Breitbart, Fox and Their Rush To Judgement

So now not only are people who speak against the Obama are racist, but IGNORANT to boot.

I don't know how many more names the lefties-liberals-Democrats-Progressives-Commies can come up to call the American people, but I'm sure they'll find a few more like, ignorant racist TEABAGGERS. oh wait, that is already taken.:lol:
oh waaaa
Obama does hate white people, he didn't attend a Black liberation church for twenty years for NOTHING.
He even put down his own WHITE grandmother. how disgusting of a person do you have to be to do that.

Leave it to you, Steph. How dumb can you be.

Not as DUMB as you my dear.I don't keep my head buried in the sand.:lol:

My head is not buried in the sand. I try to learn as much as I can and then sort it out. Unlike you, who just parrots Beck, Limbaugh, Palin, and Bachman.
So now not only are people who speak against the Obama are racist, but IGNORANT to boot.

I don't know how many more names the lefties-liberals-Democrats-Progressives-Commies can come up to call the American people, but I'm sure they'll find a few more like, ignorant racist TEABAGGERS. oh wait, that is already taken.:lol:

Another profound post from Stephanie. :rolleyes:
It is truely amazing the number of posts (from the Cons of course) that start with "The Real Rush To Judgement Started When She Was Fired." or words to that effect.

These are of course, the same Cons, Repugs and Tea Hadists who watched the heavily edited tape of Shirley Sherrod, and jumped in the line, trying to butt their to head of that line in fact to say, "See, she's the racist, not us." Then came demands (From the same Cons, Repugs and Tea Hadists) that Shirley Sherrod should be fired from job for being a racist.

Each and everyone of those Cons, Repugs and Tea Hadists were more than willing to demand that Ms. Sherrod be fired, based on that single, heavily editied tape provided to them by Breitbart.

I see now that they really did not mean for her to fired, she should never have been fired, there was no Conservative, Republicant rush to judgement....oh no we never demanded she be fired.


You jumped on that train so fast it was beyond belief. You decided after watching just one heavily edited tape from a man who has been known to post heavily edited tapes, a man known to lie and you bought into the lie of the tape of Ms. Sherrod hook, line and sinker.


The Rush To Judgement started with heavily edited tape and ended when you decided that rather than wait for the truth to come, each and everyone of demanded Ms. Sherrod be fired or resign.

Just remember you lying bunch of low life, belly crawling cowards, it was YOU that bought the LIES of BREITBART AND FOX....YOU BOUGHT THE LIES.

Instead of trying as hard as you can to deflect and deny, it was you. You who watch infotainment from a network that has lied to you in past and will continue to lie you in the future.

Please point to any bandwagon I jumped on.
Why would any american citizen be amused by a president who continually steps on his dick and rushes to judgement without all the facts?

Personally, i'm amused at the fact that he and so many of the lemmings who voted for him actually think he's capable of running this great country as he continues to prove he couldn't run a group of school children across a fucking street......The man is a complete disaster, and quite frankly, an embarrasment to ALL US citizens.

The FACT is, this president is proving to be completely clueless on so many issues. It's why his approval ratings are completely in the tank. He's finished. He knows it, and we will no doubt see more desperation out of he and his ignorant supporters as '12 draws near.

That's your opinion. And I'm sure it's not based with any objectivity on your part.
My opinion is based on fact.

Fact: He rushed to judgement regarding the Cambridge situation; he allowed his own bias to get in the way.

Fact: He rushed to judegement with the Sherrod situation. He allowed his own fear of his administrations image to get in the way.

You know, with all of the faults that GWB had, one thing he did that no one can deny was act as a leader. He accepted all criticism, he absorbed it and he moved on. He did not cast blame outward and he did not allow the people of this country to become divided.

Now sure, those not happy with GWB can say "well, who elkse can he blame"...but not once did I ever hear him say "the democratic majority" or once did I hear him say "but Dod and Frank are chairing that committee...ask them".

All I hear from Obama and his administration is "the republicans" and "the last administration" and "fox news" and "ask the FDA"....

A leader accepts criticism and does not pass the buck or the blame.

It's useless to talk to people like you. You just spout every deragatory thing you can think of about the president because you hate him so much.

Then, in the reverse, everything you spout about GWB is glowing and positive. GWB accepted criticism and blame?? Are you joking?? Remember when he was asked by a reporter what mistakes he had made as president and he couldn't think of any?? :lol: And you never heard him speak ill of the dems or the Clinton administration??? But my favorite thing you said is that he didn't cast blame or allow the country to be divided. :lol::lol::lol:
Rush to judgement...your funny.

The rush to judgement came out of an adminstration sensitive to critism of any type or shade. Now they are tripping all over themsleves to do damage control. In my opinion, they should have done some further checking to see if any possible discrimination has taken place. You certainly don't offer the person a job in the civil rights department until an investigation concludes.
Wow. You can't even see that. I'm stunned. He says that Obama has a deep seated hatred of white people. He calls Obama a racist.

Please explain how that makes him a racist. Is it because he accuses someone else of being racist? Because if it is I can point to a lot of racists, or is it only racist if you accuse a black person of racism?

Beck accuses the President of having a 'deep seated hatred of white people'. That in itself is a bigoted remark. Glenn Beck is the news guy you respect?

oh well,, obie wan spoke of his "typical white granny" so he is biased and a racist as set forth by your standards.
That's right. I respect the President and I don't consider him racist. I don't consider Reverend Wright a racist either.

then any conversation regarding racism with you is a lost cause. Kerry On.

Any conversation that calls the President a racist is one I'm staying out of from now on.

Hate Barack Obama all you wish, I'll keep my distance, thank you.
That's right. I respect the President and I don't consider him racist. I don't consider Reverend Wright a racist either.

then any conversation regarding racism with you is a lost cause. Kerry On.

Any conversation that calls the President a racist is one I'm staying out of from now on.

Hate Barack Obama all you wish, I'll keep my distance, thank you.

And you don't think Rev Wright is a racist??????

What planet are you from. Wright is a hater and a racist. To deny that means you are either stupid or retarded or both. Which is it?
As the dust settles on the fake racist story surrounding Ms. Shirley Sherrod, the one thing that must be remembered is that both Andrew Breitbart and Fox News failed to proper journalistic prodcedures and in doing so showed a clear lack of ethics.

The big push now, on Fox of course is that "Breitbart was set up." Poor Andrew is now the victim. Not true

Breitbart had an obligation to insure that the video clips he used gave a full, complete and accurate portrayal of the events as they transpired in the meeting that Ms. Sherrod was addressing and he FAILED TO DO SO.

Breitbart claims that he asked "The relevent clips." The adress by Ms. Sherrod to the N.A.A.C.P. lasted 40-Minutes, yet only the clip made available lasted at best 2-minutes, and was heavily edited. The clip of Ms. Sherrod attempted to show that she was addressing a very recent meeting of the N.A.A.C.P., when in fact the clip shown dated back to at least 1986. In 1986 Ms. Sherrod WAS NOT an employee of the United States Department of Agriculture. In fact, Ms. Sherrod did not join the federal work force until 2009. At no time did Breitbart make any attempt to let people who would view the tape know that the meeting was over 20 years old, nor did Breitbart attempt demonstrate that Ms. Sherrod, at the time of vid, was NOT employed by the Federal Government.

Breitbart, who claims to be a journalist/blogger failed to do the most basic of research on this story, and instead used a doctored tape in an attempt to show an African-American Woman, a State Employee telling an audience that she had engaged in discrimination against a Caucasian Farmer.

Fox News, who claims to be "Fair and Balanced" did not check the validity of the tape, nor did Fox attempt to proper research on the meeting, where the meeting was held or when (1986) the meeting was held. Instead of doing basic source checking, Fox ran story after story of how Ms. Sherrod, a Government Official had engaged racial discrimination against a poor White Farmer. Never mind the fact that the Farmer, who has since come forward to say that Ms. Sherrod treated him fairly and did the very best she could for him and did in fact save his farm, has said he considers Ms. Sherrod a friend.

In the past both Breitbart and Fox have been caught using heavily edited tapes to create stories that in the end have proven not to be true. The "A.C.O.R.N." scandle comes to mind. Where some wanna be right-wing tool, dressed as a pimp and a woman wearing a skirt that went all the way up to glory, taped (without permission) staff of A.C.O.R.N. offices giving "Advice" on how to bring in under age girls to work as prostitutes. Fox played this footage day after day, calling A.C.O.R.N. out for helping a pimp and hooker to bring young girls to work for them.

Well, it turns out that the tape(s) used in that story were in fact edited for content and in no way actually, honestly, or factually showed what transpired.

In fact, "Pimp" boy is now facing criminal prosecution in California, because under California State Law, it is IN FACT AGAINST THE LAW TO TAPE AN INDIVIDUAL OR INDIVIDUALS UNKNOWN WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION!!!

Fox and Breitbart have shown time and again that rather than attempting to discern fact from fiction, they are about sensational stories that have little or nothing to do with reality.

Breitbart is once again proven to a liar. Fox is hardly fair and balanced.

Anyone who uses them as a source should remember this. Unless of course your more interested in posting lies than the truth.

I love it still focusing on FOX and ignoring the RUSH to judgment by the WH and THE NAACP who were the ones who actually had the WHOLE tape to begin with.
All these righties getting their panties in a bunch that the NAACP is racist. Lofl stop paying your Klan/tea bagger dues. Talk about stupid you white trash moron have 1,000 post of black on white racism but not one white on black racism. Really!!!
All these righties getting their panties in a bunch that the NAACP is racist. Lofl stop paying your Klan/tea bagger dues. Talk about stupid you white trash moron have 1,000 post of black on white racism but not one white on black racism. Really!!!

Never said they were racist, just that they Rushed to the same judgment as FOX and THEY HAD THE WHOLE TAPE THE WHOLE TIME. THEY OWNED THE RIGHTS TO IT, Briebarts source was likely in the NAACP. If this had happened to a left wing Person you guys would be focused on that source and speculating that Briebart was SET UP.

Such raging Hippocrates that you are.
Fox and Breitbart and a few other sources like them do NOT err on purpose and bend over backwards to avoid doing that. This time they did get snookered with a partial tape and both have owned up to that and admitted their error that they didn't go deeper. Neither are likely to be guilty of that again any time soon.
What a complete load of pure BS!!! I don't know if you are just naive, stupid, a pathological liar or just have your head so far up FOX and Bigotbart's asses you can't see what's right in front of your face!

AFTER the NAACP released the full video, Bigotbart appeared on HanNITWITy and FOX edited the full NAACP video making a clip edited almost exactly the same as Bigotbart's clip in an attempt to show that the NAACP audience was racist. You can tell that the FOX edited clip came from the full NAACP video by the high quality of the audio, Bigotbart's audio was atrocious. FOX edited out the "point of redemption" setup and then HanNITWITy and Bigotbart said after the dishonestly edited by FOX clip that there was no way for the audience to know there was going to be a "point of redemption."

So you can't say they were snookered with the HanNITWITy clip, FOX edited it that way on purpose, and we also know that Bigotbart would have edited (and probably did) the full video no different than the clip you say "snookered" him. After the HanNITWITy clip there is no way Bigotbart and FOX can be salvaged.

[ame=]YouTube - Andrew Breitbart Defends Shirley Sherrod Story[/ame]

American Rhetoric: Shirley Sherrod - Speech at the NAACP 20th Freedom Fund Banquet

But when I...made the commitment years ago I didn't know how -- I didn't...I prayed about it that night and as our house filled with people I was back in one of the bedrooms praying and asking God to show me what I could do. I didn't have -- the path wasn't laid out that night. I just made the decision that I would stay and work. And -- And over the years things just happened.

And young people: I just want you to know that when you're true to what God wants you to do the path just opens up -- and things just come to you, you know. God is good -- I can tell you that.

When I made that commitment, I was making that commitment to black people -- and to black people only. But, you know, God will show you things and He'll put things in your path so that -- that you realize [FOX edited video starts here] that the struggle is really about poor people, you know.

The first time I was faced with having to help a white farmer save his farm, he -- he took a long time talking, but he was trying to show me he was superior to me. I know what he was doing. But he had come to me for help. What he didn't know -- while he was taking all that time trying to show me he was superior to me -- was I was trying to decide just how much help I was going to give him.

Just to remind you what Bigotbart and HanNITWITY said after showing the FOX edited clip from the whole NAACP video.

Andrew Breitbart on 'Hannity': 'This Is Not About Shirley Sherrod' - Hannity -

BREITBART: And what this video shows and what the NAACP affirms in their initial rebuke is not just that Shirley Sherrod, what she said was wrong, but that the audience was laughing and applauding as she described how she maltreated the white farmer.

HANNITY: Before she gets to the end of the story which is — which she's claiming puts context. But there's a —


BREITBART: Did the people in the audience know that there was going to be a point of redemption?

Last edited:
The Obama administration has been after Fox News for a while now.
What I want to know now is... who leaked the editted video to Andrew Brietbart in the 1st place?
Knowing he would most likely take up the cause

The way I see... its a setup from the beginning.
This lady is A POLITICAL HACK!

How the heck did the mainstream media find the white farmers (Mr. & Mrs. Spooner) so fast? Wow what a surprise.... they are going to be on Mrs. Sherrods' side in this matter. :rolleyes:

They (radicals on the left) are trying to put a wedge of racial hate between Americans, and they want to ride in on their "white" horse to supposedly save the day.

Americans had better wake the Hell up, before its too late!

Wow.....just wow. Let me guess, you are a card carrying member of the Birthers AND the Truthers, right?

Tell me where I am wrong :razz:
Where you are wrong is after the full NAACP video was released FOX edited a clip, from the full NAACP video almost exactly the same as the Bigotbart clip, for Bigotbart as a guest on HanNITWITy.

You can't say the FOX edited clip was a setup now can you!!!!

The HanNITWITy clip shows that Bigotbart probably edited the original clip, and if he didn't then he would not have edited it any different if he had the full video all along.
I would love to know how anyone could feel that Breitbart was set up? Wasn't HE the one who started this whole charade?

Not really that difficult. Someone edits a tape. Sends it to him. He airs it without thinking.

Can you prove that Brietbard had the entire tape? If not, then shouldn't this entire debacle have taught us not to jump to conclusion without getting the facts?
FOX and Bigotbart had the full NAACP video for the HanNITWITy interview and they edited it almost exactly the same, so we know that even if Bigotbart didn't edit the original clip he posted, he would not have edited the full video any differently.
then any conversation regarding racism with you is a lost cause. Kerry On.

Any conversation that calls the President a racist is one I'm staying out of from now on.

Hate Barack Obama all you wish, I'll keep my distance, thank you.

And you don't think Rev Wright is a racist??????

What planet are you from. Wright is a hater and a racist. To deny that means you are either stupid or retarded or both. Which is it?

If you could trade places with Reverend Wright, I think you would understand his anger. I don't think he's a racist either. He is just angry and he has every right to be.

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