Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

A fetus isn't viable, which means it isn't a human being.

You have no idea what the term "viable" means.

If no fetus is "viable," then the human race is over.

Women have been aborting their pregnancies since Jesus lost his sandels.

You Ghouls make up a fiction about a past that never existed.

In RARE cases women would seek to abort.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

You're utterly insane.

The abortion industrial complex is obviously financially critical to you.
You have no idea what the term "viable" means.

If no fetus is "viable," then the human race is over.
Nope. Viable means the ability to live outside of the womb, which really doesn't happen until after 26 weeks. Most abortions are performed well before that, and when they aren't, there's a damned good medical reason.

You Ghouls make up a fiction about a past that never existed.

In RARE cases women would seek to abort.

Quite the contrary, there was a wide market for illicit abortions before Roe. Here's how you can tell. The birth rate didn't drop in 1973.

What happened Pre-Roe was that providers were performing abortions, writing something else down on the charts, and insurance companies gladly paid for it.

You're utterly insane.

The abortion industrial complex is obviously financially critical to you.

Well, yeah, I don't want to pay the cost of more welfare babies, more criminals, etc. that you would get if you ever forced women to have babies they don't want and can't afford.
Nope. Viable means the ability to live outside of the womb, which really doesn't happen until after 26 weeks. Most abortions are performed well before that, and when they aren't, there's a damned good medical reason.

No stupid, that's not what it means.

From the evil ghoul site Alan Guttmacher:

Viable fetus​

From a clinical perspective, a viable pregnancy is one in which the baby can be born and have a reasonable chance of survival. By contrast, a nonviable pregnancy is one in which the fetus or baby has no chance of being born alive.

Quite the contrary, there was a wide market for illicit abortions before Roe. Here's how you can tell. The birth rate didn't drop in 1973.


Ghoul conspiracy theories with nothing to support them.

BTW, history existed before 1973.

In fact, the common forms of Abortion were developed by the last Nazi Reich in the 1930's. In fact most of the procedures, views and beliefs of you ghouls are directly from Hitler's Reich.

What happened Pre-Roe was that providers were performing abortions, writing something else down on the charts, and insurance companies gladly paid for it.

The shit you make up.

"insurance companies gladly paid for it."

Oh, was there a lot of medical insurance in 1973?

Well, yeah, I don't want to pay the cost of more welfare babies, more criminals, etc. that you would get if you ever forced women to have babies they don't want and can't afford.

You are making a profit from the mass slaughter of babies, probably a janitor cleaning up the blood and guts after the sacrifices.
No stupid, that's not what it means.

From the evil ghoul site Alan Guttmacher:

Viable fetus​

From a clinical perspective, a viable pregnancy is one in which the baby can be born and have a reasonable chance of survival. By contrast, a nonviable pregnancy is one in which the fetus or baby has no chance of being born alive.

Exactly my point. Before 21 weeks, a fetus has NO chance of survival if it leaves the womb. That number slowly goes up with each week, due to medical advances. I knew a lady once who had her baby at 29 weeks. It had to spend months in the NICU and it weighed less than 3 lbs.


Ghoul conspiracy theories with nothing to support them.

BTW, history existed before 1973.

In fact, the common forms of Abortion were developed by the last Nazi Reich in the 1930's. In fact most of the procedures, views and beliefs of you ghouls are directly from Hitler's Reich.

Actually, abortion was illegal in Nazi Germany, and Nazi Germany was the only country that actually executed people for performing them.


The shit you make up.

"insurance companies gladly paid for it."

Oh, was there a lot of medical insurance in 1973?

Uh, yeah, there was.

You are making a profit from the mass slaughter of babies, probably a janitor cleaning up the blood and guts after the sacrifices.

Nope, I just don't want to pay the taxes involved in supporting children that weren't wanted to start with.
Exactly my point. Before 21 weeks, a fetus has NO chance of survival if it leaves the womb. That number slowly goes up with each week, due to medical advances. I knew a lady once who had her baby at 29 weeks. It had to spend months in the NICU and it weighed less than 3 lbs.

You fucking retard - learn to read.

"Viable" just means able to survive until birth - you drooling simp.
Actually, abortion was illegal in Nazi Germany, and Nazi Germany was the only country that actually executed people for performing them.

Actually, abortion was mandatory and compulsory in Nazi Germany.

You just make up whatever shit you think sounds good, don't you?

he Nazis did not allow abortion for healthy "Aryan" German women, but demanded and forced abortion upon women deemed "unAryan" (i.e. Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, etc.) and "Aryan" German women who were thought to be feeble-minded, or have hereditary diseases. (Abortion in the New Europe, p.114)

The Nazis wanted to do everything to increase the number of "Aryan" types; including:

1) Setting up stud-farms called Liebensborn ("Fountain of Life") in which Aryan-type SS men would impregnate young "Aryan" German girls (including very young girls) in order to increase the amount of "pure Aryans" among Germans. Abortion for these young single girls (who usually never knew the men who impregnated them) was absolutely forbidden.

2) Stealing blond-haired and blue-eyed "Aryan" type children from Poland, the Baltics, Russia, and other conquered countries and raising them in Nazi-controlled orphanages as Germans.

3) Forcing non-Aryan women in the conquered countries to have abortions and sterilizations in order to keep their population down (this eventually led to out-and-out mass-killing).

4) Forcing even "Aryan" German women who were "retarded" or suspected of having "inferior genes" to have abortions or become sterilized.}

Uh, yeah, there was.

Nope, I just don't want to pay the taxes involved in supporting children that weren't wanted to start with.

So to recap, you just make shit up with virtually zero reliance on facts or reality.

You love abortion and will say or do anything to make sure babies die.
You fucking retard - learn to read.

"Viable" just means able to survive until birth - you drooling simp.

Well, if you take it out of the womb, it's not viable, then.

Actually, abortion was mandatory and compulsory in Nazi Germany.

Uh, when you are posting from a anti-abortion website, you have no credibility...

Abortion was illegal in Nazi Germany. They didn't perform abortions in the concentration camps, they just killed the women.
Well, if you take it out of the womb, it's not viable, then.
Again, learn to read.

If they cut your head off, it doesn't mean you were terminal, just that you were terminated.
Uh, when you are posting from a anti-abortion website, you have no credibility...

Abortion was illegal in Nazi Germany. They didn't perform abortions in the concentration camps, they just killed the women.

You can't read.

Abortion was mandatory and compulsory with your mentors
You can't read.

Abortion was mandatory and compulsory with your mentors

I can read just fine.. I just don't beleive anything you write.

Abortion was against the law in Nazi Germany. Some vestiges of Nazi Abortion law were still on the books until last year.
I can read just fine.. I just don't beleive anything you write.
I didn't write the articles.

You just make up shit to support your Reich.

Abortion was against the law in Nazi Germany. Some vestiges of Nazi Abortion law were still on the books until last year.
You can't read.

Abortion was mandatory and compulsory with your mentors.

I could see you democrats making a law where abortion is mandatory for white women.

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