Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

You are indoctrinated in hatred and bigotry. You are a very sick individual and you don't even realize it that's the worst part of all. If you believe you are a Christian you are destroying your soul. " Judge not, or you shall be judged. "
hatred and bigotry? Show me where you got that idea? Wait....wait....nevermind, you won't....just like you have failed to show me one state law that bans removing dead tissue after a miscarriage.

Pathetic liar.
I am brainwashed to think an accuser has the burden of proof.....sorry....i am not sorry.

What I am getting from your angry post, where you have also failed to once again provide me with one state law that bans removing dead tissue after a miscarriage is that, you are a pathetic liar.
The victim is never the accuser you are the accuser you accused her of lying.
hatred and bigotry? Show me where you got that idea? Wait....wait....nevermind, you won't....just like you have failed to show me one state law that bans removing dead tissue after a miscarriage.

Pathetic liar.
You are so dead set against abortion or against women. That you can't see when it's necessary. That is unreasonable that is extremism. And since it directly disproportionately affects minorities you are also hateful and a bigot.
You are so dead set against abortion or against women. That you can't see when it's necessary. That is unreasonable that is extremism. And since it directly disproportionately affects minorities you are also hateful and a bigot.
When did I say I was against abortion or women?

Oh I never have, cause I am not....once again, you provided us with evidence that you are in fact the indoctrined close minded bigot, that can't have an honest debate.

Please, continue...
yes....because she's failed to provide proof of her claim. We are all victims of her lies.
You are victimizing yourself if you believe everything someone tells you is a lie. And what do you want her to do post her medical bills. You are absolutely ridiculous and a very hateful person. I'm done with you you're way too sick.
When did I say I was against abortion or women?

Oh I never have, cause I am not....once again, you provided us with evidence that you are in fact the indoctrined close minded bigot, that can't have an honest debate.

Please, continue...
Yeah right a person that isn't against abortion doesn't carry on conversations like this forever and ever dragging it out like some sick person some sick troll maybe that's what you are that's why I keep doing this I'm not going to be a part of it anymore you are just too sick like I said goodbye.
You are victimizing yourself if you believe everything someone tells you is a lie. And what do you want her to do post her medical bills. You are absolutely ridiculous and a very hateful person. I'm done with you you're way too sick.
I asked her to provide one state law that bans removing dead tissue after a miscarriage...she claimed there were numerous states.

She has failed, so have you....and all you have done is attack me for asking, and deflect from the fact you all have been caught lying again
Yeah right a person that isn't against abortion doesn't carry on conversations like this forever and ever dragging it out like some sick person some sick troll maybe that's what you are that's why I keep doing this I'm not going to be a part of it anymore you are just too sick like I said goodbye.
The convo isn't about's about removing dead tissue after a miscarriage.....she claimed numerous states ban it....i've asked for evidence.

When people like you and her lie, it completely undermines the issue of abortion.
You are a brainwashed idiot; indoctrinated to ignore the truth. Good luck with that.

Wouldn't one of you Nazi democrats have to tell the truth - just once - for we normals to ignore it?

I mean, in this case you lied - then when exposed, had a temper tantrum to try and obfuscate the fact that you lied.
Oh, well then there is no need for abortion in the first place. Just take "certain herbs to induce a miscarriage"
It's still doable but we've come a long way since then, there are many alternatives if a woman does not wish to bring a child into this world.
Yet you and your fellow Nazis demand that unelected Judges make these decisions, rather that the people of the many states.

Nope... the only two people who should be making that decision are the woman and her doctor.

No one is forcing you to have an abortion if you don't want one.
The convo isn't about's about removing dead tissue after a miscarriage.....she claimed numerous states ban it....i've asked for evidence.

When people like you and her lie, it completely undermines the issue of abortion.
And you don't seem to realize the basics about abortion. A d&c is a common abortion method, it's commonly called a dusting and cleaning by medical personnel.
And you don't seem to realize the basics about abortion. A d&c is a common abortion method, it's commonly called a dusting and cleaning by medical personnel.
haha no cleaning dead tissue is not an abortion method.
It's still doable but we've come a long way since then, there are many alternatives if a woman does not wish to bring a child into this world.
It's a ghoul myth. Hemlock was FAR more likely to kill the mother too than just kill the baby.

You've come a long way to be sure; Zyklon B and surgical Abortion brought killing into the industrial age.
Nope... the only two people who should be making that decision are the woman and her doctor.

Kind of like the only two people who decide whether to kill one's spouse are the woman and her hit man.

No one is forcing you to have an abortion if you don't want one.

And no one is forcing you to do mass shootings if you don't want to. Guess we can't have any laws against mass shootings.

You ghouls really need some new material.

You poor ghouls, if people vote on issues, that's democracy. Democracy is a danger to your duhmobcracy.
And you don't seem to realize the basics about abortion. A d&c is a common abortion method, it's commonly called a dusting and cleaning by medical personnel.

What do hired killers call two to the back of the head?

I mean, since your up on the terms for killing others and all...

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