Breitbart, Fox and Their Rush To Judgement

Any conversation that calls the President a racist is one I'm staying out of from now on.

Hate Barack Obama all you wish, I'll keep my distance, thank you.

And you don't think Rev Wright is a racist??????

What planet are you from. Wright is a hater and a racist. To deny that means you are either stupid or retarded or both. Which is it?

If you could trade places with Reverend Wright, I think you would understand his anger. I don't think he's a racist either. He is just angry and he has every right to be.

He can be as angry as he wants... sure, America hasn't turned into the Marxist utopia he preaches. We get that. Quite frankly, I think he's just another unhinged Marxist who makes gazillions of dollars and then denounces the system under which he makes it so as to curry favor with his sheeple. He's the fearless leader of a flock of nutjobs. Have a laugh.
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BTW, read up on Black Separatism... it is essentially the notion that black people can't coexist with white people. Crackpotism at its lowest.

Enough said.
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Any conversation that calls the President a racist is one I'm staying out of from now on.

Hate Barack Obama all you wish, I'll keep my distance, thank you.

And you don't think Rev Wright is a racist??????

What planet are you from. Wright is a hater and a racist. To deny that means you are either stupid or retarded or both. Which is it?

If you could trade places with Reverend Wright, I think you would understand his anger. I don't think he's a racist either. He is just angry and he has every right to be.

You're right. If we value the right of people to be responsible for themselves and to own their own feelings and choices, he has every right to be angry about anything he is angry about.

And those who have read and listened to what he has to say have every right to believe he has had it pretty damn good in this country and is taking advantage of the freedoms it gives him to preach a hateful, destructive, racist doctrine of Marxist black liberation theology.

The fact that he lives in a country he despises but allows him to preach such a doctrine with inpunity does not require the rest of us to appreciate what he preaches.
Any conversation that calls the President a racist is one I'm staying out of from now on.

Hate Barack Obama all you wish, I'll keep my distance, thank you.

And you don't think Rev Wright is a racist??????

What planet are you from. Wright is a hater and a racist. To deny that means you are either stupid or retarded or both. Which is it?

If you could trade places with Reverend Wright, I think you would understand his anger. I don't think he's a racist either. He is just angry and he has every right to be.

I'll trade places with him. He lives in a rich, upscale million dollar home in a gated white community. You are a sucker. he suckered all those people out of their money and now he resides in a WHITE community sucker.
Yup there's that too. Most of the people who are out there denouncing their country and preaching a racist doctrine are enriching themselves quite nicely in the process.
And you don't think Rev Wright is a racist??????

What planet are you from. Wright is a hater and a racist. To deny that means you are either stupid or retarded or both. Which is it?

If you could trade places with Reverend Wright, I think you would understand his anger. I don't think he's a racist either. He is just angry and he has every right to be.

I'll trade places with him. He lives in a rich, upscale million dollar home in a gated white community. You are a sucker. he suckered all those people out of their money and now he resides in a WHITE community sucker.

He has every right to be angry. He lived through the civil rights movement.
If you could trade places with Reverend Wright, I think you would understand his anger. I don't think he's a racist either. He is just angry and he has every right to be.

I'll trade places with him. He lives in a rich, upscale million dollar home in a gated white community. You are a sucker. he suckered all those people out of their money and now he resides in a WHITE community sucker.

He has every right to be angry. He lived through the civil rights movement.

And I have every right to be angry at people who defend people like the Rev. Wright despite all the damage I believe they have done to this country and to me personally.

I have every right to be angry at fathers or mothers or merchants or bosses or irresponsible neighbors or bad drivers because I have suffered at the hands of all. Except the few of us who have led charmed lives, we all have experiences that could make us angry or bitter or hateful people.

Reasonable and honest people accept that the whole world isn't like the bad experiences we have had however. And see it as unethical and worth criticism to pretend that it is and encourage others to become angry and hateful just so that we can enrich ourselves and become millionaires.
I'll trade places with him. He lives in a rich, upscale million dollar home in a gated white community. You are a sucker. he suckered all those people out of their money and now he resides in a WHITE community sucker.

He has every right to be angry. He lived through the civil rights movement.

And I have every right to be angry at people who defend people like the Rev. Wright despite all the damage I believe they have done to this country and to me personally.

I have every right to be angry at fathers or mothers or merchants or bosses or irresponsible neighbors or bad drivers because I have suffered at the hands of all. Except the few of us who have led charmed lives, we all have experiences that could make us angry or bitter or hateful people.

Reasonable and honest people accept that the whole world isn't like the bad experiences we have had however. And see it as unethical and worth criticism to pretend that it is and encourage others to become angry and hateful just so that we can enrich ourselves and become millionaires.

By all means, enjoy your anger. Good grief.
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He has every right to be angry. He lived through the civil rights movement.

And I have every right to be angry at people who defend people like the Rev. Wright despite all the damage I believe they have done to this country and to me personally.

I have every right to be angry at fathers or mothers or merchants or bosses or irresponsible neighbors or bad drivers because I have suffered at the hands of all. Except the few of us who have led charmed lives, we all have experiences that could make us angry or bitter or hateful people.

Reasonable and honest people accept that the whole world isn't like the bad experiences we have had however. And see it as unethical and worth criticism to pretend that it is and encourage others to become angry and hateful just so that we can enrich ourselves and become millionaires.

By all means, enjoy your anger. Good grief.

I choose not to inflict my anger on others. I choose not to try to influence others to despise everything or everybody who once hurt me just because I had a bad experience at one time in my life.

Jeremiah Wright does all that in order to increase his own power and prestige and to enrich himself. And for that he has my contempt.

I think he should have everybody's contempt but that's just me.
And I have every right to be angry at people who defend people like the Rev. Wright despite all the damage I believe they have done to this country and to me personally.

I have every right to be angry at fathers or mothers or merchants or bosses or irresponsible neighbors or bad drivers because I have suffered at the hands of all. Except the few of us who have led charmed lives, we all have experiences that could make us angry or bitter or hateful people.

Reasonable and honest people accept that the whole world isn't like the bad experiences we have had however. And see it as unethical and worth criticism to pretend that it is and encourage others to become angry and hateful just so that we can enrich ourselves and become millionaires.

By all means, enjoy your anger. Good grief.

I choose not to inflict my anger on others. I choose not to try to influence others to despise everything or everybody who once hurt me just because I had a bad experience at one time in my life.

Jeremiah Wright does all that in order to increase his own power and prestige and to enrich himself. And for that he has my contempt.

I think he should have everybody's contempt but that's just me.

You have your opinion of Reverend Wright and I have mine.

I don't hold you in contempt because we disagree.
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Jon Stewart on Sherrod: Breitbart may have been the most honest person involved in this mess

Alternate headline: “Jon Stewart turns conservative.” No, I kid. This is just his way of disciplining Vilsack and the NAACP for bungling the initial response to the Sherrod clip and then making lame excuses afterwards. What’s the worst thing a lefty can say to another lefty? “You’re worse than Breitbart.” And you can tell from that very serious-looking beard that he’s not kidding.

Hot Air Jon Stewart on Sherrod: Breitbart may have been the most honest person involved in this mess
Any conversation that calls the President a racist is one I'm staying out of from now on.

Hate Barack Obama all you wish, I'll keep my distance, thank you.

And you don't think Rev Wright is a racist??????

What planet are you from. Wright is a hater and a racist. To deny that means you are either stupid or retarded or both. Which is it?

If you could trade places with Reverend Wright, I think you would understand his anger. I don't think he's a racist either. He is just angry and he has every right to be.

The problem is Reverand Wright has allowed his anger to turn him into a person who has prejudicial views of all white people.....pre-judging people based on the color of their skin unfortunatly is a sign of racism.

I totally get why he, a black american who lived through the civil rights struggle, has anger towards people. I dont understand how he can hold onto and continue preaching through the prism of that anger as a "man of god".
And you don't think Rev Wright is a racist??????

What planet are you from. Wright is a hater and a racist. To deny that means you are either stupid or retarded or both. Which is it?

If you could trade places with Reverend Wright, I think you would understand his anger. I don't think he's a racist either. He is just angry and he has every right to be.

The problem is Reverand Wright has allowed his anger to turn him into a person who has prejudicial views of all white people.....pre-judging people based on the color of their skin unfortunatly is a sign of racism.

I totally get why he, a black american who lived through the civil rights struggle, has anger towards people. I dont understand how he can hold onto and continue preaching through the prism of that anger as a "man of god".

It's a beautiful platform to do it from don't you think? Being in the pulpit and wedging black liberation theology and anti-white, anti-American screeds into a semblance of preaching the gospel looks so much more noble than it does at a black power rally or even a NAACP convention.

But the last I heard, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright retired to a 10,000 square foot, $1.6 million home overlooking a fairway of high-class Tinley Park, and enjoys a $10 million line of credit to live on. Wouldn't you think a man of God interested in the plight of the black man that the rich white man is keeping down might look a little more sincere by not raking in so much wealth for himself?

There's gold to be had if you know how to work the system.
Yes. I saw a guy on TV suggest that some of the professional race baiters like Sharpton and Jackson actually extort money from large corporations in order to avoid litigation, boycotts, and protests. Makes sense. "Donate to our cause; and we'll call off the dogs".
I'll trade places with him. He lives in a rich, upscale million dollar home in a gated white community. You are a sucker. he suckered all those people out of their money and now he resides in a WHITE community sucker.

He has every right to be angry. He lived through the civil rights movement.

And I have every right to be angry at people who defend people like the Rev. Wright despite all the damage I believe they have done to this country and to me personally.

I have every right to be angry at fathers or mothers or merchants or bosses or irresponsible neighbors or bad drivers because I have suffered at the hands of all. Except the few of us who have led charmed lives, we all have experiences that could make us angry or bitter or hateful people.

Reasonable and honest people accept that the whole world isn't like the bad experiences we have had however. And see it as unethical and worth criticism to pretend that it is and encourage others to become angry and hateful just so that we can enrich ourselves and become millionaires.

I was to young, and out of the country during much of the civil rights movement.

I have never experienced having police dogs or fire hoses turned on me.
I have never experienced the fear of defying the rules, and sitting on a bus where I was neither wanted nor welcomed.
I've never been in fear of my life at the hands of another person.
I've never been afraid for my family, at the hands of someone who hated them for what they were, not what they did.
I have never been a vulnerable teenager attending a newly desegregated highschool for the first time. The first of "my kind" in a school that had no welcome for "my kind".
I have never felt powerless at the hands of the powerful.
I have never been spat upon (ok, I did have someone throw a sandwitch at me when I was waitressing, but that's different).
I have never lost my children, or any family members because someone fire-bombed the church they worshipped in. I've never had to view burned bodies.
I have never seen a sign saying "whites only" or "blacks only" and wondered what it would be like to go through to the other side.
I've never had to think of myself or been viewed as "second class" because of an accident of birth.
I've never been refused housing in a nice neighborhood, because I wouldn't "fit in".
I will never have to worry that "my kind" might be a target of inhumane medical experiments, because as of yet - that hasn't happened.

I will probably never really understand the fear, anger, paranoia, feelings of injustice and helplessness that so many of these people - including Wright - had to go through, and however misplaced that anger might seem now - I have never been in those shoes.
He has every right to be angry. He lived through the civil rights movement.

And I have every right to be angry at people who defend people like the Rev. Wright despite all the damage I believe they have done to this country and to me personally.

I have every right to be angry at fathers or mothers or merchants or bosses or irresponsible neighbors or bad drivers because I have suffered at the hands of all. Except the few of us who have led charmed lives, we all have experiences that could make us angry or bitter or hateful people.

Reasonable and honest people accept that the whole world isn't like the bad experiences we have had however. And see it as unethical and worth criticism to pretend that it is and encourage others to become angry and hateful just so that we can enrich ourselves and become millionaires.

I was to young, and out of the country during much of the civil rights movement.

I have never experienced having police dogs or fire hoses turned on me.
I have never experienced the fear of defying the rules, and sitting on a bus where I was neither wanted nor welcomed.
I've never been in fear of my life at the hands of another person.
I've never been afraid for my family, at the hands of someone who hated them for what they were, not what they did.
I have never been a vulnerable teenager attending a newly desegregated highschool for the first time. The first of "my kind" in a school that had no welcome for "my kind".
I have never felt powerless at the hands of the powerful.
I have never been spat upon (ok, I did have someone throw a sandwitch at me when I was waitressing, but that's different).
I have never lost my children, or any family members because someone fire-bombed the church they worshipped in. I've never had to view burned bodies.
I have never seen a sign saying "whites only" or "blacks only" and wondered what it would be like to go through to the other side.
I've never had to think of myself or been viewed as "second class" because of an accident of birth.
I've never been refused housing in a nice neighborhood, because I wouldn't "fit in".
I will never have to worry that "my kind" might be a target of inhumane medical experiments, because as of yet - that hasn't happened.

I will probably never really understand the fear, anger, paranoia, feelings of injustice and helplessness that so many of these people - including Wright - had to go through, and however misplaced that anger might seem now - I have never been in those shoes.

But, if you are an average American, you have been in many other shoes. And you may still feel anger and residual resentment at various experiences of unfairness or injustice that you have experienced in your lifetime.

But you aren't on your soapbox preaching that others must share your anger, that others must share your resentment, that others share your demands for retribution, that others share your contempt for certain people even in cases where past wrongs have been corrected as much as possible.

You aren't capitalizing on your anger for the purposes of increasing your own success, glory, power, prestige, or profit. You aren't doing your damnest to stir up anger where none exists or trying to keep hate and resentment alive and well.

And THAT is the difference between you and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
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