Breitbart, Fox and Their Rush To Judgement

Still no proof of a FOX "bogus" story regarding Sharrod????

It would appear, minus the very brief mention of the initial Sharrod video by O'Reilly, that Fox News did not cover the story until after Sharrod resigned - with Mrs. Sharrod proclaiming she did so under immense pressure from the White House.

That's a very legit news story.

Even the mention of the story on the Fox News website makes mention that the intial clip was a partial clip - and that the intent of Mrs. Sharrod's comments were unclear.

What does appear clear is that Fox News has once again been on the outset of a developing news story - outmatching the hapless mainstream media.

To those who continue to assert Fox News did a "bogus" report on the Sharrod story - please provide specific proof. And don't attempt to utilize the Maddow revisionism of the story - for Maddow, while crying out against the initial "edited" clip of Mrs. Sharrod, then proceeds to offer up even further edited clips of Mrs. Sharrod in an attempt to portray her commentary in the most positive light possible. Maddow's attempt was almost as laughable as Olberamann's rant on the same subject...

Sherrod: I'm a Victim of Breitbart, Fox 'Racism'

Sherrod: I'm a Victim of Breitbart, Fox 'Racism' | Media Matters for America
It is truely amazing the number of posts (from the Cons of course) that start with "The Real Rush To Judgement Started When She Was Fired." or words to that effect.

These are of course, the same Cons, Repugs and Tea Hadists who watched the heavily edited tape of Shirley Sherrod, and jumped in the line, trying to butt their to head of that line in fact to say, "See, she's the racist, not us." Then came demands (From the same Cons, Repugs and Tea Hadists) that Shirley Sherrod should be fired from job for being a racist.

Each and everyone of those Cons, Repugs and Tea Hadists were more than willing to demand that Ms. Sherrod be fired, based on that single, heavily editied tape provided to them by Breitbart.

I see now that they really did not mean for her to fired, she should never have been fired, there was no Conservative, Republicant rush to judgement....oh no we never demanded she be fired.


You jumped on that train so fast it was beyond belief. You decided after watching just one heavily edited tape from a man who has been known to post heavily edited tapes, a man known to lie and you bought into the lie of the tape of Ms. Sherrod hook, line and sinker.


The Rush To Judgement started with heavily edited tape and ended when you decided that rather than wait for the truth to come, each and everyone of demanded Ms. Sherrod be fired or resign.

Just remember you lying bunch of low life, belly crawling cowards, it was YOU that bought the LIES of BREITBART AND FOX....YOU BOUGHT THE LIES.

Instead of trying as hard as you can to deflect and deny, it was you. You who watch infotainment from a network that has lied to you in past and will continue to lie you in the future.
Actually, Sherrod admitted that she didn't use her full powers because the farmer was white. Despite what she said after that ridiculous statement, it's quite clear that deep down inside the woman IS a friggin racist. As are all the blacks in the crowd who giggled at her ridiculous statement, further proving that the NAACP is a racist organization to the core. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a friggin' idiot.
Unfortunately, for those racist bastards in the NAACP, they just don't understand that the liberals who CLAIM to support them, are racist against them. And want to keep them oppressed for political gain......That's just the way it's always been with liberals.

Congratulations!!! I have never seen anyone pack so many statements, that they cannot prove as anything more than an opinion, into one post!! Count them. Eight, off the wall, untrue statements, from a liberal hating baghead.
It is truely amazing the number of posts (from the Cons of course) that start with "The Real Rush To Judgement Started When She Was Fired." or words to that effect.

These are of course, the same Cons, Repugs and Tea Hadists who watched the heavily edited tape of Shirley Sherrod, and jumped in the line, trying to butt their to head of that line in fact to say, "See, she's the racist, not us." Then came demands (From the same Cons, Repugs and Tea Hadists) that Shirley Sherrod should be fired from job for being a racist.

Each and everyone of those Cons, Repugs and Tea Hadists were more than willing to demand that Ms. Sherrod be fired, based on that single, heavily editied tape provided to them by Breitbart.

I see now that they really did not mean for her to fired, she should never have been fired, there was no Conservative, Republicant rush to judgement....oh no we never demanded she be fired.


You jumped on that train so fast it was beyond belief. You decided after watching just one heavily edited tape from a man who has been known to post heavily edited tapes, a man known to lie and you bought into the lie of the tape of Ms. Sherrod hook, line and sinker.


The Rush To Judgement started with heavily edited tape and ended when you decided that rather than wait for the truth to come, each and everyone of demanded Ms. Sherrod be fired or resign.

Just remember you lying bunch of low life, belly crawling cowards, it was YOU that bought the LIES of BREITBART AND FOX....YOU BOUGHT THE LIES.

Instead of trying as hard as you can to deflect and deny, it was you. You who watch infotainment from a network that has lied to you in past and will continue to lie you in the future.
Actually, Sherrod admitted that she didn't use her full powers because the farmer was white. Despite what she said after that ridiculous statement, it's quite clear that deep down inside the woman IS a friggin racist. As are all the blacks in the crowd who giggled at her ridiculous statement, further proving that the NAACP is a racist organization to the core. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a friggin' idiot.
Unfortunately, for those racist bastards in the NAACP, they just don't understand that the liberals who CLAIM to support them, are racist against them. And want to keep them oppressed for political gain......That's just the way it's always been with liberals.

Congratulations!!! I have never seen anyone pack so many statements, that they cannot prove as anything more than an opinion, into one post!! Count them. Eight, off the wall, untrue statements, from a liberal hating baghead.
Prove it's not true!

Show me where liberal policies have bettered anybody's lives. Show where any nanny state programs have bettered people lives. Ya' see, your beloved liberal leadership wants to keep people down for their own political gain. They understand that by feeding you that hope BS they preach, it wins them votes. They fully understand that by punishing the successfull, it causes the successfull to close the purse springs. Causes them to downsiize their businesses. Causes them to eliminate jobs. Causes them to donate less. Thereby keeping you people right where your beloved leadership wants you. In the dumps......As their so-called costituents suffer, they fatten their wallets based on your ignorance of what is really going on.

Why do you think Obama shoved that unpopular fiasco of a healthcare down our throats. It's so he can claim he's trying to help you. No he's not. It's just another tool he'll use to get the most ignorant of your lot to vote for him. He and his administration know that the bill will be shitcanned forthwit by the next fiscally responsible president that comes along. He doesn't care. It's all about votes, and feeding his ego.

It's time you people wtfu to what's really going on. Better late then never!
Actually, Sherrod admitted that she didn't use her full powers because the farmer was white. Despite what she said after that ridiculous statement, it's quite clear that deep down inside the woman IS a friggin racist. As are all the blacks in the crowd who giggled at her ridiculous statement, further proving that the NAACP is a racist organization to the core. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a friggin' idiot.
Unfortunately, for those racist bastards in the NAACP, they just don't understand that the liberals who CLAIM to support them, are racist against them. And want to keep them oppressed for political gain......That's just the way it's always been with liberals.

Congratulations!!! I have never seen anyone pack so many statements, that they cannot prove as anything more than an opinion, into one post!! Count them. Eight, off the wall, untrue statements, from a liberal hating baghead.
Prove it's not true!

Show me where liberal policies have bettered anybody's lives. Show where any nanny state programs have bettered people lives. Ya' see, your beloved liberal leadership wants to keep people down for their own political gain. They understand that by feeding you that hope BS they preach, it wins them votes. They fully understand that by punishing the successfull, it causes the successfull to close the purse springs. Causes them to downsiize their businesses. Causes them to eliminate jobs. Causes them to donate less. Thereby keeping you people right where your beloved leadership wants you. In the dumps......As their so-called costituents suffer, they fatten their wallets based on your ignorance of what is really going on.
Why do you think Obama shoved that unpopular fiasco of a healthcare down our throats. It's so he can claim he's trying to help you. No he's not. It's just another tool he'll use to get the most ignorant of your lot to vote for him. He and his administration know that the bill will be shitcanned forthwit by the next fiscally responsible president that comes along. He doesn't care. It's all about votes, and feeding his ego.

It's time you people wtfu to what's really going on. Better late then never!

How very typical. You make a bunch of insane charges and you want ME to prove they are not true, instead of you proving that they ARE?? Now think about it. Is there someting wrong with this picture?? You're not slick, so stop embarrassing yourself.

On top of it, you add a bunch more crap that is even worse. Where do you get this crap?? As if I didn't know. Prove that the new crap is true while you're at it. You bagheads are trying to paint libs as uncaring and evil. It's the other way around. The bagheads, which include the idiots in Washington, couldn't care less about the people. They didn't want health reform, they cut off unemployment, for starters. They are cheap and the poor are just a pain in the neck to them. What a bunch of losers. I wish you'd all lose your jobs and see how you like it.
Congratulations!!! I have never seen anyone pack so many statements, that they cannot prove as anything more than an opinion, into one post!! Count them. Eight, off the wall, untrue statements, from a liberal hating baghead.
Prove it's not true!

Show me where liberal policies have bettered anybody's lives. Show where any nanny state programs have bettered people lives. Ya' see, your beloved liberal leadership wants to keep people down for their own political gain. They understand that by feeding you that hope BS they preach, it wins them votes. They fully understand that by punishing the successfull, it causes the successfull to close the purse springs. Causes them to downsiize their businesses. Causes them to eliminate jobs. Causes them to donate less. Thereby keeping you people right where your beloved leadership wants you. In the dumps......As their so-called costituents suffer, they fatten their wallets based on your ignorance of what is really going on.
Why do you think Obama shoved that unpopular fiasco of a healthcare down our throats. It's so he can claim he's trying to help you. No he's not. It's just another tool he'll use to get the most ignorant of your lot to vote for him. He and his administration know that the bill will be shitcanned forthwit by the next fiscally responsible president that comes along. He doesn't care. It's all about votes, and feeding his ego.

It's time you people wtfu to what's really going on. Better late then never!

How very typical. You make a bunch of insane charges and you want ME to prove they are not true, instead of you proving that they ARE?? Now think about it. Is there someting wrong with this picture?? You're not slick, so stop embarrassing yourself.

On top of it, you add a bunch more crap that is even worse. Where do you get this crap?? As if I didn't know. Prove that the new crap is true while you're at it. You bagheads are trying to paint libs as uncaring and evil. It's the other way around. The bagheads, which include the idiots in Washington, couldn't care less about the people. They didn't want health reform, they cut off unemployment, for starters. They are cheap and the poor are just a pain in the neck to them. What a bunch of losers. I wish you'd all lose your jobs and see how you like it.
I'm painting libs as what they truly are. Extremely closed minded and intolerant. They are not what they claim to be. Liberals like to claim they are open minded and tolerant. When you truly get to the root of the liberal mind, that becomes a joke. Liberals like to take the feel good route. As long as it is THEM who are feeling good. Hey, EVERYBODY GETS A TROPHY!.....What a bunch of fucking loony BS.

Ya' see, and your last post fully makes the case that, when liberals hurl epithets at you because you have pointed the OBVIOUS error of their ways, just know that you've struck a nerve. If you criticize their behavior, and they call you a pig, a bigot, fascist, or in this case "baghead", their consciences must be giving them problems; or else they aquired their liberal values by rote and without comprehension. Liberals like to claim a monopoly on open mindedness and tolerance, but in truth are often extremely closed minded and intolerant....And you've just fully proven that fact!....Deal with it!

Take Bill Maher. Making fun of Palin's downs inflicted child. Yeah, that's the epitomy of liberal open-mindedness and compassion.....Face it, lib's are nothing more than self serving hypocrites. They prove it everyday.
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Why are you guys harping on WHEN fox ran the story...Who cares when....its WHY they ran the fake story that means everything here

Fox lied, they ran a fake story again....just like the Acorn pimp story and tried to destroy that woman's life.

I guarantee you fox will go on the attack against her too because she called them out for being exactly what they are .....racists.

This is the definition of racism. Fox lies, fox fans are idiots and look like fools here. Again, who cares when they ran the story...the point is THEY RAN A FAKE STORY AND HAVE NO CREDIBILITY...

That is the difference between MSNBC and Fox.

Schools out, Fox is shit.
Here's an example of Glenn Becks racist screed.
[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck's Hate Speech, Brought To You By...[/ame]
Here's an example of Glenn Becks racist screed.
YouTube - Glenn Beck's Hate Speech, Brought To You By...

What did he say that was racist? Please quote the exact phrase that you see as racist.

And wouldn't you think after all the bruhaha over Ms. Sherrod's comments taken out of their full context, that it would be more honest to put Beck's comments into their full context instead of cherry picking snippets and editing them together in an attempt to smear him? I thought you were opposed to that sort of thing.
Why are you guys harping on WHEN fox ran the story...Who cares when....its WHY they ran the fake story that means everything here

Fox lied, they ran a fake story again....just like the Acorn pimp story and tried to destroy that woman's life.

I guarantee you fox will go on the attack against her too because she called them out for being exactly what they are .....racists.

This is the definition of racism. Fox lies, fox fans are idiots and look like fools here. Again, who cares when they ran the story...the point is THEY RAN A FAKE STORY AND HAVE NO CREDIBILITY...

That is the difference between MSNBC and Fox.

Schools out, Fox is shit.
Really Zona?

Ya' might want to check this out:
[ame=]YouTube - MSNBC: Gun-Toting Protesters are 'White' Racists... Black Guy with AR-15 Edited to Conceal his Race.[/ame]

Olbermann reported it. Maddow reported it. Surely they DON'T LIE....LMAO!
Here's an example of Glenn Becks racist screed.
YouTube - Glenn Beck's Hate Speech, Brought To You By...

What did he say that was racist? Please quote the exact phrase that you see as racist.

And wouldn't you think after all the bruhaha over Ms. Sherrod's comments taken out of their full context, that it would be more honest to put Beck's comments into their full context instead of cherry picking snippets and editing them together in an attempt to smear him? I thought you were opposed to that sort of thing.
Beck said nothing racist, Fox......This is just desperation from the Obamabots. As their beloved messiah continues to abjectly fail on so many levels, the Obamabots are left with nothing but playing the ridiculous race card. They sure as hell can't point to anything effective he's done. It's nothing but one miserable failure after another. They realize that Obama is finished. They realize that he's inept and incapable of leading this great country. They'll never admit it, but they know it's true.

Personally, I find their desperation amusing as all get out!:razz:
Here's an example of Glenn Becks racist screed.
YouTube - Glenn Beck's Hate Speech, Brought To You By...

What did he say that was racist? Please quote the exact phrase that you see as racist.

And wouldn't you think after all the bruhaha over Ms. Sherrod's comments taken out of their full context, that it would be more honest to put Beck's comments into their full context instead of cherry picking snippets and editing them together in an attempt to smear him? I thought you were opposed to that sort of thing.
Beck said nothing racist, Fox......This is just desperation from the Obamabots. As their beloved messiah continues to abjectly fail on so many levels, the Obamabots are left with nothing but playing the ridiculous race card. They sure as hell can't point to anything effective he's done. It's nothing but one miserable failure after another. They realize that Obama is finished. They realize that he's inept and incapable of leading this great country. They'll never admit it, but they know it's true.

Personally, I find their desperation amusing as all get out!:razz:

I know that. You know that. But some are apparently willing to take some Leftist's word for it that the Beck montage was a racist screed. :)

I'm not sure that they all think Obama is finished though. I haven't counted him down for the count myself yet.
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Still no proof of a FOX "bogus" story regarding Sharrod????

It would appear, minus the very brief mention of the initial Sharrod video by O'Reilly, that Fox News did not cover the story until after Sharrod resigned - with Mrs. Sharrod proclaiming she did so under immense pressure from the White House.

That's a very legit news story.

Even the mention of the story on the Fox News website makes mention that the intial clip was a partial clip - and that the intent of Mrs. Sharrod's comments were unclear.

What does appear clear is that Fox News has once again been on the outset of a developing news story - outmatching the hapless mainstream media.

To those who continue to assert Fox News did a "bogus" report on the Sharrod story - please provide specific proof. And don't attempt to utilize the Maddow revisionism of the story - for Maddow, while crying out against the initial "edited" clip of Mrs. Sharrod, then proceeds to offer up even further edited clips of Mrs. Sharrod in an attempt to portray her commentary in the most positive light possible. Maddow's attempt was almost as laughable as Olberamann's rant on the same subject...

Sherrod: I'm a Victim of Breitbart, Fox 'Racism'

Sherrod: I'm a Victim of Breitbart, Fox 'Racism' | Media Matters for America

Fox will go on the attack. They will attack this woman.
Why are you guys harping on WHEN fox ran the story...Who cares when....its WHY they ran the fake story that means everything here

Fox lied, they ran a fake story again....just like the Acorn pimp story and tried to destroy that woman's life.

I guarantee you fox will go on the attack against her too because she called them out for being exactly what they are .....racists.

This is the definition of racism. Fox lies, fox fans are idiots and look like fools here. Again, who cares when they ran the story...the point is THEY RAN A FAKE STORY AND HAVE NO CREDIBILITY...

That is the difference between MSNBC and Fox.

Schools out, Fox is shit.
Really Zona?

Ya' might want to check this out:
[ame=]YouTube - MSNBC: Gun-Toting Protesters are 'White' Racists... Black Guy with AR-15 Edited to Conceal his Race.[/ame]

Olbermann reported it. Maddow reported it. Surely they DON'T LIE....LMAO!

I really really dont get your point. If a bunch of black guys carried guns anywhere near Bush what would you call them? Hmmmmm. Need pics of white guys carrying guns near our black president? I can produce them if needed.

MSNBC did not run a racist story about Mrs. Sherrod, fox did. Fox also ran the fake pimp acorn story over and over and over and over.

Beck said Van Jones was a convicted felon.

Do you really want to get into how many fake stories and lies fox has told? Seriously?
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Here's an example of Glenn Becks racist screed.
YouTube - Glenn Beck's Hate Speech, Brought To You By...

What did he say that was racist? Please quote the exact phrase that you see as racist.

And wouldn't you think after all the bruhaha over Ms. Sherrod's comments taken out of their full context, that it would be more honest to put Beck's comments into their full context instead of cherry picking snippets and editing them together in an attempt to smear him? I thought you were opposed to that sort of thing.

Wow. You can't even see that. I'm stunned. He says that Obama has a deep seated hatred of white people. He calls Obama a racist.
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Here's an example of Glenn Becks racist screed.
YouTube - Glenn Beck's Hate Speech, Brought To You By...

What did he say that was racist? Please quote the exact phrase that you see as racist.

And wouldn't you think after all the bruhaha over Ms. Sherrod's comments taken out of their full context, that it would be more honest to put Beck's comments into their full context instead of cherry picking snippets and editing them together in an attempt to smear him? I thought you were opposed to that sort of thing.

Wow. You can't even see that. I'm stunned.

So educate me. I listened to the whole thing which was a courtesy you didn't extend to me. But that's neither here nor there. Give me the exact quote and why you think it was racist.

And do you condone taking a number of Beck's comments out of context, editing them together, and calling that a racist screed? Please answer that question.
I edited my post with Becks remarks. Beck says Obama has a deep seated hatred of white people. He calls the President a racist.

Beck is speaking out of his bias against the President and offering no evidence for his claim.

This is the guy you respect.
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I edited my post with Becks remarks. Beck says Obama has a deep seated hatred of white people. He calls the President a racist.

He's speaking out of his own bias toward the President and offering no evidence for his claim.

This is the guy you respect.

So Beck calling Obama a racist makes him a racist?
But you calling Beck a racist doesn't make you a racist?
How do you square those two thing?

And do you condone taking several of Beck's comments out of context and editing them together and calling that a racist screed? Question asked for the third time now.
Why are you guys harping on WHEN fox ran the story...Who cares when....its WHY they ran the fake story that means everything here

Fox lied, they ran a fake story again....just like the Acorn pimp story and tried to destroy that woman's life.

I guarantee you fox will go on the attack against her too because she called them out for being exactly what they are .....racists.

This is the definition of racism. Fox lies, fox fans are idiots and look like fools here. Again, who cares when they ran the story...the point is THEY RAN A FAKE STORY AND HAVE NO CREDIBILITY...

That is the difference between MSNBC and Fox.

Schools out, Fox is shit.
Really Zona?

Ya' might want to check this out:
[ame=]YouTube - MSNBC: Gun-Toting Protesters are 'White' Racists... Black Guy with AR-15 Edited to Conceal his Race.[/ame]

Olbermann reported it. Maddow reported it. Surely they DON'T LIE....LMAO!

I really really dont get your point. If a bunch of black guys carried guns anywhere near Bush what would you call them? Hmmmmm. Need pics of white guys carrying guns near our black president? I can produce them if needed.

MSNBC did not run a racist story about Mrs. Sherrod, fox did. Fox also ran the fake pimp acorn story over and over and over and over.

Beck said Van Jones was a convicted felon.

Do you really want to get into how many fake stories and lies fox has told? Seriously?
What was fake about the ACORN story?

ACORN showed an abject willingness to help facilitate the exploitation and abuse of innocent minor children. That you cannot deny. Are you saying that FOX hired a bunch of lowlifes to act as ACORN employees?.....Of course they didn't....No, ACORN was fully exposed as being a LIBERAL entity that was willing to help facilitate the abuse and exploitation of innocent MINOR children. BTW, Obama closely aligned himself with ACORN. To the point of advising them on law. It begs the question. Did he train those employees that were caught having a willingness to aide and abet the exploitation and abuse of minor children?

Now, MSNBC ran a racist story about a man in a crowd with a gun, and vociferously stated the man was white. When in fact the man was black......That you cannot deny!
I edited my post with Becks remarks. Beck says Obama has a deep seated hatred of white people. He calls the President a racist.

He's speaking out of his own bias toward the President and offering no evidence for his claim.

This is the guy you respect.

So Beck calling Obama a racist makes him a racist?
But you calling Beck a racist doesn't make you a racist?
How do you square those two thing?

And do you condone taking several of Beck's comments out of context and editing them together and calling that a racist screed? Question asked for the third time now.
OUCH!.......Uh oh!


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