above excerpt from the White House memo indicates, the whistleblower also correctly characterized the call when he alleged that Trump praised a prosecutor who had expressed interest in investigating the Bidens but was fired on corruption concerns, Yuriy Lutsenko, “and suggested that [Zelensky] might want to keep him in his position.”

The whistleblower was also right about the White House’s efforts to cover up the phone call
Not only did the White House corroborate the whistleblower’s account of the Trump-Zelensky phone call, but it also corroborated his allegation that afterward, “senior White House officials had intervened to ‘lock down’ all records of the phone call.”

In fact, the whistleblower’s account of how the White House tried to restrict the spreading of information about the call matches the White House’s down to the specific government agency involved. From the complaint:

According to multiple White House officials I spoke with, the transcript of the President’s call with President [Zelensky] was placed into a computer system managed directly by the National Security Council (NSC) Directorate for Intelligence Programs. This is a standalone computer system reserved for codeword-level intelligence information, such as covert action. According to information I received from White House officials, some officials voiced concerns internally that this would be an abuse of the system and was not consistent with the responsibilities of the Directorate for Intelligence Programs.
As the transcript reads there was nothing wrong with it .. according to today’s witness.. that makes a lot of people you are calling a liar lol

Make up your mind- do you think that 'transcript' matches the whistleblowers claims or is it 'perfect'

According to at least two witnesses so far, the conversation was far from perfect.
I don't know who 'today's witness' is- or what he or she said- so please feel free to provide a link.
It was very accurate,, what’s the problem? Lol are you agreeing? Hahah

Great so now we are in agreement that the transcript and the whistleblowers claims are both 'accurate'.

Now if we can just get the President to stop impeding the investigation and stop trying to conceal all of the documents.
Name one in the transcript that became true after it was released lol OPPPPS HAHAH

I have no idea what you think you are asking.

Meanwhile- almost everything described in the whistleblowers report has in fact been verified either by Trump's own document- or by witnesses.
As the transcript reads there was nothing wrong with it .. according to today’s witness.. that makes a lot of people you are calling a liar lol

Make up your mind- do you think that 'transcript' matches the whistleblowers claims or is it 'perfect'

According to at least two witnesses so far, the conversation was far from perfect.
I don't know who 'today's witness' is- or what he or she said- so please feel free to provide a link.
It was very accurate,, what’s the problem? Lol are you agreeing? Hahah

Great so now we are in agreement that the transcript and the whistleblowers claims are both 'accurate'.

Now if we can just get the President to stop impeding the investigation and stop trying to conceal all of the documents.
Name one in the transcript that became true after it was released lol OPPPPS HAHAH

I have no idea what you think you are asking.

Meanwhile- almost everything described in the whistleblowers report has in fact been verified either by Trump's own document- or by witnesses.
Where was the pro quid quo?
He’s not a whistle blower nothing he said has been backed up

Except of course- pretty much everything the Whistleblower described was accurate.

Except for that.

Trump’s favorite talking point about the whistleblower has been refuted by his own White House

That account of the call uncannily matches the memo about it released by the White House. According to the memo, after Trump congratulated Zelensky on his win and criticized other European countries who have “done almost nothing for you,” he asked the new Ukrainian president to “do us a favor” and brought up his desired investigations into the origins of the FBI’s Russia probe that concluded Russia interfered in the 2016 election on his behalf — and also asked for an investigation into Biden.

Not only was the whistleblower correct about the broad outlines of the Trump-Zelensky call, but he had particular details right. For instance, the complaint alleges that Trump pressured Zelensky to “meet or speak with two people the President named explicitly as his personal envoys on these matters, [his personal lawyer Rudy] Giuliani and Attorney General [William] Barr, to whom the President referred multiple times in tandem.”

As the above excerpt from the White House memo indicates, the whistleblower also correctly characterized the call when he alleged that Trump praised a prosecutor who had expressed interest in investigating the Bidens but was fired on corruption concerns, Yuriy Lutsenko, “and suggested that [Zelensky] might want to keep him in his position.”

The whistleblower was also right about the White House’s efforts to cover up the phone call
Not only did the White House corroborate the whistleblower’s account of the Trump-Zelensky phone call, but it also corroborated his allegation that afterward, “senior White House officials had intervened to ‘lock down’ all records of the phone call.”

In fact, the whistleblower’s account of how the White House tried to restrict the spreading of information about the call matches the White House’s down to the specific government agency involved. From the complaint:

According to multiple White House officials I spoke with, the transcript of the President’s call with President [Zelensky] was placed into a computer system managed directly by the National Security Council (NSC) Directorate for Intelligence Programs. This is a standalone computer system reserved for codeword-level intelligence information, such as covert action. According to information I received from White House officials, some officials voiced concerns internally that this would be an abuse of the system and was not consistent with the responsibilities of the Directorate for Intelligence Programs.
As the transcript reads there was nothing wrong with it .. according to today’s witness.. that makes a lot of people you are calling a liar lol

Make up your mind- do you think that 'transcript' matches the whistleblowers claims or is it 'perfect'

According to at least two witnesses so far, the conversation was far from perfect.
I don't know who 'today's witness' is- or what he or she said- so please feel free to provide a link.
It was very accurate,, what’s the problem? Lol are you agreeing? Hahah

Great so now we are in agreement that the transcript and the whistleblowers claims are both 'accurate'.

Now if we can just get the President to stop impeding the investigation and stop trying to conceal all of the documents.

The ballyhooed “whistleblower’s” account of President Trump’s phone call of July 25 with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has one big problem. The anonymous accuser, a CIA officer, did not witness the events he described.

In other words, in the letter of August 12 to Representative Adam Schiff and Senator Richard Burr, chairmen of the congressional intelligence committees, the whistleblower merely repeated explosive, unproven claims he heard from someone else. The someone else was multiple “White House officials” who claim Trump, in asking Zelensky to probe the Biden-Burisma scandal, did so to invite Ukraine’s collusion in Trump’s 2020 campaign.


So HOW did Ciaremella acquire the information?

If he did not have personal knowledge WHY did he assume the in formation was true?

Neither Bolton nor Vindman had the authority to share metadata.

Why Paul Sperry’s Outing Of the Whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, Is Important

DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon


The media wall of conspiratorial silence has been breached. – The identity of the fake “whistleblower” who conspired with Adam Schiff and his staff to serve as the kicking-off point for the Democrat/media-driven impeachment scam has been widely known for weeks now. It has been so widely known, in fact, that Paul Sperry, in his revelatory report on RealClearInvestigations, said this:

“… a handful of former colleagues have compiled a roughly 40-page research dossier on him. A classified version of the document is circulating on Capitol Hill, and briefings have been conducted based on it. One briefed Republican has been planning to unmask the whistleblower in a speech on the House floor.

“On the Internet, meanwhile, Ciaramella’s name for weeks has been bandied about on Twitter feeds and intelligence blogs as the suspected person who blew the whistle on the president. The mainstream media are also aware of his name.”

Yet, despite the broad knowledge of Ciaramella’s identity as the leaker – that’s really all he is – the fake news media has been so intimately complicit in the impeachment scam that literally every major outlet has played along with the pretense that he somehow deserves protection under a “whistleblower” law that doesn’t even apply to accusations made against any sitting president. As an arm of RealClearPolitics, a news aggregation site whose average of polls is regularly cited by every major news organization on a daily basis, RealClearInvestigations is in fact a part of the mainstream media and thus became the first to break through that solid wall of conspiratorial media silence Wednesday night.

“Everyone knows who he is. CNN knows. The Washington Post knows. The New York Times knows. Congress knows. The White House knows. Even the president knows who he is,” said Fred Fleitz, a former CIA analyst.

While conservative websites like The Gateway Pundit and The Conservative Treehouse revealed the leaker’s likely identity weeks ago, it was important for a mainstream media outlet to break through that conspiratorial wall in order to deny the ability of Democrat activist outlets to claim Ciaramella’s identity was somehow “confidential.” That excuse is now gone, although most of those outlets – including the increasingly swampy Fox News – continue to refuse to report the story this morning.

Make no mistake about it, that wall of conspiratorial silence constituted a direct assault not just on President Donald Trump, whose presidency is threatened by the false accusations made by this deep state functionary, but on the American people and their right to know who and what is behind all of this. The thought that the 2016 presidential election could be overturned based on accusations made by an accuser who would never be confronted by the accused or even identified to the public is the most un-American concept ever devised by political minds.

The utter mendacity behind that scheme becomes crystal clear now that we know who this guy really is:

– Ciaramella is a long-time associate of senior staff for Adam Schiff;

– Ciaramella has worked at various times for John Brennan, Susan Rice, Joe Biden and other Democrat skunks;

– In 2015 and 2016, Ciaramella worked on Ukraine policy with Biden and never raised a peep of alarm over Biden and his son’s obvious influence-peddling operation there;

– He was an Obama holdover on the initial Trump NSC staff, led by deep state snake H.R. McMaster, serving there until mid-2017 when he was revealed to be a serial leaker of classified information;

– While working at the NSC, Ciaramella was in fact instrumental in creating the false “Putin fired Comey” narrative that helped create the rationale for appointing a special counsel;

– Instead of being fired on the spot, McMaster intervened on his behalf and sent him to work at the CIA;

– Ciaramella was not on the July 25 call between President Trump and Ukraine President Zelensky, and has zero first-hand knowledge of anything that was said on that call;

– All of the allegations made in his false “whistleblower” complaint come from second-and-third-hand hearsay accounts, with much of it very likely coming from fellow deep state functionary Alexander Vindman, who is most likely the second fake whistleblower in this impeachment scam.

Ciramella is, in other words, the classic example of the sort of anti-American deep state functionaries who remain embeded throughout the federal bureaucracy, especially in our intelligence community, Department of Justice and at the State Department. Obama literally filled our government with this kind of disloyal hack, people who have no respect whatsoever for our nation’s electoral process, and who place their their political ideology above the good of the country.

No wonder Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and the disloyal hacks who infest our national news media outlets were so desperate to keep his identity a secret. Paul Sperry and the editors at RealClearInvestigations deserve medals for breaching that wall of conspiratorial silence.
Can you name one thing in the W/B complaint that was not proven correct with first hand accounts????

Everything was correct, but sadly, for didn't mean anything since Trump didn't do anything wrong. The "leaker" might as well have "leaked" the lunch menu at the White House and then let the democrat pretend that the menu was proof of an impeachable offense.......

You just keep repeating that:
Trump didn't do anything wrong when he withheld congressionally approved funding to Ukraine and used it to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating his political rival.

Still didn't happen
But even if it did, Is there a crime?

I love that- 'didn't happen'- and its not a crime.

Why Paul Sperry’s Outing Of the Whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, Is Important

DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon


The media wall of conspiratorial silence has been breached. – The identity of the fake “whistleblower” who conspired with Adam Schiff and his staff to serve as the kicking-off point for the Democrat/media-driven impeachment scam has been widely known for weeks now. It has been so widely known, in fact, that Paul Sperry, in his revelatory report on RealClearInvestigations, said this:

“… a handful of former colleagues have compiled a roughly 40-page research dossier on him. A classified version of the document is circulating on Capitol Hill, and briefings have been conducted based on it. One briefed Republican has been planning to unmask the whistleblower in a speech on the House floor.

“On the Internet, meanwhile, Ciaramella’s name for weeks has been bandied about on Twitter feeds and intelligence blogs as the suspected person who blew the whistle on the president. The mainstream media are also aware of his name.”

Yet, despite the broad knowledge of Ciaramella’s identity as the leaker – that’s really all he is – the fake news media has been so intimately complicit in the impeachment scam that literally every major outlet has played along with the pretense that he somehow deserves protection under a “whistleblower” law that doesn’t even apply to accusations made against any sitting president. As an arm of RealClearPolitics, a news aggregation site whose average of polls is regularly cited by every major news organization on a daily basis, RealClearInvestigations is in fact a part of the mainstream media and thus became the first to break through that solid wall of conspiratorial media silence Wednesday night.

“Everyone knows who he is. CNN knows. The Washington Post knows. The New York Times knows. Congress knows. The White House knows. Even the president knows who he is,” said Fred Fleitz, a former CIA analyst.

While conservative websites like The Gateway Pundit and The Conservative Treehouse revealed the leaker’s likely identity weeks ago, it was important for a mainstream media outlet to break through that conspiratorial wall in order to deny the ability of Democrat activist outlets to claim Ciaramella’s identity was somehow “confidential.” That excuse is now gone, although most of those outlets – including the increasingly swampy Fox News – continue to refuse to report the story this morning.

Make no mistake about it, that wall of conspiratorial silence constituted a direct assault not just on President Donald Trump, whose presidency is threatened by the false accusations made by this deep state functionary, but on the American people and their right to know who and what is behind all of this. The thought that the 2016 presidential election could be overturned based on accusations made by an accuser who would never be confronted by the accused or even identified to the public is the most un-American concept ever devised by political minds.

The utter mendacity behind that scheme becomes crystal clear now that we know who this guy really is:

– Ciaramella is a long-time associate of senior staff for Adam Schiff;

– Ciaramella has worked at various times for John Brennan, Susan Rice, Joe Biden and other Democrat skunks;

– In 2015 and 2016, Ciaramella worked on Ukraine policy with Biden and never raised a peep of alarm over Biden and his son’s obvious influence-peddling operation there;

– He was an Obama holdover on the initial Trump NSC staff, led by deep state snake H.R. McMaster, serving there until mid-2017 when he was revealed to be a serial leaker of classified information;

– While working at the NSC, Ciaramella was in fact instrumental in creating the false “Putin fired Comey” narrative that helped create the rationale for appointing a special counsel;

– Instead of being fired on the spot, McMaster intervened on his behalf and sent him to work at the CIA;

– Ciaramella was not on the July 25 call between President Trump and Ukraine President Zelensky, and has zero first-hand knowledge of anything that was said on that call;

– All of the allegations made in his false “whistleblower” complaint come from second-and-third-hand hearsay accounts, with much of it very likely coming from fellow deep state functionary Alexander Vindman, who is most likely the second fake whistleblower in this impeachment scam.

Ciramella is, in other words, the classic example of the sort of anti-American deep state functionaries who remain embeded throughout the federal bureaucracy, especially in our intelligence community, Department of Justice and at the State Department. Obama literally filled our government with this kind of disloyal hack, people who have no respect whatsoever for our nation’s electoral process, and who place their their political ideology above the good of the country.

No wonder Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and the disloyal hacks who infest our national news media outlets were so desperate to keep his identity a secret. Paul Sperry and the editors at RealClearInvestigations deserve medals for breaching that wall of conspiratorial silence.
Can you name one thing in the W/B complaint that was not proven correct with first hand accounts????

Everything was correct, but sadly, for didn't mean anything since Trump didn't do anything wrong. The "leaker" might as well have "leaked" the lunch menu at the White House and then let the democrat pretend that the menu was proof of an impeachable offense.......

You just keep repeating that:
Trump didn't do anything wrong when he withheld congressionally approved funding to Ukraine and used it to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating his political rival.

Still didn't happen
But even if it did, Is there a crime?

I love that- 'didn't happen'- and its not a crime.


Look, I get that you are Syriusly fucked in the head, I do.

Do you know what a question is?

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