BREAKING, Whistleblower Has Been Outed, Worked For Obama, Biden And Brennan

The Mueller investigation established that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Something which Trump has done everything to deny, obstruct, and disprove. And this has led Trump to put himself on the verge of impeachment.
And yet Mueller could find no basis on which to charge Trump with collusion?
Mm-kay...sounds "reasonable". Mueller finds no collusion with Russia, leaves obstruction question open

The Mueller investigation also established that Trump obstructed that investigation at least four times.

So you go ahead and pretend it was just about collusion, mm-kay?
"As far as obstruction, the Mueller report laid out facts on both sides but did not reach a conclusion."
No Halloween candy for you. We've run out of treats for little goblins like you.
Actually I was mistaken.


I think you owe Brain357 an apology for feeding him this falsehood: "You do understand that the phone call in question was done 16 months before Biden even declared his run for president? Didn't know that huh?"

... and even more so for the condescending manner of talking down to him / her.
Nope. It's nonsense. The democrats have made sure they lose the House and the Presidency.
Ciaramella looks like a terrorist but in reality he's much worse. He's a deep state operative who is now the point man in the coup to overthrow Trump. His scumbag boss, John Brennan, taught him well.
"The coup to overthrow Trump." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Yeah. A coup to...install Mike Pence.

You parroting tards never really think your propaganda talking points through, do you.

so let me get this straight - they left would never stage a coup that would simply give them pence as president.

but they will impeach him, which of course would do the same.

and you say the "parroting tards" never think their propaganda through. : )
It's not a coup, dumbass. As for the impeachment, the motive is not to install Pence. The motive is to get rid of a crook.

All caught up now?

either way they get pence.
Thus disproving the idiotic claim this is a coup or an attempt to reverse the 2016 election.

So far it's a series of failed coup attempts
Which makes guys like you look like dick sucking fools
Like it matters. Trump released the conversation which was damning on its own . Mulvaney has admitted to quid pro quo. Several witnesses have confirmed the corruption. The whistleblower hardly matters now.

What is your understanding of why The USA gives foreign aid?
It’s not to get dirt on political opponents. That’s for sure. Obvious abuse of power.
You do understand that the phone call in question was done 16 months before Biden even declared his run for president? Didn't know that huh?

The phone call happened on July 25, 2019, three months after Zelensky was elected President of Ukraine.

That would mean, Biden "declared" his run for President in November 2020. So, how are you in a position to know?
Actually I was mistaken.

April 21, 2019 – New Ukrainian President elected on anti-corruption agenda

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is elected president of Ukraine, to succeed Petro Poroshenko. He ran on a “zero tolerance” anti-corruption agenda.

April 21, 2019 – First Trump-Zelenskyy Phone Call

President Trump calls to congratulate him, their first known direct communication. Trump urged Mr. Zelenskyy to pursue investigations of ‘corruption.'” According to the New York Times, Trump also urged Zelenskyy to coordinate with Giuliani; according to the Wall Street Journal, Giuliani’s name was not mentioned on the call.

April 25, 2019 – Joe Biden formally announces campaign for President.

April 25, 2019 – President Trump tells Fox News’s Sean Hannity that Attorney General Bill Barr is considering allegations that Ukrainians sought to help Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign by revealing damaging information about Paul Manafort. “I would imagine [Barr] would want to see this. … I would certainly defer to the attorney general, and we’ll see what he says about it,” Trump said. “He calls ’em straight” (transcript). Fox News reports that “Trump echoed his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, who wrote on Twitter on Wednesday [April 24]: `Keep your eye on Ukraine.’”
You left out on 7.25.2019, Trump asking a foreign national...

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
What is your understanding of why The USA gives foreign aid?
It’s not to get dirt on political opponents. That’s for sure. Obvious abuse of power.
You do understand that the phone call in question was done 16 months before Biden even declared his run for president? Didn't know that huh?

The phone call happened on July 25, 2019, three months after Zelensky was elected President of Ukraine.

That would mean, Biden "declared" his run for President in November 2020. So, how are you in a position to know?
Actually I was mistaken.

April 21, 2019 – New Ukrainian President elected on anti-corruption agenda

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is elected president of Ukraine, to succeed Petro Poroshenko. He ran on a “zero tolerance” anti-corruption agenda.

April 21, 2019 – First Trump-Zelenskyy Phone Call

President Trump calls to congratulate him, their first known direct communication. Trump urged Mr. Zelenskyy to pursue investigations of ‘corruption.'” According to the New York Times, Trump also urged Zelenskyy to coordinate with Giuliani; according to the Wall Street Journal, Giuliani’s name was not mentioned on the call.

April 25, 2019 – Joe Biden formally announces campaign for President.

April 25, 2019 – President Trump tells Fox News’s Sean Hannity that Attorney General Bill Barr is considering allegations that Ukrainians sought to help Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign by revealing damaging information about Paul Manafort. “I would imagine [Barr] would want to see this. … I would certainly defer to the attorney general, and we’ll see what he says about it,” Trump said. “He calls ’em straight” (transcript). Fox News reports that “Trump echoed his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, who wrote on Twitter on Wednesday [April 24]: `Keep your eye on Ukraine.’”
You left out on 7.25.2019, Trump asking a foreign national...

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Justice Department clears Trump of wrongdoing on Ukraine call
What is your understanding of why The USA gives foreign aid?
It’s not to get dirt on political opponents. That’s for sure. Obvious abuse of power.
You do understand that the phone call in question was done 16 months before Biden even declared his run for president? Didn't know that huh?

The phone call happened on July 25, 2019, three months after Zelensky was elected President of Ukraine.

That would mean, Biden "declared" his run for President in November 2020. So, how are you in a position to know?
Actually I was mistaken.

April 21, 2019 – New Ukrainian President elected on anti-corruption agenda

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is elected president of Ukraine, to succeed Petro Poroshenko. He ran on a “zero tolerance” anti-corruption agenda.

April 21, 2019 – First Trump-Zelenskyy Phone Call

President Trump calls to congratulate him, their first known direct communication. Trump urged Mr. Zelenskyy to pursue investigations of ‘corruption.'” According to the New York Times, Trump also urged Zelenskyy to coordinate with Giuliani; according to the Wall Street Journal, Giuliani’s name was not mentioned on the call.

April 25, 2019 – Joe Biden formally announces campaign for President.

April 25, 2019 – President Trump tells Fox News’s Sean Hannity that Attorney General Bill Barr is considering allegations that Ukrainians sought to help Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign by revealing damaging information about Paul Manafort. “I would imagine [Barr] would want to see this. … I would certainly defer to the attorney general, and we’ll see what he says about it,” Trump said. “He calls ’em straight” (transcript). Fox News reports that “Trump echoed his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, who wrote on Twitter on Wednesday [April 24]: `Keep your eye on Ukraine.’”
You left out on 7.25.2019, Trump asking a foreign national...

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
So? As president he had every right to do so. There will be no impeachment. Democrats are destroying themselves.
If Trump is impeached and the Senate convicts, Pence gets installed.

So...some coup!
The Russian collusion hoax was the attempt at a coup. Wise up, fool!
The Ukraine thing is just a continuation of the attempt to drive Trump from office through impeachment though it's a foregone conclusion the democrats don't have nearly enough votes for that.

Only a delusional moron would think the Russian scam was not designed to remove Trump from office.
Thankfully Robert Mueller would not, could not, play along with the scam.
Actually I was mistaken.


I think you owe Brain357 an apology for feeding him this falsehood: "You do understand that the phone call in question was done 16 months before Biden even declared his run for president? Didn't know that huh?"

... and even more so for the condescending manner of talking down to him / her.
It was 4 days but still before Biden announced.
So? Everyone knew Biden was running, and he was at the top of the polls. Trump was obviously terrified of him, and felt it necessary to rig the election.

Your obtuseness does not do you a service.
Actually I was mistaken.


I think you owe Brain357 an apology for feeding him this falsehood: "You do understand that the phone call in question was done 16 months before Biden even declared his run for president? Didn't know that huh?"

... and even more so for the condescending manner of talking down to him / her.
It was 4 days but still before Biden announced.

Heavens, the "perfect" phone call in question, including bribery and extortion, generating that impeachment inquiry, happened on July 25, 2019. Biden announced in April.
If Trump is impeached and the Senate convicts, Pence gets installed.

So...some coup!
The Russian collusion hoax was the attempt at a coup. Wise up, fool!
The Ukraine thing is just a continuation of the attempt to drive Trump from office through impeachment though it's a foregone conclusion the democrats don't have nearly enough votes for that.

Only a delusional moron would think the Russian scam was not designed to drive Trump from office.
Thankfully Robert Mueller would not, could not, play along with the scam.
Trump is the dumbest president we have ever had. The man is a birther, for chrissakes. He makes Bush look like a genius.

That's why he fell for the hoax that the DNC server was in the Ukraine. He is just that stupid.

Trump cannot stand the fact he would not be president were it not for Putin giving him a leg up. And so he has done everything he can to deny, obstruct, and disprove that fact. It just eats at him and eats at him.

Putin has been putting bugs in Trump's ear to try to get Trump to reverse the Ukraine's trajectory toward the West. And Trump, like the total idiot puppet he is, has been serving Putin's interests. He has surrendered the entire Middle East, Turkey, and the Ukraine to Putin.

His stupidity and his pride have led him to the brink of impeachment.
If Trump is impeached and the Senate convicts, Pence gets installed.

So...some coup!
The Russian collusion hoax was the attempt at a coup. Wise up, fool!
The Ukraine thing is just a continuation of the attempt to drive Trump from office through impeachment though it's a foregone conclusion the democrats don't have nearly enough votes for that.

Only a delusional moron would think the Russian scam was not designed to drive Trump from office.
Thankfully Robert Mueller would not, could not, play along with the scam.
Trump is the dumbest president we have ever had. The man is a birther, for chrissakes.

That's why he fell for the hoax that the DNC server was in the Ukraine. He is just that stupid.

Trump cannot stand the fact he would not be president were it not for Putin giving him a leg up. And so he has done everything he can to deny, obstruct, and disprove that fact. It just eats at him and eats at him.

Putin has been putting bugs in Trump's ear to try to get Trump to reverse the Ukraine's trajectory toward the West. And Trump, like the total idiot puppet he is, has been serving Putin's interests. He has surrendered the entire Middle East, Turkey, and the Ukraine to Putin.

His stupidity and his pride have led him to the brink of impeachment.
How did Putin get Trump elected when he didn't change a single vote?
What is your understanding of why The USA gives foreign aid?
It’s not to get dirt on political opponents. That’s for sure. Obvious abuse of power.
You do understand that the phone call in question was done 16 months before Biden even declared his run for president? Didn't know that huh?

The phone call happened on July 25, 2019, three months after Zelensky was elected President of Ukraine.

That would mean, Biden "declared" his run for President in November 2020. So, how are you in a position to know?
Actually I was mistaken.

April 21, 2019 – New Ukrainian President elected on anti-corruption agenda

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is elected president of Ukraine, to succeed Petro Poroshenko. He ran on a “zero tolerance” anti-corruption agenda.

April 21, 2019 – First Trump-Zelenskyy Phone Call

President Trump calls to congratulate him, their first known direct communication. Trump urged Mr. Zelenskyy to pursue investigations of ‘corruption.'” According to the New York Times, Trump also urged Zelenskyy to coordinate with Giuliani; according to the Wall Street Journal, Giuliani’s name was not mentioned on the call.

April 25, 2019 – Joe Biden formally announces campaign for President.

April 25, 2019 – President Trump tells Fox News’s Sean Hannity that Attorney General Bill Barr is considering allegations that Ukrainians sought to help Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign by revealing damaging information about Paul Manafort. “I would imagine [Barr] would want to see this. … I would certainly defer to the attorney general, and we’ll see what he says about it,” Trump said. “He calls ’em straight” (transcript). Fox News reports that “Trump echoed his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, who wrote on Twitter on Wednesday [April 24]: `Keep your eye on Ukraine.’”
You left out on 7.25.2019, Trump asking a foreign national...

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."

Other than you generally sucking off Democrats for your own pleasure, is there a reason that you would not want that looked into?
Putin has been putting bugs in Trump's ear to try to get Trump to reverse the Ukraine's trajectory toward the West. And Trump, like the total idiot puppet he is, has been serving Putin's interests. He has surrendered the entire Middle East, Turkey, and the Ukraine to Putin.
U.S. to Sell Ukraine Javelin Missiles, a Hot Topic of Trump-Zelensky Call
How does this possibly serve the interests of Vlad Putin, moron?

The facts don't serve your talking points very well, do they. I guess that's why you avoid actual facts. Just eff off!
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
If Trump is impeached and the Senate convicts, Pence gets installed.

So...some coup!
The Russian collusion hoax was the attempt at a coup. Wise up, fool!
The Ukraine thing is just a continuation of the attempt to drive Trump from office through impeachment though it's a foregone conclusion the democrats don't have nearly enough votes for that.

Only a delusional moron would think the Russian scam was not designed to drive Trump from office.
Thankfully Robert Mueller would not, could not, play along with the scam.
Trump is the dumbest president we have ever had. The man is a birther, for chrissakes.

That's why he fell for the hoax that the DNC server was in the Ukraine. He is just that stupid.

Trump cannot stand the fact he would not be president were it not for Putin giving him a leg up. And so he has done everything he can to deny, obstruct, and disprove that fact. It just eats at him and eats at him.

Putin has been putting bugs in Trump's ear to try to get Trump to reverse the Ukraine's trajectory toward the West. And Trump, like the total idiot puppet he is, has been serving Putin's interests. He has surrendered the entire Middle East, Turkey, and the Ukraine to Putin.

His stupidity and his pride have led him to the brink of impeachment.
How did Putin get Trump elected when he didn't change a single vote?

Putin literally had no affect.
Truth told about Hillary by wiki and Social Media sites doomed Hillary.
It seems that people really didn't want to vote for someone who has been a piece of shit her entire life.
Who knew?

Well, Trump, me and about half of the nation.
Putin has been putting bugs in Trump's ear to try to get Trump to reverse the Ukraine's trajectory toward the West. And Trump, like the total idiot puppet he is, has been serving Putin's interests. He has surrendered the entire Middle East, Turkey, and the Ukraine to Putin.
U.S. to Sell Ukraine Javelin Missiles, a Hot Topic of Trump-Zelensky Call
How does this possibly serve the interests of Vlad Putin, moron?

The facts don't serve your talking points very well, do they. I guess that's why you avoid actual facts. Just eff off!

That one seems as if he is an alt account of the creepy dude.
Neither of them have any sense.
Since so many of Trump's own people have testified that the whistle blower's claims were correct, I'm not sure what difference it makes if his knowledge was first hand or not.

You dummy.....its whistleblower "opinions". Didnt you ever hear the saying, "Opinions are like assholes.....". d0y we saw with Russian colussion, progressives continue to be bamboozled by loose associations. Language interpretation.:113::113:
Since so many of Trump's own people have testified that the whistle blower's claims were correct, I'm not sure what difference it makes if his knowledge was first hand or not.

You dummy.....its whistleblower "opinions". Didnt you ever hear the saying, "Opinions are like assholes.....". d0y we saw with Russian colussion, progressives continue to be bamboozled by loose associations. Language interpretation.:113::113:
Second hand opinions at that.
It’s not to get dirt on political opponents. That’s for sure. Obvious abuse of power.
You do understand that the phone call in question was done 16 months before Biden even declared his run for president? Didn't know that huh?

The phone call happened on July 25, 2019, three months after Zelensky was elected President of Ukraine.

That would mean, Biden "declared" his run for President in November 2020. So, how are you in a position to know?
Actually I was mistaken.

April 21, 2019 – New Ukrainian President elected on anti-corruption agenda

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is elected president of Ukraine, to succeed Petro Poroshenko. He ran on a “zero tolerance” anti-corruption agenda.

April 21, 2019 – First Trump-Zelenskyy Phone Call

President Trump calls to congratulate him, their first known direct communication. Trump urged Mr. Zelenskyy to pursue investigations of ‘corruption.'” According to the New York Times, Trump also urged Zelenskyy to coordinate with Giuliani; according to the Wall Street Journal, Giuliani’s name was not mentioned on the call.

April 25, 2019 – Joe Biden formally announces campaign for President.

April 25, 2019 – President Trump tells Fox News’s Sean Hannity that Attorney General Bill Barr is considering allegations that Ukrainians sought to help Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign by revealing damaging information about Paul Manafort. “I would imagine [Barr] would want to see this. … I would certainly defer to the attorney general, and we’ll see what he says about it,” Trump said. “He calls ’em straight” (transcript). Fox News reports that “Trump echoed his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, who wrote on Twitter on Wednesday [April 24]: `Keep your eye on Ukraine.’”
You left out on 7.25.2019, Trump asking a foreign national...

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Justice Department clears Trump of wrongdoing on Ukraine call
Then Trump should be happy that he won't face criminal charges by his own DoJ when he leaves office after being impeached.

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