Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

No further posts beyond this one potentially threatening personal attacks will be permitted. Discuss the topic. Thank you.
Note to mods: this is an important topic. It "should" be discussed honestly in public.

There's nothing personal here, this is the internet, right? None of the posters here are the people who threatened my children.

HOWEVER, there are people here who support that kind of activity, and this harassment of Kavanaugh and his family is a perfect example.

People need to know there are still boundaries. The discussion here is a out boundaries. Posturing is part of the discussion. On all sides
So he was MILDLY inconvenienced?!

Da poor widdle guy
See, I'm seeing this ^^^ as a complete lack of human empathy and understanding.

Actually, bordering in the psychopathic.

This man was out to dinner with his family, and you threatened his children.

And you call that "mildly inconvenienced".
Seems rather self explanatory. A bottom barrel bitch is a bitch who has to scrap at the bottom of the barrel after everyone's had their fill.
You really like throwing insults. It says a lot about your character and intellect, unfortunately for you, nothing good.
You really like throwing insults. It says a lot about your character and intellect, unfortunately for you, nothing good.
I like throwing insults too.

However the left is unquestionably the aggressor in this present culture war, and they're making it personal, and I have no issue with making it personal in return.

I "prefer" not to. How it works with me right now, is any partisan hack on either side gets nothing but insults. Everyone else, those with at least one brain cell, gets respect as peers.
See, I'm seeing this ^^^ as a complete lack of human empathy and understanding.

Actually, bordering in the psychopathic.

This man was out to dinner with his family, and you threatened his children.

And you call that "mildly inconvenienced".
Well, you have to take into account who you are responding to.
Well racist comments aside, She COULDN'T or possibly WOULDN'T define something as simple as what a Woman is despite being one.
I don't push racist comments aside.

It shows a lack of confidence in oneself.

So focused on the birth canal now owned by red states.

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