BREAKING, Whistleblower Has Been Outed, Worked For Obama, Biden And Brennan

Except of course- pretty much everything the Whistleblower described was accurate.

Except for that.

Trump’s favorite talking point about the whistleblower has been refuted by his own White House

That account of the call uncannily matches the memo about it released by the White House. According to the memo, after Trump congratulated Zelensky on his win and criticized other European countries who have “done almost nothing for you,” he asked the new Ukrainian president to “do us a favor” and brought up his desired investigations into the origins of the FBI’s Russia probe that concluded Russia interfered in the 2016 election on his behalf — and also asked for an investigation into Biden.

Not only was the whistleblower correct about the broad outlines of the Trump-Zelensky call, but he had particular details right. For instance, the complaint alleges that Trump pressured Zelensky to “meet or speak with two people the President named explicitly as his personal envoys on these matters, [his personal lawyer Rudy] Giuliani and Attorney General [William] Barr, to whom the President referred multiple times in tandem.”

As the above excerpt from the White House memo indicates, the whistleblower also correctly characterized the call when he alleged that Trump praised a prosecutor who had expressed interest in investigating the Bidens but was fired on corruption concerns, Yuriy Lutsenko, “and suggested that [Zelensky] might want to keep him in his position.”

The whistleblower was also right about the White House’s efforts to cover up the phone call
Not only did the White House corroborate the whistleblower’s account of the Trump-Zelensky phone call, but it also corroborated his allegation that afterward, “senior White House officials had intervened to ‘lock down’ all records of the phone call.”

In fact, the whistleblower’s account of how the White House tried to restrict the spreading of information about the call matches the White House’s down to the specific government agency involved. From the complaint:

According to multiple White House officials I spoke with, the transcript of the President’s call with President [Zelensky] was placed into a computer system managed directly by the National Security Council (NSC) Directorate for Intelligence Programs. This is a standalone computer system reserved for codeword-level intelligence information, such as covert action. According to information I received from White House officials, some officials voiced concerns internally that this would be an abuse of the system and was not consistent with the responsibilities of the Directorate for Intelligence Programs.
As the transcript reads there was nothing wrong with it .. according to today’s witness.. that makes a lot of people you are calling a liar lol

Make up your mind- do you think that 'transcript' matches the whistleblowers claims or is it 'perfect'

According to at least two witnesses so far, the conversation was far from perfect.
I don't know who 'today's witness' is- or what he or she said- so please feel free to provide a link.
It was very accurate,, what’s the problem? Lol are you agreeing? Hahah

Great so now we are in agreement that the transcript and the whistleblowers claims are both 'accurate'.

Now if we can just get the President to stop impeding the investigation and stop trying to conceal all of the documents.

The ballyhooed “whistleblower’s” account of President Trump’s phone call of July 25 with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has one big problem. The anonymous accuser, a CIA officer, did not witness the events he described.

In other words, in the letter of August 12 to Representative Adam Schiff and Senator Richard Burr, chairmen of the congressional intelligence committees, the whistleblower merely repeated explosive, unproven claims he heard from someone else. The someone else was multiple “White House officials” who claim Trump, in asking Zelensky to probe the Biden-Burisma scandal, did so to invite Ukraine’s collusion in Trump’s 2020 campaign.


So HOW did Ciaremella acquire the information?

If he did not have personal knowledge WHY did he assume the in formation was true?

Neither Bolton nor Vindman had the authority to share metadata.


Oh my goodness the irony of you mentioning "authority" is off the chart.
As the transcript reads there was nothing wrong with it .. according to today’s witness.. that makes a lot of people you are calling a liar lol

Make up your mind- do you think that 'transcript' matches the whistleblowers claims or is it 'perfect'

According to at least two witnesses so far, the conversation was far from perfect.
I don't know who 'today's witness' is- or what he or she said- so please feel free to provide a link.
It was very accurate,, what’s the problem? Lol are you agreeing? Hahah

Great so now we are in agreement that the transcript and the whistleblowers claims are both 'accurate'.

Now if we can just get the President to stop impeding the investigation and stop trying to conceal all of the documents.

The ballyhooed “whistleblower’s” account of President Trump’s phone call of July 25 with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has one big problem. The anonymous accuser, a CIA officer, did not witness the events he described.

In other words, in the letter of August 12 to Representative Adam Schiff and Senator Richard Burr, chairmen of the congressional intelligence committees, the whistleblower merely repeated explosive, unproven claims he heard from someone else. The someone else was multiple “White House officials” who claim Trump, in asking Zelensky to probe the Biden-Burisma scandal, did so to invite Ukraine’s collusion in Trump’s 2020 campaign.


So HOW did Ciaremella acquire the information?

If he did not have personal knowledge WHY did he assume the in formation was true?

Neither Bolton nor Vindman had the authority to share metadata.


Oh my goodness the irony of you mentioning "authority" is off the chart.

OOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooops , did the Pelosi-Schiff Crime Family impose Martial Law? Was Constitution (1787) Suspended?!?!?!?!?!?

I heard that somebody else heard him say so let’s impeach.
Sounds like 4th graders organizing a game of marbles.
Did Joe Biden do anything wrong when, Biden, as part of official U.S. policy, and at the direction of the President, threatened to withhold U.S. funds unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor the U.S., the EU and NGO's all said was not fighting corruption?

That's bullshit, just so you know. It's a lying talking point and not even a good one.
Interesting that Biden waited until he was hours away from leaving Ukraine to lay down his quid pro quo ultimatum to end Viktor Shokin's investigation of Burisma.
Interesting that this man, Shokin, who everyone, you claim, said was so corrupt was not a first or primary order of business for Biden considering it was at the direction of Obama, as you claim, and the EU and half the world all joined in condemning Viktor Shokin, if your impressions are to be believed.
There is more to the story, though.

MR Online | When Ukraine’s Prosecutor came after his son’s sponsor Joe Biden sprang into action

Is there any evidence that Trump tried to withhold aid to Ukraine to get them to investigate Joe?
First of all we know that Trump secretly did try to get Ukraine to investigate Joe- Trump has already admitted that.
Secondly we also know that Trump asked Ukraine to to do the investigation as 'a favor' right after discussing Javelin missiles.
Third we now have testimony that Trump's minions were indeed threatening to withhold funding unless the President of Ukraine publicly announced an investigation into Joe.
More bullshit! We all know what Trump said to Zylensky and it wasn't anything like "I'm going to cut off your aid if you don't give me some dirt on Joe Biden".

If you actually have evidence of a quid pro quo ultimatum you should provide it. But we both know you do not, however!

This is more bullshit right out of the same trough as the Russian investigation and we all know what happened there.
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Make up your mind- do you think that 'transcript' matches the whistleblowers claims or is it 'perfect'

According to at least two witnesses so far, the conversation was far from perfect.
I don't know who 'today's witness' is- or what he or she said- so please feel free to provide a link.
It was very accurate,, what’s the problem? Lol are you agreeing? Hahah

Great so now we are in agreement that the transcript and the whistleblowers claims are both 'accurate'.

Now if we can just get the President to stop impeding the investigation and stop trying to conceal all of the documents.
Name one in the transcript that became true after it was released lol OPPPPS HAHAH

I have no idea what you think you are asking.

Meanwhile- almost everything described in the whistleblowers report has in fact been verified either by Trump's own document- or by witnesses.
Where was the pro quid quo?

You mean where Trump's lackeys told the President of Ukraine that the funds were being held up until he publicly announced an investigation into Biden?
That quid pro quo?
Did Joe Biden do anything wrong when, Biden, as part of official U.S. policy, and at the direction of the President, threatened to withhold U.S. funds unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor the U.S., the EU and NGO's all said was not fighting corruption?

That's bullshit, just so you know. It's a lying talking point and not even a good one.
Interesting that Biden waited until he was hours away from leaving Ukraine to lay down his quid pro quo ultimatum to end Viktor Shokin's investigation of Burisma..

Except of course that Joe Biden did this all as part of U.S. policy and there was no investigation of Burisma going on.

Except of course for that.
It was very accurate,, what’s the problem? Lol are you agreeing? Hahah

Great so now we are in agreement that the transcript and the whistleblowers claims are both 'accurate'.

Now if we can just get the President to stop impeding the investigation and stop trying to conceal all of the documents.
Name one in the transcript that became true after it was released lol OPPPPS HAHAH

I have no idea what you think you are asking.

Meanwhile- almost everything described in the whistleblowers report has in fact been verified either by Trump's own document- or by witnesses.
Where was the pro quid quo?

You mean where Trump's lackeys told the President of Ukraine that the funds were being held up until he publicly announced an investigation into Biden?
That quid pro quo?
Quote from the transcript please? OPPPPPPPPPS LOL
Can you name one thing in the W/B complaint that was not proven correct with first hand accounts????

Everything was correct, but sadly, for didn't mean anything since Trump didn't do anything wrong. The "leaker" might as well have "leaked" the lunch menu at the White House and then let the democrat pretend that the menu was proof of an impeachable offense.......

You just keep repeating that:
Trump didn't do anything wrong when he withheld congressionally approved funding to Ukraine and used it to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating his political rival.

Still didn't happen
But even if it did, Is there a crime?

I love that- 'didn't happen'- and its not a crime.

Can you name one thing in the W/B complaint that was not proven correct with first hand accounts????

Everything was correct, but sadly, for didn't mean anything since Trump didn't do anything wrong. The "leaker" might as well have "leaked" the lunch menu at the White House and then let the democrat pretend that the menu was proof of an impeachable offense.......

You just keep repeating that:
Trump didn't do anything wrong when he withheld congressionally approved funding to Ukraine and used it to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating his political rival.

Still didn't happen
But even if it did, Is there a crime?

I love that- 'didn't happen'- and its not a crime.


Look, I get that you are Syriusly fucked in the head, I do.

Do you know what a question is?

Poor little Trumpette.

You all get so pissy when your Dear Leader is threatened by impeachment.
Everything was correct, but sadly, for didn't mean anything since Trump didn't do anything wrong. The "leaker" might as well have "leaked" the lunch menu at the White House and then let the democrat pretend that the menu was proof of an impeachable offense.......

You just keep repeating that:
Trump didn't do anything wrong when he withheld congressionally approved funding to Ukraine and used it to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating his political rival.

Still didn't happen
But even if it did, Is there a crime?

I love that- 'didn't happen'- and its not a crime.

Everything was correct, but sadly, for didn't mean anything since Trump didn't do anything wrong. The "leaker" might as well have "leaked" the lunch menu at the White House and then let the democrat pretend that the menu was proof of an impeachable offense.......

You just keep repeating that:
Trump didn't do anything wrong when he withheld congressionally approved funding to Ukraine and used it to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating his political rival.

Still didn't happen
But even if it did, Is there a crime?

I love that- 'didn't happen'- and its not a crime.


Look, I get that you are Syriusly fucked in the head, I do.

Do you know what a question is?

Poor little Trumpette.

You all get so pissy when your Dear Leader is threatened by impeachment.
When Trump isnt mpeached what are you gonna do what’s the next move
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Everything was correct, but sadly, for didn't mean anything since Trump didn't do anything wrong. The "leaker" might as well have "leaked" the lunch menu at the White House and then let the democrat pretend that the menu was proof of an impeachable offense.......

You just keep repeating that:
Trump didn't do anything wrong when he withheld congressionally approved funding to Ukraine and used it to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating his political rival.

Still didn't happen
But even if it did, Is there a crime?

I love that- 'didn't happen'- and its not a crime.

Everything was correct, but sadly, for didn't mean anything since Trump didn't do anything wrong. The "leaker" might as well have "leaked" the lunch menu at the White House and then let the democrat pretend that the menu was proof of an impeachable offense.......

You just keep repeating that:
Trump didn't do anything wrong when he withheld congressionally approved funding to Ukraine and used it to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating his political rival.

Still didn't happen
But even if it did, Is there a crime?

I love that- 'didn't happen'- and its not a crime.


Look, I get that you are Syriusly fucked in the head, I do.

Do you know what a question is?

Poor little Trumpette.

You all get so pissy when your Dear Leader is threatened by impeachment.


Mitch McConnell has already stated that the Articles of Impeachment are DOA.
Everything was correct, but sadly, for didn't mean anything since Trump didn't do anything wrong. The "leaker" might as well have "leaked" the lunch menu at the White House and then let the democrat pretend that the menu was proof of an impeachable offense.......

You just keep repeating that:
Trump didn't do anything wrong when he withheld congressionally approved funding to Ukraine and used it to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating his political rival.

Still didn't happen
But even if it did, Is there a crime?

I love that- 'didn't happen'- and its not a crime.

Everything was correct, but sadly, for didn't mean anything since Trump didn't do anything wrong. The "leaker" might as well have "leaked" the lunch menu at the White House and then let the democrat pretend that the menu was proof of an impeachable offense.......

You just keep repeating that:
Trump didn't do anything wrong when he withheld congressionally approved funding to Ukraine and used it to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating his political rival.

Still didn't happen
But even if it did, Is there a crime?

I love that- 'didn't happen'- and its not a crime.


Look, I get that you are Syriusly fucked in the head, I do.

Do you know what a question is?

Poor little Trumpette.

You all get so pissy when your Dear Leader is threatened by impeachment.

Dude, I'm fine watching the Democratic Party Commit Suicide.
I just wish people like you had the same courage of your conviction.
sigh...there sure are a lot of evil people in the world.....

first, highly unlikely he's the whistle blower, he's way too young for all of these old dog, many decades of gvt experience people coming forward with the first hand knowledge in these private hearings to go to and trust him, a youngster. imo.

Second, if he is killed or he or his family is hurt, whether he is the whistle blower or not the whistle blower, will the Republicans on the committees that surmised this and leaked it to your trash RealClearInvestigations site, be sent to jail for an accessory to murder?

So you and your right wing media, is bringing harm and death threats to a young man who likely IS NOT the W/B....

there is no end to your evil, is there?

It's illegal to reveal the identity of a whistleblower.

One of the things that the trump people have been complaining about for the last almost 3 years is leaks to the press. No doubt about it, a republican leaked this name to the press doing what most of them called treason and an action that should put them in prison.

Whether that man is the whistleblower or not, his life is now in real jeopardy. The posts on this board from the far right radical conservative extremists are very clear. They want the whistleblower killed. The very least put in prison.

The government has reported that far right radical conservative groups have been responsible for most of the terrorism in our nation in the last few years.

I won't be surprised that the person they named has now had to leave his home and go into hiding. His family are probably in jeopardy too.

I hope and wish that I'm wrong about this but I won't be surprised if I'm not wrong.

There's a reason why it's illegal to reveal the identity of a whistleblower.
You just keep repeating that:
Trump didn't do anything wrong when he withheld congressionally approved funding to Ukraine and used it to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating his political rival.

Still didn't happen
But even if it did, Is there a crime?

I love that- 'didn't happen'- and its not a crime.

You just keep repeating that:
Trump didn't do anything wrong when he withheld congressionally approved funding to Ukraine and used it to pressure Ukraine to publicly announce that they were investigating his political rival.

Still didn't happen
But even if it did, Is there a crime?

I love that- 'didn't happen'- and its not a crime.


Look, I get that you are Syriusly fucked in the head, I do.

Do you know what a question is?

Poor little Trumpette.

You all get so pissy when your Dear Leader is threatened by impeachment.
When Trump is impeached what are you gonna do what’s the next move

He will watch him be found not guilty in the senate and then be reelected just like Slick Willy.
Of course the slickster drop some bombs during that time to try to act tough.
Trump probably won't have to do that.
sigh...there sure are a lot of evil people in the world.....

first, highly unlikely he's the whistle blower, he's way too young for all of these old dog, many decades of gvt experience people coming forward with the first hand knowledge in these private hearings to go to and trust him, a youngster. imo.

Second, if he is killed or he or his family is hurt, whether he is the whistle blower or not the whistle blower, will the Republicans on the committees that surmised this and leaked it to your trash RealClearInvestigations site, be sent to jail for an accessory to murder?

So you and your right wing media, is bringing harm and death threats to a young man who likely IS NOT the W/B....

there is no end to your evil, is there?

It's illegal to reveal the identity of a whistleblower.

One of the things that the trump people have been complaining about for the last almost 3 years is leaks to the press. No doubt about it, a republican leaked this name to the press doing what most of them called treason and an action that should put them in prison.

Whether that man is the whistleblower or not, his life is now in real jeopardy. The posts on this board from the far right radical conservative extremists are very clear. They want the whistleblower killed. The very least put in prison.

The government has reported that far right radical conservative groups have been responsible for most of the terrorism in our nation in the last few years.

I won't be surprised that the person they named has now had to leave his home and go into hiding. His family are probably in jeopardy too.

I hope and wish that I'm wrong about this but I won't be surprised if I'm not wrong.

There's a reason why it's illegal to reveal the identity of a whistleblower.

If he is the whistle blower - he is in danger from the left, not the right.
sigh...there sure are a lot of evil people in the world.....

first, highly unlikely he's the whistle blower, he's way too young for all of these old dog, many decades of gvt experience people coming forward with the first hand knowledge in these private hearings to go to and trust him, a youngster. imo.

Second, if he is killed or he or his family is hurt, whether he is the whistle blower or not the whistle blower, will the Republicans on the committees that surmised this and leaked it to your trash RealClearInvestigations site, be sent to jail for an accessory to murder?

So you and your right wing media, is bringing harm and death threats to a young man who likely IS NOT the W/B....

there is no end to your evil, is there?

It's illegal to reveal the identity of a whistleblower.

One of the things that the trump people have been complaining about for the last almost 3 years is leaks to the press. No doubt about it, a republican leaked this name to the press doing what most of them called treason and an action that should put them in prison.

Whether that man is the whistleblower or not, his life is now in real jeopardy. The posts on this board from the far right radical conservative extremists are very clear. They want the whistleblower killed. The very least put in prison.

The government has reported that far right radical conservative groups have been responsible for most of the terrorism in our nation in the last few years.

I won't be surprised that the person they named has now had to leave his home and go into hiding. His family are probably in jeopardy too.

I hope and wish that I'm wrong about this but I won't be surprised if I'm not wrong.

There's a reason why it's illegal to reveal the identity of a whistleblower.

Not for nothing -
There is actually no whistleblower in this story.
Sleep soundly Caramel.

Very, very soundly!
And what if he's not the whistleblower?

The poster you're replying to is a perfect example of why I believe they want the whistleblower killed or at the very least put in prison.

They make it very clear what they want to do.

Which makes it very clear why it's illegal to reveal the name of a whistleblower.
Except of course that Joe Biden did this all as part of U.S. policy and there was no investigation of Burisma going on.

Except of course for that.
It was US "policy" to fire Viktor Shokin when he began to investigate Burisma? Obama sent Biden to Ukraine with the intent of getting him fired through a quid pro quo threat of withholding US funding?

And I don't suppose you have a chance in hell of documenting any of that, do you Slick?
You mean where Trump's lackeys told the President of Ukraine that the funds were being held up until he publicly announced an investigation into Biden?
That quid pro quo?
I don't suppose you have any proof of that? No. Of course not.
Ukraine got American aid without anything in return. But the truth is, if we give, we should get something in return. If we want to pursue justice, in return for aid, who but a corrupt Democrat would object?
Trump whistleblower complaint: Read full declassified document

Nothing in the whistleblowers account about a quid pro quo- but sure matches what we have learned since.

In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President's main domestic political rivals. The President' s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well.

The official described the call as "crazy," "frightening" and "completely lacking in substance related to national security." The official asserted that the President used the call to persuade Ukrainian authorities to investigate his political rivals, chiefly former Vice President Biden and his son, Hunter. The official stated that there was already a conversation underway with White House lawyers about how to handle the discussion because, in the official's view, the President had clearly committed a criminal act by urging a foreign power to investigate a U.S. person for the purposes of advancing his own reelection bid in 2020.

  • he President asserted that "it all started in Ukraine," referring to the allegations of foreign interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and the subsequent investigation into the Trump campaign's contact with Russian individuals
  • The President asked Zelenskyy to locate the "Crowdstrike server" and turn it over to the United States, claiming that Crowdstrike is "a Ukrainian company," (Note: This appears to be a reference to the DNC server from which Russian hackers stole data and emails that were subsequently leaked in mid-2016; the DNC hired cyber security firm Crowdstrike to do the forensic analysis, which informed the FBI's investigation. It is not clear what the president was referring to when he claimed Crowdstrike is a Ukrainian company; one of its cofounders was born in Moscow.)
  • The President told Zelenskyy that he would be sending his personal lawyer, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, to Ukraine soon and requested that Zelenskyy meet with him. Zelenskyy reluctantly agreed that, if Giuliani traveled to Ukraine, he would see him.
  • The President raised the case of Burisma Holdings, Hunter Biden's role in the company, and former Vice President Biden's role in setting Ukraine policy. The President urged Zelenskyy to [end page 1] investigate the Bidens and stated that Giuliani would discuss this topic further with Zelenskyy during his trip to Kyiv.
  • he standard White House practice for Presidential-level phone calls with world leaders is for the White House Situation Room to produce a word-for-word electronic transcript that memorializes the call. The transcript is typically then circulated to key White House officials to be transformed into a formal memorandum that is distributed as an eyes-only document, to the Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and Director of the CIA.
  • In this case, the official told me that such a transcript had indeed been produced and was being treated very sensitively, in hard copy only. Moreover, several additional senior White House officials listened to the entire phone call in an adjacent room in the Situation Room suite and they presumably took written notes on the call.

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