BREAKING, Whistleblower Has Been Outed, Worked For Obama, Biden And Brennan


With 2 years of full control of the government repubs couldn’t get anything on Hillary. Step out of fantasy land.
It's not called the deep state for nothing. It is going to get really bad for the democrats real soon. Military tribunal not civil court. A lot will be going to Gitmo.
And your a complete nut job, good day
Time will tell but there is more going on than you are being told. Some big name democrats are going down.

It's willful ignorance -
Outside the bubble people are being told.
Yes I know. They are going to get blindsided big time.
No surprises here. I wonder if his name will come out in the hearings in the near future.

The ESSENCE of his testimony - regardless of the fact that his information was second-hand - was Trump's MOTIVATION for wanting to delay the funds to Ukraine, and no one other than The Donald knows what his motivation was. Not the whistleblower or any of the other people testifying before Schiff's posse.

But as with the "hush money for sluts" accusation, as long as a legitimate reason exists, the possibility of a nefarious purpose is irrelevant. And there is no question that the OPEN, KNOWN information about the Biden's is sufficient to justify Trump's request for a Biden investigation. The fact that Biden is running for President is irrelevant. In fact, even if he wasn't running, the fact that he is a Democrat and a former V.P. makes the request reasonable and totally justified.

And the "quid pro quo" claim simply falls flat on its face, given the known sequence of events. The money was timely released, and the Ukrainian President never understood Trump's exhortations to be a threat to withhold the money, the hyperventilation of the Diplomat Class notwithstanding.
Since so many of Trump's own people have testified that the whistle blower's claims were correct, I'm not sure what difference it makes if his knowledge was first hand or not.
Uhh.. No. Nobody said the transcripts arent accurate.

Some said they "feel" differently.
Like it matters. Trump released the conversation which was damning on its own . Mulvaney has admitted to quid pro quo. Several witnesses have confirmed the corruption. The whistleblower hardly matters now.

What is your understanding of why The USA gives foreign aid?
It’s not to get dirt on political opponents. That’s for sure. Obvious abuse of power.
You do understand that the phone call in question was done 16 months before Biden even declared his run for president? Didn't know that huh?

The phone call happened on July 25, 2019, three months after Zelensky was elected President of Ukraine.

That would mean, Biden "declared" his run for President in November 2020. So, how are you in a position to know?
Like it matters. Trump released the conversation which was damning on its own . Mulvaney has admitted to quid pro quo. Several witnesses have confirmed the corruption. The whistleblower hardly matters now.

What is your understanding of why The USA gives foreign aid?
It’s not to get dirt on political opponents. That’s for sure. Obvious abuse of power.
You do understand that the phone call in question was done 16 months before Biden even declared his run for president? Didn't know that huh?

The phone call happened on July 25, 2019, three months after Zelensky was elected President of Ukraine.

That would mean, Biden "declared" his run for President in November 2020. So, how are you in a position to know?
Actually I was mistaken.

April 21, 2019 – New Ukrainian President elected on anti-corruption agenda

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is elected president of Ukraine, to succeed Petro Poroshenko. He ran on a “zero tolerance” anti-corruption agenda.

April 21, 2019 – First Trump-Zelenskyy Phone Call

President Trump calls to congratulate him, their first known direct communication. Trump urged Mr. Zelenskyy to pursue investigations of ‘corruption.'” According to the New York Times, Trump also urged Zelenskyy to coordinate with Giuliani; according to the Wall Street Journal, Giuliani’s name was not mentioned on the call.

April 25, 2019 – Joe Biden formally announces campaign for President.

April 25, 2019 – President Trump tells Fox News’s Sean Hannity that Attorney General Bill Barr is considering allegations that Ukrainians sought to help Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign by revealing damaging information about Paul Manafort. “I would imagine [Barr] would want to see this. … I would certainly defer to the attorney general, and we’ll see what he says about it,” Trump said. “He calls ’em straight” (transcript). Fox News reports that “Trump echoed his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, who wrote on Twitter on Wednesday [April 24]: `Keep your eye on Ukraine.’”
Ciaramella looks like a terrorist but in reality he's much worse. He's a deep state operative who is now the point man in the coup to overthrow Trump. His scumbag boss, John Brennan, taught him well.
"The coup to overthrow Trump." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Yeah. A coup to...install Mike Pence.

You parroting tards never really think your propaganda talking points through, do you.

so let me get this straight - they left would never stage a coup that would simply give them pence as president.

but they will impeach him, which of course would do the same.

and you say the "parroting tards" never think their propaganda through. : )
It's not a coup, dumbass. As for the impeachment, the motive is not to install Pence. The motive is to get rid of a crook.

All caught up now?

Ciaramella looks like a terrorist but in reality he's much worse. He's a deep state operative who is now the point man in the coup to overthrow Trump. His scumbag boss, John Brennan, taught him well.
"The coup to overthrow Trump." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Yeah. A coup to...install Mike Pence.

You parroting tards never really think your propaganda talking points through, do you.

so let me get this straight - they left would never stage a coup that would simply give them pence as president.

but they will impeach him, which of course would do the same.

and you say the "parroting tards" never think their propaganda through. : )
It's not a coup, dumbass. As for the impeachment, the motive is not to install Pence. The motive is to get rid of a crook.

All caught up now?

either way they get pence.

and lord, you are another of those who posts for insults first, conversation second. y'all got a private handshake or anything?
Ciaramella looks like a terrorist but in reality he's much worse. He's a deep state operative who is now the point man in the coup to overthrow Trump. His scumbag boss, John Brennan, taught him well.
"The coup to overthrow Trump." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Yeah. A coup to...install Mike Pence.

You parroting tards never really think your propaganda talking points through, do you.

so let me get this straight - they left would never stage a coup that would simply give them pence as president.

but they will impeach him, which of course would do the same.

and you say the "parroting tards" never think their propaganda through. : )
It's not a coup, dumbass. As for the impeachment, the motive is not to install Pence. The motive is to get rid of a crook.

All caught up now?

either way they get pence.
Thus disproving the idiotic claim this is a coup or an attempt to reverse the 2016 election.
Ciaramella looks like a terrorist but in reality he's much worse. He's a deep state operative who is now the point man in the coup to overthrow Trump. His scumbag boss, John Brennan, taught him well.
"The coup to overthrow Trump." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Yeah. A coup to...install Mike Pence.

You parroting tards never really think your propaganda talking points through, do you.

so let me get this straight - they left would never stage a coup that would simply give them pence as president.

but they will impeach him, which of course would do the same.

and you say the "parroting tards" never think their propaganda through. : )
It's not a coup, dumbass. As for the impeachment, the motive is not to install Pence. The motive is to get rid of a crook.

All caught up now?


This from someone who supports a Party that has nominated for President....

A rapist
A sex predator
A closeted homo with a man as a wife
Nobody who has ever supported equality

Oh, my gosh, this guy plays golf and the Cocksucker in Chief audited his taxes for 8 straight years.... must be a "crook" if he wants Joe Biden investigated....
Ciaramella looks like a terrorist but in reality he's much worse. He's a deep state operative who is now the point man in the coup to overthrow Trump. His scumbag boss, John Brennan, taught him well.
"The coup to overthrow Trump." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Yeah. A coup to...install Mike Pence.

You parroting tards never really think your propaganda talking points through, do you.

so let me get this straight - they left would never stage a coup that would simply give them pence as president.

but they will impeach him, which of course would do the same.

and you say the "parroting tards" never think their propaganda through. : )
It's not a coup, dumbass. As for the impeachment, the motive is not to install Pence. The motive is to get rid of a crook.

All caught up now?

either way they get pence.

and lord, you are another of those who posts for insults first, conversation second. y'all got a private handshake or anything?
It will never get past the Senate.
Ciaramella looks like a terrorist but in reality he's much worse. He's a deep state operative who is now the point man in the coup to overthrow Trump. His scumbag boss, John Brennan, taught him well.
"The coup to overthrow Trump." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Yeah. A coup to...install Mike Pence.

You parroting tards never really think your propaganda talking points through, do you.

so let me get this straight - they left would never stage a coup that would simply give them pence as president.

but they will impeach him, which of course would do the same.

and you say the "parroting tards" never think their propaganda through. : )
It's not a coup, dumbass. As for the impeachment, the motive is not to install Pence. The motive is to get rid of a crook.

All caught up now?

either way they get pence.
Thus disproving the idiotic claim this is a coup or an attempt to reverse the 2016 election.
i never said it was either one. i said your argument made zero sense to simply try and rename it cause either way - pence.

lord you can't even keep up with the strange things you say.
Actually I was mistaken.


I think you owe Brain357 an apology for feeding him this falsehood: "You do understand that the phone call in question was done 16 months before Biden even declared his run for president? Didn't know that huh?"

... and even more so for the condescending manner of talking down to him / her.
i never said it was either one. i said your argument made zero sense to simply try and rename it cause either way - pence.

lord you can't even keep up with the strange things you say.

Impeachment doesn't install Pence.

Gawd, you can't even get the most basic terminology right.
"The coup to overthrow Trump." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Yeah. A coup to...install Mike Pence.

You parroting tards never really think your propaganda talking points through, do you.
Yeah....:icon_rolleyes: . That whole Russian collusion investigation thing? Just a harmless prank. Just having a bit of fun.
Who ever thought the left was serious about any of this? Surely no one thought they were actually going to drive Trump from his legally elected office, did they?

Who could be so foolish? And this Ukraine thing? Also a gag. The CIA provided whistle blower political operative?
Just foolin' around. Only pulling the leg of Trump with innocent fun.

You're a smart guy, I suppose. You get it....right?
"The coup to overthrow Trump." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Yeah. A coup to...install Mike Pence.

You parroting tards never really think your propaganda talking points through, do you.
Yeah....:icon_rolleyes: . That whole Russian collusion investigation thing? Just a harmless prank. Just having a bit of fun.
Who ever thought the left was serious about any of this? Surely no one thought they were actually going to drive Trump from his legally elected office, did they?

Who could be so foolish? And this Ukraine thing? Also a gag. The CIA provided whistle blower political operative?
Just foolin' around. Only pulling the leg of Trump with innocent fun.

You're a smart guy, I suppose. You get it....right?
The Mueller investigation established that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Something which Trump has done everything to deny, obstruct, and disprove. And this has led Trump to put himself on the verge of impeachment.

The Mueller investigation also established that Trump obstructed that investigation at least four times.

So you go ahead and pretend it was just about collusion, mm-kay?
i never said it was either one. i said your argument made zero sense to simply try and rename it cause either way - pence.

lord you can't even keep up with the strange things you say.

Impeachment doesn't install Pence.

Gawd, you can't even get the most basic terminology right.
If Trump is impeached and the Senate convicts, Pence gets installed.

So...some coup! :lol:
Actually I was mistaken.


I think you owe Brain357 an apology for feeding him this falsehood: "You do understand that the phone call in question was done 16 months before Biden even declared his run for president? Didn't know that huh?"

... and even more so for the condescending manner of talking down to him / her.
It was 4 days but still before Biden announced.
i never said it was either one. i said your argument made zero sense to simply try and rename it cause either way - pence.

lord you can't even keep up with the strange things you say.

Impeachment doesn't install Pence.

Gawd, you can't even get the most basic terminology right.
If Trump is impeached and the Senate convicts, Pence gets installed.

So...some coup! :lol:
It dies in the senate. The only thing the democrats have done is to insure Trump will be reelected.

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