BREKING: Issa to Subpoena Kerry over Benghazi Documents

Coming from someone that ignores 'Flyover country...and doesn't know where food comes from...thinks it comes from the grocery store...:eusa_hand:

STFU son.
Let's say we split the country in two, you gonna eat all that food by yourself or are you still gonna need an income you moron? Who you gonna sell it to, Russia?

^Idiot post. Moronic in fact. Has NO meaning.
An honest man would have said hey, I didn't think about that. We will need money and we don't make shit.
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sorry to burst your bubble left-wing loser; but a majority of Americans feel obama lies on important issues like Benghazi

from CNN:

Poll: 60 Percent of Americans Think Obama Lies on ...*

by Katie Pavlich - in 187 Google+ circlesApr 17, 2014 - About six in ten American voters think Barack Obama lies to the ... For President Obama, these numbers don't matter much, but they do ... CNN's John King is Baffled By White House Response to New Benghazi Documents.
CNN Poll: Americans rate W.H. response to Benghazi attack ...*


Nov 27, 2012 - Washington (CNN) -- Americans are giving the White House low marks for how ... a majority of the public doesn't believe the Obama administration ... should have resigned may be that most Americans don't think that adultery ...
Republicans are trying to run the classified/unclassified line to smear Democrats. Republicans know that Democrats can't show classified information so the Republicans think they have the Democrats at a disadvantage the Democrats can't get around. Republicans don't really think there is not enough open source intelligence to piece together how this whole thing went down, do they? Oh well.
Sixty (60) U.S. Diplomatic Personnel were killed in attacks on U.S. Diplomatic Missions under bush and cheney and there was not one single solitary demand by ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists for "Investigations". The silence when those Americans died was and is and will always remin deafening.

Hypocracy Thy Name is Republican.
Remember when Republicans invited Obama to their "retreat"? They thought they were going to school the little mulatto, uh, how do they put it? Oh, that's right - BOI.

And he




Kerry is going to do the same thing to Issa. Can't wait.

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